View Full Version : Hello all.

24-06-2014, 9:20pm
Hi, my name is Scott Nimmo.

Started to get the bug years ago after borrowing my fathers D80,
then got a D90, then last year got a D800.

It started with taking photos of my dogs (I own and breed White Swiss Shepherds), then pics on holidays,
then action shots of tournaments my HEMA students compete in (HEMA = Historical European Martial Arts).

Was going on a trip to the US and thought I would upgrade to a full frame for the Grand Canyon.

Alas my lens choice was not great (28-300) and was not particularly happy with the shots (seemed soft).

I was inspired to get a ultra wide for a trip to Scotland in August, so I got a Nikon 16-35 today and was
hoping these was a community out there that can help me grow.

Only found this forum an hour ago, so I hope it works out. :rolleyes:

Scott Nimmo

24-06-2014, 10:07pm
Hello Scott and welcome to AP:)

24-06-2014, 10:08pm
:gday: & Welcome
- lets see some photos in the main CC forums (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?5) maybe try a competition or 2 and have fun!

24-06-2014, 10:43pm
Welcome Scott and this forum is definitely a great resource to draw help from, specially getting some feedback on your photos and how you can continue to improve. It'll work out. :)

Mark L
24-06-2014, 10:43pm
G'day Scott.
It'll work out if you get a little involved here. ;)
Don't be afraid to ask questions, make comments and generally have fun. 'tis what makes forums work.
Now those shots that seemed soft. Do you sharpen your photos in PP?

24-06-2014, 10:53pm
Welcome Scott

24-06-2014, 10:53pm
Thanks All,

Mark L
Yeah, I think I have learnt more about Lightroom than using my D800 :p.

eg. I realised today that I had AutoISO stuck on for the last few weeks, I was wondering why my ISO was always higher than I wanted and it was ruining the detail in my attempts at shots at night. :o

Mary Anne
25-06-2014, 12:31am
Hello Scott and Welcome to AP..
Seems you have been shooting for a few years so if you haven't got it right yet then this is the best place to learn
So will look forward to seeing what you post on the Forums for cc so we can help you to shoot better images.

You have had your ISO on Auto for the past few weeks, thats Ok its human to err :D

25-06-2014, 6:32am
Welcome. Note that we have upgraded you to intermediate level based on your intro. You have obviously got a few years experience and upgraded your gear, so we don't classify people who have done that as beginners. Enjoy the site.

25-06-2014, 8:02am
I am never quite happy with my pics.

Though here are a few when I started with the D800

In the dungeons of Alcatraz

SanFran (I the sunset was driving me mad on this shot).

Docklands before the fireworks on Australia Day 2014

And one of my swordy shots from last year.

Mary Anne
25-06-2014, 8:28am
Hello again Scott it's best if you post these images on the correct Forums for cc, they are great images BTW.

26-06-2014, 8:12pm
Welcome Scott,

I Look forward to seeing some more of your photos in the forum. Enjoy the site! Post some images. Everyone here is very friendly. Make use of the Beginner's CC forum while you can. Get involved and enter the competitions (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/apcompetition.php) ( if you like competitions (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/apcompetition.php)) , and try the members challenge each week . These all give you a way to keep motivated and focus your learning.

I'm finding you never stop (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=New_To_Photography:f_stop_chart) learning with this hobby and there is a wealth of experience and information here on the site.

Most of all have fun!

26-06-2014, 9:32pm
Thanks Brad, I find in most things the more you learn the more you realise you have to learn.

I already posted some pics on CC (under Sports), I am thinking of some of my fish shots as well but I do not want to post up pics from too long ago.

Mark L
27-06-2014, 8:38pm
....... I am thinking of some of my fish shots as well but I do not want to post up pics from too long ago.

Don't worry about to long ago. They may be interesting to look at and you may get a tip on how to do it better.