View Full Version : Any tips for Hamilton Gardens?

08-07-2014, 6:51am
My friend has invited me to be a photographer at his wedding, and he's willing to fly me over to New Zealand for it. So just wondering if anyone has been there, or lives there, and has any tips for shot to shot experiences, also what the weather is like around January 7th.

Here's part of the email my friend sent me highlighting the wedding:

Hey David,

nothings locked in, but these are the three places we will look at booking.




I've gone through the 4-6 photo's in each garden scene and can spot some good potential for some good couple and party shots.

We are looking at some photographers over in NZ as well, but I know your really diving head first into photography and feel that you have the determination and skills to get some good shots.

Your welcome to keep any photo you shoot for any future work/website/card/brochure you may do.

I would like to also keep all files that are taken, as I can also do touch up/post production of images.

We are happy to fly you over and back at our expense and to also organize you to stay at a friends house close by.

You can stay with me most of the time anyway as I plan to go up around the 7th Jan, to look at the garden locations as well as the reception at Kel's uncles house and help setup the place which should have some nice farmland/green backdrops.

This is what's inside my head as of now (plans for you).

1) Scope out the Temple, Gardens and Reception (reception will be a high tea party theme on the day, everyone will be there, plenty of group photo's)

2) On the day - Temple sealing session will be at 11am (love for you to come in, but as we sort out all ppw after etc. you'll be outside ready for everything. Shots will be taken around the temple with everyone that is there.

3) Leave the temple by 1pm and Head down to Hamilton Gardens and spend roughly 20-30 mins in each garden scene. As we will both scope it out prior to this, we will know the spots that we want to capture the photo so it should be clock work. Those close to both Kel and myself will be there in which we will have both couple and certain group photo's. I want to invite my little cousins to be flower girls and be in certain photo's which certain scenes will work better for that.

4) I've booked the area between 1-3pm so shouldn't be an issue. Head over to the reception from 2:30-6pm. We will have a ring ceremony here. So a bishop will most likely be involved as the ceremonial director etc. (what ever the name is).

5) That evening we will have a dinner back in Hamilton with just family and close friends at a restaurant (yet to select). Not many photos then, just relax and enjoy each others company (feel free to take photos anytime though).

Pretty much that's the busy day from a photographers perspective. You'll need two batteries and enough space on two cards throughout the day. I have my card you can borrow if needs be.

As its all outdoors pretty much, lighting wont be an issue, so no need for a flash.

Let me know if you'd be willing to do this? And we'll let you know within a month. When I book tickets, I'll book yours if we decide its a go ahead.

The dates will be 7th Jan fly up, and whenever you want to go back, just let me know.

So you can see that it'll be a very busy and I'll need to be quick. I'll get a chance to scope out the area but with some extra guidance from you all here, that'll give me a headstart.

I'll be purchasing a couple of extra batteries soon, making a total of 4, and buy the 3rd party battery grip from Ownuser, so that I can run 3 at the same time and have the 4th as spare - that should last me.
I'll be getting a couple more memory cards too.

I'll have my a55 as backup for anything that may occur, and my only 2 lenses are as mentioned in my sig, 28-75mm f2.8, and 18-250mm f3.5-6.3.

Anyways, yeah, any tips welcomed. I'll be doing lots of practice before then of course whilst I still learn how to take a good photo.

P.S. Will be having a go at taking some car photography this Friday for a friend, so I'll probably post some photos up for CC of my own car soon for practice and tips. XD

08-07-2014, 7:38am
Nothing constructive to offer. Your idea of scoping the places out is good.

09-07-2014, 10:24pm
No problems - was just hoping some people might know of some good spots or poses.

Guess I'll just keep doing some practices and get myself ready for whatever it may be up there. XD

Mark L
10-07-2014, 8:17pm
"We are looking at some photographers over in NZ as well, ...."
Make sure this is so. If you haven't done this sort of thing before, you don't want to be the only photog recording their event.