View Full Version : Five words I thought I'd never regret hearing .....

23-12-2014, 3:38pm
As the more astute amongst you may have realised, I am no longer young, aesthetically pleasing or in any way a picture of health and virility. Old and rotund would perhaps be a more accurate description. It would be fair to say that although I have yet to reach my "Use By" date, my "Best Before" date came and went some time ago. This ageing process found me in hospital a couple of weeks ago whilst a surgeon probed away with arthroscopic delight as he cut several holes in my shoulder and did a bit of remedial carpentry on one of my shoulders, .

Prior to the operation, as is customary, the nursing staff left me with little clothing to protect my modesty except for a pair of budgie smugglers and the obligatory "moon" gown.

When I awoke from surgery, they transferred me to a bed leaving the gown behind and my budgies only millimeters from flying the coop. A vulnerable position for one who has no illusions as to the aesthetic deficit I present to the world in this type of situation. However, even budgie smugglers and a sheet left me with some dignity .... or so I thought.

In the morning, an attractive young nurse appeared, and told me that I must shower before being discharged. Sweeping the sheet aside she escorted my near naked form to the adjacent shower, and turned to leave. It was then she paused, turned to me and said "I'll just take those undies ........"

I never thought I'd see the day when having an attractive young woman suggesting that I should get naked would be a horrifying experience !!!!! :eek:

23-12-2014, 3:39pm
Ah, Bob! You complain too much:D

23-12-2014, 4:29pm
You could always do it for charity. A male version (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/12/mature-women-nude-calendar-girls_n_2089084.html) perhaps? At least then, though horrifying it still might be, it would be for a good cause.:D

23-12-2014, 4:47pm
there is no accounting for taste bobt, hold on to that comment as a compliment you lucky old dog.

23-12-2014, 5:38pm
You could always do it for charity. A male version (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/12/mature-women-nude-calendar-girls_n_2089084.html) perhaps? At least then, though horrifying it still might be, it would be for a good cause.:D

Now there is an AusPhotography photo challenge!! An AusPhotography calendar compilation .... complete with centerfold. The centerfold would be needed for any stomach level shots of me, and maybe for those amongst us who are ..... er .... young and fit. :lol:

Of course it would be expected that the site owner and mods would lead by example .....

23-12-2014, 7:54pm
Perhaps you could have suggested that with the crook shoulder,she
should take the undies from you. You might have retained some modesty that way.


23-12-2014, 8:23pm
Could have been worse Bob. Could have both shoulders out of action, and the pretty young nurse having to wash and polish the Budgie's eggs. :D

23-12-2014, 9:24pm
Could have been worse Bob. Could have both shoulders out of action, and the pretty young nurse having to wash and polish the Budgie's eggs. :D

i would have thought that would have been a rather exciting predicament :p

24-12-2014, 9:22am
I'm hoping that one day I will be 'in your shoes'(figuratively speaking of course, as I suspect shoes were not part of your attire in this instance).

..... I am no longer young, aesthetically pleasing or in any way a picture of health and virility. Old and rotund would perhaps be a more accurate description. ......

In that case, I'm hoping my similar encounter comes sooner rather than at a point when I too present a similar picture to the young attractive female medical establishment! :p

ps. on a side note, hope your recovery is swift

24-12-2014, 11:03am
You might like this one...



24-12-2014, 11:28am


Mark L
24-12-2014, 10:35pm
Don't know what you're worried about Bob. Now you're home you don't have to worry about covering yourself up for others.;) Maybe!!

You might like this one...



Are you in that video David?

24-12-2014, 10:54pm
Don't know what you're worried about Bob. Now you're home you don't have to worry about covering yourself up for others.;) Maybe!!
Are you in that video David?

I have a feeling that my being naked *anywhere* is against the Mental Health Act on account of the potential damage to anyone in the vicinity !!

That's a great song by the way ..... not one I could sing because I'm not sure I ever *did* look good naked! I think that's why women turn the lights off.

25-12-2014, 10:43am
Are you in that video David?[/QUOTE]

In spirit if not in body! :D

Lance B
25-12-2014, 10:49am
I just hope you had listened to your mother and put clean undies on.