View Full Version : EXIF in Photobucket

16-11-2014, 7:37pm
Have been losing my EXIF details when transferring to Photobucket,
Only started a few weeks back, and I have sought assistance from forum members but to no avail.
So I will ask everyone,
My EXIF is in lightroom, lightroom to JPEG, but goes missing from JPEG to Photobucket.
I tried settings and privacy selections without luck, any ideas anyone?

16-11-2014, 8:43pm
EXIF is only available on the 'original' size. So if you uploaded it and then have options for various sizes, none of those other sizes will include EXIF as Photobucket strips in on resize.

17-11-2014, 12:13pm
Sorry Rick, nothing done in PB as all work is done before uploading, size settings are as recommended in PB for uploads
Was working several weeks ago and has now stopped.
Will private or public make any difference?

17-11-2014, 12:24pm
Are all your PB images now without exif, John? Can you link two images into this thread: one where it is missing and one where it might still be intact?

17-11-2014, 1:29pm
EXIF missing as of last week

EXIF intact as of September

I changed to LR 5.6, but never changed any settings.

All images saved to disc, have properties intact, so the EXIF goes missing on import to Photobucket.

17-11-2014, 1:37pm
Strange, John. I combed PB support, esp this page: http://support.photobucket.com/hc/en-us/articles/200723814-Change-Your-Privacy-Settings but could find no direct info on EXIF apart from the Geolocation ref here.
Have you asked PB themselves?

17-11-2014, 1:56pm
Here's an image resized to fit the forum, from my computer. EXIF intact. Camera date is wrong, It was taken yesterday.:D


17-11-2014, 1:57pm
Yep. I don't think it's something you particularly did. It's def at the PB end of things.

22-11-2014, 10:08pm
Asked the question at PB and waited for an answer, three days later I got an email from them advising
me that the problem must be solved and the ticket is now closed.
This was the first email I received, so I sent another back, stating the same, and am now waiting for another reply.

22-11-2014, 10:10pm
Your run of luck is staggering, John!!!:(

Mary Anne
23-11-2014, 6:08pm
Did you not get an instant reply from the PB Robot any way keep us posted.

Is everything up to date on your computer John like Adobe Flash and Java script they are usually the culprits.
I can see the exif data on the images I put on today but not the one I put on a few days ago both on the Bird Forum, that is so strange,
Cannot see it on the plane image up top either yet its there on PB under load more, same as mine its all there too.

I wonder what is happening from PB to AP..

23-11-2014, 10:42pm
Hi Mary Anne - I got the reply from the auto post, no human, so the robot cancelled the ticket.
Just done the upgrades to Flash and Java, but the EXIF is still missing.:confused013

24-11-2014, 7:25am
Kick PB and give the Flickr a go? - Just wondering:confused013

Mary Anne
24-11-2014, 9:36am
Hi John yes something strange going on I just put a post on the macro forum just now and the same thing is happening again the exif data is not there.

When I click on the exif data this is what I see below and I have no idea what it means.

Bad JPEG file head, SOI marker not found: 0x3c 0x21 Status = -1

Unable to extract some or all of the EXIF data, which may have been removed from the image file.

Mary Anne
24-11-2014, 3:59pm
This is crazy as the exif data is now showing on the photos on my Macro Thread where is was not there six hours earlier..
And its not showing on the other photos in the Bird Forum where it was yesterday.. I have also sent a Request to Photobucket support.

Mary Anne
28-11-2014, 4:34pm
Still waiting .....

28-11-2014, 8:55pm
Still waiting .....:D

Mary Anne
28-11-2014, 9:04pm
John they are certainly a little on the slow side :rolleyes:

03-12-2014, 9:01pm
PB replied and advised how to go about viewing the EXIF data

Hi John!
If your photo was uploaded with its corresponding EXIF data, you can access this info within Photobucket.
First, head to the media detail page for the photo in question (view a single photo). On the bottom right of your screen, you'll see a box that says 'Media Info'. At the bottom of that box, click the 'load more' text to get your photo's information (EXIF data).

Problems are:-
a - I don't have a Media detail page
b- I don't have a Media info box

Does anyone else have these pages and boxes on their PB page?

Mary Anne
04-12-2014, 12:37am
John its good to read that you have finally had a reply.

I got one yesterday nothing like your reply though, I answered and are now waiting a reply from that one.
Yes John we all have Media Pages, when you go to an Album and click on what photo you want that is your Media Page.
It will look bigger than this cut down screen capture, my page has Info on top of that head silhouette and see on the right of this image is has Load More


And when you click Load More your Exif Data is there I also mentioned that in reply 11 up top
When you wrote to PB did you explain that you could not see the Exif Data on your images that were posted on a Forum.
I will let you know when my next reply comes, maybe it will be more helpful.


04-12-2014, 9:40pm
Thank you Mary Anne, I can now see the light (data) :D
I did mention to the lady at PB that I can't see exif data, when moving my cursor over a picture, I have loaded into a forum or PB.

14-12-2014, 12:14pm
I hadn't posted any images for some time until yesterday. I was disappointed to see that my EXIF data seemed to have been stripped out by PhotoBucket. After reading the posts above, I went to PB and tried the Load More exercise. Nothing happens - the screen just sits there with a little whirley thing, and eventually a message appears at the top of the screen advising me - Oops, something seems to have happened, try again - I can't try again because the whirley think is still going. I gave up, but on returning here I now see that my EXIF data is once more visible when I right-click and use the View EXIF extension in my browser. PB must be doing something mysterious!

Mary Anne
14-12-2014, 12:51pm
Know what you mean Cliff I was having the same problems yesterday and I gave up to, today I uploaded three more images and posted them on the Macro Forum and once again no exif data there.
I typed it on the top of each photo, just had a look at it now to find it is there, yes very strange and that will probably disappear in a few days.
Also requested Help many times and have had one reply, I answered that with the info they wanted, and eleven days later I am still waiting for the reply :confused013

14-12-2014, 1:15pm
Folks. Two thoughts come to mind:
1. Now you see it; now you don't.
2. what this mountaineer sings (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWkGs6MxATc)

14-12-2014, 1:23pm
That's right Ameerat. First there is no EXIF, then there is some , then there isn't! :D

14-12-2014, 8:34pm
Still waiting for my reply, also eleven days. :confused013

Mary Anne
17-12-2014, 9:03am
Finally received a reply it only took 14 days :rolleyes:

* Hi Mary-Anne,

Terribly sorry for the slow reply. I've been dealing with site issues and vacation, and the ticket hasn't been addressed since your last message, and I apologize for that.

The exif information won't be transferred along with the image when you link them out. That image is only available for viewing on the site.

I'm not sure how that info was transferred previously, as it shouldn't be something that can be linked out with the images, using the link codes.

Unfortunately, there won't be a way to link that information along with the photo. I will forward that feedback to our Product Managers.

Thank you *

Interesting seeing that info has been there and showing up for years on my photos here.

17-12-2014, 9:15am
Well doesn't that set the story straight:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
(Whatever it may mean.)