View Full Version : Not put any photos up for a while

21-10-2014, 5:21pm
I know I haven't put up many posts let alone photos for awhile, but things have been a bit tough over the last year or so. So I am just adding a few posts here and there to keep things active plus I enjoy seeing what's happening.

Just a quick over view and not trying to put a sob story, but I have been dealing with my sisters estate over the last 12 months plus my daughters been on Kemo for the last 5 years, My wife just had surgery yesterday for removal of a lump and today my daughter received news that the trial treatment she managed to gain access to isn't working and so the prognoses is terminal.
So even when I do get to take the camera out, I usually find it difficult to concentrate let alone learn LR or process anything.

So for anyone who may wonder why they haven't seen any photos from me well please be patient hopefully I'll get myself a crank handle for someone to get me started again soon plus I've hardly even been to the club either but should be right next year. :)

Thanks for reading and understanding in advance.

No obligation to reply just a heads up to where I'm at.



21-10-2014, 6:07pm
Not much we could say in reply to that Milton, that really has an impact on where you, your life, and family are presently. All I can say is take care. Cherish each day.

Mark L
21-10-2014, 6:44pm
Jeez Milton, all the best to you and your family with all that happening.
Maybe the camera can offer you an hour or two time out each week. Need a theme to think of, ... http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?188-Member-Challenges-52-2014
But that's easy for my to say.

21-10-2014, 7:13pm
Well yes it's been a tough stretch with still some to go but we'll get through it. Thanks for your thoughts realize there's not a lot people can say and not expecting people to feel obliged but thoughts appreciated.


22-10-2014, 7:41pm
Sending a big virtual hug your way.

22-10-2014, 9:28pm
Thank you Judy appreciated.

Greg Johnston
22-10-2014, 9:46pm
So sorry to hear of your story right now Milton. Thanks for letting us know what you are going through. I think we may have met at a zoo meet a couple of years ago in Adelaide. I am a pastor from Influencers church in Paradise and if there is anything I can do please don't hesitate to contact me. Praying for you and your family.

23-10-2014, 11:34pm
Thank you Greg, we did crossed paths and I thought I did recognize you from Paradise. It's been awhile since I've been able to get to field trip with AP but hoping next year will be a lot better.

At the moment we are as OK can be expected and we do have some great friends support through our church which does help thank you.

30-10-2014, 6:49pm
Very sorry to hear about your situation Milton. Wishing you and your family all the best and sending our prayers your way.


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16-11-2014, 9:53pm
Well yesterday saw the closing chapter in my daughters life when she passed away peacefully to be with the Lord. It's been a long hard journey but she always managed to have a smile and encouraging word to all around her and sometimes hard to tell who was going through the ordeal. Still the journey continues and thank everyone for their wishes.

Please understand if I don't reply to for a while.

17-11-2014, 7:56am
My deepest sympathy to you and your family and I hope your faith gives you comfort and courage to get through this difficult period.

Mary Anne
17-11-2014, 3:39pm
So sorry to hear this, my deepest sympathy also to you and your Family. Take Care Now..

Mark L
17-11-2014, 8:09pm
On one hand, that can and will be a sad thing. On the other hand, there can be peace and good memories.
Best wishes to all involved.

20-11-2014, 7:30pm
Nice to see that you are willing to share your circumstances Milton, instead of bottling it up inside. And I know there are plenty of support services out there for your situation.
But sometimes a forum like this is the ideal place to vent to faceless friends, who no doubt hope that you continue being strong and positive for those in your family that need your support.

Please feel free to vent anytime you need to. I am certain all here are willing to listen, and support you when times are tough.


21-11-2014, 10:26pm
Thank you everyone for your kind words of encouragement they are very much appreciated. I had hesitated as to whether to post or not. I hope it isn't against forum rules but have placed her facebook journey page below in the hope that who knows it may help someone else. most of us were surprised at the number who were there (except my sister inlaw who estimated 500-600) well it was close to 500 at her service it was a heart warming encouragement for the families.
Thank you once again for your condolences I'm not sure when I'll start posting Photos again but will start refocusing again soon (sorry no pun intended). One highlight is we just connected to NBN so hopefully that will stop some speed issues we've been having but now need to fix some computer loading registry issues. I will be regularly looking in and posting a few comments to stay logged in but probably quiet for a while longer, thank you and cheers for now


22-11-2014, 6:08am
Sorry to hear this and my condolences to you Milton and the rest of your family. Posting a link to FB doesn't breach any rules whatsoever. Take care!

22-11-2014, 6:31am
Thank you Rick. Yes I am also aware that I need to post in other forums but a bit awkward to post this on other areas of the forum, but will post a review every now and then.

I have found it difficult to write much over the past few months as everyone can appreciate.

Mark L
22-11-2014, 8:24pm
As time passes is supposed to help? If it doesn't and if you need a reason to take a photo and get involved in something, keep an eye out for next years weekly members challenge. http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?58-MEMBER-CHALLENGES ... just in case you need something to focus :) on.
More best wishes.