View Full Version : How many photos do you take a year

20-07-2014, 8:54pm
I've had my lightroom sorted by year which makes it fascinating to start checking out how the number of photos changed as you started to take photography more seriously. Mine was when I bought my D700

2004 - 2000 photos
2005 - 1900 photos
2006 - 2100 photos
2007 - 2900 photos
2008 - 3500 photos
2009 - 3100 photos
2010 - 3100 photos
2011 - 3300 photos
2012 - 6800 photos (got my D700 in April and started to take it more seriously)
2013 - 9103 photos
2014 - 9400 photos(till july)

I @ M
21-07-2014, 5:57am
How many photos do you take a year?

Five good ones. :D

Sorry, other than that I can't tell you because I have never bothered to look at shutter counts on the various cameras.

21-07-2014, 8:13am
No idea but far more get deleted than processed.

Lance B
21-07-2014, 8:26am
Before my Nikon D700 which I purchased in May 2010 I shot Pentax since 2004 but I have no idea how many photos I took with those cameras.
D700 about 15,000 in 23 months
D800 about 20,000 in 9 months
D800E about 26,000 in 19 months
Total about 61,000 in 51 months.

Mary Anne
21-07-2014, 5:02pm
Sadly not many good ones, though with plenty of time on my hands I use one or even two of my three cameras most days and I have no idea.

Just did a shutter count on the two Canons , no wonder my Canons are worn out I dont think you would want to know :eek:

Olympus E-M1 bought Jan 2014 no shutter count on the 1st one, it was replaced by a new one May 2014 ... 9964 in under three months.
Its heading the same way as the two Canons.. :D

21-07-2014, 6:15pm
Hmm...nowhere near as many as I would like to...and even less good ones! :(

21-07-2014, 7:14pm
2003 - 1
2004 - 1
2005 - 5
2006 - 6
2007 - 9
2008 - 158
2009 - 4247
2010 - 1145
2011 - 3539
2012 - 7527
2013 - 4596
2014 - 4790

As others have said, these are the ones that I kept. :)

Mark L
21-07-2014, 7:24pm
Got my DSLR 3 years and 2 weeks ago. Shutter has been released 6600 times.
Not sure sure how many of them I've actually not deleted. Maybe half. Must go back and update my deleting.:)

21-07-2014, 7:28pm
I have had my OMD since 2nd Jan this year and have 1021 photo's in Lightroom that I have taken with it. And I thought that was a lot ! Now , when I look at the numbers others have posted here I do not feel guilty at all. I do however go back through much of what I have taken and delete the ones I no longer think are up to standard. I don't see any point in keeping photos that I do not think are "up to my standards" and as I'm new and improving all the time my standards keep getting higher.

21-07-2014, 7:33pm
Probably should mention mine include iPhones and I don't delete a lot as I felt it would be interesting to go back later and look at progression. The only ones I generally delete as a rule are out of focus but those are normally minimal.

I use photo rankings to identify the keepers, normally ranked from 1-5 with 5 being the best. It is interesting that going back, I'm finding photos that are keepers because I know how to post process them a little better.

I will probably go through them when I find my drive starting to get close to full but for now I am happy to let them grow.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

21-07-2014, 9:43pm
last 3-1/2 years since progressing from P&S I've reportedly clocked up 43500 on the D3000 & 24105 on the Oly Epl1.
Even with over 5000 netball pics past weekend, the D3000 unfortunately is not looking like kaputing just yet .
We also have a pentax superzoom P&S & Oly waterproof P&S which do also get used a lot.

My 2014 folder is so far 113Gb & 24,816 items (this number does include some video clips as well)

23-07-2014, 11:40am
Shitloads... During footy season, roughly 2,000 a Saturday (3-4 games) and another 1,000 if I head elsewhere on a Sunday.

Then all the on footy ones outside that

23-07-2014, 12:22pm
I'm amazed how many photo's other are taking! As I said above I've kept about 1000 in six months. Admittedly I probably keep about 1 in 5, so maybe I've actually taken 5000. Others can knock that over in a weekend.

My question is: If you take this many photos , how do you get time to actually go back through them and look at them , do post processing etc... ?

Also for those who can remember: How has your photography changed since digital came along? You could not afford to have taken the number of photo's you do now in the days of film.

23-07-2014, 12:58pm
I'm amazed how many photo's other are taking! As I said above I've kept about 1000 in six months. Admittedly I probably keep about 1 in 5, so maybe I've actually taken 5000. Others can knock that over in a weekend.

My question is: If you take this many photos , how do you get time to actually go back through them and look at them , do post processing etc... ?

Also for those who can remember: How has your photography changed since digital came along? You could not afford to have taken the number of photo's you do now in the days of film.

I think it depends on your approach. Some people will preview and cut photos out they don't like before they load into lightroom or wherever they are managing their photos.

I tend to load everything and the only items I cut are out of focus. The rest I use a rating system to decide which I want to post process and keep the rest. At some point I may call them, but space hasn't been an issue for me yet.

As for taking photos, it depends on what and how I am taking photos. For an event, I'll take maybe 1000-1200 photos and cut it down to 300-400 photos. If I am taking candid photos of children, the hit rate is very low, so you tend to do a lot of photos because their reactions are so unpredictable, more likelihood of eyes closed, looking away etc.

Then there are other considerations like whether you are working with a new genre, where you may experiment with different apertures to find a particular look. It gives you the flexibility to go back and say "okay, that didn't work as I expected but this did"

yes, if it was film, you'd be more precise in your approach, but I also think you would lose the opportunities you gain with experimenting with digital.

23-07-2014, 1:34pm
Never kept track but would be around 14000 a year.

23-07-2014, 2:39pm
Interesting question - just over 7000 in the last 12 months on the D600. Probably about 1000 on the iPhone.


23-07-2014, 4:13pm
I'm amazed how many photo's other are taking! As I said above I've kept about 1000 in six months. Admittedly I probably keep about 1 in 5, so maybe I've actually taken 5000. Others can knock that over in a weekend.

My question is: If you take this many photos , how do you get time to actually go back through them and look at them , do post processing etc... ?

Also for those who can remember: How has your photography changed since digital came along? You could not afford to have taken the number of photo's you do now in the days of film.

I just finished processing my 5000 netball pics in aftershot pro (layout similar to lightroom). Probably took 15-20hrs to process.

Sport is easy. You can whip through a lot of photos quickly & flag the keepers & filter the others out
1. is it in focus
2. Is the ball in shot
3. Are the players faces in shot (Although if the action warrants it, I'm not so fussy about faces)
4. Is it showing action ...or is it of interest (eg looks of disappointment, pain, anger etc
Once the above is filtered, and duplicate/consecutive shots ignored, I probably only keep 1 in 10:lol2:
Processing is fairly basic - usually straighten, crop, levels, sharpness.

Landscape takes a lot more time & consideration, both in shooting and processing.

Mark L
23-07-2014, 9:11pm
Maybe we need to plan and consider how to take the photographs we want, and not just use the digital revolution to enable us to press the shutter button and hope we get something interesting?
And what is the point of keeping all these photos we take if it's not the best you can do?
Just wondering.

23-07-2014, 9:37pm
Hi Mark, in my case it's not spray and pray shooting. Take for example the weekend just gone which was my daughters first birthday party. Shot circa 600 frames. Sounds like a lot? Well we had 9 little ones and 24 adults. By the time you take shots with each adult, combinations of couples with kids, my daughter etc it adds up quickly. I don't think I'm unusual in the digital age. Digital allows me to capture many more intimate and combination moments that I'd miss with film because of the cost. I also don't take a lot of video so these stills are the key items we have.

Anyhow, that's just how I work. I personally don't see anything wrong with spray and pray OR taking more time and less shots either and I don't necessarily see it as a good / bad thing either way.


23-07-2014, 9:45pm
2004 - ~150
2005 - ~100
2006 - ~100
2007 - ~500
2008 - 2
2009 - 0
2010 - ~800
2011 - ~1800
2012 - ~3000
2013 - ~4500
2014 - ~2000 so far

Got my first digital camera in 2004, got my first DSLR in 2010..

I should mention that these are just the shots I've kept, which is maybe two thirds of total shots taken.

24-07-2014, 4:23pm

My question is: If you take this many photos , how do you get time to actually go back through them and look at them , do post processing etc... ?


The key is to rank/categorise/rate your images on initial preview.
This can be done in such a varied manner and for many differing reasons. For example, a while back on a shoot out at Lake Eyre, the flies were so thick in the air, I had to mark so many otherwise good exposures as bad(ie. un rated) simply because of the flies on the lens, or hovering around the front of the lens.
I had to bribe them to stay put in a specific area with a slice of ham(which some of them loved) .. just to get them out of the way of the lens!

So rating is a highly recommended strategy to perform on initial loading of images to the PC.
if you do this try to work on a plan for rating based on a possible long term strategy.

Once an image is rated or ranked, you can then filter the images into a type of category.

Filter the images to view the good ones, or alternatively view only the bad, unranked images and then delete .. or keep or whatever.

I'm constantly going back to images I may have shot years ago due to a tweaking of the memory cells upon seeing something in an image I recently captured or whatever other reason.

Eg. on the last weekend I shot about 50 images .. and really have only looked at them briefly on initial downloading to the PC.
Had a quick attempt at general editing on initial view, but my real priority was to rate them.
I altered WB on a couple for now, but I'll probably still have to leave this set for a few more days yet.
And the reality is that I only played with this one particular image in the set because I have been trialling some more software .... comparing my current editing programs with the trial one I'd downloaded.

24-07-2014, 8:21pm
50 I can handle , and that's what I might shoot on a day out over the weekend . 5000 is a different matter altogether .

24-07-2014, 8:21pm
I shudder to think as I regularly take 2-4000 over a weekend at motorsport events plus other sporting events Although this year has been very slow photographically as I have not had reliable transport since Christmas when I did a timing belt on my Ute while in Melbourne. That has now finally been remedied and I am off to Renmark and Loxton foe 2 days of Dirt Kart action.

Mark L
25-07-2014, 8:14pm
... as I regularly take 2-4000 over a weekend at motorsport events plus other sporting events ...
I'm with Brad.

25-07-2014, 9:38pm
How do I take so many shots? This weekend at the dirt Karts. Saturday night Renmark 100-200 Karts, 15 classes, 6-15 Karts per class, 4 heats and 1 final per class that's 75 races in total. then Sunday we go to Loxton and do it all over again. When there's this much action going on the shutter count climbs fast and these are just club days. The Australian Title to be held at Loxton in October will have over 400 Karts racing over 3 long days so 4000+ shots is easy to reach, sorting, Processing and posting to my website can take up to 3 weeks. In my spare time I take some landscapes, old buildings, cars and machinery, wildlife and birds which I process, select, print and frame the best of these for my Sunday Market stalls. Just as well I am retired as there is no time left for work.

25-07-2014, 10:03pm
How do I take so many shots? This weekend at the dirt Karts. Saturday night Renmark 100-200 Karts, 15 classes, 6-15 Karts per class, 4 heats and 1 final per class that's 75 races in total. then Sunday we go to Loxton and do it all over again. When there's this much action going on the shutter count climbs fast and these are just club days. The Australian Title to be held at Loxton in October will have over 400 Karts racing over 3 long days so 4000+ shots is easy to reach, sorting, Processing and posting to my website can take up to 3 weeks. In my spare time I take some landscapes, old buildings, cars and machinery, wildlife and birds which I process, select, print and frame the best of these for my Sunday Market stalls. Just as well I am retired as there is no time left for work.
That's hectic. Do you get paid for that?

25-07-2014, 10:16pm
I don't get paid, I just love doing it and I manage to cover costs selling a few prints.

24-09-2014, 1:41pm
Nowhere near enough... with a young family, my photography has pretty much ground to a halt.
I bought a Canon 7D in Jan/Feb of 2011, so roughly 3.5 years old and has a total shutter actuation count of 3,055.. depressingly abysmal really.

24-09-2014, 3:19pm
I took around 40,000 photos in the last year.
Lots of them for weddings, events, products, cars etc., but a few for myself too.

My 60D has around 55,000 actuations and my 5D3 has around 35,000!

29-09-2014, 2:25pm
I've clocked over the 9999 filename count on my camera maybe 4 or 5 times?

So would mean I do an average of probably 20,000 photos a year since owning the 5D3.

My previous 550D clocked that a few times, and in the hands of a friend has probably clocked it again!

Easy to do, really! I'm trigger happy haha.

29-09-2014, 2:47pm
So far this year 13,500 then shutter replaced (d600) now 6,050 fingers crossed

09-10-2014, 3:47pm
So far this year 13,500 then shutter replaced (d600) now 6,050 fingers crossed

What happened to your shutter after 13,500??