View Full Version : Camera recommendation

07-08-2014, 4:13am
Hi guys a quick shout out for some advice please. A colleague of mine is currently overseas and is considering buying camera for her husband duty free. He is looking for a camera which sits in between a point and shoot and a DSLR. He enjoys photography but is not looking to lug around a DSLR and lenses etc... despite my efforts.

Im looking for recommendations, it will largely be a travel camera but he does like stitching images and they are into hiking, diving etc.

thankyou in advance



Nick Cliff
07-08-2014, 9:00am
Wayne ,the weatherproof Olympus or Panasonic cameras might do the job re hiking etc with the added bonus with adapters he might be able to use lenses (generally over 50mm or more are best) with adapters from his existing camera system in manual mode .Sony system cameras have the highest resolution sensors however I am not sure how rugged theses cameras are for hiking.The pro series lenses from oly and panasonic including the zooms are very good now if your friend wants to buy well once ,the kit lenses of course are average generally.Other members of the forum will be able to give more up to date advice as my camera (EPL-5 Olympus) is older technology ,hope this helps ,regards Nick.

07-08-2014, 9:19am
I'd suggests the sony rx 100 series, I have used one on hikes around the place. Easy to carry and takes great pictures, solid built but not weather proof.

07-08-2014, 9:41pm
Does he shoot long tele?

08-08-2014, 2:31am
My sister has just bought an Olympus Stylus 1 for a trip to Alaska and Northern Canada. I have just taken a look at its specs. Most impressive!


I managed to persuade her to take all her photos in raw + high res jpeg so that I can post process them when she gets back. :)

08-08-2014, 9:02am
If they are into hiking and diving then the Nikon AW1 might be worth a look.


13-08-2014, 2:47am
Thankyou for all the responses people I shall pass them on.



03-02-2015, 1:56pm
Hi there,

Purchasing a camera is a very personal choice, mine would be the Panasonic FZ1000. A smaller option would be the Panasonic LX 100--however I don't like the add-on flash there.
The already mentioned SONY RX100 111 would be an ideal pocket-carry-everywhere option.
Cheers Moxi