View Full Version : Neutral Denisty Filters

28-05-2014, 10:26am
I am new to using Neutral Density Filters (got some for Christmas) and need some advice. I love photos with the movement of the water and plan to use the filters for this but when practising note that the filters effect the colour in the photos. See images attached with and without the filter. How do you overcome this problem. It seem less of a problem when it is darker but that is also when you often do not need the filters. (tried to insert images but would not work)

28-05-2014, 1:34pm
Every ND filter I know of will have a colour cast to some extent. Best thing to do is shoot raw and set white balance in post production in OEM software/LR/PS/other photo software. This will counteract the colour cast from filter

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28-05-2014, 4:57pm
I have a ND Filter but haven't had a chance to use it yet, so I'm not sure what these colour casts are like, but I would guess changing white balances could help, just a guess.

Anyways, to post images, make sure the image is a maximum size of 1024 pixels (whether it be in width or height), and 250kb in size or less.

Then, when posting, you'll see the various buttons above the reply box, for Bold, Italics, change font, size, etc - just under the yellow smiling face, there's a picture of a tree in a square box, click that to post pictures.

Click From Computer, locate the file, Upload File.

The image should appear in your reply box. If not, under all the emoticons on the right of the reply box, click Go Advanced, scroll down the page, you'll see Manage Attachments.
A window will open up, on the bottom were Attachments is will the the images you've just uploaded/attached. Select the one you want, then click Insert Inline - now it'll display in your reply rather than just being an attachment too.

Hope that helps - post up the comparison images you have and we'll see. Otherwise, REDbiv is probably right, shoot in RAW, and post process it.

28-05-2014, 5:53pm
The current photos with and without filters

28-05-2014, 6:08pm
Did you use more than one filter at the same time?

Happens a lot with cheaper filters, best way to fix it is to buy better filters.

28-05-2014, 6:14pm
Do you have a GND or ND filter?
That's pretty bad colour cast you got there and the filter effects seem to be most pronounced up top and gradually decreasing as you move down so perhaps you got GNDs instead?
BTW, are you also stacking different filters?
Strong colour cast in my mind would indicate either poor quality filters, strange filter combos or (intentional) non-neutral filters.

28-05-2014, 7:04pm
what brand are these filters?