View Full Version : Returning to photography

19-08-2014, 3:30pm
Hi friends I have taken a break from photography I use to shoot street but got burnt out on it. I am going to give macro a shot and hopefully that gets me excited again.

19-08-2014, 4:07pm
Hi Whittler. That'll get you going. OK, hurry up and let's see:)

19-08-2014, 4:18pm
Welcome back

20-08-2014, 5:01pm
:gday: & Welcome Back
- lets see some photos in the main CC forums (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?5) maybe try a competition or 2 and have fun!

21-08-2014, 2:54am
Welcome back - hopefully we'll get to meet you in person some day too :)

Mary Anne
21-08-2014, 7:38am
Hello and Welcome back, we all get a little burnt out at times and shooting Macro is no different :(
Hopefully the tiny subjects will help you get your mojo back again, will look forward to seeing what you post on the Macro Forum with that new lens :2smile:

23-08-2014, 7:10am
Welcome back. I hope you enjoy your adventures in macro! I found that I've taken a much more casual approach to my photography, I can go months without taking a photo... but that's okay - you can always just pick up a camera again. As long as you're enjoying what you're doing. Cya around!