View Full Version : McDonalds, the moon and recovering out dated data formats .. what do they have in common?

26-04-2014, 10:30am
LOIRP! (http://www.moonviews.com/loirp-in-the-news/)

Yep this LOIRP thingy.

Fear not for your raw image formats becoming outdated any any point in the future .. LOIRP will save them(you!) :p

Funny thing is, this is actually my first thought having come across this group .... the possibility of current file formats not being supported into the future.
There's always someone that knows .. that will have the capacity/ability to recover them.

Anyhow, what's LOIRP for those that don't like to click on (possibly uninteresting) links.
Seems to me that these guys are a bunch of enthusiasts that love moon related stuff(amongst other extra terrestrial stuff).

One chap stumbled upon some very early moon images shot via the use of reconnaissance probes prior to the moon landing.
Now we're talking 1965 ish, and the images were captured in high resolution on 70mm film which was processed on the orbiting vehicle then transmitted back to Earth in electronic form, where the data was then stored on large tape drives.
Specific equipment is needed to translate this electronic data back into usable images, and it appears that the task of doing so was convoluted and monumental in some ways.
( I kind of understand the concepts, but not the specifics).
Don't think of it in modern day terms as we do with data storage, and it sort of makes sense.

Anyhow, they got it all working again, translated some of the data back into usable images and it seems that this is a huge deal for these guys.

I guess for me the interest is mainly in moon the related stuff, and I know there are a few others here that also have similar interests ... hence the need to share the find.

Some of the links to the images don't work for whatever reason .. so if you click on a link that says it's to a 24 Gigabyte image file!! ... don't be surprised if it doesn't work.

All in all, lots of info and links for moon related stuff.

A short(6min) video describing the group a bit better.
