View Full Version : Must have Photoshop plugin

07-06-2008, 12:57pm
What would be the absolute must have photoshop plugin ??

Did a search on the net but there's a helluvalot of plug in's.....

Anyone have any good experiences with plug ins

07-06-2008, 2:47pm
I use alot of different plugins, the one i doubt i would be able to live without is Neat Image (noise reduction software) its also a stand alone prog aswell but seen as though i shoot raw and open everything in ps i only have it as a plugin

07-06-2008, 3:59pm
Yep Noise reduction would be my choise as well for the 'must have'. I use Neat Image as well.

Second up would be some sharpening actions, that I use on nearly every photo.

07-06-2008, 6:58pm
For me, it's Noise Ninja for shots above ISO 800 on my D200. Below that I don't require any noise reduction other than what I achieve with ACR/LR.

If I had to be pinned down on why Noise Ninja, it's really to do with time savings and productivity. Noise reduction, like many of the things that plug-ins do, can be achieved without the use of plug-ins, but the trade-off is processing time because of the multiple steps involved to perform manually and because of the number of stops that occur even when it's recorded in an action.

The plug-in just stream-lines the process, but doesn't produce results that couldn't be achieved without it if you want to spend the time.



09-06-2008, 1:09pm
Noise reduction.....So what is the difference between Noise Ninja which i heard a bit about and the Neat Image, Just like always personal prefrence.

Thanks all.

And you're right Darksome Viveza is just too good...

09-06-2008, 2:27pm
Noise Plugins
Neat Image
Noiseware Pro

Selecting and Masking
Fluid Mask

B&W Conversion
B&W Styler

Skin Softening

10-06-2008, 3:47pm
Noise ninja, but I may have to check out neat image with all these favourable comments.

13-06-2008, 12:16pm
Good thread - I'm definitely going to try some of the fave plug-ins listed above.

I only really use Noiseware Professional - I think its excellent, but I haven't tried any of the alternatives listed above.

13-06-2008, 1:58pm
psp12 has a really good noise reducer built in... just as good as neat image IMO (yes i have used neat image). i dont do that much PPing tho... maybe i should.

26-09-2008, 7:07pm
I'm addicted to Lucisart right now. I cant say I've done much niose work though I do have noise ninja and from the small amount I've used it I think its good but I can see myself using Lucisart on a heap of photo's from now on. Even if its justa very subtle touch.


26-09-2008, 7:15pm
My favorite plug-ins come from Alien Skin Software (http://www.alienskin.com/) & Flaming Pear (http://www.flamingpear.com/index.html). So many to choose from.
Been using them for years when I was involved with signature scene

26-09-2008, 9:07pm
Can I add another one? Viveza (http://www.niksoftware.com/viveza/en/entry.php) by Niksoftware

27-09-2008, 12:47am
I use Neat Image and FocalBlade (sharpening). Wouldn't want to be without either.

Rick, the price of Viveza looks a bit steep, especially for people who already have Capture NX.

27-09-2008, 2:48am
Viveza is magic

27-09-2008, 7:26am
I use Neat Image and FocalBlade (sharpening). Wouldn't want to be without either.

Rick, the price of Viveza looks a bit steep, especially for people who already have Capture NX.

I agree if you have Capture NX, then you are working with the NikSoftware's control point technology anyway, so no need to get Viveza.

27-09-2008, 10:11am
Can I add another one? Viveza (http://www.niksoftware.com/viveza/en/entry.php) by Niksoftware

*another hand up for Viveza*

I'm also adding to the list some other NikSoftware - Colour Efex Pro, and Dfine 2.0 [noise reduction]

Love both of them...but can't forget Silver Efex too.

27-09-2008, 12:42pm
I'm another that uses/likes B&W Styler - it also works as a plug in for PhotoImpact which is good (As thats what I use) :)

27-09-2008, 12:47pm
I'm another that uses/likes B&W Styler - it also works as a plug in for PhotoImpact which is good (As thats what I use) :)

I use this in CS3, I agree it's great.

27-09-2008, 4:19pm
More votes for Viveza and Silver Effex Pro and both are brilliant. I have used Noise Ninja and Neat Image but don't use either anymore as I don't find any use for them.


28-09-2008, 9:45pm
Veveza seems to be very popular. Thats a handy link to the video tutorials Rick. Do you have any more? (tutorials that is)


29-09-2008, 5:18am
Veveza seems to be very popular. Thats a handy link to the video tutorials Rick. Do you have any more? (tutorials that is)


Not for viveza no, though once you install it, it is fairly intuitive, drop a control point in, resize it and then adjust the sliders.

Mister Mick
07-11-2008, 7:08pm
They're not a plugin, but are the best Actions I have seen in a while.

the totally Rad actions, add a really modern look to pics. Cutting edge colouring, and awesome B&w. I have found myself using these a lot lately.


07-11-2008, 7:35pm
nothing happens when i click it

08-11-2008, 7:52am
Just downloaded a trial version of Veveza. WOW!!!!!!! Thanks a Lot for the info

07-05-2009, 8:05pm
I just dug up this thread to see what the latest and greatest plugs were but it seems to have gone cold. OK, popped back to the top to see what happens.


17-05-2009, 12:25pm
Thanks for reviving this thread. I downloaded the trial version of Veveza and it looks to be a really powerful tool.

I'd have never found it without this thread.

17-05-2009, 5:40pm
Not for viveza no, though once you install it, it is fairly intuitive, drop a control point in, resize it and then adjust the sliders.

Just a quick question, In Viveza the control point are only available in circles, you can't make that rectangular ?? if that makes sense.............

do you know what i mean ???

30-05-2009, 1:10pm
Has anyone tried Light Machine (http://www.thepluginsite.com/products/photowiz/lightmachine/index.htm)? I just downloaded the crippleware version as a trial, and my first impression is very good. But I'm wary of first impressions, especially with plugins: all too often you think something is magic, so you buy it, and a few months later you don't even remember that you have it because you never use it. Just the same, Light Machine looks like a good 'un.