View Full Version : d800/800e

27-04-2014, 9:01am
I'm going full frame :) Currently have the D90, the only investment i have in dx lenses is a Tokina 11-16...soooo my question is will I notice much difference between the 800 and the 800e? Photography wise the only thing really floating my boat is nightscapes, with the occasional long exposure during the day, have yet to decide if I will go for the 14-24 nikon lens or a third party one, the 14-24 is mighty sharp.

I suppose what I am asking is whether for me the new hobbyist for those who know will the 800e be much better resolution wise than the 800 bearing in mind we are talking night shooting, stars etc etc, also upgrading my computer, am I right in assuming that 32gb ram, 3 gb dedicated graphics card, 256gb ssd, and a i7 2.4gz processor will be more than adequate for CS6 + LR and some gaming?

I know its a huge leap from the d90 but I have a once in a lifetime ( at this stage) opportunity to upgrade so thinking do it once, do it right.. any thoughts?


27-04-2014, 9:09am
for most intents and purposes a regular camera user will not notice any difference between an 800 and an 800e.

Now as you registered as a beginner but you are now heading towards upgrading, we assume you have reasonable photography skills, so we are upgrading you to intermediate level, Congrats

27-04-2014, 9:37am
Thanks Rick :), how do you define regular? LOL. Everyday, bit of this bit of that nothing too specialised?

27-04-2014, 10:07am
regular as in not a pixel peeper who zooms into 100% and looks at individual pixels and then assesses their quality.

The D800e for all intents and purposes should be slightly sharper than the D800, but so many factors affect that, like lens glass quality etc. So for most users the e version is really not something you are going to go WOW, much better photo, over a D800.

27-04-2014, 10:38am
The D800e for all intents and purposes should be slightly sharper than the D800, but so many factors affect that, like lens glass quality etc. So for most users the e version is really not something you are going to go WOW, much better photo, over a D800.

... and besides, paying around $1k extra to have something REMOVED from the camera just doesn't sit right with most of us. :p

27-04-2014, 10:41am
I doubt you will see enough difference between the e and non e version too.
You won't see "much better" resolution differences .. only a tiny amount better .. but that's still better if that's important to you.
For a bit of this and a bit of that .. and the fact that you are in the market now .. if you can get the E, then do so. if not .. don't stress over it either!

I'd say that if there is any real benefit in having the E model as opposed to the standard model, is that you are less likely to use as much sharpening as you process the images.
That's not to say that you don't use sharpening, it's just that it's more likely to be with less strength.

From what I understand of CS, and LR, a benefit is to be had with the amount of RAM, so as much as you can afford of that, and don't worry too much about the amount of video ram you have, a speedier graphics card may be of benefit. Those software apparently use a system where the graphics card processing power can be used to help in the software's processing power too.

27-04-2014, 10:44am
Steph, in addition to taking the aforesaid on board, say "flickr d800e" to Google and have a look at some pics there too. For (reasonably) big decisions gather as much info as possible.
It sounds that for astro work (I mean stars, not sun/moon) the d800e may (note, "may") have an edge.

27-04-2014, 11:00am
When these two cameras first came to market, I think it was Diglloyd(Lloyd Chambers .. someone may correct b me on this) that compared the two.

A simple very low sharpening process had the D800 image looking exactly as the unsharpened D800E image appeared.
The amount was very low(5% or something like that) and you wouldn't recognize the difference between the two cameras other than a small amount of moire in the D800E image.

I don't know how to translate Nikon sharpening into Adobe sharpening .. but I'm sure the amount of sharpening for Adobe software would have been similarly low too.

27-04-2014, 11:20am
thanks for the quick replys :) from the quick price searches i have done online for aussie stock cheapest for both seems around 3 - 3.3 K currenly nikon seems to have a $200 cashback offer with some retailers as well...

27-04-2014, 12:09pm
thanks for the quick replys :) from the quick price searches i have done online for aussie stock cheapest for both seems around 3 - 3.3 K currenly nikon seems to have a $200 cashback offer with some retailers as well...

Check eGlobal, too. They are a AP site sponsor and we benefit if you access through this sites Sponsor Shop logo and purchase. You'll find the D800 is around $2.3k (body only) there as well. ;)

27-04-2014, 1:17pm
I'm sure you've weighed up all the pros and cons about local and grey bodies.

This mob, http://www.ryda.com.au/Nikon-D800-Digital-SLR-Cameras-s/1320.htm , where I got my D600, have it for @2694.00 after the Nikon $200.00 cash back.

I guess you have to weigh up how much the peace of mind in having a genuine two year factory warranty is worth to you.

28-04-2014, 10:33am
Nearly 2 years on and nearly 10K shutter actuations, no problem here with the camera.

Although .. in saying that, I've had problems with the batteries supplied from Nikon.
original was a dud, and after a couple of months showed very low capacity after only a few images shot, and almost immediately started to display no life remaining in the cells as well(the age indicator).

After a couple of months I got the chance to go back to the store and get a replacement battery.
AFAIK this is a genuine Nikon battery(I have no reason to doubt the store on this) .. and this battery after a few charging cycles displays the same issues, only this time the issue revealed itself in only a couple of weeks, not months! :confused:

I'm not bothering to replace this one again .. for fear of spitting my dummy! :D

Got an aftermarket battery and travel charger for $20 on ebay .. strangely no issues with the aftermarket battery after nearly 2years!

At nearly $1K price difference, I'd be tempted to go grey. When I got mine, the price difference was only $400 or so. Didn't think it worth the effort for that small saving.

28-04-2014, 11:14am
The cheapest grey price I could find, per Static Ice, was $2345.15 + $39.00 delivery = $2384.15, with a warranty provided by who knows who, or where.

Camera Pro, an authorised Nikon dealer, have it for $2845.00 + $17.50 delivery = $2862.50 less $200.00 Cash Back = $2662.50, a difference of $278.35.

Ryda.com, who I got my D600 from, have price matched and I've just hit the 'Buy' button for a new D800 for $2842.95, including insured delivery to my door, less the $200.00 Nikon Cash Back = $2642.95 NET PRICE.

For the extra $258.80 I get two years Nikon Australia warranty and peace of mind should I have a problem.

For me, it was a no-brainer.

And thank you pfft, I wasn't intending to get a D800 just yet, but at that price I couldn't resist.

28-04-2014, 3:17pm
Thanks Kevin looks like you have finished my homework for me :)

Arthur so you have had back luck with orig batteries? wonder if thats just the 1% that fail and you have been unlucky to catch it twice :( I have 1 gen and 2 non gen batteries with the d90, the orig works much better one non gen lastts about 70% of the orig and the otherr about 30%...

All being well will order by the end of the week my next task is to work out what head to get for my tripod... manfrotto 190D, looking at something like 498rc4...

28-04-2014, 4:09pm
re the batteries:

I seem to remember reading somewhere that early batches of the EN-EL15 batteries were faulty, however I have used two of them in my D600 for the past eighteen months without any problems at all.

re the 498rc4:

Whilst I have a Manfrotto 055CXPRO3 tripod, and love it, I'm not a fan of Manfrotto clamps and plates. I just don't feel the tolerances are as good as they should be. Arthur, however, loves his 'frotto gear, and will defend it strongly. I went the 'Arca Swiss' compatible route with a Markins Q10 head. Going 'Arca Swiss' opens up many more options for add-ons down the track.

And when you are looking at a camera plate I'd suggest a dedicated non-twist model for when you are using portrait mode. I also avoid lever type clamps, preferring the screw type, as one day when I was wandering through the scrub the clamp lever snagged on something and popped open, no drama tho as I always loop the camera strap round the top of the tripod.

I'm really excited and can't wait to try my various lens on the 36MP D800. Only two more sleeps. WoooHooo !!!!!

28-04-2014, 10:11pm
I got my D800E from Vanbar.
The battery was checked against the known database for bad ENEL15's and mine (serial No) wasn't listed, so it had the guys stumped a bit .. but they changed it no Q's asked.

I didn't want to go back in again and do their heads in completely! :p
I'm even thinking maybe it's an error in the camera instead of an actual battery problem. Strange how the aftermarket battery is 100%, but you just don't know with the way electronics work.
The battery is now close too, or may even more than a year old, and is still reporting the same issue .. 3-4 on the battery age indicator. So it flipped out in a week or two but is (a year later) still at the same level.
When fully charged it shows 3, after a few exposures, battery charge quickly drops to something like 80% and age indicator says 4(ie. about to fail .. and needs replacement) .. but the camera still works.
it did die on me after about 200 or so shots, so it doesn't last as long as the aftermarket battery(more like 300 -400 shots and still going).

My aftermarket battery is actually a bit of a bonus. I was fully expecting it to either not work(Nikon uses programmed chips to reject non compliant batteries!) or fail quickly. I really only wanted a travel charger(12v) for mobility.


Whilst I have a Manfrotto 055CXPRO3 tripod, and love it, I'm not a fan of Manfrotto clamps and plates. I just don't feel the tolerances are as good as they should be. Arthur, however, loves his 'frotto gear, and will defend it strongly.


Who, me? :confused013


I'm assuming your frotto plates were of the RC2 or RC4 type?
if so, I think you would have been happier with the RC5(sliding video) type.
Still annoying in some ways, compared to Arca Swiss, but much better than the RC2/4 type plates.
Only now I see that Manfrotto have introduced some more flexible addons for the RC5's, but in saying that still a bit clunky compared to the Arca types.
Considering the new addons, I'd still have switched to Arca.
(I don't think RC5 is the name for them any more, but that's what they were when I used them).

Actually I don't hate Manfrotto as much as people may think(going by what I may have or have not said about them). I got my 468 head working ok now so all is forgiven(a bit). I just think that for the money other options may be a bit better.

A 496 should be well suited to a 190 tripod.

11-05-2014, 8:35am
Ordered and on its way squeee :) opted for a 14mm samyang for now as well, if I don't like it I will upgrade to the 14-24 hoping for clear skies next weekend :) thanks for your help and feedback! much appreciated

11-05-2014, 8:53am
Ordered and on its way squeee :)

Did you buy local? If you did there is a $200 cash back offer for May from Nikon Authorised Australian Resellers. ;)

11-05-2014, 10:56am
Ordered and on its way squeee :) opted for a 14mm samyang for now as well, if I don't like it I will upgrade to the 14-24 hoping for clear skies next weekend :) thanks for your help and feedback! much appreciated

Congratulations. I'm sure you will be as delighted with it as I am.

Good choice on the 14mm 'yang. It's as sharp as a tack but can be a challenge with architecture. It should not be too much worry for your night shots though.



PS: And Samyang have just released a filter holder for it and Cokin have three specific filters to suit it. I have one on the way.

12-05-2014, 7:30am
Hey Kev.
What are the specs on the filter holder. Looks to be almost what I need for my Siggy.
I got the 155mm filters I wanted, but can't be stuffed chasing around now to cobble up a holder.

At that (ebay) price, it now doesn't make sense to waste money chasing up getting something made.

Do you know what filter size(width) it holds? Can't see any specs anywhere.

- - - Updated - - -

cancel that .. found it!

bought! :D

12-05-2014, 1:50pm
Thanks Whodo, yep local, with the cashback it made it an easy choice with the extra year warranty as well :)

Thanks Kev, we shall see, I have met up with a fellow d800 owner couple of nights recently and the 14-24 is sooo good, will see how the sammy holds up, not too worried about filters at this stage, the rare times I shoot during the day I will just use the tokina with filters for now ;)