View Full Version : New DSLR? Help!

13-05-2014, 7:39pm
Hi guys! I am using Nikon D90 12.3MP, DSLR camera with AF-S 18-105mm VR Lens and planning to buy a new one? Budget is not an issue! So suggest me some :) :flash:

13-05-2014, 8:07pm
suggestion 1. nothing! keep what you got .. maybe spend a bit on a new lens or two and a holiday to somewhere nice.

(longwinded reply):
Why do you feel you need a new DSLR? What is it about the D90 that you can't seem to get a grip of, or capture in a photo?(serious question too.. not mucking about)
Reason for the questions are plentifold .. If you can't identify a solid reason for wanting a new camera, then the new camera may be a wasted effort(money time etc) and you may get disillusioned with the acquisition!

I'm the first person to admit that a new camera can make all the difference in some situations, where most folks reckon a new lens could/would.

If budget wasn't a concern, there's no question about what to get .. D4s all the way!.... :D
But what will it get 'ya once you have it.

So, do you want to get better landscapes? portraits? abstract? closeups of interesting animals? ... etc.
What is it about the D90 that doesn't work any more.

13-05-2014, 8:15pm
Well, in situs like this it helps to avoid those 10s of replies that may not answer your Q.
Tell us something of yourself in terms of photography, some possible reasons for getting another camera
(besides the fact you've not heard of tonight's Budget). What other motives drive you?

14-05-2014, 3:31pm
Well, in situs like this it helps to avoid those 10s of replies that may not answer your Q.
Tell us something of yourself in terms of photography, some possible reasons for getting another camera
(besides the fact you've not heard of tonight's Budget). What other motives drive you?

landscape photography is somewhat i love so advice me accordingly that :)

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Thanks for the advice m8 :D
And i just need to switch. I was doing Portrait photography with my D90 but now i need camera for capturing landscapes :)

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Well, in situs like this it helps to avoid those 10s of replies that may not answer your Q.
Tell us something of yourself in terms of photography, some possible reasons for getting another camera
(besides the fact you've not heard of tonight's Budget). What other motives drive you?

I was using D90 for portrait photography which was my project. Now i want to switch as i so want to capture landscapes :) Thank you so much for the advice m8. Cheers :flowersnap:

14-05-2014, 9:41pm
Keep the D90 and buy a Sigma 10-20mm Ultra Wide lens for the Nikon F mount. Then you will get wonderful landscapes. There is nothing wrong with the D90 for that or any other genre except perhaps professional images for printing on bill boards, etc. Even so ... nothing wrong with the body IMHO.

14-05-2014, 9:55pm
Jeez, I know a lot of people weren't too happy with the Feral Budget, but I think Brisbane moving to the ACT is a bit an overreaction. :lol:

M8, if this is not a gee-up, do as Who Do suggests, and buy the Sigma 10-20mm lens. You don't change cameras for different shooting situations, you change your lens.

14-05-2014, 10:13pm
HUH, you want a new camera cause you now shoot landscapes? First up you have chosen beginner as your experience level. Forget about buying a new camera and learn how to use A camera. Learn how to take photos with what you have. Upgrading as a beginner is a complete waste of money.

Your D90 can produce superb results when the photographer knows what they are doing. Buying a new camera is not going to get you better photos.

If you think you need a new camera cause you used to take portraits and now want to take landscapes, then you have no idea how cameras work and thus you need to learn more about photography. Sorry to sound harsh but you are looking at this the completely wrong way round. A D90 can take portraits, landscapes, macro, sport, pets, night, photography and more.

Forget about getting a new camera and learn how to use the one you have.

14-05-2014, 10:17pm
Jeez, I know a lot of people weren't too happy with the Feral Budget, but I think Brisbane moving to the ACT is a bit an overreaction. :lol:

Good pickup. A quick check and guess where our thread starter is from. INDIA: http://www.ip-adress.com/ip_tracer/


14-05-2014, 10:36pm
Good pickup. A quick check and guess where our thread starter is from. INDIA: http://www.ip-adress.com/ip_tracer/


Why am I not surprised.

The thread had "TROLL" written all over it.

14-05-2014, 11:33pm
Who knows, his concern may have been very legitimate and wanted to be more Australian to fit into the crowd here. :confused013

15-05-2014, 6:18am
Who knows, his concern may have been very legitimate and wanted to be more Australian to fit into the crowd here. :confused013

India and Nigeria are our main spammer sources, We have blocked Russia and China at the Root IP level cause fairly much everyone joining from those two were spammers. We have over 200 people (sometimes automated bots) try to join the site every day that are known spammers. We are part of a global anti-spam initiative so all new registrations are checked against a database of known spammers.

Below is a copy of the log from early this morning, you can see from the times that we get them all the time and they repeatedly try to join to get round our anti-spam measures.

A lot of work goes into ensuring AP remains SPAM free. Most of the other Aussie photo forums use the same techniques we do to stop spammers.

15-05-2014, 8:35am
Who knows, his concern may have been very legitimate and wanted to be more Australian to fit into the crowd here. :confused013

So why not state that they were in India?

Many AP members from overseas list their location as ... Singapore, Tokyo, Philippines, New Zealand ... Hobart even! :p

The point is, why be surreptitious about it when there was no need too. (in a word .. spammer!)

15-05-2014, 8:40am
Thank you Rick - can understand that there are many spammers out there. Was just a random thought I had lol

So why not state that they were in India?

Many AP members from overseas list their location as ... Singapore, Tokyo, Philippines, New Zealand ... Hobart even! :p

The point is, why be surreptitious about it when there was no need too. (in a word .. spammer!)

True he could have just put India, but as previously mentioned, probably wanted to be more Aussie so tried to fit in. :P

Oh well, spammer caught either way. :)