View Full Version : What are you doing this year to improve your photography?

20-01-2015, 3:32pm
I thought I'd throw this question out to see what responses come back and what ideas people have to improve their photography other than just getting out and taking photos. Gear discussions welcome if it involves a specific change (like buying a Macro lens) or studio lights to experiment with.

20-01-2015, 3:48pm
I think it is a great question. I feel I have come along way in a year but still have so far to go, not that you can ever reach a final destination with this hobby. It's an evolving journey.

I thought about joining a camera club , but dropped that idea 'cause I found the competition night ( someone giving one sentence critique on over 100 photo's) boring. Maybe not so boring if I had an entry in it but nevertheless the format did not suit me.

I will:
1. Keep reading lots of photography magazines, books , blogs etc... ( If anyone has some good books or blogs I should read let me know).
2. Play with my new 40-150 f2.8 lens when it finally arrives. That will give me a range of 12-150mm across two lenses , plus the 60mm macro so that should keep me busy for another year or two.
3.Keep entering the competitions , as I enjoy the challenge there
4. Go to some inspiring places where I hope the photo opportunities will present themselves - later this year its 5 weeks in Scotland/UK

Lance B
20-01-2015, 4:27pm
Go out and take photos. The more I do, the better I get, or at least I think I get, anyway. :)

20-01-2015, 4:47pm
Intending to add 'historical document photos' to my mindset when on photo walks. It doesn't have to be special in image terms, but I hope to look at them and ask "would this be interesting for someone who wasn't here today, to look back at in 50 years?"

Reason: we tend to overlook the familiar -- but one day it won't be.

20-01-2015, 5:34pm
Improve my photography?

Oh, you mean slow down the decline, right!

Nah! No idea. I'll read the replies here and get some that way.:cool:

20-01-2015, 5:45pm
- I hope to enter all the challenges this year. I only just started contributing late last year and meeting a theme has made me think more about going out seeking a photo rather than waiting for the opportunity to come to me.
- Also hope to enter more comps - again makes me try different things.
- I have started a note book of tips. I have really only just moved beyond auto and have to keep actively thinking about settings - nothing comes auto to me yet!
- I would like to purchase a macro lens (high on my wish list)
- read, practice, assess my settings, practice more
- complete a course on Photoshop that I enrolled in (6 months down the track and I think I have completed 5% - 6 months to go :eek:)

Well that should keep me going for a while! :)

Mark L
20-01-2015, 9:26pm
Well, I've recently bought a reasonably good lens that has shown me that they can make a major difference for what i like to photograph.
It's shown my i don't need to just take "snapshots" within the limitations of an old lens.
Learn how to use my gear, and take getting any photo a bit more seriously.
So, "What are you doing this year to improve your photography?" Seems now i have to learn how to PP a lot better.:(

20-01-2015, 9:44pm
I think it is a great question. I feel I have come along way in a year but still have so far to go, not that you can ever reach a final destination with this hobby. It's an evolving journey.

I thought about joining a camera club , but dropped that idea 'cause I found the competition night ( someone giving one sentence critique on over 100 photo's) boring. Maybe not so boring if I had an entry in it but nevertheless the format did not suit me.

I will:
1. Keep reading lots of photography magazines, books , blogs etc... ( If anyone has some good books or blogs I should read let me know).
2. Play with my new 40-150 f2.8 lens when it finally arrives. That will give me a range of 12-150mm across two lenses , plus the 60mm macro so that should keep me busy for another year or two.
3.Keep entering the competitions , as I enjoy the challenge there
4. Go to some inspiring places where I hope the photo opportunities will present themselves - later this year its 5 weeks in Scotland/UK

Oh you lucky bugger, we went to the UK/Scotland last July and the Scotland scenery was outstanding.

- - - Updated - - -

- - - Updated - - -

21-01-2015, 4:34am
I've been using KelbyOne for specifics to help getting started in new genres. Last year I spent a lot of time experimenting with new genres because there was a lot of areas I hadn't tried, things like water droplets, abstract and although I'd like to continue that, I think it's time to establish myself in some of those genres and try improve on what I learnt because I still consider myself a novice in some of those areas. I'd also like to spend some time this year on lighting, off camera flash, low key etc to try improve on my portrait work.

21-01-2015, 9:13am
More gear.
Not overly expensive gear in an individual sense, but combined they all add up to an expensive pursuit.

12-02-2015, 7:02pm
Definitely read more photography related material, as I find that helps inspire me to get out. Take my camera with me more places (was REALLY slack last year), and too think about what I am about to shoot a whole lot more!

12-02-2015, 9:03pm
Come the cooler months I'm considering taking some classes. If nothing else it might be nice to meet some other like minded people in my local area and get me out using my gear more.

12-02-2015, 11:50pm
Learn how to use my gear, and take getting any photo a bit more seriously.....

That pretty much nails it for me.

At this stage I've accumulated a decent macro, nifty fifty and a good "walkaround lens" so the challenge is to learn to use those to something vaguely close to their full potential rather than lusting after even more new and shiny gear (though having just said that a flash would be nice and a remote controller and a 100-400mm and a full frame body and ..............).

That, and actually taking some photo's. I have been so slack for the last 6 months or so.



13-02-2015, 4:31am
Same as every year MM.

Look, Listen and Learn... Keep on experimenting. See what others are doing.

Mark L
13-02-2015, 7:47pm
Come the cooler months I'm considering taking some classes. If nothing else it might be nice to meet some other like minded people in my local area and get me out using my gear more.

Quite a few members here live near you. Maybe see if you can organise a members meetup occasionally. ......... http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?169-NSW

13-02-2015, 8:06pm
The Members 52 Week Challenge will probably be my main focus this year. Every second subject is a letter of the alphabet, which stretches the imagination to come up with something interesting each week. Only up to C and faltering already. On the upside, I have discovered that Photoshop CC 2014 allows you to install on two different computers so I will be able to use my wife's laptop to submit when we are on holidays.

Nick Cliff
13-02-2015, 8:34pm
I really need to learn how to make a copy of slides my father had taken in Europe in the early 1950's as he was very serious about photography with good equipment (trained in electron microscopes) . He was very adventurous i.e. went fishing in Norway in the North Sea, skiing including downhill racing in Switzerland, toured Italy , France and Spain etc. while studying in England. The thing is there are hundreds of colour slides that are dated and locations given, and these are going to fade in the Queensland climate. Any tips would be appreciated.

Mark L
13-02-2015, 10:09pm
The Members 52 Week Challenge will probably be my main focus this year. Every second subject is a letter of the alphabet, which stretches the imagination to come up with something interesting each week.

Why isn't every week the theme "B"?
Looks like this week, since the theme is "D", I'll be looking for a Dead bird.:lol:

13-02-2015, 10:11pm
Why isn't every week the theme "B"?
Looks like this week, since the theme is "D", I'll be looking for a Dead bird.:lol:

Duck !!

Mark L
13-02-2015, 10:21pm
I wish.
Looks like I'm looking for a Dead Duck then.

14-02-2015, 5:46pm

Mark L
14-02-2015, 7:22pm
Yep, was thinking about a self portrait.
But we digress.

14-02-2015, 9:43pm
Actually to start using the gear instead of buying more!
Enter more comps!

25-02-2015, 3:32pm
picking up the camera would be a good start for me .. blow the dust off

EDIT: waking up account - everytime I visit here my account has deactivated due to inactivity.. beyond frustrating!

25-02-2015, 3:44pm
My view is above.
The government view: outsource it to an overseas photographic company.:D

25-02-2015, 4:41pm
picking up the camera would be a good start for me .. blow the dust off

EDIT: waking up account - everytime I visit here my account has deactivated due to inactivity.. beyond frustrating!

Perhaps you should consider that a site like this costs quite a deal of money to run. And as it is FREE, we value active members cause they are the ones who support the site advertisers and ensure the site can remain online. Why should we give someone who has not posted a photo or given critique to another member since 2011 access to everything the site offers for FREE, when that person is not willing to GIVE something to the other members of the site?

25-02-2015, 7:48pm
Perhaps you should consider that a site like this costs quite a deal of money to run. And as it is FREE, we value active members cause they are the ones who support the site advertisers and ensure the site can remain online. Why should we give someone who has not posted a photo or given critique to another member since 2011 access to everything the site offers for FREE, when that person is not willing to GIVE something to the other members of the site?

Rick, I can appreciate the running cost aspect, which I can fully imagine are quite substantial. But trust me, if I could participate more I would be.. I'm working two jobs, have a young family, and have barely touched my cameras in years. Which for me is quite depressing and frustrating having of all this gear that sits in my study unused. I visit infrequently to live through other members, enjoying their photography like I wish I could, when I really start to get the photography itch that I know I can't scratch. I don't often critique photographs anymore, as I feel it would be rather hypocritical of me given they are doing a far better job than myself by even picking up their camera. I'm just trying to keep enough of the spark alive within me that I don't give up fully and sell off all my gear, which I've contemplated more often than not.

I do apologise for my off the cuff remark, and I do understand where your coming from. But from my perspective, it just seemed though the timeout was possibly a little too aggressive and it doesn't feel right making token posts to keep my account alive. Anyway, I've explained where I'm coming from. No I don't participate, yes I would dearly like do, but don't have the capacity at this point in time.