View Full Version : Topomap

02-05-2014, 12:56pm
I don't know whether this has already been posted here but for those wanting a full topographical map online for NZ, here ya go! Perfect for planning that hike up in NZ's wilderness!! :D

Now they just need to do one for Australia like this!


02-05-2014, 5:24pm
In a previous life I was a bit of a map geek :D
(actually make that .. still am a map geek :p)

FWIW: it's nigh on impractical to do all of Aus at the 50K level.
I have many gigabytes of maps of Australia at various levels, but none that work like this(vector).
They're all raster, and mainly limited to NSW and Vic.
It's very hard to find any mapping data of the other states at below 250K level .. which makes them pretty useless for hiking.

Also. Aussie government attitude towards mapping data for us to use freely is pretty much a huge slap in our collective faces.
We've paid (through taxes) for governments to map Australia at a decent level, and yet if you want access to any of these high detail maps .. you got to pay through the nose for them.

04-05-2014, 6:11pm
In a previous life I was a bit of a map geek :D
(actually make that .. still am a map geek :p)

FWIW: it's nigh on impractical to do all of Aus at the 50K level.
I have many gigabytes of maps of Australia at various levels, but none that work like this(vector).
They're all raster, and mainly limited to NSW and Vic.
It's very hard to find any mapping data of the other states at below 250K level .. which makes them pretty useless for hiking.

Also. Aussie government attitude towards mapping data for us to use freely is pretty much a huge slap in our collective faces.
We've paid (through taxes) for governments to map Australia at a decent level, and yet if you want access to any of these high detail maps .. you got to pay through the nose for them.

I am too, even in the Army I was a map geek! :) Paid through the nose for a topographic map of the Stirling Ranges to teach my oldest boy navigation (with and without map).