View Full Version : Why I hate all of you...

13-10-2014, 12:31pm
I just wanted to say thanks and tell you how much I hate you all. It may seem harsh, but as a member of Photographers Anonymous (PA), life isn’t easy dealing with this addiction every day…every Tuesday night we meet up, talk about our problems with photography purchases. Once in a while, a person slips up and they show up with a new body or lens, but we support them, we don’t judge, that’s what we do because we’re a family in it together.

But this isn’t about them, this is about me. This is about my problem...

I recently nearly spent a small fortune on new photography gear. This is largely as a result of the members here. Yes, I know, it’s easy to blame it on me, it’s my credit card, but it’s your fault and it’s time for you to take responsibility for your actions.

All attempts to get support from the members here in not buying the gear were useless. My first attempt occurred when I asked members whether I should buy the D800 or a used D4. Instead of responsible replies like ”don't do it/you'll hate yourself/think of the children/what would Michael Jackson do/that’s stupid when there is a new tax coming from the government”, I received responses of encouragement like “they're awesome, you'll love them! buy that! buy both! buy more! buy everything in the store!”. What I want you to ask yourself is if a friend came to you and said “Do you think I should buy cocaine or heroine”, would you really reply “They’re both awesome, get both!”?

But as I was a responsible member of photographer anonymous, I contacted my PA Big Brother (he has a platinum badge because he hasn’t bought any photography gear in 2 years), I managed to gain enough emotional support to refrain from any further purchases. I did have a little slip up a couple of weeks later where I accidentally walked into a photography store thinking it was a hair salon and bought a Tamron 90mm Macro. With names of photography stores like Michael’s, Borge’s, Van Bar and Ted’s, it was an honest mistake. I walked in there expecting a new hair cut and suddenly I have a whole lot of cameras and lenses in front of me. I didn’t even have time to cut up my credit card. I really think these guys should be a little more honest about what they are doing instead of trying to fool customers into walking into the stores. Names like Camera Pro, Camera’s are us or Camera Shop seem far more appropriate and less misleading. Fortunately, I had my PA big brother on speed dial as the credit card transaction was going through and he managed to talk me out of the store before any further damage was done but it was still a lens too late. At that point, I was doing well. I was headed towards a major milestone where I could proudly proclaim “Hi, I’m MissionMan and it’s been 1 month since my last photography purchase” but that’s the problem with life…just as you think things are going well, mother nature has a nasty habit of throwing you a curve ball.

I was casually browsing the recent posts section of Ausphotography; despite the recommendations of my PA big brother; but I thought I was strong enough to control the urge at this point. Then it happened. A post about the new Nikon D810 camera. It’s just a post I thought, it’s not even available yet so I can handle this. But it was followed shortly by comments about how nice the Camera was and before I knew it I was googling “Nikon D810” and clicking the “pre-order“ on an online shopping site in Australia. I didn’t have a 36MP camera body and if this camera was really that good, it may be able to produce more winning photos for me, maybe even a Pulitzer. Yes, those evil competition wins that elude us so often were finally within reach by simply clicking that “Check Out” button. I had the talent, but not the D810. I thought I didn’t have to worry about the D810 because it hadn’t come out, but there it was…the pre-order button. Who let’s you pre-order something that isn’t actually available? That’s like selling air. Is it my fault for typing D810 into the search box on their site?

From there it became a click frenzy. I was like a shark from Nemo with the smell of blood in the water, clicking wildly at everything that popped up on my screen. These camera places are incredibly sneaky. In the D810 pre-order screen, a popup appeared saying “people who ordered this also ordered a Sigma 50mm ART” and a whole heap of other things I didn’t have, and if they were buying those, they must be the ones winning the comps so I had to buy them. It couldn’t be an addiction if other people were doing it could it? Finally, I was at the checkout screen and things had taken a turn for the worst with mounting numbers that were getting higher and higher. I knew I needed help so I tried to phone my Photographers Anonymous Big Brother but he wasn’t answering (I later learnt he was also out pre-ordering a D810 as well). I went back to Ausphotography for moral support hoping someone would tell me “You’re being an idiot”. Instead, the first post I saw is how was another post about how awesome the D810 was. I clicked on it searching for the answer, hoping for someone to say that the D810 had been discontinued and Nikon was no longer offering any new camera bodies for sale for the next 10 years but there was no such luck. All of the posts were positive about the D810 and the members even said I could sell my old D700 because the D810 was so good I wouldn’t want it anymore. I was originally planning to keep it so in reality, they were saving me money. I was actually making a profit out of this, not losing money.

Then just as I was getting ready to put in my credit card details, I realised things had gone too far. Sanity needed to prevail. I was about to do a bad thing that I would regret for at least 2 days while waiting for the goods to arrive. So I called my wife and she managed to talk me down. We talked for a while, we phoned friends for support, it took nearly an hour of negotiating, but we got there slowly. We both cried.

This is my story, hopefully you can learn from it so you don’t make the same mistakes. Maybe some of you can learn to accept that this is a real problem and you have to be careful about what you say to people on the forum. Giving photography gear advice shouldn’t be taken lightly.

And if you do make the same mistakes as me, I can highly recommend a ThinkTank bag to put the mistakes in.

I @ M
13-10-2014, 1:01pm
:lol: love it.

Now I know that you will turn to the demon drink to console yourself on not buying the best camera available. In fact, your credit card will take such a beating with cases of bourbon from liquorland appearing on your monthly statement, you will soon realise that the camera was the cheaper option.

Debra Faulkner
13-10-2014, 3:12pm
Excellent! Best read I've had for quite a while MM! :th3::th3::flowersnap::D

Mary Anne
13-10-2014, 4:48pm
You have missed your calling, go write a Book :lol:

13-10-2014, 6:13pm
Or, write a book on confessions.

Since this can be the prologue to such a tome, may I preface a forgiveness.

But wait! There's more! :D

For your penance, donate all your goods to the

Ameerat42 Benevolent Fund.

Ta a lot:D:D:D

13-10-2014, 6:35pm
All I want is a D810, a D4S, an 85 f/1.4, a 400 f/2.8, a 800 f/5.6 a 35 f/1.4 ART, a 50 f/1.4 ART, and a set of 4 Profoto B1's. Whatever is left over you can have [emoji106]. I'm really quite reasonable [emoji2]

13-10-2014, 6:53pm
Oh, and I meant to add: H8 is too big a word to wear.
Drop the "e" and the hat will probably fit.

Do you like my pun? If so, drop unwanted photographic goods to the aforementioned charity. If not, do the same to shut me up. -- AWP!!:()

13-10-2014, 7:03pm
You have missed your calling, go write a Book :lol:

Thanks. I tried it but strangely enough, my recent novel called "50 shades of grey card" didn't sell much, but some copycat released a book with a similar name and made a fortune. I don't get it, there wasn't one chapter on photography in it.

13-10-2014, 7:13pm
Thanks. I tried it but strangely enough, my recent novel called "50 shades of grey card" didn't sell much, but some copycat released a book with a similar name and made a fortune. I don't get it, there wasn't one chapter on photography in it.

I suppose that chapter made mention of his big Canon...

The moral to the story.. If you need money to pay off your credit card from photographic purchase. Try sex!:eek:

Mark L
13-10-2014, 7:24pm
Bloody Nikon, purveyors of addiction.
Since I know :)meerat has better gear than me, ignore his offer. I'll pay postage to swap all of your gear for all of my Canon stuff.
It's not quite cold turkey, but it may help you understand you don't have to be addicted.
Penance is accepting what you have. You clearly need what I have.
PM me when you finally see the light.

13-10-2014, 10:14pm
..... Instead of responsible replies like ”don't do it/you'll hate yourself/think of the children/what would Michael Jackson do/that’s stupid when there is a new tax coming from the government” ....

This does not compute!
this notion of responsible replies is completely incomprehensible and/or illegible ... looks and sounds like Greek to me .. and I have Greek heritage behind me.

It reminds me of a saying I was once told long ago(it may have been an old Greek philosopher ... something about bliss ... and ignorance .. or something like that
(if I can remember more about it, I'll reply back with more info ;))


... I received responses of encouragement like “they're awesome, you'll love them! buy that! buy both! buy more! buy everything in the store!”. What I want you to ask yourself is if a friend came to you and said “Do you think I should buy cocaine or heroine”, would you really reply “They’re both awesome, get both!”?

Guilty as charged your worship! :D

Although, I would discourage the acquisition of either cocaine or heroine!
There's at least a few lenses worth, right there, in the financial constraint of those dubious products.
You'd be better off emancipating that monetary resource on the necessary stuff in life( such as 50 Art's/D810's/profoto-B52's/whatever!) and go on a holiday to almost any South American country and acquire the other two (highly discouraged)substances much cheaper than you otherwise would.
This way you get better value for money from the correct additction .. and you get to create a record of the country of origin of the disaproved addiction .. which will serve as a reminder of who the real enemy is!

OK... so the real question that needs to be answered .... now that tears have flowed, friends had been consulted and an hour was wasted on idle chit chat(that probably made no sense to anyone reading this thread) ... WHAT did you end up getting?


Nick Cliff
13-10-2014, 10:26pm
MM, you may have single-handedly destroyed the second hand camera market with that totally irresponsible post.

Regards Nick.

13-10-2014, 10:45pm
That's gold! ... Or platinum, whichever the purveyors prefer :)

13-10-2014, 11:10pm
That's Platinum in my books ......I feel for you and understand what you are going through and let it be known you are not alone..........Brother :D

14-10-2014, 6:36am
I have to hide my purchases when they get delivered at work. Even the delivery guy knows me.
But I can stop anytime I want!

14-10-2014, 6:58am
But I can stop anytime I want!

I think most of us suffer from the same delusion! :p

14-10-2014, 8:46am
This does not compute!
this notion of responsible replies is completely incomprehensible and/or illegible ... looks and sounds like Greek to me .. and I have Greek heritage behind me.

It reminds me of a saying I was once told long ago(it may have been an old Greek philosopher ... something about bliss ... and ignorance .. or something like that
(if I can remember more about it, I'll reply back with more info ;))


Guilty as charged your worship! :D

Although, I would discourage the acquisition of either cocaine or heroine!
There's at least a few lenses worth, right there, in the financial constraint of those dubious products.
You'd be better off emancipating that monetary resource on the necessary stuff in life( such as 50 Art's/D810's/profoto-B52's/whatever!) and go on a holiday to almost any South American country and acquire the other two (highly discouraged)substances much cheaper than you otherwise would.
This way you get better value for money from the correct additction .. and you get to create a record of the country of origin of the disaproved addiction .. which will serve as a reminder of who the real enemy is!

OK... so the real question that needs to be answered .... now that tears have flowed, friends had been consulted and an hour was wasted on idle chit chat(that probably made no sense to anyone reading this thread) ... WHAT did you end up getting?


Most people import drugs to fund their drug habit, Ausphoto members have to do it to fund their photography habit :p

Maybe it's a legal defence.

Judge: You're charged with importing narcotics, how do you plead?
Accused: I'm a photographer, your honour. I was forced to do it to fund my 800 f/5.6. I didn't have a choice. If I tried to buy the lens my kids would have starved.
Judge: Seems like a fair defence. We'll let you off with a suspended sentence.

Mary Anne
14-10-2014, 12:49pm
Try again with that Book, just give it a better name, I would never buy a book with grey in the title as I hate the colour grey :confused013

14-10-2014, 3:21pm
Try again with that Book, just give it a better name, I would never buy a book with grey in the title as I hate the colour grey :confused013

You must be the exception to the rule. Every woman I've met has read 50 shades of grey :D

In fact, they said they even had a baby boom as a result of it.


15-10-2014, 3:52pm
Every woman I've met has read 50 shades of grey :D

In fact, they said they even had a baby boom as a result of it.

Instead of babies with red bottoms, it was babies *from* red bottoms. [emoji41]

Sent from my HTC_0P6B using Tapatalk

16-10-2014, 12:46pm
One of the funniest things I have read in ages!!! :lol:

16-10-2014, 7:53pm
Great read :lol: - well written and something we can all relate to (unfortunately).

16-10-2014, 8:35pm
MM, relax, there is a cure.

It's called 'running out of the readies'.

It happens when your kit gets to the stage where the only things left on your wishlist are way, way out of your financial capability, so you can sit back, and relax, sort of.

However, you will still lust for lens like an AF-S 600mm f4G ED VR, but when you prioritise you will realise that you can live without it, sort of. :(

I've just bought an off-road camper trailer which hopefully will enable me to go places to get shots with the gear I've got, at about the cost of the '600'. C'est la vie.

20-10-2014, 12:58pm
After much coaxing with my wife, I finally got the approval for a new Nikon DLSR. Unfortunately it's not full frame from the looks of it. Photos from the eBay advertisement, hope you don't mind me posting them :th3:


***Linked images deleted as not taken by user, according to Site Rule 20***

10-11-2014, 2:44pm
lol excellent post!
I'm about to spend a lot of money (D610 or D750?) and lenses and a new tripod and I'll need filters and a bigger case to store it all......
I'm trying to be sensible, I'm trying to think of the mortgage but my other half is not helping.
He's encouraging me!


10-11-2014, 3:26pm
lol excellent post!
I'm about to spend a lot of money (D610 or D750?) and lenses and a new tripod and I'll need filters and a bigger case to store it all......
I'm trying to be sensible, I'm trying to think of the mortgage but my other half is not helping.
He's encouraging me!


You only live twice, it is said, wheras the banks live forever off your mortgage:eek:

10-11-2014, 4:49pm
Veni, vidi, visa.

I came, I saw, I shopped.

I @ M
10-11-2014, 5:03pm
Veni, vidi, visa.

I came, I saw, I shopped.

Never heard that one before ---- it is gold. :th3: