View Full Version : Flickr Acc't.

16-01-2015, 4:46pm
Looks like the Dweebs at Flickr are recycling my acc't name which at the moment I can only access via old images on AP. I know I had not accessed my acc't for an extended period but to de-active without notice (to my knowledge) is a bit rough. So does anyone know if am I able to reactivate my old acc't so I can sign in normally or have I now lost control of the acc't.

16-01-2015, 11:12pm
Yes, in theory you may get lucky and be able to reactivate your account, but prepare to be frustrated :)

You could try reading this first

17-01-2015, 7:26am
Hmm! That signing in each 12 months might be a hurdle. Maybe contact their administrators. Ask if they do notify before deactivating.

17-01-2015, 10:49am
Thank you guys, I have managed to reactivate the acc't but just frustrating in that everything gets buried in non descriptive headings, icons or jargon. Just had to re do password. Username/ID meant full Email address. Anyway :confused013 :D: lol2:

17-01-2015, 1:28pm
I'm glad it worked out quickly for you :)

I agree about everything being hidden in verbose pages. Sometimes you think they deliberately want to confuse us so we give up complaining.

If you want to see how confusing it can be, try this users experience :D I think they must be the most patient person in the world.

17-01-2015, 1:44pm
I have been wondering about getting My son in-law to set up a server or something so that I do not have to worry about using third party web sites but it may be more trouble than it is worth so I might see what he says. :eek: