View Full Version : Looking at a new laptop

29-07-2014, 11:55pm
This fella's starting to get a bit long in the tooth, anyway, i'm not looking for anything special...


Any reason to avoid any of the above?
All seem to cover my needs, but which looks the best? (not a computery sort of guy, well, not anymore)

30-07-2014, 12:32am
I'd be picking the first one as it has a better CPU and has a dedicated graphics card which for processing photos will make things a lot quicker.

30-07-2014, 8:21am
It's really difficult to compare specs, often the differences are subtle between models, after comparing models at DSE, OW & HN, I ended up buying a Lenovo from a local dealer. The Lenovo was only $300 more but was an Intel i7 quad core, much more powerful and future proof than the offerings from the others.

30-07-2014, 11:29am
Another q, there's a bloke in Sydney (via eBay)


Could this be a better option? (I'm hesitant)

31-07-2014, 2:29am
No the eBay one isn't as good. Slower CPU and half the RAM

02-08-2014, 11:12am
Make sure when you go to buy your laptop that you ask "Is that the best price you can do?" You maybe surprised how much they can discount. cheers Brian

02-08-2014, 11:30am
This fella's starting to get a bit long in the tooth, anyway, i'm not looking for anything special...


Any reason to avoid any of the above?
All seem to cover my needs, but which looks the best? (not a computery sort of guy, well, not anymore)

Font size enhanced for emphasis.

CAPITAL YES! Avoid them all!
Main reason: POOR display resolution - ie, NOT full HD.
2nd reason: Not-so-hot processors - none of them.
3rd reason: not all have optical drives AND not all have ALL USB3 ports... Now, why? USB3 is backwards compatible with earlier versions. Cheapness!
4th reason: I don't remember any SSDs in the specs... I've forgotten, but that doesn't matter. What does is YOUR NEEDS.

You haven't specified them, but for what you've referred to here, your needs would soon outgrow any one of these.

From my research into laptops over the past year, I have concluded that ALMOST EVERYTHING is a WASTE of money on
utter rubbish. They're palming off their rubbish to you.

I am NOT suggesting you do this, but I reckon something that costs around $1500 would start to give you value for money.

I recently got a core I7 ASUS. Here are the specs:
Then click on "Specifications"

There are other brands that are similar.

For 12 months I've been at DSE, HN, and such. NOTHING was worth getting of their so-called "Specials"

Am(somewhat vehement at the potential waste of money and ensuing disappointment).

04-08-2014, 1:19pm
First question, what software do you use or plan on using to manage and edit your images? Ie Lightroom + Photoshop combination? Lightroom can be fairly resource intensive, so in my opinion unless you like pulling teeth or watching grass grow a decent system is mandatory. For Lightroom, and Photoshop CPU is the biggest speed factor (as long as you've got at least 8-16GB of ram).

With regards to CPU's be aware that an 'i7' isn't just an 'i7', many laptops have the 'U' based processors with priority on power/heat savings, they but a fraction of the performance of proper i7's. For example

Lightroom and Photoshop make use of multicores so this difference is realised in usage.

Also using either of these (especially lightroom) on less than 1080 x 1920 res screen is annoying.

I'd suggestion spending that bit more and get somethin with a least a i7 4700 core, 8+GB of ram. (the AMD cores these days lack behind somewhat too, but can be cost effective)

Also be aware that most laptops, especially in the lower price brackets (though spending more doesn't always help much) have pretty poor screens with regards to colour range (gamut).

What 'could' be you max budget. I'd perhaps post some suggestions as I've recently been in the same boat but may have to message them too you, accused last time of non-sense association when simply asking others advise :rolleyes:

04-08-2014, 3:38pm
Long story short, my old one died on Thursday...

Went with a HP model... Don't have the specs handy (on my phone). But the few details I know... Quad core something or other, 12gb ram, 1tb, and spent more than I wanted to.

04-08-2014, 4:55pm
Congs on the purchase MOR. I hope it's a full hi-def screen for you:D

SpoonyDan. I had a suspicion along the lines you say, and I thought I was OK with mine. Can you pls have a look at the specs in the link above and confirm it's a "proper"
core I7.

It certainly is no slouch.
Ta, Am.

Mark L
04-08-2014, 9:55pm
...... I'd perhaps post some suggestions as I've recently been in the same boat but may have to message them too you, accused last time of non-sense association when simply asking others advise :rolleyes:

Reckon that was to do with the 30 day/ 50 posts rule. You've got more than 50 posts now, so you can recommend or bag anything to you hearts delight now.:)

04-08-2014, 10:41pm
Mark, yeah probably, OK time to 'push' some products then ;) haha.

OP, sounds like you've got it sorted with the specs

Congs on the purchase MOR. I hope it's a full hi-def screen for you:D

SpoonyDan. I had a suspicion along the lines you say, and I thought I was OK with mine. Can you pls have a look at the specs in the link above and confirm it's a "proper"
core I7.

It certainly is no slouch.
Ta, Am.

Yep thats a 'proper' Quadcore i7, I think it's about 2 generations old but still should perform very well, as you can see still leagues beyond say a 4500U which is cpu commonly sold in 'i7' laptops