View Full Version : D750 AF samples

19-01-2015, 11:00pm
Managed to get out for about 20 minutes to play with the D750 on the beach with some seagulls. I've posted them here in full res because I haven't done much to try improve them, I'm simply posting them as is and I thought I'd give people a chance to check them out. I know the photos aren't spectacular so I haven't posted them for improvements, it was a quick session just to play with the AF. Most were shot at F2.8 to try make any focus issues more obvious but I had some issues with over exposure so I dropped it to F4. I used highlight weighted focus due to the varying conditions (into the sun, away from the sun etc) and I wanted to try keep the photos from being over exposed where possible. Post processing is my default import settings into lightroom (a little clarify and vibrance and adobe standard profile) but nothing else has been done to them. They have been sharpened for screen on export using the default lightroom sharpening.

I tried to take photos in a variety of conditions to test the AF, into the sun, busy backgrounds. Unfortunately the seagulls were lazy ass bastards who wouldn't move if ISIS were coming. If I walked towards them, they would walk away. This resulted in me having to take a run at them and then try swing the camera up before they could settle but being lazy ass seagulls, they settled faster than a biggest loser contestant in a mcdonalds. Quite a few of the shots didn't give much time for shots, but surprisingly almost no shots were missed. I reckon about 5 out of 100 and almost all of those were once i threw the camera up and tried to swing without having the sensor on the bird at very close range so its more likely my four swing duck technique than anything else. The only really sad thing was seeing seagulls with fishing line attached to their feet knowing the amount of discomfort they are probably in and very little way to remove it.

Overall, although its not the best test, I'm blown away by the AF.

If you want the full res copies, you can find them here:













20-01-2015, 12:19am
I had trouble focusing on little wrens, the cam kept on picking the background, and also, trying to get dragon flies in the weeds, took lots of time to sort out the focus.
Continuous focus on back button. I had to release the button to get a new focus. Missed heaps of opportunities.

20-01-2015, 3:11am
I had trouble focusing on little wrens, the cam kept on picking the background, and also, trying to get dragon flies in the weeds, took lots of time to sort out the focus.
Continuous focus on back button. I had to release the button to get a new focus. Missed heaps of opportunities.

Are you using the 3D or 51? If so, switch to 21 or 9 point.

Second thing is what do you have A3 set to?

21-01-2015, 8:57pm
I use single or 9 points, and A3 set at normal (preset)
Side note:
My serial # comes up on Nikon USA as needing to be sent in for adjustment' Nikon Asia replied to me to
take the camera to a Nikon repair centre (Andersons for me). No comment on price or anything.
I do not have the flare problem, but if they service the camera while its in, I will take it in in a few months time.

21-01-2015, 9:10pm
I use single or 9 points, and A3 set at normal (preset)
Side note:
My serial # comes up on Nikon USA as needing to be sent in for adjustment' Nikon Asia replied to me to
take the camera to a Nikon repair centre (Andersons for me). No comment on price or anything.
I do not have the flare problem, but if they service the camera while its in, I will take it in in a few months time.

Yeah, that's the challenge with predictive tracking, if you catch the wrong item, the only way to unfocus is to take your finger off the af-on. you could try using a different setting for A3 *(like 1) and see if you prefer it.

There be a cost, it's a recall for a check so they can't charge you for it. They just check the sensor alignment and if its okay and you haven't experienced the flare issue, they will send you on your way without a change.

22-01-2015, 2:42pm
Sorry, I realise I wrote there will be a cost, there definitely won't be one I meant. They can't charge you for a recall