View Full Version : My mum needs Nikon D60 help

22-11-2014, 8:54am
Hi guys and girls, Canon user here so I'm useless to my mum.

She lives overseas so I can't help her one on one to learn how to use here Nikon D60 DSLR.

She would like to find some good places online to go and learn all about how to take photos and in particular, how to operate her camera.

She gets flustered easily by all the techno babble but I've told her to persist and it will eventually all make sense.

Any suggestions out there and some links I can send her to help her on her way?


22-11-2014, 9:16am
She could join up and use our new to photography section of the site library: http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Indexes:New_To_Photography_Book

Youtube can also be a good resource. Just search it for "Nikon D60 tutorial"

22-11-2014, 9:43am
She could join up and use our new to photography section of the site library: http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Indexes:New_To_Photography_Book

Youtube can also be a good resource. Just search it for "Nikon D60 tutorial"

Thanks so much Rick. I've just sent that to her.