View Full Version : ADF Sailor attacked ... withdrawn. What do you make of this?

Steve Axford
26-09-2014, 3:47pm
First there was a report of an ADF Officer and a sailor being attacked by 2 men of middle eastern appearance. Later the "allegations of assault" were withdrawn.
What do you make of this, and what do you think the effect might be.
Is there a lesson to be learnt from this?

26-09-2014, 3:58pm
Everyone's getting a bit overexcited just at the moment?

26-09-2014, 4:07pm
No idea what to think until I find out more about it. My nephew is of middle eastern appearance but only because he has a beard but shaves his head . Born in Blackburn. Aussie parents.

26-09-2014, 4:22pm
Depends what they mean by 'withdrawn'. Could mean they have decided not to proceed with the matter. Could be that it was a lie, could be a range of things. Until we get clarification on exactly what is meant by withdrawn in this instance, it is a bit hard to work it out.

Steve Axford
26-09-2014, 6:31pm
The ADF chief has said

"I have been in contact with [NSW Police Commissioner] Andrew Scipione throughout the evening and just spoken to him before I came down here now and that sailor has withdrawn those allegations."
"What I would like to say, because this is breaking news, on behalf of the Australian Defence Force I would like to apologise to the Australian community and particularly the Middle Eastern community for any angst that this has caused."

So, either the allegations were invented or were speculative.

Mark L
26-09-2014, 7:42pm
Think it was a single ADF member claiming to be assaulted?

He wouldn't make it up, would he?
The ADF wouldn't make him withdraw a valid complaint to appease others, would they?

Steve Axford
26-09-2014, 8:03pm
Good questions. What do you think?

26-09-2014, 8:18pm
People make things up for all sorts of reasons . Remember that Olympic athlete who claimed he was assaulted and his arm got injured. Turned out he fell off his skate board. There have numerous cases of kids / girls claiming they were abducted. One girl claimed she was raped. She wasn't . They were just covering up for something else .

Maybe this is a similar story.