View Full Version : Sydney Vivid - Saturday 24 May at 5:30 pm

01-05-2014, 7:47pm
Well I cannot believe it is a full year since the last one.

As a tentative starting time and location, how about we meet at the Sydney Overseas Shipping Terminal at 5:30 pm and we will take it from there.

Let us know if you are coming and also advise if you are bringing partners, friends, children or small hairy creatures (well maybe not the small hairy creatures). Will post more details later.

Cheers for now


05-05-2014, 7:44pm
I am quite tempted to go this year with you guys!! Down side though, I don't finish work until 6pm... I'll see what I can swing!

06-05-2014, 7:17am
I'm still waiting to find out from Chris when he is leaving but I think I should be ok Pete.

Erin - we can work out a meeting point with you and keep in contact with our mobiles.

06-05-2014, 7:10pm
Good to hear Nellie.

Erin, don't see you often enough - not sure about Ness's stamina but the lights are on 'till midnight. If I can manage to come 400km for this, you should be able to make it from work. :D


07-05-2014, 6:02pm
I could be up for this meet........just need to check what we have got on :-)

07-05-2014, 6:28pm
i fancy meeting up with you all this year, haven't met in the flesh so i think its about time i scared you all :lol2:

07-05-2014, 6:57pm
I am planning on going to Vivid this year, but was planning for a rainy night (like that ever happens in Sydney anymore) with a couple of other mates, but if that doesn't work out, would you guys mind if I tagged along with you ?


Ryan (aka Yotgln)

07-05-2014, 8:59pm
You are welcome Ryan. Weather is always a lottery and I have no idea what it is going to be like in a few weeks time. You may get your wish. May have to throw some wet weather gear in the car. ;)

- - - Updated - - -

i fancy meeting up with you all this year, haven't met in the flesh so i think its about time i scared you all :lol2:

Not all of us are scary.

08-05-2014, 6:44pm
Hi all, planning to attend at this stage :)

10-05-2014, 6:59pm
The more the merrier I say. :D

10-05-2014, 9:41pm
Thanks, I'll try to come along. My big concern is travelling in and out of the city by myself. Maybe I can convince Luke to meet me at work and we can go in together. Or a friend at work may want to join me and I'll just travel in with him. Definitely would love to meet up with you guys!!

10-05-2014, 9:44pm
Sorry, it said my last one didn't post!

15-05-2014, 7:26am
Any of the old gang up for this?:)

15-05-2014, 9:53am
Just came across this. I have something else on that night. If it falls through, I will call you Narelle and let you know, but at this stage, I'm not available (Grrrr).

15-05-2014, 1:50pm
Just toying with the idea at this stage.

Haven't been before so really have no idea of 'must have' lens etc. Ideally I'd like to do it with one lens, either of my Tamrons, the 24-70 or the 70-200. and my monopod.

Appreciate some feedback from those that have been before.

15-05-2014, 8:45pm
I'll try to make it along to this one, but as usual I'll have to check with the Leader of the Opposition to see if she has anything planned.

Its good to see some new faces may join in.

17-05-2014, 4:01pm
Just toying with the idea at this stage.

Haven't been before so really have no idea of 'must have' lens etc. Ideally I'd like to do it with one lens, either of my Tamrons, the 24-70 or the 70-200. and my monopod.

Appreciate some feedback from those that have been before.

Kev, I think you will be fine with the 24 - 70. I am going to take my one and hopefully that is all I will need for the night, other than my tripod and remote trigger of course. I personally think you are very brave trying to get night time images with a monopod - you must be very steady, either that or you have a monopod with the legs. :D

17-05-2014, 4:33pm
Thanks for the input Nellie.

And no, I'm not very steady, but the VC in the Tamron makes up for it.

18-05-2014, 9:46am
Hi guys, sorry will be in Melbourne next Sat but I will definitely be going in on another night (if I can face the crowds :D)

19-05-2014, 7:06am
The 24-70 should be fine. The 70mm end should be just about right to frame the Opera House from the Overseas Passenger Terminal. The 24mm end will get a lot of use too.

I will post up more details of our meeting point in a couple of days. I may not be able to monitor this thread from Thursday onwards as I will be travelling and staying in unfamiliar surroundings and not sure if I will have anything other than my phone.

Mr Felix
21-05-2014, 6:03pm
I hope to come.

I have nothing else on.

Sorry for the late reply, but I am not getting notifications on my post.

I just happened to get time to look here and noticed the new thread - and had read my original post.

21-05-2014, 7:20pm
A bit of a stutter there Mr Felix. Hope you are able to make it and the other tentatives.

I hit the road tomorrow morning heading for a brief return sin city; hopefully I will be able to keep abreast of what's being posted in the thread, if not see you at Vivid.

Meeting point, bottom of the steps (Circular Quay end) of the Sydney Overseas Passenger Terminal at 5:30 pm.

Note it can get pretty crowded there so we will be moving off fairly soon after the meeting time.

Mr Felix
22-05-2014, 5:43pm
Yeah, the page kind of "timed out" and I wasn't sure if it went through.

Oh well.

23-05-2014, 8:06pm
Hi all .....unfortunately I'm not able to make it to Vivid tomorrow night boo hooo:eek:......hopefully I can make it on another night before it ends.

23-05-2014, 9:02pm
Sorry to hear that Karen - I wanted to try and organize a day with you for that Studio Shoot. I have been so so busy I haven't been in contact with you - my apologies.

OK....so it looks like its Peter, Greg, Paul, Andrew, Binnie and myself at this stage unless Ryan, Kev and Erin are coming along as well? It would be helpful if the last three members mentioned could confirm definitely so that we know exactly who to expect and we can move off from our meeting point. :)

23-05-2014, 9:21pm
dam it, iv got a engagement party id completely forgotten about , so im sorry i wont be able to make it , i hope you all have a great time and i hope to catch up with you all another day

23-05-2014, 9:41pm
Sorry to hear that Karen - I wanted to try and organize a day with you for that Studio Shoot. I have been so so busy I haven't been in contact with you - my apologies.

OK....so it looks like its Peter, Greg, Paul, Andrew, Binnie and myself at this stage unless Ryan, Kev and Erin are coming along as well? It would be helpful if the last three members mentioned could confirm definitely so that we know exactly who to expect and we can move off from our meeting point. :)

Hi Narelle Yes I was keen to discuss that as well :-).....if all else fails call me . Do you have my number? can't remember.

23-05-2014, 9:53pm
Yes I have Karen - I will call you next week after I have talked to Greg at the meet.

24-05-2014, 3:38am
Jo should be coming too but will be later as she finishes work at 5

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24-05-2014, 7:18am
sorry guys, i cannot make it

24-05-2014, 9:30am
I am now coming in with my son Jason and his girlfriend Lee - I'll let him sort out the parking. :D

Mr Felix
24-05-2014, 2:26pm
So just to be sure that is at circular quay at 17:30 passanger terminal. Not to be cpnfused with darling harbour. Right?

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24-05-2014, 9:01pm
The crew...


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24-05-2014, 9:43pm
from left to right? nice to put a name to the face... gutted i couldn't make it as the party was ........ well not my cup ov tea lol

24-05-2014, 10:11pm
Back from the meet - the projections on the OH, MCA Building and Customs House were very bright and colourful otherwise there wasn't all that much more other than a few odd interactive displays. It was a very mild night seeing that we are close to Winter - I think the crowds may have swollen somewhat because of the fine weather. I will post up some pics tomorrow.

For Paul - L to R: Jo (I can't remember her AP name), myself, Mr Felix, peterb666 and binnie.

25-05-2014, 6:29am
Jo is Silkdiver - no longer posts on AP. Martin place well worth the visit too.

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26-05-2014, 11:30am
Thanks for a great night guys, sorry i didnt manage to say good bye to everyone... crowd was a bit hectic in places.

Mr Felix
28-05-2014, 4:09pm
Yeah thanks from me too. It was a nice night and when I have some time may post some pics.

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