View Full Version : Hazards of being a photographer!

24-06-2014, 8:50pm
Hi All
I was out taking a few photographs on a "foot bridge"


when unexpectedly, without warning something came into shot.....

I am sure I can work out how fast he was going but as he went past it was enough to move me and the camera.

As a cyclist, who has on occasions used this very same bridge I would expect the odd cyclist. However, most of the polite ones will either ring the bell or yell out a warning.

So the moral of the story is..... look behind you.


25-06-2014, 10:38am
As a cyclist, who has on occasions used this very same bridge I would expect the odd cyclist. However, most of the polite ones will either ring the bell or yell out a warning.

So the moral of the story is..... look behind you.

... and ring my bell! :p I was going to suggest that ALL cyclists are "odd" but then I noticed you fall into that category so I restrained myself! :D

Mark L
25-06-2014, 7:26pm
Hazards of being near blinkered idiots!

26-06-2014, 7:52pm
I ride over that bridge a bit, I wouldn't bother warning people because it rattles crazily when you ride on those planks.

26-06-2014, 8:19pm
The noise on the bridge is significant and even noisier underneath, but the approach is on tarmac which is very quiet.

29-06-2014, 9:23am
As a kid, I had someone on a bike ride into me. Being on that bridge with that bike would have freaked me out a bit, especially if it is a quiet approach then sudden noise. =\

29-06-2014, 12:51pm
As a kid, I had someone on a bike ride into me. Being on that bridge with that bike would have freaked me out a bit, especially if it is a quiet approach then sudden noise. =\

The first I knew he was passing was the rush of air. Usually they yell out "passing" or ring a bell, but this guy didn't do anything. It was particularly scary as I was completely focused on framing the shot and unaware of anything outside of the viewfinder.

29-06-2014, 2:13pm
Did you indulge in any impromptu naming ceremonies spoken in a loud voice?
Mug! Jack-ass! would seem appropriate starters.

30-06-2014, 8:22pm
Being on cycle paths needs to be treated like you are on the road these days, there are a lot more bikes than there used to be.

Speeds can be up to 45km/hr, so be careful.