View Full Version : The "Whoo! I just got new gear!" thread

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26-02-2010, 4:48pm
Damn L fever, I finally cracked and bought a 16-35mm f/2.8 L II......

Don`t you just love L glass.Congrats and enjoy.

26-02-2010, 5:28pm
Don`t you just love L glass.Congrats and enjoy.

Its more of a love hate relationship :lol:

26-02-2010, 6:09pm
Its more of a love hate relationship :lol:

You`d love to hate the 100-400mmL,it`s sweet.:th3:

27-02-2010, 10:49pm
You`d love to hate the 100-400mmL,it`s sweet.:th3:

I think a 5D II is on the top of the list at the moment, plus I'd find it hard to justify a telephoto since I barely go over 100mm.... Might change when I get the 5D but a 70-200 would be more than enough for me.

28-02-2010, 8:17pm
So for my birthday....my husband bought me a 200mm f2L IS USM!!! Well it's not here yet, we've got a little more to pay off on it yet, but i'm hoping to have it by the end of the week!!

My husband now calls my L series lenses "White Crack" as they are so addictive..lol!! I'm hoping to add a 5D II to the list as well at some stage but it won't be for a while yet.

01-03-2010, 2:10pm
Congrats that'll be awesome. Laughing my ass off at the White Crack comment. Very true.

My 2 cheapo strobes should arrive today. With any luck they'll all work with the cactus v4's and I'll be out shooting by the weekend.

Looking at buying a 35mm soon to get rid of my 50mm.

01-03-2010, 2:30pm
Yeah, I thought it was quite appropriate for a number of us L series lovers...(or White Crackaholic's as I now think of us all).

Hope you get your strobes by the weekend, i'm hoping to have my lens by then as well...fingers crossed.

Congrats that'll be awesome. Laughing my ass off at the White Crack comment. Very true.

My 2 cheapo strobes should arrive today. With any luck they'll all work with the cactus v4's and I'll be out shooting by the weekend.

Looking at buying a 35mm soon to get rid of my 50mm.

01-03-2010, 7:12pm
WooHoo!!! Finally after nearly two weeks lost in the postal system my 1D MkIII has arrived. This thing is a monster. Looking forward to learning how to use it now :D

Ozzi Paul
02-03-2010, 12:37am
2 weeks ago I picked up my new Sigma APO 70-200mm f2.8 EX DG HSM II Macro lens and a Metz Mecablitz 48 AF-1 Digital flash. Then I needed to get a new bag so last week I got a Lowepro Flipside 300 to put it all in and thought I better get a UV filter for a little bit of protection for the lens, so ended up getting a Kenko UV for it. Pretty happy with them so far, just need to learn how to use the flash now.

02-03-2010, 6:40am
WooHoo!!! Finally after nearly two weeks lost in the postal system my 1D MkIII has arrived. This thing is a monster. Looking forward to learning how to use it now :D

Gosh, glad it turned up!!!! I bet you were a bit nervous for two weeks.

The 1D MK III is a really nice camera..congrats!

02-03-2010, 6:45am
2 weeks ago I picked up my new Sigma APO 70-200mm f2.8 EX DG HSM II Macro lens and a Metz Mecablitz 48 AF-1 Digital flash. Then I needed to get a new bag so last week I got a Lowepro Flipside 300 to put it all in and thought I better get a UV filter for a little bit of protection for the lens, so ended up getting a Kenko UV for it. Pretty happy with them so far, just need to learn how to use the flash now.

Nice shopping cart you got there!!!!

02-03-2010, 11:27am
2 weeks ago I picked up my new Sigma APO 70-200mm f2.8 EX DG HSM II Macro lens and a Metz Mecablitz 48 AF-1 Digital flash. Then I needed to get a new bag so last week I got a Lowepro Flipside 300 to put it all in and thought I better get a UV filter for a little bit of protection for the lens, so ended up getting a Kenko UV for it. Pretty happy with them so far, just need to learn how to use the flash now.

chuck the UV mate, it's garbage :)

02-03-2010, 11:28am
I think it ought to be a rule that if you buy new gear, then soon after you should do a mini-review of it

02-03-2010, 12:43pm
I think it ought to be a rule that if you buy new gear, then soon after you should do a mini-review of it

Can we make this only in the future as I have a heap of bodies and lens to do if we include in the past too :)

02-03-2010, 1:28pm
I think it ought to be a rule that if you buy new gear, then soon after you should do a mini-review of it
Could we have a poll on that...:rolleyes:

02-03-2010, 1:52pm
Could we have a poll on that...:rolleyes:

I am sure Kiwi will make one up for us :)

02-03-2010, 6:04pm
Gosh, glad it turned up!!!! I bet you were a bit nervous for two weeks.

The 1D MK III is a really nice camera..congrats!

Thanks, wasn't too worried up to the first three days, tad worried after a week and by ten days was getting sick...Such a relief to see it finally here...phew!!

02-03-2010, 7:02pm
Just received my Cokin P-Series Creative Filter system (GND set) all wrapped up in a nice bag - it was a birthday present!

04-03-2010, 9:33am
Just got a new 60mb/sec 8GB card, no more waiting an eternity to get the images off a card!:th3:

05-03-2010, 1:38pm
Used SB-800 arrived today!

05-03-2010, 2:28pm
Nikon 70-300mm AF-S VR Lens, Lowepro Flipside 300 and a set of Cokin GND filters - happy days!

Ozzi Paul
05-03-2010, 8:46pm
chuck the UV mate, it's garbage :)

So are you saying the Kenko brand is garbage or just UV's in particular.
The main reason its there is because I shoot the local motor cross and I would rather have one of them damages from flying dirt instead of the front lens element.
My other lens has a Hoya HMC UV filter and it has stopped dirt hitting the front lens
element a few times.

16-03-2010, 2:02am
Bought the Canon 10-22mm UWA lens on Saturday, can't wait to get out and give it a workout. Unfortunately rain has put a dampener on things (has been raining a lot the past two weeks here in Korea, so not a lot of photography getting done).

Love it so far, very interesting perspective.

16-03-2010, 11:11am
Picked up a Canon 200mm 2.8L II on ebay. Great condition and I love the lens - see this thread: Just caught the 'L' virus (200mm prime) - warning highly contagious (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=52614) for a photo and thoughts.


17-03-2010, 12:13pm
Just picked up a Spyder 3 Studio SR monitor/printer calibration system.

Was sick of my monitor and printer giving totally different results and didn't trust either of them. Sometimes I think I have more dollars (which isn't very much) than sense but I wasn't comfortable with my output quality and that was really annoying me. Will let you know how it goes.


17-03-2010, 2:54pm
Sigma 105mm Macro...arrived this morning...can't wait to have a play!

Whooo hooo..... +1 for DWI.


Adrian Fischer
17-03-2010, 5:48pm
24 inch Benq 16:10 Monitor (second hand). Set up and calibrated last night. What a diffence it makes.

18-03-2010, 7:09pm
Scott Kelby's Digital Photography boxed set just arrived. Lot of reading in there.....

18-03-2010, 8:07pm
You'll have to let me know what it is like! :D


18-03-2010, 8:58pm
Lightroom 2.5...Time to start playing :)

Helen S
19-03-2010, 12:49pm
Scott Kelby's Digital Photography boxed set just arrived. Lot of reading in there.....

...and it's darned good reading, too. :D

19-03-2010, 2:00pm
Lightroom 2.5...Time to start playing :)

And download the free 2.6 upgrade ;)

19-03-2010, 2:03pm
Z-Pro 154 Gray Neutral Density (ND) 8x Resin Filter (3 stops)
Z-Pro U960 Pro Graduated Neutral Density Filter Kit (3 ND Grads 1, 2 and 3 stops)
77mm Z-Pro Adapter Ring (0.75mm Pitch Thread)
67mm Z-Pro Adapter Ring (0.75mm Pitch Thread)


22-03-2010, 3:53pm
pic says more, and Im too lazy to type :)

22-03-2010, 8:09pm
My wife just blew me away with an amazing surprise for my 40th birthday. She gave me a Canon EF 17-40mm f4L. WOW !!

26-03-2010, 11:08pm
What can I say.


All bought from Quality Camera Sales (site sponsor) and I'm a very happy boy.

28-03-2010, 8:29pm
Haven't got them yet .. but I've "ordered" them ... 3x Pocketwizard TT5's ... great deal from OCAU forums, ~4-6months old $660 delivered.

30-03-2010, 10:40am
WHOO HOO! I just got a tripod for my birthday!!! After reading many threads on AP I asked hubby to buy me a Manfrotto 055xprob and a 486RC2 ball head for my bday. I have a remote switch coming in the mail (hopefully today). Watch out sunrise and sunset here I come!!!
Next on the list is a 50mm, come on Christmas!

31-03-2010, 12:08pm
A Nissin Di866C flash, yeehar! :)

02-04-2010, 1:30am
After a short stint with the 1D MK3, I've now traded it up for a 5D MK2.

I much preferred the FF system and as appealing as the 10FPS was to me, and the "full pro" features, it really wasn't the camera for me, had it been a 1DS3, it would have been a different story, but I much preferred (or was just used to the original 5D) so the MK2 was better in the long run.

If ever I make real money from this hobby, maybe one day I can get the 1DS series which the "ultimate" body to have for me :D

03-04-2010, 7:18pm
Sigma 105mm ordered today and will arrive on Friday! yayyyy!!! finally... a macro lens!!!:p

04-04-2010, 12:47am
I've bought another Canon BP511A 2nd hand from one of the other forums i use, so now I'll have two genuine canon batteries and two non-genuine batteries, so that should be plenty for almost any situation i'll find myself in...

I've also bought 3x Swivel Flash Mount/Umbrella Holder from ebay from the US, these ones are aluminium alloy, so hopefully they'll be better than the plastic ones i got from ############## which allow the umbrella to point down when there's even the slightest breeze even with the angle adjustment as tight as i can get it, the plastic friction mount is probably not the best. The rest of the gear i got from ############## i've been happy with (convertible umbrellas, and light stands).


I also bought some new "strobist" rosco gels from ############## along with a couple of gel holders for my SB-28's.


And I bought a 24"x24" (60cm x 60cm) softbox of ebay ...


I also won a Nikon SB-28 with a broken foot on ebay tonight, so now I'll have three of them... :-D

So yeah expanding/upgrading my lighting gear :-)

Now I need to get another Cactus V4 receiver for my 3rd SB-28, plus another light stand... might try to get one with a boom arm if i can find one reasonably priced (any suggestions about that one?)

05-04-2010, 8:18pm
woohooo i bought a macbook today!!! I think i'm just going crazy with buying things...-sigh-:rolleyes:

05-04-2010, 8:25pm
Just to let some know I did end up getting a Canon 70-200mm IS L lens....yay! and it's heavy.

06-04-2010, 5:45pm
Just ordered my 5d II, so excited!

Been waiting a long time for this baby!

06-04-2010, 10:34pm
I just upgraded from a used D80 to a new D90 for $240 difference. Thought it would be a bit cheaper but didn't postage cost.

Why? Because I wanted to, and I now have a camera with some warranty. Bought through Citiwide. Left Hong Kong Thursday, arrived this morning, Tuesday, after the Easter weekend. Can't complain at all.

06-04-2010, 10:38pm
Manfrotto 055XPROB with 808RC4 head.
I'm glad I enjoy this. Couldn't justify the expense otherwise.


08-04-2010, 10:26am
D700 arrived nice and early this morning!

Sadly posted off my D90 this morning also!

09-04-2010, 11:40pm
I finally took the plunge and got the D90 Body today.

So I guess I will be waiting ever so patiently for the 50mm f1.8D from Camera's Direct to arrive sometime next week.

Also got a couple of Sandisk Extreme 4GB memory cards from Cheap Chips this week.

It's all going to be living in a lovely Five Million Dollar Home too :th3:

Happy Birthday to me :food04:

11-04-2010, 1:17pm
Spyder3 Pro - picked it up yesterday - wow, what a difference.


11-04-2010, 11:15pm
Pairs nicely with my 135L - just need to find a decently priced 85L.
Might need to offload my non-L primes - I just don't use them enough.

12-04-2010, 3:38pm
Hooray! My 5D arrived, although the adapter plug they supplied for the charger seems to be faulty. Good thing the office DSLR had the same plug for the charger so I can at least charge the battery. (Who would of thought a Nikon could save the day?!)

Anyone know where I can buy those power cords that plug into the chargers? Would a Dicksmith or similar carry them?

Now to just wait for the CF card to arrive, kind of muck up the timing on that one, whoops!

12-04-2010, 3:39pm
And download the free 2.6 upgrade ;)

Thanks for that

Done :D

12-04-2010, 3:53pm
Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8!!

Cant wait till it arrives this week!

13-04-2010, 9:38am
Hooray! My 5D arrived, although the adapter plug they supplied for the charger seems to be faulty. Good thing the office DSLR had the same plug for the charger so I can at least charge the battery. (Who would of thought a Nikon could save the day?!)

Anyone know where I can buy those power cords that plug into the chargers? Would a Dicksmith or similar carry them?

Now to just wait for the CF card to arrive, kind of muck up the timing on that one, whoops!

To answer myself you can buy these cords from Dicksmith, much better than having to use an OS adapter just to plug your camera charger in, I don't know why the importers don't do this instead of the crappy little adapter plug they provide for grey imports.

13-04-2010, 5:38pm
I've just gone and got me a 5DmkII, couldn't resist having some fun doing a product shot.
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2033/4509607741_37920ece6e.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jrobertson_photography/4509607741/)

16-04-2010, 7:19pm
Just taken delivery of a nice big gold box.......................with a D3s hiding inside:D
and no the first shot is not going to be at 102,400 ISO to see what its like:lol2:

21-04-2010, 7:09pm
Woohoo, just opened the box to my new Canon EF 70-200mm F2.8 IS USM II... Can't wait to have a play with it:)

24-04-2010, 11:26am
I know I said a few more weeks,But,


It`s Mine,:efelant::party6::lol::food04::th3:

28-04-2010, 7:37pm
WOOHOO!!!:lol: Just got my new CANON EOS 350D + 75-300mm LENS!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
I am am so exited and i can not wait until morning so i can use it!!:):):) It is alot better than i thought:D WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol::efelant:

Shell B
28-04-2010, 8:13pm
Yahoo!! A Canon 7D arrived for me yesterday! :efelant:

28-04-2010, 8:18pm
Not as exciting as a new camera but my new Manfrotto 625 quick connect adaptor arrived yesterday. This will go on my monopod to save a lot of screwing and unscrewing adaptor plates!

30-04-2010, 2:57pm
Sekonic L-358 Light meter!

30-04-2010, 3:46pm
Really minor in the grand scheme of things but hopefully it'll make life a bit easier for me when shooting from a tripod - just got a Nikon ML-L3 remote for the D50.

01-05-2010, 12:08am
Just taken delivery of a nice big gold box.......................with a D3s hiding inside:D
and no the first shot is not going to be at 102,400 ISO to see what its like:lol2:
very cool

06-05-2010, 8:56pm
Bought myself a new lens today - Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D. Have yet to drop it on the camera and play with it but I'll be giving it a good working out over the weekend!

06-05-2010, 9:28pm
Sony CZ 85 1.4 ... pure goodness :D

07-05-2010, 10:05pm
Sony CZ 85 1.4 ... pure goodness :D

Nice mate, get rid of the sony badge and you will have a winner ;)

Just purchased a 580exII, should be able to have some fun now with two flashes :)

08-05-2010, 8:55am
Nice mate, get rid of the sony badge and you will have a winner ;)

ahh but alas my dear friend mercho .. that CZ badge indicates that this is very much a winner. ;) :)

08-05-2010, 9:03am
Not the traditional item to get excited about, but I've just bolted into my PC a new 1TB internal hard drive and another 2GB of RAM....mmmm the speeeeeed!

08-05-2010, 2:15pm
Just picked up a BG-E7, Battery Grip for my 7D

08-05-2010, 2:54pm
Bella went and bought a new couch this morning .. does that count :confused013
She says if im allowed to buy expensive lenses :action:, shes allowed to buy furniture. Never one to miss an opportunity my precious. :devil32:

08-05-2010, 3:34pm
Picked up some camera armor for my 5D II, its always such a worry when hanging around on ropes with my camera swinging around with all my metal gear, at least I can be a little less worried now. Its make the body a little chunky but I'd perfer chunky over damaged.

11-05-2010, 12:32pm
New Apple Macbook Pro!

11-05-2010, 2:35pm
New Apple Macbook Pro!

bout time too :p

11-05-2010, 7:07pm
Just churned to Internode! Loving this speed!


16-05-2010, 3:55pm
"The Node" rocks

I find them very reliable.

16-05-2010, 8:05pm
I'm not one to post here (as I don't often buy photography gear these days), but today I bought a shiny new Canon EOS 5D Mark II to replace my Canon EOS 5D which was killed by the ocean (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=57414) this morning.

Thats the way mate .. back on the horse :th3:

16-05-2010, 8:11pm
Thats the way mate .. back on the horse :th3:

:lol: But stay out of the water!

17-05-2010, 2:10pm
A nice relatively cheap purchase this time - a Manfrotto 026 Umbrella Swivel - oddly and confusingly shown on many websites upside down... :confused013


Beats the pants off the plastic HK junk....


17-05-2010, 5:55pm
A nice relatively cheap purchase this time - a Manfrotto 026 Umbrella Swivel - oddly and confusingly shown on many websites upside down... :confused013


Beats the pants off the plastic HK junk....


That image is upside down... the umbrella mounts in the top part so that you can adjust the angle of the umbrella....

17-05-2010, 6:59pm
A nice relatively cheap purchase this time - a Manfrotto 026 Umbrella Swivel - oddly and confusingly shown on many websites upside down... :confused013

Beats the pants off the plastic HK junk....


I have a couple of these Mnafrotto ones ... ############## has a metal one (http://##############.com.au/store//catalog/product_info.php?cPath=50&products_id=117) as well which is a little bit cheaper. I have the plastic one as well which is a little dodgy.

17-05-2010, 9:12pm
That image is upside down... the umbrella mounts in the top part so that you can adjust the angle of the umbrella....

That is what I said in my post........ :cool:

18-05-2010, 1:30pm
Couple of things this week ...

iMac 27" (Quad i7, 8GB, 1tb)
Canon 50mm 1.2L

Let the bokeh begin...

18-05-2010, 1:38pm
Sony Alpha a500 :)

18-05-2010, 1:40pm
Sony Alpha a500 :)

you gotta be kidding me ...

18-05-2010, 4:56pm
you gotta be kidding me ...


18-05-2010, 5:14pm

why ???? thought it was obvious Paulie .... why do you keep buying more cameras, and switching brands on top of that ... Of course, its your money mate, and your perogative, but you quite often tell us that youre not happy with your photography ... maybe you should stick to one camera and learn the hell out of it. I just dont understand why you keep on buying all this gear mate.

18-05-2010, 8:07pm

Maybe your own post should answer that one Paul : http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showpost.php?p=583925&postcount=17

18-05-2010, 11:09pm
Although I love my Crumpler strap, I don't always love having a strap attached to the camera.

Just got a Luma labs (http://www.luma-labs.com/) strap:


18-05-2010, 11:39pm

No one can keep pace with you, not even the camera manufacturers. New gear addiction is better than smokes or booze but almost as expensive.

OK, my more modest addition for the day was a Manfrotto 190XDB and Manfrotto 391RC2 head.

That means that I now have 2.6667* tripods and 2 monopods and one of those bendy things. I only have 1 digital camera and 1 film camera.

* A foot fell off one of the tripods.

Last week it was an Olympus M.Zuiko 9-18mm zoom for my Olympus Pen E-P1. The lens came to me from the land of the rising sun. I enquired today when picking up the tripod and the lens is still not available in Australia and Olympus has yet to advise a rrp.

Cheers all and enjoy your hobby whatever way you want (addictions included).

19-05-2010, 12:16pm
Also bought a new tripod finally.

19-05-2010, 2:45pm
Bought a 2nd Hand 5D locally for $500, with grip, 3 batteries, charger, EX15 extender, and a bag. It has a broken CF card door but not an issue for me as long as it takes photos.

An 50mm f1.8 from local store

An Sigma 15-30mm from ebay

19-05-2010, 3:31pm
bought a 2nd hand 5d locally for $500, with grip, 3 batteries, charger, ex15 extender, and a bag. It has a broken cf card door but not an issue for me as long as it takes photos.

An 50mm f1.8 from local store

an sigma 15-30mm from ebay

5d $500 = bargain!

19-05-2010, 5:19pm
Well, you just wouldnt believe it. I have just got home from work and was outside when my two beautiful kids called me in and said that I had to sit down on the couch and close my eyes. (At this stage I was really starting to worry abit) I then had to put on our traditional Birthday hay and keep my eyes closed ( Now I knew there was something wrong because my birthday is in December:confused013)
The next thing I knew my wife, daughter and son placed a wrapped box in my hands and said.......... " Dad....Happy early Birthday..... Happy early Fathers day.......&. Merry early Christmas.
After opening the box .... this is what i was given.

What could I say to them but " YES... YES....YES"

I really am a spoilt Dad :D:D


19-05-2010, 6:16pm
It's a good feeling isn't it! mmmm ....7D

19-05-2010, 6:17pm
Fantastic Pete. I am sure you'll get hours of enjoyment from that camera :D

19-05-2010, 6:52pm
Well, you just wouldnt believe it. I have just got home from work and was outside when my two beautiful kids called me in and said that I had to sit down on the couch and close my eyes. (At this stage I was really starting to worry abit) I then had to put on our traditional Birthday hay and keep my eyes closed ( Now I knew there was something wrong because my birthday is in December:confused013)
The next thing I knew my wife, daughter and son placed a wrapped box in my hands and said.......... " Dad....Happy early Birthday..... Happy early Fathers day.......&. Merry early Christmas.
After opening the box ...

I will swap you, your children for my child. I can imagine how you feel. :th3:

19-05-2010, 8:03pm
I ordered a New Lowepro Slingshot 302 AW from Stu Simmonds [Quality Camera Sales Australia].
The big man personally delivered it, and I'm stoked.
What a fantastic bag; quality products and service.
Thanks Stu.
Cheers, Ray.

19-05-2010, 8:08pm
It's a good feeling isn't it! mmmm ....7D
Mic, Its a great feeling, know just have to learn how to use it :lol::lol:

Fantastic Pete. I am sure you'll get hours of enjoyment from that camera :D
Di. I hope so.

19-05-2010, 10:05pm
Got a new D300s on the weekend!

As if it couldn't get any better, I was just informed that I won a photo competition!

The prize:
A Thinktank Airport Security V2

Best. Week. Ever!

19-05-2010, 10:09pm
Well done on your purchase Chris, but even better Congrats on winning a photo comp.:th3:
What was the pic of ?

19-05-2010, 10:16pm
I know, still can't believe it!

The picture is a sunrise I took at our friend's farm last June.


Cheers :)

20-05-2010, 8:33am
Waaaay cool! Nice work Sue and the kids! (Say Hi from Nel and myself)

20-05-2010, 5:06pm
Waaaay cool! Nice work Sue and the kids! (Say Hi from Nel and myself)

Thanks Kim and say hi to Nel from us as well.Hope your both well

Mary Anne
20-05-2010, 10:09pm
Canon 5D + 24-105mm L lens + a few other goodies to go with it.


I am still in shock. I have not even opened the box I have only printed a copy of the receipt when we got home.
And taken a photo of everything for insurance purposes, with my 1st DSLR the 20D and 17-55mm f/2.8 lens.
The unopened box is still sitting on the bedroom floor I think I will open it tomorrow when I am not so shaky :D

Its for My Birthday Last month, our Anniversary next month, and my Early Christmas Present..
I had been hinting for ages for the 5D and I thought I was getting the 7D this week though had no idea I was getting a lens at well
Mind you I hinted enough for that lens too :efelant: and as our motto is *Your a long time dead* Tony said go for it..
And when Tony said I want good pics of my last trip home to Wales BUT you have to promise me you wont ask for any more Lenses.
So I told him I cannot promise that as I may need a new Macro lens one of these days..
I also need a new Monopod and a bigger trigger style ball head for it and the list goes on.. :lol:

21-05-2010, 7:30pm
Well I just got an early birthday present - Nikon D90 (near new) with 18-105mm lens, Nikon 70-300 f/4.5-5.6G VRII lens and a LowePro Flipside 200 bag. Can't wait to get it all setup and into use!

21-05-2010, 9:32pm
There will be no stopping ya now! Well done :)

22-05-2010, 12:41am
Went on a shopping spree!
Got myself a macbook white, a sigma 105mm, sigma 18-50 f2.8, a Nikon D200 and a Lowepro Nova 200.
keke lots of fun for me!

Robert Horler
22-05-2010, 12:43am
YES ! just got myself a Phottix Plato Remote Shutter release. Easy to set up and use and not too expensive. I need all the help I can get ;-)

22-05-2010, 10:24am
Canon 5D + 24-105mm L lens + a few other goodies to go with it.

I am still in shock. I have not even opened the box I have only printed a copy of the receipt when we got home.
And taken a photo of everything for insurance purposes, with my 1st DSLR the 20D and 17-55mm f/2.8 lens.
The unopened box is still sitting on the bedroom floor I think I will open it tomorrow when I am not so shaky :D

Its for My Birthday Last month, our Anniversary next month, and my Early Christmas Present..
I had been hinting for ages for the 5D and I thought I was getting the 7D this week though had no idea I was getting a lens at well
Mind you I hinted enough for that lens too :efelant: and as our motto is *Your a long time dead* Tony said go for it..
And when Tony said I want good pics of my last trip home to Wales BUT you have to promise me you wont ask for any more Lenses.
So I told him I cannot promise that as I may need a new Macro lens one of these days..
I also need a new Monopod and a bigger trigger style ball head for it and the list goes on.. :lol:

cool happy birthday mary anne, i hope tony gets extra special cuddles, thats a pretty rad present!

22-05-2010, 10:50am
Well well, looking at all the posts here over the last week or so it seems there are some very happy snappers around (and lacking a bit of sleep too, I bet ;)) Good on you and well done :D

My own aquisition this morning is not nearly as exciting as all of these but I am pleased to announce a cokin filter (ND Grad) kit including holder + additional cokin ND8 neutral grey...Should allow me to enjoy those sunrise shoots just that little bit longer :th3:

Mary Anne
22-05-2010, 11:21am
cool happy birthday mary anne, i hope tony gets extra special cuddles, thats a pretty rad present!

Thank You Tony is a wonderful Guy I am so lucky to have him..

And I hope everyone here gets as much pleasure from their new gear as I will, regardless of what it is :th3:

22-05-2010, 6:41pm
Well well, looking at all the posts here over the last week or so it seems there are some very happy snappers around (and lacking a bit of sleep too, I bet ;)) Good on you and well done :D

My own aquisition this morning is not nearly as exciting as all of these but I am pleased to announce a cokin filter (ND Grad) kit including holder + additional cokin ND8 neutral grey...Should allow me to enjoy those sunrise shoots just that little bit longer :th3:

Good work Roy! Can't wait to see the output with the GND!

22-05-2010, 9:25pm
new vanguard up rise 48 bag

it was so hard not to buy the 7d at work today. i kept holding it umming and ahhing (7d vs 5d mk2)

23-05-2010, 7:37am
Crumpler 7 Million Dollar Home to add to the bag collection.... :)

23-05-2010, 11:17am
Tamron 90mm. :)

24-05-2010, 6:07pm
To buy or not to buy a 'Multi-Power Battery Pack' - that was the question.
Lots of advice from lots of people so in the end I went and tried one, a Nikon (MB-D10).
End result is I bought one.

25-05-2010, 7:59am
Not camera gear but I just bought a Suunto t3c, very cool when you start hooking it all up with your bike and PC.

25-05-2010, 8:06am
Woo Hooo - got my first L glass last night. My 70-200mm 2.8 IS, can't wait to give it more of a test run :)

27-05-2010, 12:12pm
I purchased a Sigma 10-20mm lens last week from AP member Arnica. I am still waiting for an opportunity to try it out; looking forward to the Vivid Sydney meet to use it. :efelant:

27-05-2010, 9:10pm
Just received my HiTech 85 series filters from Formatt Filters in the UK. Post took its time but that could be due to the absence of a customs declaration and return address on the package. Pretty slack.

The filters seem fine other than being odd heights compared to the standard Cokin P series filters.

My little package consised of 1.2 and 2.4 ND filters, 0.9 GND hard transition and 0.9 reverse GND.

The latter was a little expensive (compared to the rest) and looks interesting. Not quite what I expected. A hard transition from clear to 0.9 then a very minor transition back to around 0.6 by looks of things. I would have expected the upper portion would have been a bit lighter. Anyway, I hope there is a bit of sun on the horizon at dawn on Saturday morning and the rain in Sydney stops for a day to give it a test drive.

27-05-2010, 9:14pm
Canon Speedlite 580EX II
Canon batteries & charger
Velbon Sherpa Tripod
Scott Kelby - Digital Photography 3 book box set

28-05-2010, 12:32pm
Well my husband secured first place in the "Best Husband in the World" stakes last night when he presented me with a 5D Mark II. [Insert enormous WooHooo here]

28-05-2010, 12:40pm
Well my husband secured first place in the "Best Husband in the World" stakes last night when he presented me with a 5D Mark II. [Insert enormous WooHooo here]

As a new Husband I'd like to take out a grievance against your husband for making the rest of us look so bad. :p

Seriously congrats :th3::D

As for me my Birthday present from my wife, and some to myself, was a new PC. It arrived last week but without the screen I had ordered as it was ordered separately. I am happy to say I am sitting at home bug eyed looking at my new Dell U2410 monitor which is displaying from my new Dell XPS 8100 PC (i7 processor, 8 cores, 8GB RAM). Can't wait to get Lightroom and Photoshop on here to see how much grunt and how awesome editing will be on this in comparison to my old PC a 17 inch laptop :party6:

Mary Anne
28-05-2010, 12:54pm
Well my husband secured first place in the "Best Husband in the World" stakes last night when he presented me with a 5D Mark II. [Insert enormous WooHooo here]

Good One Jules.. You will have fun and what a wonderful husband :th3:

Mine is up there too, he gave me the same camera last Thursday :efelant:

28-05-2010, 2:26pm
As a new Husband I'd like to take out a grievance against your husband for making the rest of us look so bad. :p...

I'll be sure to let him know you're displeased! Of course, you'll have to be annoyed with Mary Anne's husband too. :D

Congrats on the new PC setup BTW. Sounds like a mighty beast!

28-05-2010, 9:11pm
Not camera related but I am still excited. Picked up an iPad today! :efelant::efelant:

28-05-2010, 9:28pm
we had them all in store yesterday and had to reorganise the IT section for them. and if people rang at 8.59pm we still had to say we knew nothing about them. so silly. i do like the idea of the keyboard dock, but didnt get around to looking at the other accessiories. but otherwise i find them kinda useless. i dunno. maybe when i play with one at work on the weekend i might change my mind.

28-05-2010, 9:28pm
p.s any new purchase is always fun!!! enjoy!

oh and my light tent arrived the other day! i cant wait to use it!

28-05-2010, 10:31pm
Being a tradesman doing quotes and always on the go I like the bigger format than the iPhone. I used to do a lot of emailing and surfing on my iPhone so having fat fingers and a bigger keyboard is a huge advantage! I will mainly be using it from my vehicle for emailing and surfing the net so a lot of the shortcomings listed on the forums won't affect what I will use it for.

28-05-2010, 10:37pm
sounds perfect for what you want. enjoy!!!

i have a stupid desire to put skype on one and use it as a phone. :D

28-05-2010, 10:51pm
Hadn't thought of that, tempting! I am getting a mental image of people walking around with ipads next to their ears like the boom boxes on shoulders of not so long ago....

29-05-2010, 1:18am
Finally got my Canon 550D and turned out to be a pressie from my better half!! So the extra cash i've saved up will go into a good lens! woOhOO!!

01-06-2010, 5:34pm
Hello 7D! :)

02-06-2010, 12:18pm
I just scored an Olympus OM1 with a 50 1.8 lens in good condition. I'm pretty excited about it all.

02-06-2010, 7:04pm
just ordered a sigma 17-70mm for my d90, cant wait to use it

07-06-2010, 8:46am
Recently bought a Canon S90, getting a 70-200 f/2.8L IS MkI tomorrow and possibly swapping my 24-70L for a 50L soon!

f/1.2 drool....

09-06-2010, 7:57am
Yesterday I was given my grandfathers Yashica EE with a few other bits and pieces to it, only thing it was missing was it's manual. Off to check out all about it. Does anybody know anything about this camera.

09-06-2010, 10:43pm
Last of the splurges. The credit card is now looking terminally ill.
First L glass, an EF70-200 f/2.8L USM and a EF1.4 II Extender.
Now all I have to do is wait for the kitesurfing season to begin. In August/September. Bloody winter.

10-06-2010, 11:04am
Woohoo! My hubby bought me a Nikon D90 and a 18 - 105mm lens for my birthday. A little late but only because I was so unsure what I wanted. I have posted a few photos but need to get out a bit more and USE it.

10-06-2010, 5:43pm
Woo got my new Canon SLR on Monday, have been playing with it a little, not much I can do with work and the freezing nights, cant wait til the long weekend!

I bought a Canon Kiss X4 (Jap version of the 550D/T2i) was ordered and paid for on Friday afternoon, got here from Hong Kong on Monday afternoon. I doubt that I could have got something shipped from Melbourne that quickly.

I got it with the 18-55mm kit lens and also the cheapy canon 50mm lens. Though reading around this site, and my interest is in mainly landscape and out doors stuff, I might be purchasing an UWA real soon. Maybe when I figure things out a little more :)


10-06-2010, 6:00pm
Not really a specific item but........

Our first real camera store opened today

Camera House has arrived in Rockhampton

11-06-2010, 9:02pm
Bought the 50mm f1.8 yesterday and took it out and about in the city. Seems like a neat lens but I have a long way to go in order to master it haha.

12-06-2010, 3:07pm
Just picked up a Glanz ST LK160DI lighting kit.
3 x160wt heads, stands and umbrellas.

A basic kit but will get me started

12-06-2010, 9:54pm
Hmm well I splashed out a little before I thought I would and I just picked up a MacBook Pro 15" i7 with high res anti-glare screen, very nice!

15-06-2010, 7:27pm
Should be receiving a Canon BG-E7 battery grip tomorrow. :)

16-06-2010, 1:26pm
Just got a 550D Body, a 17-85mm IS USM Lens, a Kenko UV Filter, 2 8gb SDHC cards, a BG-E8 Battery Grip and 2 spare batteries. Should really buy a bag to put this stuff in, probably also need a lens hood, and i think i need a longer zoom lens, but hey its a good start for someone new

16-06-2010, 1:41pm
Just got a 550D Body, a 17-85mm IS USM Lens, a Kenko UV Filter, 2 8gb SDHC cards, a BG-E8 Battery Grip and 2 spare batteries. Should really buy a bag to put this stuff in, probably also need a lens hood, and i think i need a longer zoom lens, but hey its a good start for someone new

The rot is about to set in :lol2: it is never ending!

My new toy arrived yesterday, a Sigma 180 mm macro lens, I have been after it for a long time, so, RIP 105 mm!

16-06-2010, 2:30pm
Today via post arrived my much awaited new lens. Nikkor 85mm f/1.4D IF.
Im so relieved it arrived i bought it online with a company i'm not familiar with. But true to there word, it was an easy transaction and super fast delivery.
Only i should have bought a uv filter to keep her safe.I hope this enhances my photography skills.;)

16-06-2010, 7:12pm
My 580EX II speedlite arrived today, very happy! A great bit of gear that can do so much. Even after only a couple of quick test shots I am amazed at what a difference it can make.

16-06-2010, 8:00pm
Bought a couple of lights from Fotogen, to use with a cheap soft box I got a month or so ago. Not very exciting...

I @ M
16-06-2010, 8:05pm
Today via post arrived my much awaited new lens. Nikkor 85mm f/1.4D IF.

Yummmmm, go forth and enjoy that one. :th3:

Bought a couple of lights from Fotogen, to use with a cheap soft box I got a month or so ago. Not very exciting...

I reckon any new gear is exciting :th3: and the fotogen lights seem to be pretty reliable units, we have one here that is giving good service.

16-06-2010, 8:13pm
the fotogen lights seem to be pretty reliable units, we have one here that is giving good service.

Well - thats good to hear. I expect to have some fun with it.

17-06-2010, 11:42pm
I finally got my hands on the 100-400mm L I have been wanting for birding and nature shots to take me to a new genre beyond my bread and butter seascapes and landscapes a couple of weeks ago. I have started to make use of it and am very impressed with it so far.

Today I brought and am now I waiting on delivery of my new 100mm 2.8 USM macro lens which should get me started on macro photography and add to my lens capability for portraits in low light conditions. I checked out the IS version but it cost twice as much and I should start at the bottom of the ladder in macro to match my experience.

I have been toying with the idea of the 70-200mm 2.8 non IS version but have decided for now to leave that one go and wait until I really really 'need' it down the road sometime. I have enough lenses in my kit now and have no room for it anyway :D.

The 100-400 and 100mm will introduce me to new genres of photography and I need that now to freshen me up and teach me new things on the long long journey to calling myself a tog.

Next on my list ....learn how to use what I already have in different genres and buy no new lenses this year: 5D II body will be my next upgrade...in 2011 to get me started in the full frame body world.

18-06-2010, 1:37pm
I finally got my hands on the 100-400mm L

100-400, and an "L" to boot - gotta be excited about that!

18-06-2010, 4:04pm
24-70mm f2.8 L canon :banana::banana::banana::pirsmile:

18-06-2010, 4:53pm
24-70mm f2.8 L canon :banana::banana::banana::pirsmile:

Nice work: definitely on my wish list for next year when I get serious about going to 2.8 glass.

18-06-2010, 6:24pm
Not that exciting... but I got a 40m x 48mm roll of black gaffer tape from Dick Smith yesterday... I've never been sure where to find it and was in my local DSE yesterday killing time and saw it, so grabbed it to add to my grip gear :-)

Looks like this, except its the 40m roll:

18-06-2010, 8:25pm
Announcing the newest addition to our "family"- A D300s. Now Wayne has to work out how to use it- AND teach me to use the D60.

18-06-2010, 8:41pm
Two weeks ago a special little guy was brought into my life. Didn't want to mention it too early incase the little bugger didn't make it through the 1st few weeks in this harsh and unforgiving world.

I am now the proud owner of a 1DmkIV :eek:

18-06-2010, 9:09pm
24-70mm f2.8 L canon :banana::banana::banana::pirsmile:

Well done, I'll bet you agonised over it big time (like I did) but you won't regret it

....and just wait till you go full frame :) :) :)

18-06-2010, 10:04pm
Finally got my mits on the 70-200 2.8L IS MKI. I had the non-IS version, and the Nikkor equivalent a while back but never used it. Hopefully this time round it'll get a workout. Once my exams are over ... *headache*. I should study ... bah!

Got rid of my 24-70L and now I regret it.

20-06-2010, 10:47pm
I have been searching for a Canon 10-22mm for a while, one came up second hand on Ebay yesterday which I grabbed and picked up today. In excellent condition, I can't wait to get a chance to try it out properly, :food04:

20-06-2010, 11:59pm
Well the Glanz lights went back 2 days after purchase.

Picked up a couple of new light stands, a bag for them and a 60x60 soft box for my 580EXII in their place

21-06-2010, 2:24am
I have been searching for a Canon 10-22mm for a while, one came up second hand on Ebay yesterday which I grabbed and picked up today. In excellent condition, I can't wait to get a chance to try it out properly, :food04:

Well done Boof: I took my first shots with that lens at Trinity Beach for a sunrise: you will not be disappointed with it I suspect particularly for landscape and architecture work.

23-06-2010, 4:54pm
A good day from the mailman, my new ST-E2 Speedlite Transmitter and O Flash turned up today. Dilemma: I don't know what to try out first!

23-06-2010, 5:06pm
Just got my delivery too - of my lights from Fotogen

Unfortunately - one of the bulbs is broken (sigh)

24-06-2010, 11:19am
Unfortunately - one of the bulbs is broken (sigh)

But they're sending a replacement, no questions asked - good stuff from Fotogen!

It all seemed to be packaged up nicely, tight fitting foam box around each bulb, in another box, then the package.

24-06-2010, 11:46am
Picked up Michael Morcombes Field Guide yesterday

25-06-2010, 7:18am
I now have a D90 and Nikon 18-200VRII lens.
I have been thinking about upgrading my D40 for a while and the opportunity came up and I took it. Although I've been taking pictures around the house, I can't wait to try it out properly.
The only problem - the new camera and lens weigh 491g more :eek: than what I am used to with my old camera and lens - my wrists were actually sore after the first day of using it around my home.
So far, I like what I have seen in my D90 ... :efelant: Happy Days !!!

25-06-2010, 9:57am
Congratulations Judy on your purchase. :th3:

I know you'll get the best out of your new gear, you certainly have enough capability to push the gear to it limits. :)

25-06-2010, 5:29pm
Just picked up a second hand 24-70L. Glass looks to be in great condition - few scratches on the outside but pretty good condition. Dont see them often and it had been in the shop less than a day. Inc hood. $1100 serviced and w 3mth warranty (its 2008 model). Looking forward to testing it out.

25-06-2010, 5:44pm
Just picked up one of these little bad boys... really enjoying using it so far.
Planning on mounting some Rangefinder glass to it

my serendipity
29-06-2010, 9:58am
Woohoo! I just got a Canon 100mm f2.8 macro lens. I've been thinking about one for ages and suddenly the time was right and I snapped and bought one! Can't wait to focus on the small details in life for a while.

29-06-2010, 10:35am
Woohoo! I just got a Canon 100mm f2.8 macro lens

The "L" one, with IS?

29-06-2010, 7:41pm
Not exactly 'gear'. but I just picked up Photoshop CS5. Now I have to figure out how to use it. I think my PC could well be the next upgrade as Photoshop runs like a dog. I think a new computer will be next.

29-06-2010, 7:50pm
got myself a nissin i622 speedlight and a HONL photo professional filter kit today.... waiting for my mamiya rb67 in the mail... yayyyy me!:cool:

30-06-2010, 10:55am
Finally purchased a Nikon 70-200vrII after months of studying reviews and talking to anyone who had an opinion about this lens.

What a wonderfull piece of gear, its everything they say it is.

Coupled with the TC20 III it makes for a great long lens combo on my D300.

30-06-2010, 5:06pm
Woohoo my new MARCO Ring LED Light turned up today!!! Very happy with it:


Can anybody tell me if I could also use this for macro photography? I reckon it could work a treat! :lol:

30-06-2010, 5:17pm
Only little - but I just ordered a remote shutter release for my D90. I forsee lots of silly family photos being taken soon :)

I have also pre-ordered the new edition of 'Understanding Exposure' by Bryan Peterson. Everyone raves about it on here, so I did some looking online and then saw that a new edition is being release in August.

30-06-2010, 9:58pm
@boofhead, yes you can use that for macro.

Got myself a vanguard 263at woth ballhead tripod.

Next on the list: a Kenko Teleplus Pro DG 2x.

Old Skool
30-06-2010, 11:53pm
Upgraded my 30D to a 50D - I was looking at the 7D, but Harvey Norman financial year sale of $842 for the 50D body made it very hard to justify spending about $2200 on a 7D.
So far I love it!

01-07-2010, 12:26am
picked up the canon 400mm 5.6L lens on the weekend lovely piece of kit!

05-07-2010, 1:17am
Finally got hold of a Canon 10-22mm & Canon 24-105mm L ...can't wait to test them out!

05-07-2010, 10:31am
Finally, after a year of searching, found a contax/yashica mount adapter for Nikon.

Have now been able to use the carl zeiss 35mm 1.4 and 50mm 1.7 on my D700.
worth it for the $40 investment!

05-07-2010, 2:48pm
just got my new 50mm f1.4, will have a play with it tonight, but will have to wait till the weekend to have a real play, and have picked which tripod i am going to get once i get my tax back. thanks to everone who gave me advice on both.


05-07-2010, 11:36pm
i lost the quick release to my tripod. (im 90% sure it fell in the bin during my exams :( )

so bought another one yesterday. Now i have 1.9 tripods. I was not impressed that the tripod went up $4 over 4 years!

And then... a set of Lee swatches mysteriously showed up in my letter box today! I was so stoked. I didn't think they would come and was planning to pop into a lighting shop this week!

So tonight i got crafty and made some holders for them :)

05-07-2010, 11:43pm
I've ordered an O flash ring which attaches to my SB800 and will hopefully be a pseudo ring flash for my macro photography. Should arrive any day now!

06-07-2010, 12:45am
Just got my 100mm f/2.8 USM Macro today! Sooo much fun:)

06-07-2010, 2:32am
ive just got me a hoya nd8 filter! best thing ive bought! :)

06-07-2010, 11:16am
After many setbacks I finally got my first DSLR on Sunday. The Pentax k-x - which I fell in love with some ago the first time I got my hands on one. Went with the Sigma 18-125 for it rather than the standard kit lens. A cheap, fast prime is next on the list.

08-07-2010, 6:30pm


08-07-2010, 6:51pm


What fertilizer are you putting on your money tree Daz? :P
Intereted in seeing what you get out of this one - I'm on the fence about going into the micro 4/3 market for a travel camera.

08-07-2010, 6:55pm
Since getting my 5DII, I haven't yet been able to take any macro shots with it as my beloved 60mm macro wasn't FF compatible.

I no longer have that problem.

Thanks to a very tidy bonus this week, I am now the impressed new owner of a Canon 100mm f2.8 Macro USM lens. With IS. It's sweet.

09-07-2010, 8:11pm
I have been borrowing a friends EF16-35/2.8, but was happy with the Pentax 16-50/2.8 on crop, so I managed to find a 'like-new' Tokina 16-50/2.8 on ebay. I offered $450 cash and was rejected for low-balling, but his listing was poorly titled so hard to find on search and I won it for only $385...

10-07-2010, 11:35am
got myself a nissin di622 flash, now just needs to learn how to use it :D

10-07-2010, 12:40pm
What fertilizer are you putting on your money tree Daz? :P
Intereted in seeing what you get out of this one - I'm on the fence about going into the micro 4/3 market for a travel camera.

Its just about wilted now mate .. Just getting in quick whilst I still can :D (ie. once Bella becomes Mrs Gray in October, my bank account will be renamed to something like "household essentials" rather than "my money for new toys" like it is now ... :eek::D

10-07-2010, 4:28pm
My latest piece of photo equipment is a pair of waterproof low-slip boots for rock hopping. Hopefull a bit less chilly than the old Dunlop Volleys (and less smelly).

10-07-2010, 4:45pm
Its just about wilted now mate .. Just getting in quick whilst I still can :D (ie. once Bella becomes Mrs Gray in October, my bank account will be renamed to something like "household essentials" rather than "my money for new toys" like it is now ... :eek::D

haha that's exactly what happens... i got married 4th July last year and my last major camera purchase before i got married was my 70-200 F2.8L... so glad i managed to get it before else it wouldn't have happened haha

10-07-2010, 5:23pm
Haven`t you blokes heard of a "Pre Nuptial Agreement",Love,Honour and support my Photography,until Death you do part.:lol:

10-07-2010, 5:27pm
Oh my wife is pretty good, she likes my photography hobby, but these first 12 months so far have been pretty tough financially, as for the first 6 months my wife was finishing her uni degree and was only working at a restaurant part time at the same time, and we have had a lot of big bills setting with furniture etc and other house starting costs, so once we get on top of the bills I'll be allowed to buy more gear... :-) so I can't complain... :-)

10-07-2010, 7:00pm
Just had a mini shopping spree this weekend. I love tax return time:)

- a pair of the latest Yongnuo YN-560 flashes to go with my Sb's.
- Also picked up two of the Kinchrome Pelican knock off cases from Bunnings
-Honeycomb grid for my softbox
- Backdrop stand and some seamless paper - now I just have to find somewhere in my house large enough to set it up.

12-07-2010, 3:49pm
I just ordered a Nikon 24-70mm f2.8 ED lens....... I can not wait for it to arrive, I may well be too sick to go into work when it arrives :D

12-07-2010, 7:14pm
I just got my 2nd Canon 40D sent to me today. Only 2400 clicks on the clock.
My 1st Canon 40D is with Canon Service for shutter replacement.

13-07-2010, 1:12pm
not hugely exciting, but exciting enough for me to post! got my first "non-kit" lens yesterday.

canon EF 50mm 1.8 II, the good old nifty fifty

now to find someone to practise my portraiture on...

13-07-2010, 4:35pm
Nothing too exciting like a new lens or camera. I received my "O" Flash in the mail yesterday which I plan to use for macro and portrait photography. It gives a great diffusion to the light.

14-07-2010, 7:05am
Woohoo, my lovely partner just handed me some Kenko extension tubes! Might have to take today off to try them out.

14-07-2010, 1:54pm
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just recieved my 24-70mm f2.8!! I think I'll name her "Nikole". :banana:

15-07-2010, 12:38am
Woohoo! Just won an auction on ebay for a Rolleiflex 3.5T !! Yeah! Can't wait for it to arrive.

15-07-2010, 1:19pm
Woohoo! At last the procastonation can come to an end. I have for sometime been twoing and froeing between what to upgrade too on a limited budget. Decision made - Just purchased one of the last available 50D's in Brisbane (second last one for this store), great price $825.
So the box is open on my desk, first charge on the battery is under way and I am aiming at an early mark to go home and play with the new piece of kit.
Woowhoo, cant wait to bolt on my 70-200L and see what htis shucker can do.

15-07-2010, 2:13pm
^^Congrats Mike, have fun with your new toy!

15-07-2010, 3:06pm
^^Congrats Mike, have fun with your new toy!

Thanx Jules - I am like a kid with a new toy at the moment, which is a bit embarrassing for someone who is 53. :-)

15-07-2010, 3:15pm
Just picked up my brand new :clogo: 7D.

Now to update my signature. :Doh:


15-07-2010, 3:22pm
just heard i should be receiving delivery of my 50mm 1.4 USMsometime tomorrow!!

15-07-2010, 3:30pm
Been a good couple of days for me. I have received a set of Kenko extension tubes from my lovely partner Cheryl. My new wireless remote and Manfrotto 234 tilt head for my monopod arrived. But most importantly, you will understand if you have seen many of my photos recently, my sensor cleaning kit is here :efelant: :efelant: :efelant:

Now I just have to set aside a couple of hours, take a long shot to calm the nerves, and try to clean my camera thoroughly. :)

15-07-2010, 4:43pm
Just picked up my brand new :clogo: 7D.

Now to update my signature. :Doh:


Yea, good to hear you have it now mate. Look forward to seeing some shots now.

15-07-2010, 9:10pm
Woohoo! At last the procastonation can come to an end. I have for sometime been twoing and froeing between what to upgrade too on a limited budget. Decision made - Just purchased one of the last available 50D's in Brisbane (second last one for this store), great price $825.
So the box is open on my desk, first charge on the battery is under way and I am aiming at an early mark to go home and play with the new piece of kit.
Woowhoo, cant wait to bolt on my 70-200L and see what htis shucker can do.

Congrats Mike. I remember reading one of your posts where you have been umming and ahhing over buying one so it's great you finally made the decision. :)

15-07-2010, 10:03pm
I just got my new (to me) Nikkor 28-70 f2.8

and I have a new (to me) Tamrac Expedition 8 coming my way too. Woohoo.


16-07-2010, 6:29pm
I got to add another black and white box to my collection today! It is quite a pile up on top of the wardrobe.

(oh and yes it had a Canon 1.4xII extender in it - 12 months old, under $300:efelant:)

17-07-2010, 7:12pm
After deliberating and pounding my head about tripods and the different styles of heads, I finally bought a Benro Carbon 297 tripod and the Benro B-2 ball head. Now to find out if I made the right choice and take some photos.

21-07-2010, 11:23am
Just ordered my Black Rapid DR-1 Double Strap + 2 x Joey-2 storage packs. Sweet :D

21-07-2010, 1:24pm
Yesterday I ordered a new laptop and some accessories. Not photo gear, but will be used for photo editing.

Dell Studio XPS 16 (http://www1.ap.dell.com/content/products/productdetails.aspx/laptop-studio-xps-16?c=au&l=en&s=dhs&cs=audhs1)
i7-740QM, 6GB DDR3, 1GB ATI Radeon 5730 and the epic 16" RGBLED screen (http://www.anandtech.com/show/3509).

Also ordered a G.Skill 120GB Phoenix Pro SSD (http://www.gskill.com/products.php?index=284) to go in it. The 500GB 7200RPM drive will go in a CoolerMaster case (http://www.coolermaster.com/product.php?product_id=6605) I grabbed at the same time, to add more storage.

While I was splurging I ordered a Crumpler Dreadful Embarrassment (http://www.crumpler.com/AU/Laptop-Bags/Laptop-Messenger-Bags/Dreadful-Embarrassment.html?LanguageCode=EN&SKU=DE16A) to cart it all round in.

22-07-2010, 9:59am
Yay.. the long awaited day has come!
Yesterday i bought myself my new camera.
Canon 7D, Battery Grip and Second Battery :) went through the extensive menu system last night :O
i have alot of playing around to do :) hehe

23-07-2010, 8:28pm
...well not quite got it yet - I bought a SB-600 speedlight and Nikon 50mm f1.8 through DWI and I have missed the FedEx courier twice -:(- Not Happy !!! Now I have to wait ALL weekend.
But on the upside, something to look forward to next week :th3:

23-07-2010, 10:13pm
Just took delivery of my shiny new Zuiko 50-200 SWD f2.8-3.5 lens and EC-14 1.4 teleconverter! *dances*

24-07-2010, 8:39pm
Just picked up my Blackrapid RS-7, (http://www.blackrapid.com/product/camera-strap/rs-7/) fresh from the U.S.

26-07-2010, 2:22pm
...well not quite got it yet - I bought a SB-600 speedlight and Nikon 50mm f1.8 through DWI and I have missed the FedEx courier twice -:(- Not Happy !!! Now I have to wait ALL weekend.
But on the upside, something to look forward to next week :th3:

All good things come to those who wait. Just got my new speedlight and nifty fifty.

26-07-2010, 2:37pm
Received a 16 year old Canon 100-300 5.6L. Aussome!!!! So excited :)

So far it takes great pictures....

26-07-2010, 11:33pm
Just placed an order with B&H photo for a Canon 60mm lens :D

Should be here by the end of the week/early next week.

Yay for having awesome parents and being able to twist their arms to the fact that I simply needed that lens for Uni :efelant:

28-07-2010, 8:17am
Picked up a Sigma 50mm f/1.4 ... have been using it close to a week now. Excellent lens!

29-07-2010, 1:28pm
My Black Rapid gear just arrived ....... to the trash can with the standard kit strap for Dazzler :D

29-07-2010, 3:40pm
What did you get Darren ?

29-07-2010, 3:58pm
I so lashed out!! just got this week a Canon 7D, 70-200 f2.8 Is, canon 50mm f1.8, wireless triggers, sekonic light metre and a shoot through umbrella. Fewwww, geez, now I'm broke. Oh well I wont regret it just had to bit the bullet, looks like beans on toast for a few weeks !!

29-07-2010, 4:15pm
What did you get Darren ?

DR-1 and 2 x Joey-2s ........ but ...... they only shipped 1 of the Joeys :rolleyes:

Waiting on reply email now ... :Doh:

29-07-2010, 5:01pm
Been a few days now but, on Monday, I got myself a sigma 10-20 mm f 3.5. With this recent crap weather, it's been hard to get out to use it :(

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

29-07-2010, 5:29pm
Have fun. I love what it can do to skies.

30-07-2010, 12:37pm
Ashahi Pentax Takumar-A 2X Tele-converter (the Ka version 6 contacts) off eBay for a song - Yay!
Just arrived - lens clean as, looks hardly used.
On my 500mm - moonshots here I come.

30-07-2010, 5:11pm
Picked up a little lowepro 100AW today off Tony (maccaroneski) for little walkabout trips.

Ive worked out how to fit my FF body with 85 1.4 attached, a 50 prime, a flash, a set of triggers, memory card wallet, batteries for camera and flash, and my BR strap .. plus my business cards, wallet, keys, and sunnies.

If youve seen the size of this bag, your be impressed with the above :D

Im gonna mod it so I can attach a lightstand w/umbrella adapter, a small brolly, and a twist fold reflector.

Perfect portable strobist kit :D

01-08-2010, 11:05am
I purchased my first DSLR on Friday. Picked up the 50D with 18-200mm lens!
So far I'm loving it. Now I will just have to get out and shoot.

01-08-2010, 11:19am
Bought a Leica Digilux 2 from the UK. Hope to have it by late next week.

02-08-2010, 10:03am
Feeling like a 7 year old on Christmas Eve, my new Zeiss Distagon 35mm f/2 should be delivered today.

At work.



03-08-2010, 7:49pm
my 30mm 1.4 arrived!! and its aaaamaaaahzingggg :)

04-08-2010, 5:52am
Finally have temporarily ended my dilemma about which Nikon super tele to buy.
Just got a new 200-400 VRII for a price too good to say no. This lens was my 3rd choice (the others being the 300 & 400 2.8's) but at the price I paid, I will give it a go and sell it if I don't like it.

Just waiting on delivery :(

04-08-2010, 1:02pm
Finally won a nifty fifty off eBay last night. Pentax-M 50mm 1.7. Fun times ahead.

Got my shoot through umbrella a couple weeks back - and broke it in last week - so next on my list is a flash.

05-08-2010, 4:46pm
I just downloaded GIMP and have been playing for ages - although free does this count??

05-08-2010, 10:30pm
Just bought a Nikon 24-70 F2.8! Can't wait til it arrives next week.

05-08-2010, 10:36pm
Just bought a Nikon F5 body and running a test roll through it now. I've only got one AI lens to use with it at the moment (an 80-200 manual lens), but I can already tell it's going to be a lightening fast focuser and shooter... Might try the 8fps setting tomorrow, just to see what happens to the film

05-08-2010, 10:42pm
just added a mamiya rb 67 to my collection of film cameras! love the sound of the shutter! woohoo!

05-08-2010, 10:50pm
I just bought a whacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man from Al Harrington's whacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man Emporium and warehouse.

06-08-2010, 4:48am
Today I take possession of a full frame Canon body,the 1Ds Mark ll.

* removed- items must not be posted for sale anywhere on the site, except in the classifieds forum - admin *

I have also bought a collection of top quality ND filters from B @ W and am starting to collect my Lee GND filter set together..I am going all out landscape tog and trying to get good at one genre. I hope this camera gear r/w and acquiring Photoshop CS5 and getting lessons from Dave deGroote will improve my outcomes.

06-08-2010, 8:03am
Today I take possession of a full frame Canon body,the 1Ds Mark ll.

I have decided that landscapes and seascapes and waterfalls is my 'thing', not portraits or wildlife or anything else so I am off loading 'surplus to requirements' things like my 100 - 400 L, sold the 10-22mm that will not work on a full frame body, my 1.4 teleconverter and 50 mm 1.8 II lens is going as well. The hardest things to give up good lenses and camera bodies (yep my six month old 50D is up for grabs too) but I do not need them so they have to go.

I have also bought a collection of top quality ND filters from B @ W and am starting to collect my Lee GND filter set together..I am going all out landscape tog and trying to get good at one genre. I hope this camera gear r/w and acquiring Photoshop CS5 and getting lessons from Dave deGroote will improve my outcomes.

I'd say keep the 50 1.8, its only worth ~$80 or so... you may use it as some stage... Mod edit -- trading is only to be done in the classifieds section.

06-08-2010, 8:24am
Just received my new Sigma 17-70 f2.8-4.5 from Digital Camera Warehouse.

06-08-2010, 10:37am
Sigma 1.4TC arrived while i was away - may play with it on the w/end !!

06-08-2010, 6:01pm
I just got my new tripod Gitzo GT5541LS

Holy crap it is huge!! I knew it would be built strong but this is an enormous piece of kit!!!!!!!!!!

Now the new Canon 600mm f/4 IS USM will be as solid as a giant bloody rock

Woo hooo!

06-08-2010, 8:30pm
ADOX - Golf circa 1958 - just for ornamental reasons:) And the way the lens pops out, tis cool

Love it! I have some old ones around the house, just cause I like the look of them.

Whoo! I got my new Sony Nex5 today. It's prolly not much for you lot with all your gear but I'm excited ;)

07-08-2010, 7:39am
Whoo! I got my new Sony Nex5 today. It's prolly not much for you lot with all your gear but I'm excited ;)

I picked up one a couple of weeks ago too ... will be my only travelmate from now on. The big cameras will be staying at home. Suitably impressed with just about everything about it. I think youll be pleased. :th3:

07-08-2010, 12:28pm
I picked up one a couple of weeks ago too ... will be my only travelmate from now on. The big cameras will be staying at home. Suitably impressed with just about everything about it. I think youll be pleased. :th3:

I still have to figure out how to use it as I've only ever used point and shoot. I checked out pics you took with yours - hope I can take some half as good! I'm off to NZ in a few weeks so hopefully will be operational by then.

08-08-2010, 10:58pm
Spyder3 Pro arrived Friday. Gone on a calibration rampage, lol. New laptop, home PC, TV, mates PC, mates TV, mates laptop. Work machine is tomorrow, parents TV Thursday, haha.

09-08-2010, 11:43am
Spyder3 Pro arrived Friday. Gone on a calibration rampage, lol. New laptop, home PC, TV, mates PC, mates TV, mates laptop. Work machine is tomorrow, parents TV Thursday, haha.

Lunatick ... :D

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-08-2010, 10:01am
Hi all, been missing in action for a while, noticed D90's got kinda cheap, figured a new model is on the way, so picked one up, very happy with it :)

10-08-2010, 11:19am
Sold my EFS lenses + Canon 50D and have just taken delivery of my Canon 5D 11, love the full frame and feel I will have this camera for a long time.
PS Got back what I originally paid for my EFS lenses on eBay - so its not all bad :efelant:

10-08-2010, 1:07pm
Arrived this morning at my parents house and is now waiting for me is a new 50D. :efelant:

10-08-2010, 5:23pm
Just got my Voigtlander 58/1.4 Nokton SLII this afternoon. Yay :D

10-08-2010, 5:33pm
Actually make that a double woot! Look what else just turned up...

10-08-2010, 10:25pm
Wooh! Vanguard Alta Pro 263at! Such a universal tripod. Maybe a bit too much for my second tripod (didn't use the first one much, it was rather old, clunky and falling apart)..

And my first flash! *Sings Queen's 'Flash'* Speedlite 270EX, nice and compact for on the go. But I think after using it a bit I might just take the salesman's advice and get that cable too. Rather limited with it straight on the body for the kind of shots I got it for.

11-08-2010, 12:29pm
canon 10-22mm and a 28f/1.8!! for my UWA and standard lens for crop sensor!

11-08-2010, 12:42pm
canon 10-22mm and a 28f/1.8!! for my UWA and standard lens for crop sensor!

Oh nice! May I ask how much the 28 is priced? I've been thinking about getting a wider angle than the 50 f/1.8

11-08-2010, 2:10pm
Tamron SP AP 17-50mm F/2.8 XR Di II LD Aspherical (IF) for Sony AF - 16S (the name is almost bigger than the lens!)

11-08-2010, 2:24pm
580EX II Speedlite!! :D

11-08-2010, 4:15pm
Oh nice! May I ask how much the 28 is priced? I've been thinking about getting a wider angle than the 50 f/1.8

hi ya, the 28mm was about $630 i believe... comes to an equiv focal length of 45mm on a crop body, which is a tad wider than the classic 50mm/35mm combo!

12-08-2010, 9:30am
Just ordered a Kata Bumblebee UL222 backpack. Might have to thin out the bag collection a bit when it arrives.

12-08-2010, 9:32am
Eagerly waiting for my TSE 24L to arrive. Oooo!

12-08-2010, 10:09am
hi ya, the 28mm was about $630 i believe... comes to an equiv focal length of 45mm on a crop body, which is a tad wider than the classic 50mm/35mm combo! Wonderful, thanks a million! =D

16-08-2010, 10:04am
Are you allowed to post an item that is not related to photography, well it is in a way I'll be taking my camera with me, I just got 2 tickets to the Melbourne Cup in the Lawn stand, I've been threatening to go for many years so this year we decided to close the shop and go to Melbourne for the week.

16-08-2010, 5:01pm
I got a Tamron 24-70mm 2.8 the other day. Haven't had much of a chance to use it yet but here is one shot I took:

http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4094/4865808528_ed01e6c0e4.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nicolehastings/4865808528/)
Funny Look by astrogirl529, on Flickr (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nicolehastings/4865808528/)

Wish I could have afforded the canon but alas, $500 compared to $1500 is all I could get for now. I'd rather get a new body first.

16-08-2010, 6:30pm
My Nikon 24-70 F2.8 arrived today....cannot believe the speed of the AF...so happy to have a bit of the top line glass. Thanks to Kaiser :).

16-08-2010, 6:33pm
My Nikon 24-70 F2.8 arrived today....cannot believe the speed of the AF...so happy to have a bit of the top line glass. Thanks to Kaiser :).

Happy to help mate - I'm sure it will become one of your most used lens :)

16-08-2010, 7:36pm
Heh. Its going to be competing with the 50 and the wide. Was suprised at how light it actually was compared to my 70-300. Even better it fits in the bag with the other 3. Definitely going to be doing a fair bit of walk around work with it I think though as it finally gives me a reasonably wide option at F2.8.

:) :) :)

Now to learn how to fly this thing.

16-08-2010, 8:12pm
I got a Tamron 24-70mm 2.8 the other day.

maybe you mean Sigma ?? Tamron dont make that one. Their version is a 28-75.

17-08-2010, 10:15am
WooHooo Colkin filter kit arrived today.... now to learn how to use them effectively:D

17-08-2010, 10:29am
Juhu, finally found a Sigma 17-70 f/2.8-4.5

Great. Will post some pictures when it arrives.

17-08-2010, 11:29am
Well, my 50-110 for the H2 is on the way. Second hand of course, no way could I afford a new one. And I think I may have enough for a 35mm as well if I can pick up a bargain. I hope the new lens will be here for the Currumbin meet up at the end of the month.

17-08-2010, 11:42am
Canon 7D & 70-200 f2.8L IS II USM arrived yesterday morning.
Had it's first use at ice hockey last night with 800 shots taken in 3hrs.
Got to learn to stop using continuous 10fps so much :D
I'm very happy with it & look forward to processing some of the raw images.
Here's a couple of untouched (just resized) jpg's :th3:
1st - 1/100s f2.8 iso3200 70mm
2nd - 1/250s f3.5 iso3200 123mm

17-08-2010, 3:53pm
I "won" a brand new Sigma 24-70 f2.8 DG Macro in the West Australian Click2Bid auction......snapped it at the last second for $410. Hoping to pick it up at the end of the week and will get to play all weekend long!!

18-08-2010, 4:58pm
Been a good couple of weeks for me:

2x spare batteries and charger for the 450D
Cokin z pro filter kit
internal card reader for the desktop
Sensor cleaning kit (goodbye dust bunnies)
Industry disgrace neck strap (great bit of kit)
Card reader and camera adaptor for the iPad
Aperture 3

but the wish list still remains long.....

18-08-2010, 8:29pm
Got my Sigma EF-530 DG Super in the post today! Now just have to learn how to use it...

19-08-2010, 11:27am
Cognisys Cross Beam Sensor with IR Transmitters

Lance B
19-08-2010, 12:52pm
Just picked up a Nikkor 105mm f2.8 VR, but not had time to test it yet.

19-08-2010, 12:58pm
not that great, but two lens hoods for a canon 28 1.8 and a 18-200!!

19-08-2010, 1:57pm
I nearly bought a Pentax 15mm Limited today.

Got to checkout with Pay Pal, pressed the 'GO' button, and was asked to add a credit card.
I haven't had one of them for 30 odd years and don't intend to get one any time soon.

It was from the US (one of our sponsors) and apparently us antipodeans have a different set of rules when purchasing.

I've sent the seller an email seeking alternative payment methods.

Bumma, it's about 30% less than onshore.

Sheesh, I feel like a second class citizen because I refuse to use credit cards.

I have my fingers crossed that a solution is found as I'm suffering acute LBA.



20-08-2010, 10:38am
Marumi 77mm DHG Super CP filter

Dan Gamble
20-08-2010, 4:19pm
Recieved all of my kit (listed in sig) yesterday and had a little play with it last night (mostly in AUTO hehe!!).

I'm happier than a kid who's parents just bought him all the candy stores in the universe.

Promise to have some pics up for CC soon and can't wait for next months NTPC.

I nearly bought a Pentax 15mm Limited today.

Got to checkout with Pay Pal, pressed the 'GO' button, and was asked to add a credit card.
I haven't had one of them for 30 odd years and don't intend to get one any time soon.

It was from the US (one of our sponsors) and apparently us antipodeans have a different set of rules when purchasing.


I have my fingers crossed that a solution is found as I'm suffering acute LBA.



A debit card will work just as well and doesn't need to have an overdraft. :)

23-08-2010, 6:11pm
My previous post on the 19th has now turned into a double 'WoooooHooooo'.

Thanks to someone who has fallen victim to his own initialism, and has been exposed to another brand's LBA, I'm now the proud owner of a DA 15mm Ltd AND a DA* 300mm f4.

To say I'm chuffed would be an understatement!



PS: Hmmm, must update my signature.

24-08-2010, 12:14pm
Wacom Bamboo Pen & Touch. First tablet I've ever used and I'm finding it so much better to edit photos with.

Adrian Fischer
24-08-2010, 12:58pm
4 terrabyte NAS and gigabyte switch to back up my images.

I @ M
25-08-2010, 8:19pm
AF-S DX NIKKOR 35mm f/1.8G

Lovely little lens, works extremely well wide open on the D50, D200 and the D700 ( a DX lens that is perfectly at home on an FX body :D)

Captured frame
25-08-2010, 10:31pm
Lowpro Toploader 75AW great for carting around pro sized camera and large lens and comes with a chest harness and weather cover .

27-08-2010, 2:42pm
Just picked up a Sigma 70-200 f2.8. Just got to get used to it now.

27-08-2010, 7:19pm
finally ordered my vertical grip for my A850.

28-08-2010, 12:18am
Hey, just got a 270-EX and planning on getting a second for a homey dual flash setup for macro work if I like what this one does.

So far so good. Like the control I have on board.

Anyone know if I can get a dual OSC?

28-08-2010, 9:22am

My latest acquisition is the Canon 70-200 EF F4 L IS. Got a chance to play with it yesterday. Will post a few shots if any came out worth looking at.

29-08-2010, 1:42pm
Just picked up a D300s, really happy cant wait to get out shooting with it.

29-08-2010, 5:28pm
Nothing too major -
A Stofen diffuser and an 8" Honl snoot,

29-08-2010, 6:40pm
Sigma 10-20 here :)

30-08-2010, 12:11am
Just bought a Tamron 17-50 f/2.8. Should be here in a few days!

30-08-2010, 1:14pm
Sigma 70-300 ( to replace the tamron one of mine that just died RIP :()

31-08-2010, 1:03pm
http://www.pentaximaging.com/accessories/AF540FGZ/ flash. ;)

31-08-2010, 2:44pm
7D...woohoo. Makes the 30D almost look like a P&S in the noise department. Still learning about the differences between bodies.

31-08-2010, 7:22pm
Just ordered my first L lens - Canon 70-200 f4L USM non Is,i am sooo much looking forwards
to using this lens, and then if finances are ok, will get the canon 24 -105f4 L IS USM

31-08-2010, 7:53pm
oh, d90...

02-09-2010, 5:10pm
Just picked up a battery grip for my 6 week old 50d, will be bolting thesucker on as soon I get home :-)

02-09-2010, 5:20pm
I was sent home sick from work today so my husband, bless his heart, came home with a gift for me. Not flowers but a set of landscape Cokin filters.
I think he loves me.
That is a woohoo,
Lucky you.
Must leave this thread lying around for people close to me to get a great big hint re thoughtful and welcome gifts.
Thanks for sharing.

02-09-2010, 7:41pm
A "Hahnel Giga T Pro Remote Control" today and with luck my Benro C-297 M8 Carbon fibre Tripod will come tommorow.

Ahhhh i love buying stuff :D

02-09-2010, 7:48pm
Canon 400 5.6 on the way from B&H. Yippee.

02-09-2010, 7:54pm
Today I ordered a 27" Imac i7. Finally have a big screen and fast computer to edit my photos, can't wait. Will probably buy Aperture program, not sure yet.

02-09-2010, 10:23pm
2weeks ago I received my 100-400 L series, went on a trip to Port Macquarie & used it for the first time, also received my 43EX II a week prior, but have not used it yet. Will not be buying any new gear for a while, after these purchases.


02-09-2010, 10:38pm
2 weeks ago I received my 100-400 L series & a week prior received my 430 Ex II flash. Will not be buying any new gear for a while.

Rodeo 550

Sorry about the 2 post I didn't think the first on went through. I made a boo boo

05-09-2010, 8:11am
Picked up a little lowepro 100AW today off Tony (maccaroneski) for little walkabout trips.

Ive worked out how to fit my FF body with 85 1.4 attached, a 50 prime, a flash, a set of triggers, memory card wallet, batteries for camera and flash, and my BR strap .. plus my business cards, wallet, keys, and sunnies.

If youve seen the size of this bag, your be impressed with the above :D

Im gonna mod it so I can attach a lightstand w/umbrella adapter, a small brolly, and a twist fold reflector.

Perfect portable strobist kit :D

You have done VERY well to fit all that in to that bag.


05-09-2010, 8:15am
Sigma 70-300 ( to replace the tamron one of mine that just died RIP :()

Was that the one you purchased off me?

05-09-2010, 12:25pm
Just picked up a backup body on eBay .. A350 + grip + 3 x batteries.

Got it for a steal too :D

06-09-2010, 12:02pm
Well my 5D just arrived in the post, all that full frame goodness

Image count shows, folder 100-8180 so wouldn't appear to have too many actuations on her

06-09-2010, 4:03pm
Benro C-297 M8 Carbon fibre Tripod - so now I can try some night shots

06-09-2010, 7:10pm
Nikon 80-200mm f2.8 AF-S


06-09-2010, 7:13pm
Canon 40D, YAY!!! :)

06-09-2010, 8:51pm
Benro C-297 M8 Carbon fibre Tripod - so now I can try some night shots

I just ordered mine today too!! Same legs with a B-3 Ball head. Hopefully it comes by next Wednesday and the weather is good for our Melbourne night meet next week!

13-09-2010, 1:16pm
Just collected my 24-70 Sigma
Should go well with all that full frame goodness of the 5D

13-09-2010, 3:39pm
Collected my Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L last Friday and.... I haven't been able to create a reasonable meaningful Macro image just yet. (I did shoot an ant, some rubbish looking flowers and actually did a LOAD of portrait!)

Then on the Saturday, I picked up a Manfrotto 327RC2 head for my mono pod. And my missus have already kindly advice IF I dare to pick up more camera related toy in the near future.... :p

13-09-2010, 10:57pm
Nikon 10-24mm lens and trying to get a handle on super wide angle stuff. Next purchase will have to be some GND filters to try and improve the crazy exposure ranges

13-09-2010, 11:10pm
Just bought a refurb Macbook Pro 15" i5 base model for $1869.00, its got the glossy screen, but that doesn't worry me... I'm excited to be getting my first Apple computer :D :D

14-09-2010, 1:49pm
Just ordered siggy 10-20, LR3 & filters on their way

14-09-2010, 2:30pm
Tamron 90mm F2.8 Macro + tripod...

15-09-2010, 3:07pm
Just bought 60mm f/2.8 macro off from Jules! Hopefully it will arrive sooooon!

15-09-2010, 4:31pm
I just got a Tamron 17-50 2.8f

Such a great investment

15-09-2010, 7:02pm
Happy as a pig today just got a new 7d,100 macro and a 70 -200 now all i have to do is get out there and use them lol:

15-09-2010, 7:28pm
recieved my ring flash 4 days ago and giving it heaps
hope it makes a diffrence
they tell me you can use the ring flash for portrits to
cheers macca

16-09-2010, 6:52pm
Finally got my new tripod after much research. Bought a Benro C297 M8 Carbon Fibre and Benro B3 ball head. Used it last night and I LOVE IT!

16-09-2010, 7:25pm
Ordered a Lowepro bag from Stu at Quality Camera's this morning. He's got soem good specials going with free shipping. Dispatched this afternoon so should arrive next week in Vic- awesome. looking forward to a better gear bag. Tempted to also get a Magnum bag but one at a time.

18-09-2010, 10:55am
WooHoo... I have a new backpack to carry all of my camera gear YAY. I'm selling my Lowepro Vertex 100 AW because it diggs into my back and is too heavy and cumbersome to open. I have upgrated to a Lowepro Flipside 400AW and It's perfect!! It fit's everything plus the kitchen sink ;) and is half the weight

18-09-2010, 1:25pm
Just got home with a Canon 50D, get the tamron 17-50 Monday and the 85mm later in the week,
excited much? HELL YEAH!!!

23-09-2010, 2:04pm
Just picked up my new Nikon 10-24mm after umming and ahhring for ages on which wide angle to get finally got one, cant wait to get out and use it.

24-09-2010, 9:41am
For once - I bought something I NEED! Not want...

Cokin Z-Pro CPL :D

24-09-2010, 10:07am
Took delivery of my new Canon speedlite 430 exii last night! now to learn how to use it...

24-09-2010, 10:11am
My 4 sets of 4x AA Imedion Pre-Charged Batteries and the Powerex MH-C9000 arrived today... was a group buy from ProTog on OCAU :) This adds to my 2 sets of 4x AA Eneloops I bought a few weeks ago from CatchOfTheDay... So I've got 6 sets of decent AA pre-charged batteries for my flashes now :D

24-09-2010, 1:48pm
Just ordered a Lexar Professional UDMA 300X 16GB Compact Flash card from Cheap Chips at a very good price.

Now I'm just waiting to get the Canon 7D to wrap around it :D

24-09-2010, 6:13pm
I got my self a Black Rapid RS-7, no more pain in the neck:) Have promised my camera I will check the fastener is properly screwed in. Got it from a site sponsor as well.

28-09-2010, 12:37pm
i said i wouldn't get one, but i did... D700.
2nd hand from US photog on FM forum... the price was great.

29-09-2010, 9:09pm
Picked up a Canon 60D today. Bit of an upgrade from a 350D. Had to buy some SD cards to go with it though. CF cards wont fit for some reason!!!

30-09-2010, 5:00am
Recieved my new Speedlite 430EX II a couple of days ago. So easy to use and the recharge time is super fast. Great flash. Very happy camper. Now where are those Sigma 10-20mm bargains.:D

02-10-2010, 4:22pm
I wish I had a wife who was into photography, I could do with buying her an f1.4!:)

02-10-2010, 9:57pm
I just bought 31 rolls of mixed Kodak and Fuji slide films with ISOs 50, 100 and 400 plus a roll of Tri-X, all for $100... Now I just need some Ilford HP5 and maybe a roll of Delta 3200 and I'll be set for a while...

02-10-2010, 10:01pm
Got my Canon 7D yesterday, with an EF-S 15-85mm lens, at a very good price (no GST was a bonus).

It's my first DSLR and oh my, doesn't it have a lot of buttons and dials.:eek:

03-10-2010, 9:36am
Well done Blistful, great choise of camera......... your gonna love it. And don't worry about all the buttons and dials :lol: you will get used to them.
Also do yourself a favor and check these out. They may help you.


04-10-2010, 5:26pm
Got myself a 17-40 f4L this morning...

I think it would be the last lens I have purchased for QUITE a while :(

04-10-2010, 5:36pm
I got delivered today a 110cm 5 in 1 reflector. $27.55 from HK. Awesome!

06-10-2010, 4:17pm
Received in last week 2nd light stand kit, 2nd flash unit from Protog (awesome company to deal with)

And today received my Spyder 3 monitor calibrator (from Quality Camera - another awesome co)..... I now have the job of "correcting" alot of my images processed on my previously uncalibrated screen ;) - if you don't have one do yourself a favour and grab one - their on special at the moment! The difference is pretty significant.

06-10-2010, 4:24pm
got myself a set of close up filters to have a play with
cheers macca

06-10-2010, 8:27pm

Just got a Vanguard Alta tripod with a PH32 head. Bring on the panorama shots.

07-10-2010, 12:04am
got a new body and lens-olympus E30 and 14-54mm, very happy about this and now im getting back into taking pictures hopefully some good ones too LOL

08-10-2010, 4:23pm
Its been a little while since I had a Whoo!.... Just bought a Panasonic GF1, 20mm f1.7 and LVF1 finder as my new travel camera. There's a picture of it with its Canon big brothers here (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?68235-Coolie-s-365-(October)&p=696857#post696857)....

08-10-2010, 7:23pm
Whoo just got a my Tokina 100mm Macro lens in the mail from B&H!

12-10-2010, 1:46pm
Just put in a motherload of an order at Stallards. Looking forward to Friday (delivery day)!

12-10-2010, 6:34pm
Yee Ha
My new Lowepro mini trekker arrived today and I placed my order for a Sigma 10-20mm f4 5.6 EX DC HSM lens. Well I've got the space for it now :th3::D

12-10-2010, 8:43pm
I recently (on the weekend) got my first DSLR, a Sony A500 twin lens kit (18-55mm and 55-200mm). I also purchasd other assorted items such as some 8GB SD Cards, UV Filters, a Polarising filter, Lowepro bag and cable release amoung other things. Have been using it non stop since I got it home :D!

14-10-2010, 5:55pm
just got the canon 100mm macros f2.8L IS :D big kev excited!

a big thank you to krudd and his money!

14-10-2010, 8:41pm
NEW Manfrotto 501HDV fluid head (http://www.manfrotto.com/product/0/501HDV/_/501HDV_Head) arrived yesterday, the size was a bit of a shock.

14-10-2010, 8:54pm
Aquired a Nikon 1.7x TC yesterday to add to my 500/4 (thanks kiwi)
Paid for a Lowepro Super Trekker AWII today. Should hopefully arrive next week to replace my Tamrac Explorer 8

15-10-2010, 4:15pm
My new 70-200/2.8 turned up today...but no body to put it on until at least Monday... *sigh*

Also had 24 Powerex AA's turn up thanks to Protog.com.au

15-10-2010, 5:33pm
This monster of a lens is in my possession love the aus-us dollar right now

15-10-2010, 6:43pm
What is it stu ? 400 .?

15-10-2010, 6:55pm
I think it's a 400 (Stu's attachment is "400 2.jpg") :P
Hood is ET-155 and according to stores = "Lens Hood for EF 400mm f/2.8L IS USM"

Nice spotting kiwi :)

Plus it's just one damn big lens...nice one Stu

15-10-2010, 9:21pm
yes darren it is a 400 2.8

15-10-2010, 9:51pm
Ahh, still poo, lol

15-10-2010, 10:43pm
Ok, for me a nikon 1.4 from nikonuser, swap for my 1.7 and a refurb d300s from good ole louisiana

18-10-2010, 3:39pm
a refurb d300s from good ole louisiana

Mind PM-ing me how you got onto that?

As for me, I just picked up:
Nikon D700
Nikon MB-D10 Grip
Nikon 16-35 f/4 VR
Nikon 24-70 f/2.8
Sigma 70-200 f/2.8 HSM II
3x Nikon SB-900 Speedlights

Should give me something to play with tonight.

19-10-2010, 8:51am
I just got myself the following from DWI

Olympus Zuiko Digital 70-300mm f4
Olympus Zuiko Digital 35mm f3.5

waiting for my xd card to arrive (for panoramic shots) and a vivitar flash :D

20-10-2010, 8:22pm
What an expensive week for me:

Pentax 8-16x21 UCF Zoom Binoculars
Flashpoint 22" 5 in 1 reflectors
Sto-Fen Omni bounce flash cover
Tamron 18-250 f3.5-6.3 XR DI-II LD + filter kit (for a walk around lens while on holidays)
Canon EF 17-40 f4 L

I'm loving this AUD at the moment and doing my best to help the US economy along, but my wife doesn't share this logic is has threatened to cut up the credit card.

20-10-2010, 9:33pm
I still get high on buying gear, definitely a case of GAS....

I've just ordered a 50D to work as a backup for my 7D. Perfect for my needs, reasonable burst rate, CF cards, similar layout as 7D and a great price. Can't wait for it to arrive! :D

21-10-2010, 11:07am
Hi, I'm new here,... AND just got my new Canon 7D, 24-105 L series lens and a little beut lens, the Tokina 11-16 f/2.8.

LOVING all these new toys - its so nice to finally upgrade after all these years!!

Oh, I did the micro lens adjust for both lenses, and through the process discovered just how impressive the Tokina is - it's sharp as a tack!! (As is the Canon L - but that was completely expected!!)

21-10-2010, 3:55pm
Just got my 150-500mm f5-6.3 APO DG OS lens. To say I'm as happy as a pig in pooh, is an understatement.

22-10-2010, 10:30am
got my 5D II a week ago,

it now sits prodly next to the 7D as a alternative for non sports related photography...



22-10-2010, 10:07pm
Let's see... Over the past couple of months I bought a 50mm f1.8D for the F5, more film (Delta 3200, Pan X, BW400CN, Delta 100) and a pack of film sleeves. Had my birthday a couple of weeks back and my girlfriend gave me a wireless remote for the F5, and then a couple of days later a friend gave me a Pentax MZ-50 with 28-80mm macro and 100-300mm lenses... Ooh, also got a tripod/monopod combo... I still want a flash though, hmm...

One other thing, just spent $100 to get four rolls of film developed :eek::eek: 3x E6 and one true B&W

26-10-2010, 5:40am
All that back pay of mine has just been blown! Bring a Nikon d300s, two lenses, battery grip and bag!

Okay, alright the lenses are nothing fancy just a 18-200 2.5-5.6 VR II and a 50mm F1.4 AF.

Its now 0240hours here in WA so I'm hoping to see these on Wednesday morning 1100hrs at the latest!!!

I'm so excited I just don't know what to say! Maybe I will just have to have another refreshment..........for those who ask why, I have just finished work!

Woohoo! I'm so excited, I just can't hide it...........


26-10-2010, 8:48am
18-200 2.5-5.6 VR II

What is this magic lens??? ;)

A gorilla pod focus and ball head x has just arrived from Adorama in 4 days! :th3:


26-10-2010, 9:19am
Acquired a bit more Honl stuff yesterday

Colour Effects Gel Kit
Colour Correction Gel Kit
Another Sped Strap
1/4 Grid
8" Gold Reflector/Snoot

26-10-2010, 9:22am
Acquired a bit more Honl stuff yesterday

Colour Effects Gel Kit
Colour Correction Gel Kit
Another Sped Strap
1/4 Grid
8" Gold Reflector/Snoot

Are they from your work Mark? Working there could break you...lol

26-10-2010, 9:28am
Are they from your work Mark? Working there could break you...lol

Working there is killing me Jules, but it does have it's advantages :th3:

26-10-2010, 1:51pm
ooo my wireless remote just arrived! still waiting on my wireless flash triggers and $100 of eneloop batteries :D

26-10-2010, 3:47pm
Got a phone call yesterday that my f/0.95 lens will be ready to pick up middle of next week. :D

Captured frame
26-10-2010, 5:25pm
Just got the message that my new canon EF 100mm Macro lens will arrive this week,can`t wait to have a good play with it.

28-10-2010, 9:38am
received my remote cable release yesterday, self timer, interval timer, bulb lock.
No big deal but it adds to the kit:D:D. Looking forward to doing some star trails:cool:

28-10-2010, 11:18am
Waiting for my wireless remote to arrive. Got one of the Yongnuo ones which can also be used as a remote trigger.

Got myself another worklight since my current one is being used as my bedroom light. This one is more of a spotlight so I may put a cut out of a bat on it and shine it on the sky.

28-10-2010, 11:25am
My background arrived yesterday with my new flash diffuser....
waiting "patiently" on my set of reflective brollies and flash gels! Seriously considering another 2 flash units at the moment - but I know I'd much rather a nice lens!

28-10-2010, 11:53am
hadnt seen this thread when i was "surfin about" ... :)
we have just received our 60D (Tuesday) woot! ... loverly insurance replacement for an unrepairable (thank you repair shop for that outcome.. hehehe) 10D
and a sigma 120-400mm lens on order - hoping check and call to say its in arrives today :) (thanks again repair shop) for a snapped :( soligor 100-400mm ..
unfortunately, although after a month or more of no 400mm lens am glad finally an outcome, (or is that fortunately..LOL) .. the "clip" didnt lock on my camera case and our 10D with 100-400mm lens on slid out as i picked the case up and rolled onto ground snapping thelens at the mount :(

28-10-2010, 2:13pm
Just received my new, long coveted, 24-105mm L lens, plus a Powershot G12 that will be my "go everywhere" camera. Combined with the Manfrotto monopod I got for my birthday on Monday this makes me a very happy girl indeed! :D

29-10-2010, 10:54am

29-10-2010, 11:27am
Hit the plastic hard yesterday... because I can.
Bought a Canon 7D and Battery grip. A Manfrotto 681 Mono. 2 spare LP-E6 batteries.
And a Canon 400mm F/2.8 L IS lens. Man this a big lens.

29-10-2010, 2:08pm
Just paid for a D300s and will pick it up tomorrow. Woo hoo!

29-10-2010, 5:39pm
Just received my SB-900, some Hoya close-up adapters, a filter pouch, 52mm-67mm step up ring and a Nikon creative lighting system IR flash diffuser. I have a funny feeling I'm in for an exciting weekend!

29-10-2010, 6:15pm
Hit the plastic hard yesterday... because I can.
Bought a Canon 7D and Battery grip. A Manfrotto 681 Mono. 2 spare LP-E6 batteries.
And a Canon 400mm F/2.8 L IS lens. Man this a big lens.

Very jealous Kerro, thats a good day at the camera store , Really hope you enjoy the new Kit :D

30-10-2010, 7:29am
My new Tamron SP 90 Macro arrived yesterday. Yipppeee. I can just hear all the " Creppy Crawlies " saying, " Oh no here he comes again with that new lens." Also picked up a new " plastic fantastic" ( as the salesman called it ), EF 50mm 1.8 to have in the kit.

03-11-2010, 7:22pm
I picked up my Voigtlander 25mm f/0.95 lens yesterday from Scott at Mainline Photographics.

http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1364/5139756640_dec48f9313_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/23034038@N05/5139756640/)

_B025017 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/23034038@N05/5139756640/) by peterb666 (http://www.flickr.com/people/23034038@N05/), on Flickr

James Axford
03-11-2010, 11:33pm
I picked up my Voigtlander 25mm f/0.95 lens yesterday from Scott at Mainline Photographics.

http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1364/5139756640_dec48f9313_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/23034038@N05/5139756640/)

_B025017 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/23034038@N05/5139756640/) by peterb666 (http://www.flickr.com/people/23034038@N05/), on Flickr

damn you!!!
I want to see photos?????
anyone know if this can be adapted for a 5dmk2? :)

04-11-2010, 8:00pm
damn you!!!
I want to see photos?????
anyone know if this can be adapted for a 5dmk2? :)


I hope to give it a work out on the weekend - that photo was taken with the lens into a mirror and then flipped to correct the reversed image.

Here are a couple of teasers, both shot at f/0.95, the first after sunset and the last around last light.

http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1360/5142426462_6f5e1ce1cb_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/23034038@N05/5142426462/)

Capped at f/0.95 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/23034038@N05/5142426462/) by peterb666 (http://www.flickr.com/people/23034038@N05/), on Flickr

http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1155/5139795748_372745c248_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/23034038@N05/5139795748/)

_B025061_1 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/23034038@N05/5139795748/) by peterb666 (http://www.flickr.com/people/23034038@N05/), on Flickr

As for the 5D Mk2, you should be able to trade it in on an Olympus Pen and Voightlander 25mm f/0.95 although there may be a bit of a wait for the lens, the importer had more than 100 orders and only 10 lenses in the first shipment. ;)

James Axford
04-11-2010, 8:06pm
Those photos look great, the perspective with the dof look amazing, and very unique.
I'd love it but it probably won't ever happen :(

04-11-2010, 8:19pm
Arrived today, my learning curve just went vertical again !

04-11-2010, 9:55pm
Congratulations Glenn

05-11-2010, 11:44am
Well my d300s and lenses arrived except I'm not at home to play with them. My other half has them spread over the kitchen table awaiting my return........in just over a week.....:(.........so not fair

05-11-2010, 12:25pm
Just took delivery of my new Manfrotto 055CXPRO3.

Half the weight of my old tripod and no worries carrying it around for a couple of hours.

Works OK with my 141RC 3-way (which is about the same weight) but has limited upward tilt. Now for a lightweight ballhead.

And Congrats Am on your new toy. :th3:


fairy bombs
05-11-2010, 3:36pm
My Canon EF-S 10-22 mm wide angle lens just arrived from DWI in Hong Kong!

Been wanting this lens for a while,with the AUD so strong at present,it was a fair bit lower

in price than earlier this year,So just had to take the opportunity to purchase.

cheers FB

05-11-2010, 3:44pm
oh crap, i dont know if i mentioned my d90....

oh well, a silver umbrella arrived today. :)

05-11-2010, 9:24pm
Just got an EF-S 60mm macro this morning and tried it out - think I need to stick the camera on a tripod and wait for a less windy day.

Very sharp on non-moving objects. I do love the bokeh when taking close-up pics of flowers and I'm glad I got the 60mm and not the 100mm after trying it out as a portrait lens.

Also got a remote switch which will be handy for those macro shots. I find it hard to justify Canon's price for these when I paid $4.99 delivered and it's advertised here at near $100.

05-11-2010, 11:30pm
Picked myself up a couple of new lenses recently

Sigma 70-200 f2.8 EX DG OS
Sigma 24-70 f2.8 EX DG Macro

06-11-2010, 2:32pm
Mark how are finding the 24-70, lately I've been thinking of replacing my 24-105 with one of these, if I do, all my lenses will be sigma lol.

06-11-2010, 8:35pm
A Neoca 2s rangefinder with Sekonic lightmeter and full leather case... Already put a roll through it and it came out sweet! Although I can't use shutter speeds slower than about 1/25 cause the shutter jams open...

06-11-2010, 9:50pm
Very reasonably priced K7 arriving Monday:grinning:,got to love people rushing in to buy the very latest offerings .

08-11-2010, 11:21am
Sigma 10-20 arrived today!


08-11-2010, 11:43am
Not a big cost but a HUGE improvement for the speedlights.... Powerex Maha's and Imedions- fantastic service from Protog too:)

08-11-2010, 4:21pm
My 50mm Nikkor f1.8 AF just arrived......I'm ecstatic

08-11-2010, 8:28pm
Oh boy am I in trouble. I have just committed t buy a second-hand Nikon D90 (yesterday) and a 10-24mm Nikkor zoom today. :o

I expect the Ministry of Finance to slit my throat in the middle of the night and collect my life insurance. :eek:

I hope she doesn't read this post.

08-11-2010, 10:24pm
Got delivery of Manfrotto 055CXPRO3, 496RC2 head and MBAG80PN tripod bag today.

08-11-2010, 11:46pm
got a pentax 6x7. Cant wait to put a roll of film through it! :D


its big! size comparison to 35mm SLR

09-11-2010, 3:49pm
Had 3 Marumi CPL's turn up today. Means I can get back to doing some magazine work again!

09-11-2010, 4:23pm
My D7000 arrived yesterday.... :D

09-11-2010, 11:15pm
Sigma 10-20, lowepro versapack 200, spare SD card and battery arrived today. Thank you Mr $AUD for being strong and Adorama for a quick delivery!

10-11-2010, 10:52pm
got me a 32gig card, ultralight tripod (400g) and twe spare batteries for my Tasmanian hiking adventure ...

Sadly, I may not be able to accommodate the weight of the tripod.

11-11-2010, 2:14pm
Just received my new Sigma 50mm F1.4 EX DG HSM for Nikon. Ordered it price matched by local distributor (C.R.Kennedy) ($454 delivered) on tuesday afternoon and arrived here this morning so very happy.

11-11-2010, 2:57pm
Wheeeee! My D7000 is here... and I'm going to take it to Shanghai for the weekend.


12-11-2010, 4:33pm
The last of my massive gear order turned up today; Kenko Pro300 DGX 1.4x TC, Kenko Pro1D ND8 filter and SanDisk Extreme 8GB card (new series).

12-11-2010, 11:02pm
Picked up my second-hand Nikon D90 (ex Darey) and Nikon 10-24mm zoom (ex Maccaroneski) marking my return to Nikon SLRs that goes back to the mid 70s (amd a more recent absence of 5 years or so). Looks a bit more complex than my old Nikon F and Nikon FM.



13-11-2010, 12:58am
Not camera gear, but photography (unless your from the tax office in which case its for my Consulting Engineering Practice)

Ordered a Netgear Readynas Duo network storage unit with 2 No 2tb Seagate HDD. Netgear will allow access to the unit via the net so its at home where the bulk of my photos are currently stored, but autocad word and misc structural comp files can be added over the net and mirrored.

Purchased the bulk of it from Scorpion tech, currently on special and the cheapest i could find

13-11-2010, 5:16pm
7D arrived yesterday, from the little I've fiddled it's a very nice camera, doubly so cos it's not a Nikon...... Must stop buying, no more room in the camera bag.

13-11-2010, 8:41pm
Its been a good week , scored 2 classic lens a Pentax SMC-M 50mm 1:1.4 and a Pentax f 100-300mm f4.7 both at very good prices. I wonder if the wife will share my joy?? :angry34::devil1::violent10: :lightning:

14-11-2010, 8:06am
Got myself a canon 50mm f/1.8 and having a ball with it , testing it out under extreme lighting conditions to see how it performs.

14-11-2010, 7:26pm
woo hoo! I just got my first dslr kit. All Canon.
17-55 2.8 IS
50 1.8 II
55-250 IS
100 L IS
430 EX II
Slik 100 DQ
2 32gb cards
Domke ruggedwear compact
lens hoods for all

poor - but happy

just got back from my first outing -- 2000 shots and 4 weeks in south africa

sleep - aaahhhh

14-11-2010, 7:38pm
woo hoo! I just got my first dslr kit. All Canon.
17-55 2.8 IS
50 1.8 II
55-250 IS
100 L IS
430 EX II
Slik 100 DQ
2 32gb cards
Domke ruggedwear compact
lens hoods for all

poor - but happy

just got back from my first outing -- 2000 shots and 4 weeks in south africa

sleep - aaahhhh

Hi Arg, did you buy them all in one hit???? Whoaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

15-11-2010, 12:11am
Well I'm now home with my d300s and lenses and boy does it make my canon G10 look a tad small! Will have a day off Tuesday to play yippeee!

15-11-2010, 2:31pm
Just ordered the following online to replace the tripod I left behind a couple of weeks ago :o:

- Manfrotto 055CXPRO3
- Markins Q3-Q Ballhead
- PG40N Markins plate

Spent quite a bit by my standards, by tried to justify it by looking at the prices in Australia vs online here in Korea. Makes me feel a little better. Interestingly it was slightly more expensive if I paid in US dollars (which I had to do using a foreign credit card), so used my girlfriend's card and paid in Korean won. Every little bit counts :D

15-11-2010, 10:23pm
Just picked up a mint boxed Nikkor AF 85/1.4 for $735 landed here! I love this near parity with the USD$, I have spent a fortune in these past few weeks. Still waiting on my new 17" Macbook Pro, should be here tomorrow.

16-11-2010, 12:30pm
Just picked up my new Canon 60D, now attached to the Sigma 30mm f1.4 i got the other week. hurry up and charge stupid battery, i want to play!


16-11-2010, 12:43pm
Very nice. Post some pics real soon. :th3:

16-11-2010, 1:55pm
Nice one Daniel, I've just sold a few lenses and my 5d, and this is one of the lenses on my list of things to buy, I love using my sigma 50 on my 7d, but it was really great on the 5d, so I thought if I get a 30mm I'll again have that similar FOV that I had with 5d.
Looking forward to seeing how you like it and seeing some images.

16-11-2010, 7:02pm
yeah, i was thinking of buying the Sigma 50mm 1.4 as well for a portrait kinda lens (kinda matching a full frame 85mm).

so far from messing around today, the 30mm is great, ill try and take some good photos over the next few days and post them up

16-11-2010, 8:07pm
Yeah that was my thinking, I was thinking about getting the sigma 85, but when I decided to sell the 5d I thought, well my 50 acts like a 85 on the 7d, so I'll look at the 30, and it's also half the price of an 85 too.

16-11-2010, 8:29pm
got myself some old nikon extension tubes... next on the list - a microscope! yayy!

16-11-2010, 8:47pm
Pentax K-5 !

17-11-2010, 1:02am
D7000 in my hot little hands:D
Can't post pics for a few days, but love it!

17-11-2010, 9:32am
Ebay softbox arrived this morning, ordered it last Thursday, so quick postage. This thing is [/very/] well made. I wasn't expecting much, and the photos looked satisfactory, but all the brackets, mounts, threads, everything are surprisingly good quality.

http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250680483354&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT ( http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250680483354&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT)

17-11-2010, 7:15pm
Woohoo! I just brought myself a Hoya ND 8 filter of ebay, now I can take beutiful landscape photos without the sky being blown out.
I hope Santa brings me Photoshop Elements 9, so I can woohoo about that.:D

17-11-2010, 10:51pm
After a couple of weeks of doing my head in on what new lens to buy first, I just ordered a canon 17-55.
It was a tough decision to spend $1,100 on a EF-S lens, but after hours, days really, of researching this lens, and sigma's 18-50 and 17-50, the canon just seemed to have more pros than the others, while the 18-50 seemed good for the money, after you add on for new filters it works out pretty much the same for the more expensive 17-50 OS, and while this has a 77mm filter thread, the lack of full time manual focus and the focus speed not looking that much faster than a non HSM, made the $300 odd dollar difference easier to swallow, plus the canon does look more impressive :rolleyes: lol.
Now I have to decide what to spend the rest of my money on, hitting the buy button on a sigma 30 1.4 is still very tempting though.

18-11-2010, 12:10am
Woohoo! I just brought myself a Hoya ND 8 filter of ebay, now I can take beutiful landscape photos without the sky being blown out.
I hope Santa brings me Photoshop Elements 9, so I can woohoo about that.:D

is it a gradient ND filter?
If it is just a normal ND filter it will be cutting light from all parts of the scene, and from what I understand, wouldnt help much with increasing dynamic range of pictures

18-11-2010, 4:39pm
just recieved my hoodman 3.0 loupe and a eye piece for the 50d
ordered it from the store in america and got it for 40 dollars less delivered to my door than what the australian hoodman supplier was asking
took 4 days from order to delivery very happy
cheers macca

18-11-2010, 6:16pm
After buying the canon 400mm F2.8L IS 3 weeks ago, I just bought the Sigma 120-300 F2.8 APO DG lens today.


19-11-2010, 1:32pm
Just recieved my new Sigma 10-20 4-5.6 from DWI. Excellent and speedy service. And a GREAT price. :th3:

Now where are those Sunrise/Sunsets ?

19-11-2010, 2:02pm
Hi Arg, did you buy them all in one hit???? Whoaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

Over a period of a few weeks, and from several suppliers, but essentially....... yes! :beer_mug:

19-11-2010, 2:07pm
Very reasonably priced K7 arriving Monday:grinning:,got to love people rushing in to buy the very latest offerings .

100+ to that, Garry. I was pushing the preorder buttons for a 60D (all I needed) until it seeped into my brain that the 7D could be got for slightly less! :eek:

Not to mention the inevitable couple of firmware updates for introductory issues shipped free with new models :o and that can take a few months to sort out.

21-11-2010, 12:41pm
Bought a Think Tank Bazooka tripod bag. Mainly to transport it between Korea and Australia and when on trips, but carried it around yesterday and it was great. It helped me to remember to pick up my tripod this time around :o

21-11-2010, 10:10pm
Bit late (2 days) but I picked up my new Canon EOS 1D Mark IV on Friday. It replaces the 30D as my second body. :)

22-11-2010, 8:00pm
Just took delivery of a new 10-20mm Sigma!! I bought it through eGlobal for those that are interested. They are a new-ish grey market retailer with brilliant pricing and I can't fault their service. It took about a week from placement of order to delivery. Very happy!


22-11-2010, 8:13pm
Yey, my 17-55 turned up today, missed the courier this morning, so I had to wait until 5.30 to pick it up from the depot, didn't that seem to take for ever, only taken a few shots so far, but I think I made the right decision going for this and not the 17-50 sigma.
Ordered it from DWI Wednesday night, courier was here 11am today (Monday), also ordered a 10-22 from elsewhere Saturday night, lets see how they perform.

23-11-2010, 3:12pm
Another nice order turned up from Image Melbourne today:
2.8m light stand (giving me a total of 3).
33" shoot-through/silver-backed umbrella (giving me a total of 3).
2 metal flash brackets (to replace the two plastic ones I have).
2 CFL's for constant light.
5 ball bungee's.
Hot-shoe to PC-sync. adapter.
Stofen Omni-bounce rip-off (for my Sigma flash).

There was a thread on here a while back with people complaining about the service they have received from IM. This is the third order I have put through them, and the third that is spot on. I ordered Thursday, paid by balance transfer, shipped Friday, delivered today. Everything is spot on, well packed and in A1 condition.

23-11-2010, 4:26pm
Over a period of a few weeks, and from several suppliers, but essentially....... yes! :beer_mug:

WHOAAAA!!!!!!! (in amazement mode) kekeke.... Congratulations! and Well done! Now it's time to share those pictures! :th3:

23-11-2010, 4:39pm
Well i've got a small addition to my gear today. A Thinktank Airport Antidote V2.0 :). Took a hell of a long time to get my hands on one, and can't say I got it the cheapest, but managed to land it before I leave on a trip to WA tomorrow. Will be great for my overseas travel :). The first of many purchases for me in the next few months...haven't had one for a while as I have been building up to some bigger goodies.

23-11-2010, 8:46pm
What's it like?
Can you give a short summary so far? Particularly regarding low light performance and if the new af is noticably faster.

23-11-2010, 8:50pm
my new black rapid r5 strap rolled up today
much more comfortable than hanging the zoom from the neck
cheers macca

24-11-2010, 12:05am
New tripod. Not sure the gear quality (cost!!) is justified by my level of expertise, but I figure amortising the cost over the rest of my life it is a bargain :)

Besides I already found one use for it:


24-11-2010, 1:34am
My Tamron SP 70-300mm f/4-5.6 Di VC USD arrived today (Tuesday) - my first real telephoto. Very nice lens, I think this will be on the camera a lot.

Ordered from B&H last Thursday afternoon and sent from New York to Perth - good service.

I'll get some pictures and show them in the next couple of days.

24-11-2010, 2:59am
A few days back my 17" Macbook pro loaded with all the fruit turned up from the USA, saved a packet! Now being my first Mac, I'm getting used to no registry, and the Mac quirks. Wading through my windows machines to transfer email and document stuff before migrating images. A rather large job to migrate I must say, but I am enjoying the OSX and hi-res LCD, just waiting for my twin Dell U3011's to turn up now!

26-11-2010, 2:55pm
New tripod and head. Manfrotto 190CXPRO3 and 701HDV.
This is so very cool. insanely versatile and great build quality. not to mention carbon lightness.
great great tripod and head system.
As a side note, the flip screen on the 60D, i love it, i wont be laying on the ground trying to see through the viewfinder for low shots.






26-11-2010, 7:21pm
That is amazing. I want one. Yet another thing to add to my list of wants.

26-11-2010, 7:25pm
Should be here either Monday or Tuesday


29-11-2010, 6:14pm
My 10-22 turned up today, haven't these come down in price.

Your tripod setup looks real nice Daniel.

30-11-2010, 4:56pm
It is on it's way, I can not Wait! Also picked up the Canon 50mm 1.4 as well. Very exciting! :o

30-11-2010, 10:42pm
The beast arrived today ^^^^^

Roll of film in the fridge ready to go
120 fill - 10 shots - no chimping

oh and as a bonus, there was a roll of exposed film left in the film back, I think it will go through the C-41 machine at work tomorrow

01-12-2010, 2:01am
is it a gradient ND filter?
If it is just a normal ND filter it will be cutting light from all parts of the scene, and from what I understand, wouldnt help much with increasing dynamic range of pictures
Hi fabian,
yeah it's a normal ND. thats the effect I'm looking for is for Landscape shots so I'll be wanting a gradient ND then.:o
Still green still learning:D

01-12-2010, 2:08pm
just got myself a new manfrotto 680b monopod and a battery grip for the 50d also a infra red remote and a new corded remote
cheers macca

01-12-2010, 3:41pm
Bought a grey import 7D last week.... 3 days to arrive, no duty woohoo..... BUT, the 10-22mm lens I bought on the same day (coming from USA) was only posted yesterday.... So I've got a wonderful new camera I can't use.... I'm half happy and half cranky.... :rolleyes:

01-12-2010, 5:31pm
Bought a grey import 7D last week.... 3 days to arrive, no duty woohoo..... BUT, the 10-22mm lens I bought on the same day (coming from USA) was only posted yesterday.... So I've got a wonderful new camera I can't use.... I'm half happy and half cranky.... :rolleyes:

Yeah that's annoying, that just happened with my 10-22, I think that as soon as it's paid for, it should be shipped out the next working day, not 2-3 days later, and while I'm on my soap box, ebay sellers shouldn't be able to say that the item's location is Australia, when you know it's not.

Quickly run down to the shop and get a 50 1.8 so you can use your new body lol.

01-12-2010, 6:48pm
Quickly run down to the shop and get a 50 1.8 so you can use your new body lol.

Funny you should say that, that was EXACTLY what I was going to do..... until the wife found out..... Now I've gotta wait :(

01-12-2010, 8:44pm
My twin Dell U3011's turned up with the Aus Air Express man this arvo, talk about some real estate! I need a bigger desk to set 2 of them up, so for now just using one with my MBP.

I got a cracking deal from Dell here in Aus, they list at $1899 each, and in October Dell had a 25% off coupon which has expired so I missed out on that price, but if anyone is interested in one send me a PM and I will tell you how to get one for $1485, which is almost 25% off, and I will put you in touch with my account manager.

02-12-2010, 5:44pm
Kata DR-467i backpack :)

03-12-2010, 3:09pm
Just picked up a Gossen Bisix 2 light metre

Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk

03-12-2010, 7:01pm
Picked up a manfrotto 055XPROB today, what a step up from my velbon 200R, although it's a little bit heavier, now I can get a lot lower to the ground and get a different POV than what I could with the velbon.
I also picked up a 3 way Pan & tilt head thinking it might have been better for landscapes, but I think I'll stick with my ballhead.

03-12-2010, 8:20pm
got me a 2nd hand sigma 10 - 20mm!!!!!!

04-12-2010, 11:31am
Not camera gear, but I just bought a new LG E2350 monitor, wow what a massive difference to my 6yr old samsung.

06-12-2010, 4:01pm
Ricoh CX3 hot in my stubby hands.... -droolz-

06-12-2010, 4:18pm
Canon 1000D

08-12-2010, 5:31am
My Canon 10-22mm arrived, so now I can actually use my 7D body instead of looking at it!! :th3:

Art Vandelay
08-12-2010, 10:34pm
Met up with Stu (para) for lunch today at a little seaside town halfway between where we both live.

After coming to an arrangement, this lens ended up in my car for the ride home instead of his. :D

300 f/2.8. IS

(dodgy iphone pic. lens with 2 x extender attached).


Spent a while micro adjusting it and both the 1.4 and 2 x converters then poked it up in the tree before i run out of light and found a couple of birdies


Very happy considering that's about a worst case senario. 2500 ISO, 2x extender with a 50% crop.

Look forward to trying it out in anger. :D

08-12-2010, 10:54pm
glad your happy with it mate

09-12-2010, 6:49pm
Santa turned up this week :xmas31:

Nikkor 300mm f/2.8G VRII, TC20-EIII, Gitzo GM5561T and RRS MH-01

Here is a very ordinary iPhone image or two...



I was worried the 6th (bottom) extension of the monopod would be very thin. Needed have been concerned.

Went and found an Osprey to try it out (forgot the flash though).


Found out an interesting fact... Ospreys can fly backwards out of trees to avoid cameras :( So I missed the take off shot.

09-12-2010, 6:51pm
I recently got a D700 for my birthday - most of the ppl in my course are Canon users so didn't have anyone to share my joy with, hopefully a Nikon user here will read this and smile. :)

09-12-2010, 6:52pm
ooh, i'm really thinking that a monopod will be on my wishlist soon. I'm still ok with my tripod, but sometimes....

10-12-2010, 12:56pm
Canon 60D with 18-135mm lens! WOOOOOOOOO! replaces my broken old 3MP point and shoot. Happy days!!!

Now I can become a professional photographer http://canibecomeaprofessionalphotographer.blogspot.com

Lance B
10-12-2010, 1:00pm
Congrats on the 300mm f2.8 VRII! I purchased one a few months back and it is a gem. I use it with my 1.4x TCII and 2x TCIII and you'd be hard pressed to find any difference in IQ with the TC's attached. The 300 f2.8 is just the right size to make it reasonably portable and handholdable and with the TC's I can get up to 600mm f5.6 with minimal loss of IQ or AF speed.

13-12-2010, 9:02pm
Just installing my Epson Perfection V500 Film Scanner

13-12-2010, 9:34pm
Congrats on the 300mm f2.8 VRII! I purchased one a few months back and it is a gem. I use it with my 1.4x TCII and 2x TCIII and you'd be hard pressed to find any difference in IQ with the TC's attached. The 300 f2.8 is just the right size to make it reasonably portable and handholdable and with the TC's I can get up to 600mm f5.6 with minimal loss of IQ or AF speed.
Thanks. I've got the 1.7x TCII as well but haven't tried it. I certainly don't notice any real change in IQ with the 2x TC attached. There is a slight drop in focus speed with the CPL inserted - which is mentioned in the manual. Still not comfortable with hand held, so I'm tending to use the monopod.

13-12-2010, 11:17pm
My Sigma 150-500mm zoom arrived today. I am quite pleased with it.

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5163/5257640626_b52057811e_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/23034038@N05/5257640626/)
Half a moon (http://www.flickr.com/photos/23034038@N05/5257640626/) by peterb666 (http://www.flickr.com/people/23034038@N05/), on Flickr

Still needs a fair bit of cropping (I believe 1500mm is the right focal length for the moon) but it is a reasonable compromise.

14-12-2010, 9:35am
New Sigma 10-20mm f/4-5.6 EX DC HSM 10-20mm arrived last night. I had to take my son to sports so haven't had much of a chance to use it.
Quick snap from the our driveway last night


15-12-2010, 9:23pm
Elinchrom D-lite it To Go 4 kit