View Full Version : Night shot question

11-07-2014, 6:39pm
Hi everyone,
I just tried a few night shots and I have a pink dot under the moon can anyone maybe tell ,me what it is, or what I did wrong?
I used my new 7 d so I do not think it is a hot pix prob!


Cheers Klaus!

11-07-2014, 6:52pm
I would say (100% sure) it is an internal reflection from the lens elements.

Mark L
11-07-2014, 6:56pm
A Russian rocket?:)

It is probably the brightness of the moon creating a reflection in your lens.
There's a name for it that doesn't come to mind.

11-07-2014, 7:10pm

Sorry! I was thinking of 1970s pants:rolleyes:

11-07-2014, 7:33pm
Thanks guys for your help.
But if it is the lens I can do a little about it exept try another lens. Might try with my 50mm lens!
Hi ameerat42 ,
yes it would be nice if you could fix the knight to night :o!
Cheers klaus!

11-07-2014, 8:14pm
You can try a lens hood...

12-07-2014, 2:36am
You're all wrong, it's the Millennium Falcon.

12-07-2014, 3:22am
Thanks ameerat I will try that.
I tried yesterday also my 50mm lens, same thing. Looks like that I have to stamp it out in PP :(! I will see, I get my daughter for the 40 D a canon 18 - 55 today, will try that lens to night and see if I have then the same prob again!

Hakka, I don`t think it is your bird, it always stays on the same position! but thanks for your help ;)!

Cheers Klaus!

14-07-2014, 9:19am
Are you using a filter on your lenses?

14-07-2014, 1:30pm
No David,
I have no filter on these lens!

20-07-2014, 12:27pm
I would agree on the flare/internal reflection/refraction.

A lens hood could probably help depending on the angle of your lens during the shot - give it a try.

Maybe check there's no scratches or marks on the lens too - never know. :confused013

20-07-2014, 1:03pm
Hi David,
no, there is no scratch on the lens, but I will try the lens hood option.
Cheers Klaus!