View Full Version : Melb/Vic meetup.

16-05-2014, 7:20am
Going by the other time for a meetup thread, I guess I'll try to start up a proper one.

Once a date is settled on, I'll re edit the title to reflect the date of the meetup.

I'll throw in some possible dates I can easily attend, but by no means do we need to stick to these dates.
We'll end up with an overall consensus for an equitable date for as many to attend as possible:

I'm free on the weekends of:

24-25 May

7-8 Jun(I think the weekend of Queen's Birthday tho!)

21-22 Jun

Other than that, I could easily find time to do any catchup later in the afternoon after work too.
If I ever start working again soon, my work finish times will be roughly 3:30-4:00 PM, I'll be in the Richmond area close to the city end, not the deeper Hawthorn end.

Over the years we've made a couple of meets after work which seem to work out well.

Of course any meetup is going to be dependent on the weather too.

So post up some ideas for times, and locations and I'll collate them into a meetup.

16-05-2014, 11:25am
QBW would work for me I think.....

16-05-2014, 10:51pm
Well, at the moment, I'm free everyday except Monday, Tuesday, and Sunday.

So 24th May, 7th June, 21st June, would be my picks, and any other day other than those I've listed above are good.

My schedule may change in the next week or two, but at this point in time, this is my availability.

But once again, 0402 506 665 is my number, just give me a buzz, any time even. :)

18-05-2014, 7:03am
Well, at the moment, I'm free for the dates mentioned. I cam meet up with you. Just let me know where in Richmond to meet up. Thank You.:)

18-05-2014, 6:28pm
Just found out I can't do this Saturday 24th - I've got a conference to go. But nothing that I know of yet for the other days, so I should be good to go, hopefully.

19-05-2014, 4:29am
Queens Birthday weekend sounds good. Or any Saturday.

20-05-2014, 3:21pm
QBW sounds good to me if you don't mind a beginner coming along :) I only have 1 lens to playing with but would love to learn from the Day :)

20-05-2014, 3:27pm
You only need one lens Oz.
With the likes of Arthur, Missionman, rellik666 and the others. You'll think it's turning coal into gold.

20-05-2014, 3:35pm
Ok cool :) I then hope people don't mind me asking dumb questions to get my answes lol.. So much to learn and I'm so willing to learn.. :)

20-05-2014, 6:36pm
Don't worry, there's no dumb questions :)

20-05-2014, 6:47pm
Leave the dumb ones for me :) I got plenty.... When we do meet bring: Camera, tripod, maybe a torch, organise a spare battery. Bring your charger. (I have an 240 Volt inverter in the ute) Some spare clothes and wet weather gear. Oh...... And don't forget yourself. :D
I'll bring some glow sticks for some slow shutter night stuff (If you want)

20-05-2014, 7:02pm
It looks like Queen's Birthday (Sat 7 Jun) is looking the most likely date so far.

For the purpose of possible numbers likely to turn up .. reply with a post.

So far, I'm seeing Geoffsta, Ozzydevil, bitsnpeices, Roo, Spyro, AK83.

Once we have some numbers, we can try to organise an easy location that's suitable for the masses.

20-05-2014, 7:05pm
I generally carry my gear in the car because you never know so I'm ready for June 7 :)

Where did you get the 240V inverter from geoffsta? I'm looking for a safe one to use for my Hyundai Accent (I currently have a car socket extension where I get 3 extra sockets to use for GPS, FM Transmitter, and hoping 3rd last one for the 240V inverter - do you know if this would be safe?)

20-05-2014, 7:18pm
Leave the dumb ones for me :) I got plenty.... When we do meet bring: Camera, tripod, maybe a torch, organise a spare battery. Bring your charger. (I have an 240 Volt inverter in the ute) Some spare clothes and wet weather gear. Oh...... And don't forget yourself. :D
I'll bring some glow sticks for some slow shutter night stuff (If you want)

I have 98% of all stuff :) I only got the 1 Batt but so I have to fully charge it and hope it will last the time..

I will be on my motorbike so is there a chance I can leave my helmet and bag in someone's car please.. And what lens should I bring 15-55 or 55-300 ? Kit lens I was hoping to buy a 35mm F1.8 but might not have the time or money but if I do will that lens do ?

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20-05-2014, 7:25pm
Why not bring both? ;) Never know when you want that wide, and when you want the tele :)

And no problems with the helmet and bag, I have a car, and I'm sure others do too :)

20-05-2014, 7:29pm
Why not bring both? ;) Never know when you want that wide, and when you want the tele :)

And no problems with the helmet and bag, I have a car, and I'm sure others do too :)

Ok thx means alot to know my stuff will be safe :) if it gets dark I still hope my lens do good lol.. Its my biggest down fall with these lens in the dark lol

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20-05-2014, 8:11pm
Where did you get the 240V inverter from geoffsta?
I have a dual battery system in the ute, with a 3000 - 5000k inverter. I bought in case I need a powerful drill or grinder for work, and there is no power. I've always wanted to use it to run my strobe lights and smoke machine on a shoot. But haven't got around to it yet.

I also have a 600 watt one as well, that can plug into a cigarette lighter, if needed.

23-05-2014, 8:51pm
My cousin's interested in coming, she just wants to know what we plan to do so she knows if she'll be able to make it or not.

So yeah, June 7 is good

Any plans yet? :)
She mentioned about getting a photo of the Ferris wheel, where the best vantage point would be, could be an idea. :)

23-05-2014, 9:09pm
All good. I should be able to come along as well.

24-05-2014, 10:22am
She mentioned about getting a photo of the Ferris wheel, where the best vantage point would be, could be an idea. :)

When the original wheel was built, I found the best vantage point in the Costco carpark.
If the carpark is empty you can get an uninterrupted view of the wheel.

The thread is open to all suggestions as to where to meet, where to go, how long to stay, and where and how to end.

I'm thinking(out aloud) if we start at one end of the city, we can travel slowly to the other end of the city walking(meandering) and/or using the free tourist tram circly thing.

But so many other options to consider too. Mine is just a suggestion, and after so many other meets where we've basically done the same thing, it kind'a gets just a bit same'ol same'ol

Other suggestions highly recommended. bnp .. go for any suggestion you care to share.
The main point with any suggestion is what do you care to involve yourself with .. street, plants, architecture .. etc. Of course without limiting yourself to just the one aspect.
The idea usually involves a bit of walking around to investigate many different locations.

24-05-2014, 12:32pm
Hm... In terms of locale, I honestly don't know much... I don't even know my own city... >_>

I'm generally cool with anything, trying to be diverse, learn everything I can, so hopefully others will have some better ideas. lol

I heard those tourist trams do go to interesting places, but I wouldn't know. Though it sounds like this may have been done before.

But was thinking, why not take something normal and make it special?
Don't know if that made sense but something I did at Airey's Inlet on New Years was when I saw a little stream of water running along two banks of sand, I tried to make it look like a canyon. Found a rock, tried to make it more like a mountain, etc. Even if it doesn't look like the real deal, it was the fun of doing it and trying to exercise some creativeness in the mind, and also play with angles. Very much like those perspective photos we see.
So taking the normal, making it special.

I had some thoughts about some night photography, wasn't sure night in the city/town, or night landscape/stars. That will depend on time though - for me, I'm flexible. So depending on people's schedule and how long they want to be up for, that may provide some insight to where you may begin and end our journey since location will depend on interests.

So those are my ideas I guess - after some technical stuff to learn more about photography and our cameras, some kind of creative work for fun, and night work to end it majestically. :)

24-05-2014, 12:40pm
Do I get lessons lol i will take photos of anything lol..

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24-05-2014, 4:34pm
I can start at any hour of the morning, and finish any hour of the night (As long there is plenty of coffee).
As there will be a few new comers, I'd like to demonstrate a few styles of photography. Like Long Shutter speed, A bit of portraiture using ourselves as models, street photography, use of filters and working in manual. Just to name a few.

I'd suggest starting at St Kilda pier, and work our way into the city. Possibly do a bit of stuff in Hosie Lane. Then catch a few buskers along Southbank. Another good thing could be visit a camera shop, and get Arthur to explain the good and bad things about different bits of gear.. Just my thoughts...

24-05-2014, 11:24pm
I start hunting for another car on Monday (I have been without a reliable vehicle since Christmas) and may be in Melbourne around this date so I maybe a late inclusion.

25-05-2014, 9:36am

I'd suggest starting at St Kilda pier, and work our way into the city. ....

This sounds good. Only issue is weather. If it rains we'll just get drenched.

......and get Arthur to explain the good ...

Anything Nikon!

........... and bad things about different bits of gear..

Anything not Nikon! :p

I'm kind'a thinking we should plan the meeting point somewhere where we can all easily park, or get to by public transport.
Then do a loop of the sorts of things we all want to see/do.

Easiest parking close to the city that I can think of is near the gardens/shrine area. A few coins will get you all day parking. From there we could easily walk into the city along St Kilda road.
From memory(not sure on this):

the tourist tram ambles it's way up Flinders St(lots of typical street type scenes) and then along Spring St.
Spring St has the govt buildings and Fitzroy gardens(looking nice ATM with the autumn leaves everywhere).

It then heads back down to docklands along Latrobe St. We could do a detour down Elizabeth St and into the photo shop precinct.

Get back onto the tram towards docklands or walk up to the Vic market if folks want.

Head down to docklands do some docks/watery stuff, head back up into the city to complete the loop.

Sunset is at about 5:30ish, so night/dark/long exposure stuff is easily accounted for .. say along the river/southbank/Casino/back to Hoiser Ln areas which puts us all back in the Stkilda Road area where we would have parked our cars.

This is NOT a plan .. just a rough idea that we can all work on once we're all together.

25-05-2014, 9:47am
What about the option of a sunset in Port Melbourne at Princes Pier. It's a 15 minute trip from the city and closer to st kilda.

25-05-2014, 11:07am
Quick question.. Don't u need a myki to travel on trams and stuff ? And I guess I need to bring my tripod too ? Other than that I am in for sure :)

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25-05-2014, 1:11pm
I think we should have a Plan A if all goes well, and Plan B if there's rain.

And yeah, bring tripods just incase :)

I think the plan arthurking83 put up sounds great, but I would be in with MissionMan on the end bit - maybe sunset at Princes Pier and the night photography around there could be cool.

I think what this is going to come down to is, do we want a sunset (because I don't know what sort of scenery is at Princes Pier for night shots - if there is, then no problems, sunset and the night stuff there is good), or the river/Southbank/Crown, etc, where there's lots of nice things?

As mentioned, I know nothing about my city, so I'm following all of you :P

25-05-2014, 1:25pm
Apologies sunset is closer to 5 pm.

I don't bet on sunsets in Melbourne could be spectacular .. could be bleak.
But, Princess pier sounds good .. (depending on weather).

25-05-2014, 7:25pm
Was keen as mustard to join the walk......and then I checked out my shift roster, dam....day shift. It all sounds like a great concept. Have a great time, looking forward to seeing some results.


25-05-2014, 10:16pm
Well, you still got the night portion of it ;)

26-05-2014, 8:25am
The meet up sounds great however what time of the day are you looking at this will depend on my availability. I am keen but will be travelling from regional Victoria. What type of things to you guys do on these meet ups and how long generally are they for. Im new to this and would love to get as much advice as I can

26-05-2014, 10:16am
Start time: any
Duration: any
End time: any
Basically, if you feel up to coming along just come along.
Meeting up halfway through the get together is common, having to shoot off due to other commitments is also common.

There's no pre set start time, but usually what happens is that some of us meetup at a predetermined location, we hang about for a while waiting for others to join the group and then we able along whatever course is agreed upon.

..... What type of things to you guys do on these meet ups and how long generally are they for. Im new to this and would love to get as much advice as I can

So the types of things we do end up doing varies depending on who's idea is heard first.
If you have a positive idea of the kinds of things you'd like to achieve with photography .. all the better.

In a little while I'll post up an actual rough guide as to where and when we expect to meetup, as more ideas come into the thread.
So if you check back, I'll edit the thread title with a time and location of where we expect to meetup.

FWIW: Geoffsta is coming in from Bruthen, and I expect him to be in Melb a bit early(ish). I can be ready to go at almost any time .. may even get in to the meetup point early to try to catch a sunrise(~7AM) .. if the weather is appropriate.

So far, as alternatives haven't been proposed, I'm thinking that the most accommodating point to begin the meeting would be:

The Royal Botanical Gardens cafe, on Birdwood Av. (I don't know the actual name of the cafe, but be aware that there is also a cafe INSIDE the gardens too .. so it's not this one)
The cafe I'm thinking of is on Birdwood Av, south east of the roundabout and across the road from the Shrine.
It's impossible to miss the location. There is a small observatory building on the path that leads to the entrance of the gardens, cafe is between them.

From here we can decide if folks want to go into the gardens, or amble along St Kilda Rd and up into the city.
The alternative is to walk through the gardens, cross Alexandra Av directly to the Yarra, along it then into the city. Depending on what time people want to catch up and do this, you can get nice early morning perspectives of Melb from the Swan bridge(over the Yarra).
Another alternative to that is to walk to the far NE corner of the gardens and cross the Yarra at Morrel Bridge. A picturesque bridge over the Yarra, which is a pedestrian bridge only now. It's a few klms longer than either of the other two options, but a nicer walk overall.
The walk into the city will probably lead us to Fed Sq. Depending on what time we get there, this could be another point where any later comers could catch an early group.

That's just one alternative to what we could do. Any other suggestions are not only welcome, but encouraged.

The reason I suggest the gardens as a meet point is twofold.
1. there are many points of interest to cater for those of us that will be waiting for the group to congregate
2. All day parking is relatively cheap on Linlithgow Av.
If you're coming from the SE(ie. from the Monash Fwy), you want to be on Alexandra Av. On the city side of The Swan St Bridge, you turn left at Linlithgow Av(veer left just before the traffic lights).
Stay along here and look for a parking spot anywhere. the Gardens is about 1klm from that veer turn off, and if you stay to the left all along until you get to the roundabout at Government House.
Past that roundabout tho, and on Birdwood Av, parking could be harder to find(due to the gardens visitors).

Later in the week I'll post up my phone number too, so people have a way to contact the group as it migrates.

26-05-2014, 2:49pm
The meet up sounds great however what time of the day are you looking at this will depend on my availability. I am keen but will be travelling from regional Victoria. What type of things to you guys do on these meet ups and how long generally are they for. Im new to this and would love to get as much advice as I can
Hello Jodie.
Traralgon is about half way for me. I'm the other side of Bairnsdale. So if you want a lift let me know.

26-05-2014, 6:41pm
Well, you still got the night portion of it ;)

I work 7 till 7 bits, 8:30 in town will be a tad late :-(

26-05-2014, 11:34pm
Who says we have to finish by 8:30pm ;)

I'm sure there will be those who may need to head back, and honestly I do too, but I'm always willing to stay if there are any people out there willing.

Also, just wondering what time the early birds are planning to be there? Or least what time is best? I don't mind going early... Hopefully easier for parking right?
I'm guessing based on arthurking83 mentioned, ~7am may be the go?

27-05-2014, 7:06am
My plan will depend entirely on the weather.

If it's overcast and dull .. no use in getting up early to catch a non sunrise.
If there's a chance for decent early morning photography, I'll try to be there at 7-ish.

Not 100% sure what time the gardens open, but I don't think it's that early(something like 8-9AM I think).

27-05-2014, 9:14am
I'd be interested in joining the meetup as well depending on times etc...

27-05-2014, 11:08am
I just remembered I had something to do on day so I can't make it :( I promised my daughter I would pick up her motorbike gear and go for a ride.. So I'm very sorry I csn make it :(

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28-05-2014, 7:09am
falcon there aren't any set times. Come along as you have the time too.
We'll be posting up at least two phone numbers ... so there will be a way to contact the group on the day(watch the thread over the next week).

I expect that the group will be up, out and about for the majority of the day. Some are keen to hang about till later, others may be keen to start early.
As long as you save the posted numbers to contact, you'd send a txt on the day asking 'whereforeartthou' .. etc, etc ....

tough break Ozzy. I have kids too, so I understand.
I reckon tho, there will be a next time .. and you already have my number, so if you have time later in the day to come along, txt any of us.

28-05-2014, 7:59am
I was going to be in Melbourne over this weekend but my oldest mate's (from primary school) wife has just had unsuccessful bowel cancer surgery and only been given weeks so I have put off my trip until I find out more on the sad outcome.
Not so cheerfully

28-05-2014, 2:33pm
Oh man, I wish your friend and his wife all the best. :(

30-05-2014, 7:19am
I'm just hanging in there in hope that the date will change to the 8th, not looking good though.

30-05-2014, 1:59pm
If it doesn't, I'm sure another meetup will be organised soon enough.

Just be sure to recommend a date that suits you.

30-05-2014, 3:41pm
Thanks arthurking83, I'll be sure to jump in as soon as I see the initial seed planted...

01-06-2014, 10:45am
Just a quick rundown of who's coming and what's happening:

I've briefly gone back through the thread and members most likely to attend (as of the start of this week) are:

Geoffsta, Missionman, bitsnpeices, Roo, Spyro, AK83.

Possible attendees could be:

Falcon91 and Jodieh1.

That makes it between 6 and 8 members.

Most likely start time and start location will be just south of the CBD near the Royal Botanical Gardens(and Shrine) along St Kilda Road.
Start time will vary depending on the first arriving member, but I'm hoping for decent weather conditions for a bit of a early morning sunrise session.
That makes it about 7-7:30 AM for me to be in this general area. Note that I could be anywhere if anyone else is up for a early morning shoot.
eg. I could be across the road at the army barracks(I think it's called Victoria barracks) as this building usually has very photogenic autumn leaves growing over the building. Sunrise to about 9AM is the best time to capture this .. I could be anywhere so if you have my mobile number (at the end of this reply) feel free to txt me if you want to catch up.

I suspect that most members will probably start the day closer to 10AM.
That's my contingency plan if conditions aren't suitable for sunrise photography. So if it's grey/overcast/miserable looking drizzle in the morning, I prefer the warmth and comfort of a spongey mattress to a wet cold and miserable day standing next to my tripod ;)

So far the weather bureau is saying cloudy and showers for the 7th, so there may need to be a contingency plan if it turns out to be persistently precipitating early, during or later on in the day.

I don't mind wading about the city on a wet day. It still allows some good opportunities, and as most of the city is now undercover you won't get yourself or your gear drenched.
I still vividly remember the day when Lt Bourke St turned into a waterfall one moment and then the sun popped out a few minutes later!
So the term a 'few showers' can mean anything from 1000mm of rain for the day or bright, oppressive, heatstroke inducing sunshine! :D

From that point, as members begin to amass into a group, the rest of the day will just be whatever it turns out to be.

bitsnpieces has already posted his phone No. which is handy as more points of contact usually mean better communication.


But once again, 0402 506 665 is my number ......

My number is 0419 305 382

And hopefully we'll see you all in a weeks time.

01-06-2014, 12:21pm
Sounds good; I'll let my friends know - I have 3 interested which should be coming, but we'll see closer to the day as I feel form of rain or showers will put them off lol

01-06-2014, 4:04pm
HaHa .. rain tends to do that a bit.

But there are ways to get around rain in the big smoke. Stay within the main areas of the city, keep to the footpaths under the kilometers of canopies and you're good to go.
There are tons of areas and buildings we can use for cover if it's raining hard.

The only problem is that it's most likely to make the day short .. for those coming in from a fair distance away, it may seem like a bit of a wasted effort.

01-06-2014, 10:22pm
No effort is wasted! Arrrr!:pirmad:

Who says we can't sit down at a little cafe parlour or restaurant and chat if it rains and shortens our day? ;)
Great opportunity to get to know our members, do some food photography, low light tests, and good ol' fun! :rolleyes:

02-06-2014, 4:14am
for those coming in from a fair distance away, it may seem like a bit of a wasted effort.
No, not really. It's nice to put the faces to the photos that you see on here.

03-06-2014, 3:29pm
post removed. member banned. This member has been banned before under different usernames for breaching our rules. Admin

03-06-2014, 4:22pm
There's no solid details, but just the information from arthurking83.

Basically, for those who want to come early, or can make it, we're meeting at the Botanical Gardens around 7-7:30am. I'm definitely going to try and make that, rain or shine.
The idea is to walk around to different locales - I'm guessing with so many people and different experiences, these locales will be chosen on the spot based on our knowledge of the area we're in, who knows where's a good spot and such.
Duration is probably around 10-12 hours total from the sounds of it - you can join in any time, leave any time.
Gear is up to you, depending on what you want to carry for the day.

I'm just going to bring the one Sony a65, the 2 lenses that I have, flash, and tripod.

05-06-2014, 7:57am
I'll try to be there, though the trains from Geelong are going to be interesting...either I get there just before 7am or just before 8am...

05-06-2014, 8:44am
No problems - just give us a call when you get in (if it's 8am)
Mine - 0402 506 665
arthurking83's - 0419 305 382

If you're there early at 7am, well, we shouldn't be too far off :)

05-06-2014, 2:56pm
The Royal Botanical Gardens open at 7:30 AM.

Hopefully the cafe is open at about that time too(I'm not sure).
This is a contingency just in case the weather looks nice as we head there, but turns foul when we get there.

Don't want to be stranded waiting in the rain

Weather report so far for the day is:

Cloudy. Scattered showers, chiefly in the afternoon. Winds west to northwesterly and light becoming westerly 15 to 25 km/h during the morning then turning south to southwesterly during the afternoon.

So hopefully we get some OK time in the morning before any rain/showers come across .. and hopefully any wet weather that does come is across the bay, and misses the CBD.

05-06-2014, 8:39pm
My number is 0429 655 541. Going to leave here roughly 3am (If I get out of bed) Going to be a big day I think...

05-06-2014, 8:46pm
Ok. It looks like a meet on saturday. When is the meet time? Do i assume location is costco carpark?
I may be able to get there dependant on kids & wife.

06-06-2014, 12:32am
Ok. It looks like a meet on saturday. When is the meet time? Do i assume location is costco carpark?
I may be able to get there dependant on kids & wife.

7:30am at the Royal Botanical Gardens - just give us a call when you get in as it sounds like we'll be out and about in that area, or in the cafe near there if there's a little drizzle (I'm glad I have my plastic cover for my camera - get to try it not now lol)

If you can't make it 7:30am, any time is good also - just give us a call when you get in to see where we're at and go from there. :)

So now we have 3 numbers for everyone coming:

bitsnpieces - 0402 506 665
arthurking83 - 0419 305 382
geoffsta - 0429 655 541

So getting in contact should be pretty easy :)

06-06-2014, 10:12am
Sorry folks. Doesn't look like I will be able to make it! Booooo....

Anyhow if you see me you see me......have fun If I don't get there!

06-06-2014, 4:14pm
All packed and ready to go. Just need an early night. See you all there.:D

06-06-2014, 5:06pm
At this stage looking good. Charging the battery & praying for a dry morning.

06-06-2014, 11:50pm
Sorry I can't be there Have a great day everyone.

07-06-2014, 5:19am
In nearly at southern cross now. A bit wet but no rain at this stage.

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07-06-2014, 4:17pm
Great to meet up with you guys - really brilliant.

07-06-2014, 5:32pm
Great to meet up with you guys - really brilliant.


Great to meet you too Gerry, and MissionMan, and Falcon, and David(and his friends too).
Good to see Geoff again too.

Someone will/should start a Melb Meet 07-06-14 thread so we can share some images in a single thread, but also we can start individual threads for certain images we want to have independently too.

Just going through my stuff as I type, I'll try to post a couple of pics as soon as I can.


07-06-2014, 6:35pm
I'll have them on Facebook anyways, maybe I'll just like that lol

Just cropping down some images now to get the look I want and also resizing for the forums.

I'll post some up soon if it all gets done today

07-06-2014, 7:10pm
Had a fantastic day with everyone. Well worth the 8 1/2 hour drive, there and back.

By the way Dave.. PM me your facebook page....... And anyone else can as well.

07-06-2014, 7:20pm
Glad it was a great meet ppl, looking forward to the next one, maybe a Sunday next time, gives me a 95% chance of making it.

- - - Updated - - -

Looks like we are double posting going by the editing...lol

08-06-2014, 1:19pm
Good to meet all of you, it was a fun day out although I might load the bag a little lighter next time.

Hopefully you weren't too intimidated by the dashing looks and incredibly photographic talent :D

08-06-2014, 2:00pm

Hopefully you weren't too intimidated by the dashing looks and incredibly photographic talent :D

"mesmerized" is a term that immediately springs to mind :p

Hopefully we'll all do it again one day .. sooner rather than later.

Speaking of bags and weight .. I really should remember to bring more of the stuff that I originally had it in mind to bring along.

08-06-2014, 3:26pm
Speaking of more bags and weight, the bag I was looking for was a Tamrac Pro and whilst looking on their website, I believe I've found my perfect bag (for this point in time):


It's vertical rather than horizontal, so it won't be as cumbersome. It will fit most carry-on restrictions for airplanes. Will have enough space for the current gear I have, and possible a little more. Basic weather protection it seems. Easier access to gear (compared to backpack).

So my question is, any of our sponsors here sell this guy?

09-06-2014, 6:20am
Well Dave. What I don't like about that bag, is that it appears that it fits 2 camera bodies as long as the lenses are un-attached. Wouldn't have been handy last Saturday.
Now I know your style of photography, you'd be better with a shoulder bag like I had. It held the two big bodies with lenses attached, plus all the gear I needed for the day. And it would be easy for you to swing it around, grab a camera out, take a shot, then put it back in, then walk another 10 steps, and start all over.

I don't go much on backpacks, unless there is a long trek involved, and you know what you're chasing as an end product when you get there. I do own one which holds all that I need, and is a lot easier on the shoulders. But for you who stops every couple of minutes to take a shot, it would be pointless.
If you noticed Arthur with his backpack, he had his camera in his hand most of the day. Which in the situation that we were in on Saturday with the big crowds, I'd be scared of something going wrong.

09-06-2014, 6:59am
I'm of the firm belief that if your camera is not in your hand, you won't get the shot.
It's all well and good to be able to get your camera out of the bag quickly and all that, but you probably end up missing the moment.

When I used to get out and about more regularly and I'd be off on a 5 (or more) hour trek, backpack always on my back, but my camera and main lens always in hand, usually on the tripod .. so technically camera, lens and tripod in hand on those types of walks.

If you feel a bit uncomfortable in handholding your camera for long periods, I suppose the camera strap could come in handy for that added level of safety, security or whatever.

09-06-2014, 7:05am
I'm not used to places like the city. I feel claustrophobic, and un-easy. And I'm a bit of a fumble fingers (What I have left of them). The bag is like a security blanket I guess..:confused013

09-06-2014, 7:46am
..... (What I have left of them).

LOL! I noticed that.

About the only thing/accessory I'm thinking of either getting or making up is a wrist strap. Clip it onto the eye loop on the shutter release side, around my wrist and I'll be happy.
It'll make it a lot easier to roll up a rollie as I'm walking about.

... anyhow, here's my favourite lock on the bendy bridge ....


09-06-2014, 10:31am
lol nice :)

@ Geoffsta - The bag can fit cameras with lens attached because it's longer vertically and that's what I like about it, cameras facing down so when lifting out, I'm more likely to be lifting from the body itself, and, being that it's vertically designed, in my mind, it may fit more streamlined with my body.


And with that design, looks like I can fit both my flashes in there and the few accessories I need - triggers, filters, etc. So without having physically seeing it nor trying it, theoretically, this is the bag for me. :)

That, and this, is currently my to get list in terms of next gear:


@ arthurking83 - I also try to have my camera always ready in hand, because you never know when a shot comes by :)

Now I just gotta slowly get to the point where it's almost always ready in aim position :P

And again, nice shot, and find :)

09-06-2014, 11:17am
I'm thinking that it looks pretty good.... the e-bay pic didn't show it like you have.

Just remember that you should always pick up the camera by the heaviest part. So if the lens weighs more than the camera body, you always hold the lens (Less strain on the mount) That's why I like my cameras laying flat in the bag.

The above is ok, but I feel every time you take the camera out of the bag, you are putting stress on the mount. :confused013

09-06-2014, 1:59pm
Thanks for the meet up everyone. Turned out to be a great day!

@ arthurking83 did you find the links to the software and sensor cleaning gear you were talking about?

09-06-2014, 2:55pm
Rowan. I just opened my sensor cleaning starter kit from site sponsor "Camera Check Point" and apart from all the wet cleaning gear, there is also one of the pads that Arthur was talking about. Worth looking into...

09-06-2014, 4:31pm
Hey Geoff, thanks for that! i'll definately have to look into that. Last time i looked at that kit, i didn't think they had that included :D

09-06-2014, 9:53pm
Great to meet you too Rowan.


@ arthurking83 did you find the links to the software and sensor cleaning gear you were talking about?

Sensor cleaning thingy I posted a mini review HERE (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?132422-Dry-clean!%28with-a-gel-stick%29-long-post-warning-too!). links supplied in the thread.

Software .... I'll PM you.
(I'd rather not link them to a public area just in case others try it and destroy their cameras).

11-06-2014, 9:05am
Are you guys planning any more get togethers in the near future?

11-06-2014, 9:08am
Are you guys planning any more get togethers in the near future?

I've already put my hand up for a Sunday meet if possible madiao.

11-06-2014, 9:12am
Has anyone thought of putting together a group diary that can be viewed by anyone that allows people to put up what they intend doing.

It would be relatively simple to add a group diary which is visible on the web and people just need to send an email calendar invite to a set email address to make it appear. They can add contact details for people in the invite so people know where to meet and what time.

I.e. Saturday x June - Graphiti lane photography session from 3pm to 5pm meeting at flinder street station at 2:30pm

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

11-06-2014, 12:20pm
We should do that - I think Google has one. My friend was using it with his wife so they can jot in all their classes, assignments, appointments, etc.

So I guess we could use Google, unless someone knows a better one?

If nothing else by later tonight, I'll probably set one up - so if anyone out there knows of a better one, feel free to make it :)

11-06-2014, 3:37pm
I'm in for the next one.

- - - Updated - - -

Thanks for the meet up everyone. Turned out to be a great day!

@ arthurking83 did you find the links to the software and sensor cleaning gear you were talking about?

Found something you might be interested in Rowan... Check this out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRW9AmDPqr0

12-06-2014, 6:21pm
in light of this weeks competition..... Thought I'd add this.

https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2906/14217203318_9ecf143d2a_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/nEjTe9)
the crew (https://flic.kr/p/nEjTe9) by Geoff Stanton (https://www.flickr.com/people//), on Flickr

12-06-2014, 6:32pm
Let us know if you'll have another meet in late October-ish, I'll be in Melbourne/Grampians?! :D

12-06-2014, 7:13pm
LOL @ Geoffsta - nice photoshopping XD

13-06-2014, 3:19pm
bugger, didn't notice this until now, was down in melbourne during the long weekend xD

13-06-2014, 3:55pm
Let us know if you'll have another meet in late October-ish, I'll be in Melbourne/Grampians?! :D

I have the date that you'll be down in the diary. I'll try to get something happening on the 25th or 26th.