View Full Version : Giro d'italia 2014 accident

25-05-2014, 8:42pm
I was just watching the video from last night's Giro d'italia 2014, and in the middle of the race one of the camera motorbikes ran straight into one of the Course Marshalls at high speed! The guy would be lucky if he's still alive, but apart from a replay on You Tube, the world has gone quiet on it. I'm concerned about the poor bugger, but no-one in the news world seems to think it's worth reporting!

It's a bit poor if they can celebrate the riders and all the race hoo ha but ignore a guy seriously injured in front of our eyes on global TV !!! I'd like to know how he is!

25-05-2014, 9:05pm
The Youtube video I saw was called "Near Fatal Collision" and some other websites are reporting he is in a coma so I don't think he is out of the woods yet.

Apart from that sad incident last night was a fantastic race and tonight should be as well . I'm addicted to the Giro ( and the Le Tour) and sit up watching every night. Lucky I don't have a job with an early start. Cadel pulled back a little time last night but not sure if he still has the legs to win this one. Hope I'm wrong.

25-05-2014, 9:19pm
The Youtube video I saw was called "Near Fatal Collision" and some other websites are reporting he is in a coma so I don't think he is out of the woods yet.

Poor bugger didn't have a chance - although it was a pretty stupid place to be standing. I was amazed no-one mentioned it afterwards - it was like it never happened. Last time, when a car ran one of the riders into a barbed wire fence it was talked about for hours.

I don't stay up for it - I just record it and watch the next day. I'm not too confident that Cadel can make it after his time trial, but I certainly hope he can - I'd written him off after last year, so I've been surprised at how good he has been. I'm certainly going to barrack all the way! My own dream is to ride up the mountains in front of the riders with a motor bike fitted with razor sharp scythes to chop the legs off the idiots who race alongside the riders. There's obviously not enough oxygen up in them thar hills to keep the mountain men's brains working, stupid sods.

26-05-2014, 10:26am
I'm another Giro and Tour tragic, staying up and watching them live.

I saw the incident with the Marshall and it was quite upsetting. I think one of the riders went the wrong side of the Marshall and the motorbike tried to change direction at the last second and didn't quite make it.

I wouldn't write Cadel off just yet. He has the smarts for this type of event and is getting better support from his team than he has had previously. The 'Shadow', Quintana, is my pick to cause an upset. He saves himself by always managing to tuck himself into someone else's slipstream.

26-05-2014, 10:08pm
Bob, its the news world that sucks - BIG TIME.
The news of the world consists of America,
And when the schoolgirls got abducted in Africa all hell broke loose,
but two weeks before that, the same bunch of rebels killed fifty young male students in a school, and nobody heard.

The news system is a failure of information.

27-05-2014, 12:09am
Yes Kev, I think Quintana looks good as well . I know none of us want to write Cadel off , but he just doesn't seem to have the legs he had when he won the TDF a few years ago . Tomorrow nights stage is another beast. The profile looks like a M ( for mountain).

Mark L
27-05-2014, 7:38pm
And when the schoolgirls got abducted in Africa all hell broke loose,
but two weeks before that, the same bunch of rebels killed fifty young male students in a school, and nobody heard.

The news system is a failure of information.

However you knew about this.
Maybe the failure is with the general public's sense of what news is? I stopped looking at anything published by Rupert 30 years ago, though he still seems to be going strong.:(