View Full Version : Back again

13-10-2014, 12:06pm
Hello everyone im back after a long time alot has happend since i was here last i have moved out of Coonamble after 10 years and now im on the central coast:D, I never got my DSLR back after it was stolen but i have a basic camera so im still able to take photos :), ill post some photos a bit later :)

13-10-2014, 12:51pm
Welcome back Jim. Some great photo ops along the coast there for some sunrises etc. See you on the forums soon.

13-10-2014, 1:05pm
Hi Jim. We were wondering where you got to.
Welcome back.

14-10-2014, 6:32pm
:gday: Jim & Welcome back to AP!

Mary Anne
14-10-2014, 8:57pm
Welcome Back.