View Full Version : Olympus E-PM1 (IR mod) + Nikon 43-86mm/3.5

21-08-2014, 10:14pm
When I first started looking around for an IR modified camera, I read that some lenses were better than others.
Somewhere I read that the old Nikon 43-86mm/3.5 was a good one for IR
I have no idea where I read it, and cannot find it again.

This lens has a bad reputation by some accounts, but the first version is allegedly worse than the second version

I picked up an immaculate version two off evilbay for less than $50 delivered a while back.

Anyway, with my go-to lens for this camera (m.zuiko 9-18mm) off on it's second holiday to the Olympus repair centre, I had a play with a few old lenses.

I was quite impressed by this old girl...

At 43mm

At 86mm



I @ M
22-08-2014, 7:42am
That is a bargain buy Matt, the detail rendered looks excellent and it seems to handle IR well. :th3:

- - - Updated - - -

I did a quick look for that lens on Bjorn's site as he usually rates IR performance and found a general review but no mention of the IR capabilities.


22-08-2014, 9:33am
Very nice images,
Great bargain on the lens. Can I ask what converter you are using between the Oly and the lens?
I assume you lose autofocus but are there any other compatibility issues?

22-08-2014, 7:50pm
Thanks Russ,
It is a cheap adapter from ebay seller ADPLO - about $16 from memory. Simply a physical interface - ie. no contacts.
Plenty of other sellers on ebay. This Nikon one has slight play in it, but my Minolta adapter from the same place is a snug fit - luck of the draw at this price bracket I think :)

You lose AF and any aperture control, so camera must be on full manual. Which means if you want check your settings later, all your lens info in your exif is empty.

Other Compatability issues? - none really .
Early on if I swapped between an adapted lens and back to my 9-18 Oly on my EPL1, the camera would get confused & need powering on and off again a couple of times.
Hasn't done it in a while though.

03-09-2014, 9:06pm
Great pictures. I don't know the impact of IR on the use of the camera but you can usually use the adapted lenses in aperture priority as the camera will select the appropriate shutter speed. In fact you can even leave it in full auto ode if you like. The Olympus metering doesn't require any lens information to operate.

Still, I generally used adapted lenses in full manual mode.

04-09-2014, 12:11am
Great pictures. I don't know the impact of IR on the use of the camera but you can usually use the adapted lenses in aperture priority as the camera will select the appropriate shutter speed. In fact you can even leave it in full auto ode if you like. The Olympus metering doesn't require any lens information to operate.

Still, I generally used adapted lenses in full manual mode.

Thanks Peter. I hadn't tried auto & aperture priority on this camera with adapted lenses. Must have had it in my head that if aperture couldn't be controlled in camera, it all had to be manual.
That is very handy to know:th3:

Now I am wondering why I hadn't stumbled across this on my EPL1. I have been using my 50mm Rokkor X on my EPL1 for a while.
Possibly I only tried it in the daytime, and the annoyingly low max shutter of 1/2000 would have not coped with wide apertures on aperture priority.
I haven't actually had much success on aperture priority with even Olympus lenses, so I do tend to go straight for manual with these bodies