View Full Version : Congratulations Yummymummy (Kirsty)

07-06-2014, 9:44pm
I would like to extend my congratulations to AP member yummymummy (Kirsty). One of her photos went viral on facebook in the last 24 hours or so. Up to about 7.00pm tonight, it had achieved something quite amazing. It had been viewed by 1,370,000 people. It had 41,000 likes, 13,000 shares and over 30,000 comments.

The photo was a storm one she entered into our photo of the week #411 competition, where it made the finals: http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?131803-Final-Poll-580-Photo-of-the-Week-411-OPEN-%28no-theme%29

I have not linked the actual photo into this thread as this forum is publicly accessible. The version on Facebook is watermarked, the competition version is not, and thus I did not want to re-post it into a non-member accessible Ausphotography forum.

Congratulations on your photo going viral Kirsty. 1.3 million views is mind-boggling.

Kym edit: Here is the image, only visible to AP logged in members...

07-06-2014, 9:46pm
Thank you Rick, it's been a hell of a week, it really has.. I'm still pinching myself over the 1.3 million views, that to me is just astounding!!!! The support from people that don't even know me, the weather community, and the photographic community has just been overwhelming. I am just speechless, and we all know that doesn't happen very often ;) :D

07-06-2014, 9:53pm
Enjoy the ride YummyMummy! I sure would love to be in your shoes.:p

07-06-2014, 9:58pm
Enjoy the ride YummyMummy! I sure would love to be in your shoes.:p

Thanks Jopho, Although I've had all these likes and comments and views on my photo, I'm not sure you would like to be in my shoes. It was shared, and has that amount of likes because for the past 9 months I've been on the receiving end of a cyber bully / troll. This is the culmination of the 9 months, and the result of the troll having my photo disqualified on a photo competition after claiming I'd stolen his photo and rebranded it as my own ( which is kind of ironic, cause that's how the trolling started, he stole one of mine and rewatermarked it with his own watermark.. the rest, as they say is history.) ..

Steve Axford
07-06-2014, 10:28pm
Sad to hear about the troll, but, as JoPho says "enjoy the ride". Isn't it amazing how many people there are out there.

07-06-2014, 10:34pm
Sad to hear about the troll, but, as JoPho says "enjoy the ride". Isn't it amazing how many people there are out there.

Thanks Steve. yeah just incredible really!! In the first 6 hours of being posted, the photo had had about 18,000 likes and comments on it. Pretty incredible! Just such a shame its not just for the image, but also for the nasty side too.. but hey, I'll take the likes etc! not gonna knock them back ;)

08-06-2014, 5:12am
An amazing photo and certainly deserves the attention. Sad that the downside of social media is the jealous viewers who leave negative comments. We have panos coming up at our camera club and one of the members shared your photo on the club's facebook page. I'm happy if I can get 5 images to stitch well let alone the number you shot for that one plus Gladstone never gets storms like that.

08-06-2014, 6:02am
Thanks Lplates! you'll get there, it's all about practice. I've got it so that I can just stitch them now. That particular one was stitched by "hand" not automated, I tried the automated, and it just went skewed and wouldn't line up, so I did it by eye, and got it pretty much as it was in the sky. :)

08-06-2014, 8:10am
I've added the image to Rick's post, it's only visible to AP Members (due to comp system security)

Well done Kirsty -- one way to shut up a troll :D

08-06-2014, 9:30am
I've added the image to Rick's post, it's only visible to AP Members (due to comp system security)

Well done Kirsty -- one way to shut up a troll :D

Thanks Kym!! sure is, though he's having hissy fits this morning, cause he's the butt of everyones joke lol. *shrugs* he brought it all on himself!

08-06-2014, 11:44am
Sorry to hear about the downside YummyMummy...seems like it has had a just ending.

08-06-2014, 1:42pm
Weatherzone on the comp stuff up...

Dear all

After much consideration and advice, Weatherzone has decided to acknowledge the original winner of the June photo competition, Kirsty Hellmech.

We would like to acknowledge that we did not handle this unfamiliar situation in an appropriate way and apologise for the hurt and confusion that this has caused all parties. This has also been communicated privately to both Kirsty and Marinka.

To be fair to both winners, Marinka’s image will remain for the remainder of this month. Kirsty will then have her work showcased for the month of July. There will be no photo comp in July, but will return for August.

We particularly apologise to Kirsty, congratulate her for her amazing photograph and thank her for her understanding and patience.

Finally, please be assured that we value you, our users, very highly and have taken into consideration all of your opinions expressed over the last few days.

What really went wrong?

Kirsty submits an excellent image wins the June WZ Comp - all in good faith
The troll challenges Kirsty's image
Then WZ, rather than investigating properly take down the image - Wrong
What WZ should have done is ask the person challenging for PROOF of their allegation
(i.e. Kirsty is innocent until proven guilty -- natural justice)
The proof is simple - the original images used to stitch the panorama; no way the troll could have done that
The a LOT of people blast WZ for being basically stupid by acting on a troll without doing some simple investigation first
If you run a photo comp you have to have a clue about photography - simple

08-06-2014, 5:30pm
Such an awesome photo. No wonder It went viral. Congratulations.

08-06-2014, 6:53pm
So glade this has turned out good for you. I was one of the "likes" the image is fantastic. Congratulations

08-06-2014, 6:57pm
Scores.... Troll - 0 <<<>>> Kirsty 1.4 million and counting :lol2:

08-06-2014, 7:47pm
Well done it a wonderful picture and a credit you out standing work with your photography and I can see the photo counting in share and views as it is amazing. You should be very proud of yourself an not let the troll pull you down. congrats

out n about
09-06-2014, 8:03am
Well done Kirsty, an exceptional photo and a great outcome, we are glad to see the good side of social media finally wins out although obviously 81/2 months late. :(

09-06-2014, 10:03am
Beautiful pic, and congratulations on the outcome:)

09-06-2014, 6:54pm
Congrats indeed - I personally love the image myself too. I need to start looking into doing some more panoramas...

09-06-2014, 7:20pm
Well I was one of the 1.4 million. I didn't clue who it was though. Congrats!

09-06-2014, 7:42pm
1.4 million views is a nice outcome for an upsetting situation.

The power of the internet is it's openness. A sad consequence though, are those who seek attack or undermine others under the protection of anonymity.

The irony of my statement is that I've just realised I participate in this forum under an anonymous avatar.

Steve Bowater.

Lance B
09-06-2014, 9:18pm
Fantastic photo and congratulations on getting so many views! The photo deserves it. :th3:

09-06-2014, 10:36pm
Well done Kirsty, not only for the image but also for standing up to this lowlife that resorts to stealing images and branding them as his own.

I'm assuming that the troll is not an AP member and if AP member tried this on he or she would be booted the moment the evidence was known???

Personally I'd like to see an image of the troll embossed with words like thief, which then went viral!

10-06-2014, 9:27am
Thank you everyone for the support. The support has been incredible really. I certainly didn't think when I took the photo that it would go viral. Anyone who knows me, knows I will not back down.. I've been likened to a dog with a bone when I know I'm right. Sorry it's taken so long to get back and reply, the other unfortunate downside to this is the stress. Stress has accumulated and in the last couple of days I've had a massive seizure because of it. I have epilepsy, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, making it hard for my body to deal with the normal stresses that one would face. My body goes into " meltdown" has a fit, then the white blood cells decide to fight against themselves.. it makes it hard to deal with things in the normal way. Since this has happened I've shut my personal fb down.
Again, thanks for the support, you guys rock, especially Rick, who's been fighting the fight with me.

Steve Axford
10-06-2014, 2:47pm
Sorry to hear about the autoimmune stuff, Kirsty. Must make the troll doubly hard to take. I hope you can still take the good bits and keep away from the bad.

10-06-2014, 4:29pm
Your photo appeared on my newsfeed on facebook in a share from my brother but I did not know you were the person subject to such nasty, spiteful and deceitful actions by this troll. So glad weatherzone acknowledged their error which would not have happened had they investigated properly. Wishing you the best in respect of your health concerns and hoping your stress is much lessened so you can continue posting your wonderful photographs. ((hug))

Nice also to read the troll is getting at least a tiny amount of the treatment it deserves!

10-06-2014, 7:21pm
Great shot.

Mark L
10-06-2014, 7:49pm
The storm creates a storm!
What an interesting thread.
So many things go on in a world that I don't know.
Try and relax Kirsty. You can only deal with so much, then let the rest wash over you. Maybe go and take some photos in genres you're not comfortable with. Might take your mind of things and refocus it on "how do I get this photo?":)

Anyway, as you know, a wonderful photo. You should be proud of it.

All the best with the health.

- - - Updated - - -

And Steve, you could have remained anon. as you don't attack or undermine others under the protection of anonymity here.

Steve Axford
10-06-2014, 8:21pm
And Steve, you could have remained anon. as you don't attack or undermine others under the protection of anonymity here.

Are you talking to me?

10-06-2014, 9:03pm
Are you talking to me?

No, Mark L is referring to bowjac's post

Steve Axford
10-06-2014, 9:25pm
Thanks Allie.

11-06-2014, 7:36am
Thanks everyone, like I said, the support has been incredible. I'm having some time off fb for now. Just can't handle things right now. Anyway, off to the dr's this morning, fingers crossed!!

11-06-2014, 8:40am
Not on Facebook, so no experience of it, but congratulations on the outcome.:wd:

11-06-2014, 8:42am
Good luck at the doctors Kirsty. I hope you feel better soon, after the emotional rollercoaster ride you have been on for the past 9 months.

11-06-2014, 11:00am
Good luck at the doctors Kirsty. I hope you feel better soon, after the emotional rollercoaster ride you have been on for the past 9 months.

Thanks Di, well back from the Dr's, not allowed to drive for the next 12 months, and am now seeing a psychologist to try and help me deal with the stress... when will it all end?! I never knew that people like him existed, and I sincerely hope I ( or my kids or friends) never EVER come across one in their lifetimes... to say it's been stressful is an understatement. Threats of violence, and death to me over the last 9 months have certainly taken their toll. I'm now a shadow of the former person I once was. Am I still going to stand up to him? you bet!!! If I back down now, what sort of a role model am I for my kids, showing them it's ok to back down to a bully. Rick has been amazing through all this, as has my good friend Jodie who's also had threats on her life from him, and the same pages etc made up about her. You really learn who your friends are when things like this happen, and I'm forever grateful to mine for being there for me.

11-06-2014, 5:43pm
Kirsty, this harrassment is even worse than I had any idea of. I know that you are one of the strongest people I have met, so having affected you like this I shudder to think how it would have affected most people.

This ordeal will, I believe, make you stronger in the long term, and will teach your children and everyone who hears of this, to stand up for right and to stand fast against bullies, but it is something I wish had never happened to begin with.

Hugs to you as you work towards your ultimate goal, and I can't help but wish all sorts of nasty little surprises on this person.
Karma is alive, and it will catch up to him one day soon, if it has not already.

11-06-2014, 6:50pm
If you want to see the sort of harrasment some of us have been subjected to, someone has created an entire website about this guy: www.jasonwattstroll.com

Go look at the gallery page, or around the whole site, to see what he does. He is one nasty bit of work. It is funny how someone can threaten the Queensland premier's wife on FB (http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/man-26-arrested-over-kill-threat-to-campbell-newman-and-wife-on-facebook/story-fnihsrf2-1226815787705) and get arrested (and gaoled), yet this guy can threaten to kill people, rape and burn down homes (and more) and the Police will not do a thing.

Greg Johnston
11-06-2014, 6:57pm
Fantastic Kirsty! This is a brilliant shot.

11-06-2014, 8:10pm
If you want to see the sort of harrasment some of us have been subjected to, someone has created an entire website about this guy: www.jasonwattstroll.com

Go look at the gallery page, or around the whole site, to see what he does. He is one nasty bit of work. It is funny how someone can threaten the Queensland premier's wife on FB (http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/man-26-arrested-over-kill-threat-to-campbell-newman-and-wife-on-facebook/story-fnihsrf2-1226815787705) and get arrested (and gaoled), yet this guy can threaten to kill people, rape and burn down homes (and more) and the Police will not do a thing.

I would have thought that he could be charged under the using a carriage service to threaten under commonwealth legislation, and a quick google found this.case study:
A 19 year old male in Canberra used Facebook to threaten another man, that man’s brother and the brother’s girlfriend for more than two weeks. He posted comments on the man’s Wall, like “You’re a dead dog…don’t forget I know where you live”, and also made threats using Facebook Chat. The man was charged with using a carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence (section 474.17 of the Commonwealth Criminal Code 1995) and sentenced to six months imprisonment.
So I wonder why something has not been done. People like you and Kirsty should not have to go through what he has put you through.

11-06-2014, 8:19pm
I would have thought that he could be charged under the using a carriage service to threaten under commonwealth legislation

The problem is proving the posts were done by a specific identifiable human.
Facebook are less than helpful.
The police just say close your FB account.

Mark L
11-06-2014, 8:25pm
Are you talking to me?
No, bowjac outed himself as Steve Bowater in post #21.;)

- - - Updated - - -

Bugga, should have read more. Allie said it already.:)

Steve Axford
11-06-2014, 8:40pm
I should have read back further and I would have seen there was another Steve. Not such are rare name really.

12-06-2014, 9:31am
Fantastic Kirsty! This is a brilliant shot.

Thanks Greg! I'm extremely proud of this shot. This was the one shot last storm season that I was the only chaser on the storm, and I got the only shots of it ( with a camera, not a phone.. there are a few phone photos floating around, but none like this). I chased this one on my own, with no help from anyone else, and I came up with the goods. I was on cloud 9 afterwards!! lol :)

Kirsty, this harrassment is even worse than I had any idea of. I know that you are one of the strongest people I have met, so having affected you like this I shudder to think how it would have affected most people.

This ordeal will, I believe, make you stronger in the long term, and will teach your children and everyone who hears of this, to stand up for right and to stand fast against bullies, but it is something I wish had never happened to begin with.

Hugs to you as you work towards your ultimate goal, and I can't help but wish all sorts of nasty little surprises on this person.
Karma is alive, and it will catch up to him one day soon, if it has not already.
Thanks Di, yeah it's not very nice is it. And all because he thieved one of MY photos in the first place and I arced up ( same as anyone would really! ) I wish he'd just fall off the face of the planet. I'm not the kind of person to wish nasty stuff on people usually, and I'm not one to hold grudges and I've never hated someone in my lifetime til he came along... I don't like the feeling of having hatred in me, I feel weighed down by it all, hopefully something will be done sooner rather than later and karma will do something to him..

I would have thought that he could be charged under the using a carriage service to threaten under commonwealth legislation, and a quick google found this.case study:
A 19 year old male in Canberra used Facebook to threaten another man, that man’s brother and the brother’s girlfriend for more than two weeks. He posted comments on the man’s Wall, like “You’re a dead dog…don’t forget I know where you live”, and also made threats using Facebook Chat. The man was charged with using a carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence (section 474.17 of the Commonwealth Criminal Code 1995) and sentenced to six months imprisonment.
So I wonder why something has not been done. People like you and Kirsty should not have to go through what he has put you through.

The problem is proving the posts were done by a specific identifiable human.
Facebook are less than helpful.
The police just say close your FB account.

As Kym said, it's hard to prove that it's not him sitting behind the keyboard. I mean if you look at the writing styles, and the punctuation and grammar, anyone with eyes can prove it's him. :-/ I think it should be the other way, I think he should have to prove its NOT him... :-/

14-06-2014, 12:56pm
Fantastic image Kirsty and congrats!!

14-06-2014, 3:49pm
Who could expect anything less really. :confused013 Congrats Kirsty. :th3:

14-06-2014, 5:01pm
Fabulous photo Kirsty. Deserves all the accolades it's getting.

As for the cyber bully that tried to claim it as his work, just ignore/block the moron. He sounds like a sad excuse for a human being who lives in some sort of fantasy world of his own making.

14-06-2014, 5:15pm
Fabulous photo Kirsty. Deserves all the accolades it's getting.

As for the cyber bully that tried to claim it as his work, just ignore/block the moron. He sounds like a sad excuse for a human being who lives in some sort of fantasy world of his own making.

And therein lies the problem, this troll keeps creating false sites/ FB profiles then posting that people are paedophiles etc.
He is a VERY nasty piece of work.
He is a lying piece of bottom dwelling scum. And that insults scum.

14-06-2014, 5:32pm
Fantastic image Kirsty and congrats!!

Thank you Kerry!! I'm really proud of it. :)

Who could expect anything less really. :confused013 Congrats Kirsty. :th3:

Thanks geoffsta!!

Fabulous photo Kirsty. Deserves all the accolades it's getting.

As for the cyber bully that tried to claim it as his work, just ignore/block the moron. He sounds like a sad excuse for a human being who lives in some sort of fantasy world of his own making.

And therein lies the problem, this troll keeps creating false sites/ FB profiles then posting that people are paedophiles etc.
He is a VERY nasty piece of work.
He is a lying piece of bottom dwelling scum. And that insults scum.

Thanks Cage, but it's like Kym said, he makes a fake profile and comes back again. Of the banned and blocked profiles on my fb and my photography page, 17 on the list belong to him, and they're just the ones we know about :-/ He's relentless.. though he has been quiet, no wait, I take that back, he might have been busy for all I know, I've since shut my fb down.

14-06-2014, 5:49pm
The sad thing about this guy is that he obviously needs help, of the psychiatric kind.

The worrying thing is that he either doesn't know it, or won't admit it.

14-06-2014, 6:49pm
The sad thing about this guy is that he obviously needs help, of the psychiatric kind.
The worrying thing is that he either doesn't know it, or won't admit it.

He needs to be incarcerated for a long time, he has threatened serious violence including arson and death.

14-06-2014, 7:45pm
Well done Kirsty - an amazing image. I took one just like it (OK .. OK ... it just had sky and grass in it :o). Yours is an incredible image and the number of views is astounding. You're entitled to sit back and bask in the glow of success for quite some time!! :D

14-06-2014, 8:24pm
Wow well done Kirsty, that's amazing. The wonders of the www and of course a great photo :D

14-06-2014, 9:05pm
Thanks guys! :) I'm pretty proud of myself. Just keep thinking, if I can produce this with a crappy lil seqld storm, imagine what I'll come back from the states with next year ;) :D

Mark L
14-06-2014, 9:27pm
..., if I can produce this with a crappy lil seqld storm, imagine what I'll come back from the states with next year ;) :D

Well that will depend won't it. Don't get wiped out trying for the ultimate hurricane photo. Though ...... :)

14-06-2014, 10:06pm
I've been hiding under a rock and just found this...............way to go Kirsty. Amazing work.

15-06-2014, 5:30am
Well that will depend won't it. Don't get wiped out trying for the ultimate hurricane photo. Though ...... :)

nah won't get wiped out. :) actually really looking forward to it, friends went to tornado alley last year and came back with some incredible photos, but they're chasers, not photographers ( cept one of them), they got some nice shots, but, not really sure how to process them... and of course, won't hand them over for processing rofl... ( who would right?! ) I can't wait. This time next year I'll be on my way home after chasing tornadic supercells for 3 weeks! :D

I've been hiding under a rock and just found this...............way to go Kirsty. Amazing work.

Thanks Leanne!! :)

17-06-2014, 1:59pm
He needs to be incarcerated for a long time, he has threatened serious violence including arson and death.


17-06-2014, 7:59pm

That's what we're trying to figure out too agb... how is his life, more important than anyone elses... I mean, yeah he's the premier, but so what, he doesn't run a household, and look after 6 kids ( 7 if you include my hubby lol ;) ) ... That's going to be my next argument when I take my police report in... There can't be rules for one, and other rules for another.

17-06-2014, 8:48pm
Way to go Kirsty

18-06-2014, 7:32am
That's what we're trying to figure out too agb... how is his life, more important than anyone elses... I mean, yeah he's the premier, but so what, he doesn't run a household, and look after 6 kids ( 7 if you include my hubby lol ;) ) ... That's going to be my next argument when I take my police report in... There can't be rules for one, and other rules for another.
I absolutely agree with you Kirsty.
He is probably less important, he would be easily replaced. He probably could not look after 6(7) kids.
By the way I noticed the other day that Dr. Bruce Flegg is very interested in cyber bullying,it just might pay to contact his office and talk to them there about your case.

18-06-2014, 8:02am
Wow! It's a superb image, I didn't realise it had been seen that many times. One to be proud of Kirsty!

18-06-2014, 2:05pm
I absolutely agree with you Kirsty.
He is probably less important, he would be easily replaced. He probably could not look after 6(7) kids.
By the way I noticed the other day that Dr. Bruce Flegg is very interested in cyber bullying,it just might pay to contact his office and talk to them there about your case.

Thanks for that, I might just do that! I've already got the courier mail emailing me wanting a story :-/ I'm sorta reluctant to do it though, cause we all know courier mail are sensationalists with their journalism.. anything for a story :-/

- - - Updated - - -

Wow! It's a superb image, I didn't realise it had been seen that many times. One to be proud of Kirsty!

Thanks Odille xo

Mark L
19-06-2014, 7:46pm
... I've already got the courier mail emailing me wanting a story :-/ I'm sorta reluctant to do it though, cause we all know courier mail are sensationalists with their journalism.. anything for a story :-/

That's a tough one.
Obviously you know what can happen with putting yourself out there. Though you may also inspire others to take a stand (or not).
'spose it depends on the angle Rupert's paper is taking, surely they're not out to have a go at you.
Just can't help thinking it may highlight a problem and help others.

20-06-2014, 7:03am
That's a tough one.
Obviously you know what can happen with putting yourself out there. Though you may also inspire others to take a stand (or not).
'spose it depends on the angle Rupert's paper is taking, surely they're not out to have a go at you.
Just can't help thinking it may highlight a problem and help others.
yeah, that's where my head's at right now Mark. I'm not worried about them having a go at me, I'm more worried about it hurting the police case we're trying very hard to build against this person. :-/

20-06-2014, 7:21am
yeah, that's where my head's at right now Mark. I'm not worried about them having a go at me, I'm more worried about it hurting the police case we're trying very hard to build against this person. :-/[/QUOTE]

Contact the lead detective for his advice about going to the paper. Best to be sure you don't jeopardise anything........cheers Brian