View Full Version : From 700D to 70D

06-12-2014, 2:26pm
Hello again! I have been away for a few months after moving house etc but back again now after changing from 700D to 70D.
Initially I was annoyed with home videos of the boys' sporting events etc being ruined by wind noise on the 700D
so bought an Audio Technica external mic for it. At the same time I was annoyed at the motor noise on the 55-250 IS II lens
so sold it and bought an STM version. No wind noise now and no motor noise either. Getting better.
Then I read somewhere on the net that the new focussing system of the 70D was even better so did some more research and
then sold the 700D with the 18-55 STM lens and bought a new 70D with the same 18-55 STM lens on Gumtree. It was still in
the box. So now I am going about getting some pics and videos with the new gear.

06-12-2014, 3:01pm
Welcome back Phil.

re the video thingame ...

Lots of folks complained that video on a DSLR was useless, and a function they didn't want or need.(too bad I say .. you don't want or need it, don't use it .. you're not forced too! :confused:)

I skipped a generation of DSLR acquisition(D700), to wait for the (expected) video feature on the next model(D800) .. for the purpose of having video on my next DLSR!
(I really can't see why those that oppose video on DSLRs make such loud noises about it)

Anyhow, I spent most of one Saturday about 2 months ago videoing for a short clip(about 20mins in total) for my sister.
She organised John Deeks(of Price is Right voiceover fame!) :th3: to MC the clip.
He was a great bloke, and at his age so full of energy.
I edited the video with a 'Price is Right' theme .. took me about 2 weeks(after work mainly) to get it all looking as best as I could .. condsidering my dastardly videoing ability too tho.

I used the D800E + Tammy 24-70/2.8(due to the image stabilisation), as at this point in time, I had a major issue with a nerve in my right arm. (still not 100%, but almost there). Couldn't hold the camera .. let alone hold it steady, so I decided that the big Tammy with it's VC was my only choice.
Totally wasn't prepared for the event tho, and was called up with about 10mins notice to do the video .. the person my sis organised pulled out the morning of the event!
Luckily I had an external mic, even tho it's a cheapie and quite nasty type .. but a shotgun nonetheless.

Apart from the major pain in the right arm, had a fun day overall and it was good to get back into videoing again.
Want to try to do more again one day if I ever find the time too.
FWIW: video was the reason I got interested heavily in photography too .. did media studies in high school and loved it to bits(of course except the theory work).