View Full Version : Cityscapes from Singapore

22-04-2014, 11:21am
Hi everyone.

Thought I'd share some photos from Singapore, my home :)

1. View from the Marina Barrage toward the Singapore CBD

2. View over the Pan-Island Expressway

thanks for viewing! I shall add more as I go along.

22-04-2014, 11:27am
Brings back great memories of a fantastic holiday, my wife and i had many night walks around the city and never felt so safe and amazed by the light shows and smelling, eating many a "satay" :th3:

22-04-2014, 7:05pm
Thanks for dropping by this thread :)

Glad you had a good time in Singapore and enjoyed the food!
I see that your location states 'Tasmania', a place I've heard so many wonderful things about, but have never made the trip to see... one day... one day...! :)

- - - Updated - - -

3. Blue Hour over Marina Bay
Marina Bay Sands (MBS) casino and the Singapore Flyer in the distance

22-04-2014, 7:45pm
Would be good to see these in the critique forums, rather than the not for critique forum, so we could really start discussing them and give you some tips.

22-04-2014, 10:38pm
They sure are pretty.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

23-04-2014, 11:29am
Would be good to see these in the critique forums, rather than the not for critique forum, so we could really start discussing them and give you some tips.

Thanks for that.
I started the thread just with the intention of sharing some images, rather than opening it up for dissection and discussion on the various aspects of the image...
Maybe at a later stage? :) For now I shall just post a photo occasionally to this thread.

23-04-2014, 11:38am
Thanks for that.
I started the thread just with the intention of sharing some images, rather than opening it up for dissection and discussion on the various aspects of the image...
Maybe at a later stage? :) For now I shall just post a photo occasionally to this thread.

fair enough, but there are some aspects that could well be improved.

23-04-2014, 11:39am
4. The Biannual i-Light display around Singapore's Marina Bay.
a month-long art installation mainly consisting of lights. Numerous exhibits scattered around the perimeter of the bay, stretching for several kilometres


fair enough, but there are some aspects that could well be improved.

probably more than just a few! :)

23-04-2014, 11:41am
Thanks for that.
I started the thread just with the intention of sharing some images, rather than opening it up for dissection and discussion .

It's up to you but don't be worried about a bit of dissection and discussion. You will find everyone here very constructive and helpful .

24-04-2014, 12:23pm
5. Another photo of Singapore's Marina Bay during the iLight Festival in 2012


6. Supertree Grove at Gardens By The Bay, Singapore

25-04-2014, 11:32am
7. Another photo from the iLight Festival

25-04-2014, 5:49pm
8. Clarke Quay, famous for its nightspots and restaurants, looking rather tranquil at dawn

28-04-2014, 3:28pm
9. The Marina Barrage
A dam built across the Kallang River, effectively turning the Marina Bay into a reservoir. This serves the government's philosophy of both safeguarding our precious water reserves, as well as creating places for residents to enjoy the water through water sports and so on.

28-04-2014, 5:21pm
Thats the one thing i liked about Singapore, so much thought has gone into preserving the resources that the small country has, especially the Gardens with how everything is recycled and sustainable, the question i never got answered while i was there was how does Singapore power everything up, is it nuclear, hydro or coal because for a small country it sure uses alot of power to light things up.

28-04-2014, 5:47pm
Thats the one thing i liked about Singapore, so much thought has gone into preserving the resources that the small country has, especially the Gardens with how everything is recycled and sustainable, the question i never got answered while i was there was how does Singapore power everything up, is it nuclear, hydro or coal because for a small country it sure uses alot of power to light things up.

From what I have read, our electricity supply is mainly from natural gas (majority) and fuel oil. It is incredibly costly. I cannot fathom why my country is so bright as well :) Seems incredibly wasteful.

And when the Formula 1 circus rolls into town.... :eek:

30-04-2014, 12:57pm
10. Marina Bay Sands @ dawn

Mary Anne
01-05-2014, 12:43pm
Hello Kevin these are fantastic images, you certainly live in a great looking country I was lucky enough to visit this wonderful City five years ago.
Sadly with a stop over of only three days the first day I sleep, the second day was spent at your famous Zoo, the last day walking the City.
This is one City I also felt very safe in and if I had better health I would visit again on the way to the UK not on the way back like last time.
Its a shame you don't put these in the Landscape/Seascape Forum for the members to see as many dont venture down this far in the Forum..
Anyway Thank you for Sharing your Home Town with us. :2encou:

01-05-2014, 6:05pm
Thank you Mary Anne! :) I am glad you enjoyed visiting my home! Next time you drop by, do drop me a message. I'd be happy to bring you to some shooting locations!

here's another from our iconic Marina Bay. As you can probably tell, I really like this area a lot, because of the variety of cityscapes that can be captured just by strolling around the 3.5km perimeter of this bay.

11. Marina Bay from Esplanade rooftop

Mary Anne
01-05-2014, 8:28pm
I certainly will Kevin and Thanks for the Invitation.

02-05-2014, 5:23pm
12. Istana Kampong Glam (Malay for "Kampong Glam Palace"), is a former Malay Palace in the Kampong Glam district.
The palace and compounds were refurbished into the Malay Heritage Centre in 2004.


03-05-2014, 6:50am
Such a great place to visit. I have been there about 10 times now and every time I go, I still enjoy it. The atmosphere, culture and people are fantastic, not to mention the traditional food ...yummy. My wife wants to go there, so I dare say another trip there will be on the cards again in the near future. Oh and great photos, you really are showing what Singapore has to offer.

03-05-2014, 7:05am
The stillness in the water is amazing almost looks like a mirror. All your photos are visually stimulating but this calm shot just astounds me :)

04-05-2014, 3:52am
Such a great place to visit. I have been there about 10 times now and every time I go, I still enjoy it. The atmosphere, culture and people are fantastic, not to mention the traditional food ...yummy. My wife wants to go there, so I dare say another trip there will be on the cards again in the near future. Oh and great photos, you really are showing what Singapore has to offer.

Wow 10 times already! :)
You can probably show me a place or 2 in Singapore for some photography!
I'm glad you have enjoyed visiting Singapore. It's fairly cheap now to fly to Singapore from the Gold Coast or Sydney via Scoot (a subsidiary of Singapore Airlines), so here's to more frequent travel!

Do drop me a PM if you're planning your next trip here and you want a photography "kaki" (a Malay word which literally means "leg", but implies "companion") :)

The stillness in the water is amazing almost looks like a mirror. All your photos are visually stimulating but this calm shot just astounds me :)

The average wind speed in Singapore is pretty pathetic, which is bad for power generation (practically zero potential for harvesting wind energy) but perhaps helpful for photography :)
That, and the fact we have converted a number of rivers into reservoirs for fresh water supply, means we don't have the effects of tidal movements as well.

04-05-2014, 7:00am
It just goes to prove I know very little about Singapore, thanks for the info :o

05-05-2014, 3:51pm
13. Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum in Chinatown
A temple constructed in about 2007, which houses the Sacred Buddha Tooth Relic.


09-05-2014, 5:06pm
14. Block of flats in Ghim Moh

Believe it or not, these are public housing flats, sold at subsidized prices to citizens and permanent residents. Mind you, these subsidized flats are still quite expensive (at least S$500,000 for about 85-90 sq m) because property prices in land-scarce Singapore are simply astronomical.


10-05-2014, 6:35am
Really, that is expensive. The way you have taken the photo makes them look worth half a million too. ;)

10-05-2014, 11:04am
Good on you for sharing these images. Since there's no need to provide a critique, I find myself happy to just sit back and enjoy them.

10-05-2014, 12:34pm
Really, that is expensive. The way you have taken the photo makes them look worth half a million too. ;)

They are indeed getting a bit more 'premium' nowadays, which has raised an issue of "Why are all taxpayers subsidizing these sort of 'premium' housing?"
I guess it's the government's belief that home buyers have rising aspirations and are no longer content with basic designs and budget materials.


15. Premium (for real this time) waterfront condominium project barely 2km from the CBD.
Folks who bought property here when it was first launched would have made huge profits (probably 250%) in the 10 years since.

11-05-2014, 6:35am
Such a pity you didn't quite get the complete mirror effect in the water, but wow nice to see how the other half live!

11-05-2014, 7:10pm
Such a pity you didn't quite get the complete mirror effect in the water, but wow nice to see how the other half live!

It was about as still a day as I could have hoped to find, but still enough movement in the water by small craft (kayaks, dragonboats, etc).
Yeah, feeling quite envious of them (those residents) ;)

16. Clarke Quay at night, from the 4th storey carpark of the building across.
Had to lean my camera a little precariously over the ledge for this, and stabilize my setup as much as possible.
Luckily no guards came by to give me a hard time!


14-05-2014, 8:24pm
17. 'Maze' playground in Tampines housing estate

well, not much of a maze since one can simply step over the boundary ;)

15-05-2014, 5:46pm
18. Back to my favourite sunrise location, Marina Bay

I find it quite surreal to be pretty much right in the city center, yet find such tranquility. Only during that brief period of course ;) Before the rush hour begins!


28-05-2014, 7:54pm
19. More Light Trails
this time over the Tampines Expressway

30-05-2014, 8:57pm
Refreshing to see some different shots of Singapore (all of which are great BTW). We usually have a stopover there on our way to London to visit our son. You have given me some ideas for the next visit there. Thanks for sharing.

02-06-2014, 6:34am
Love your photos they are a treat with all the beautiful colours and different aspects...

02-06-2014, 11:11pm

Do feel free to drop me a PM if you need any specific information :)


20. Sunset view from Marina Barrage.
In the distance is the Marina Bay Sands (MBS)


- - - Updated - - -

21. Singapore's Sultan Mosque, in the Kampong Glam area
Photographed this for a tourism textbook to be used by our secondary school students.


11-07-2014, 1:54pm
22. Marina Bay, from Marina Bay Sands

15-07-2014, 8:19am
What a beautiful place. Thank for sharing those beautiful shots.

18-07-2014, 11:29am
What a beautiful place. Thank for sharing those beautiful shots.

Thank you very much!

23. Another shot around the Marina Bay area, this time of the ArtScience Museum, which is part of Marina Bay Sands.
The structure was lit as part of "iLight 2014". The building's facade was used as a projector screen for a video.

Mary Anne
18-07-2014, 11:59am
Still enjoying your images Kevin and looking at #23 what an interesting coloured shaped building that one is.
Really like #21 Singapore's Sultan Mosque the mono treatment works well with this :2encou: And Thanks again for sharing.

18-07-2014, 7:47pm
Still enjoying your images Kevin and looking at #23 what an interesting coloured shaped building that one is.
Really like #21 Singapore's Sultan Mosque the mono treatment works well with this :2encou: And Thanks again for sharing.

thanks so much Mary Anne :)
The ArtScience Museum is normally a plain white


it looked particularly interesting during the iLight festival, so I braved the huge crowds and found myself a spot to both watch the show and try to capture something! :)


24. Another photo from iLight 2014

Basically a kind of net strung across the football field in an artistic manner, then blasted with specific coloured light. Quite an interesting display.
The CBD in the background just for some perspective... :)

Mary Anne
19-07-2014, 8:25am
Kevin.. Think I prefer the Museum in colour.. Another amazing one above that coloured net looks fantastic Well Done!!

23-07-2014, 10:55pm
thanks Mary Anne! :)

The net looked really interesting.
Here's another from much closer (I had to sneak up to this one in the dark, coz the area was barricaded off for 'maintenance'), using a 14mm Samyang for that exaggerated perspective.


Mary Anne
24-07-2014, 6:56am
WOW !! That is absolutely amazing Kevin, the detail to me is perfect.. :2encou:

26-07-2014, 11:49am
thanks Mary Anne!

With our National Day coming up (on August 9), there have been rehearsals every Saturday evening since mid-June. They even let off some fireworks, which makes for a spectacular sight for everyone out for a night in the town.

26. here's one from Elgin Bridge across the Singapore River, with our Parliament House on the left.

27. further down the road is St Andrews Cathedral, which looks pretty amazing at night.

10-08-2014, 5:12pm
Was lucky enough to get tickets to attend the National Day Parade on August 9th.
Treated to a spectacular show with song and dance, as well as a display of some military hardware. Not forgetting the favourite fireworks at the end, of course!




10-08-2014, 6:28pm
kevin thats some awsome photos there .i was there in 2000 working at the airport for a week with ansett .very nice and safe place .was interesting to see the african looking blokes all bunched up in the back of trucks going to work..lol great pics

11-08-2014, 4:16pm
kevin thats some awsome photos there .i was there in 2000 working at the airport for a week with ansett .very nice and safe place .was interesting to see the african looking blokes all bunched up in the back of trucks going to work..lol great pics

Hope you enjoyed your short work stint in Singapore.
As residents here, we tend to take a lot of aspects such as law & order, and the sense of security for granted. That's because we grew up within this environment and it has become the norm.

the 'african-looking' blokes you are referring to, I would presume they are our Bangladeshi foreign workers, who are employed mainly in the construction and general contracting industries. Unfortunately they are ferried around on the rear sections of our pick-up trucks (cheap version of the Aussie Ute) without much concern about their safety. I wish they were treated a little better by their employers.


28. Went for a walk-about in Bishan Park one evening, and realized they had completed the major renovation to the park area.
The goal was to make the park more natural-looking, and make the central stormwater canal an integral part of the park, allowing the public to get close to the water.

They constructed a few bridges and some F&B outlets (including McDonalds) around the park

Some additional information on Bishan Park's transformation can be found HERE (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bishan_Park)

11-08-2014, 7:01pm
Not sure how you do these pics but there rippers ,,,,great settings and maybe some ps...

14-08-2014, 12:04pm
29. Another angle of Clarke Quay at dawn on a Saturday, looking far more tranquil than several hours prior, when the place was absolutely packed with party-goers.


* really fascinated by this 'duality' in Singapore. It seems like 2 different cities: 1 for the folks who stay up late into the night, and another for the folks who go to bed early and start their day at the break of dawn.

14-08-2014, 3:02pm
Thanks for sharing the photos of your city Kevin, my wife and I will be there for five days on the way home from a dive trip in a few weeks so look forward to taking in the sights.

15-08-2014, 2:18pm
Thanks for sharing the photos of your city Kevin, my wife and I will be there for five days on the way home from a dive trip in a few weeks so look forward to taking in the sights.

I hope you'll have a great time in Sunny Singapore! :)
If you need any specific information about places to stay or getting around, do feel free to drop me a message :)

16-09-2014, 6:26pm
30. Singapore's version of "iCloud" ;)


26-10-2014, 12:59am
31. Marina Bay Sands' "Wonderfull" Laser Show which happens daily

32. Suntec City's Fountain of Wealth

Mary Anne
26-10-2014, 10:53pm
Still enjoying your images Kevin..

27-10-2014, 11:51am
thanks very much, Mary Anne :)
I hope I can do my small little part to increase the tourist arrivals from Australia! ;)

06-11-2014, 5:55pm
33. Marina Bay (again)
Happened to catch a sunrise where the Merlion was switched off and not spewing water, hence lucky to get the perfectly still water surface.

22-02-2015, 1:35pm
haven't added to this thread in quite a while.
Here's another one of my favourite place, the Marina Bay


Hard to believe this was all water, about 15 years ago...

04-03-2015, 4:56pm
Brilliant photos of Singapore. I enjoy all of your photos.

I admit when I was there, after first day or two, I ended up window shopping from one mall to another, and left my camera at accommodation.

06-03-2015, 2:04pm
Thanks! Glad you like them.

There are lots of interesting places to photograph in Singapore. Especially since it is such a well-lit city, night cityscapes are also quite interesting.
Well I hope you enjoyed your visit nonetheless :)

27-03-2015, 8:58pm
Adding a sunrise shot from the Esplanade, overlooking Marina Bay

and one from Gardens by the Bay

- - - Updated - - -

This from the very north-east end of Singapore, in the brand new residential suburb of Punggol

27-03-2015, 10:39pm
Very nice .. I've not been to Singapore in so many years ... you're making me pine to visit!

28-03-2015, 11:38am
hahaha then it's working! :)
Please do visit!

We lost our first Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew on Monday 24th Feb.
This being the official week of mourning of his passing, there was ample opportunity to reflect on how far Singapore has progressed in the 50 years since Independence, under his stewardship.

A pretty remarkable transformation, if I may say so myself.

13-08-2015, 5:11pm
One from our Marina Barrage, the man-made 'dam' built across the Singapore River to turn it into a reservoir.
Has a nice view of our city's skyline.

To think the spot where this was taken from used to be the sea not that many years ago (when I was a wee young lad ;) )

23-11-2015, 1:19am
The Christmas Lights have been put up! :)

Photos below were taken at Orchard Road, our main shopping belt.



23-11-2015, 5:35am
How's the smoke situation from the Indonesia fires at present Kevin? I have heard that it gets quite thick and unbearable at times?

23-11-2015, 7:01pm
How's the smoke situation from the Indonesia fires at present Kevin? I have heard that it gets quite thick and unbearable at times?

Thank goodness the situation has largely cleared up!
It was terrible for about 2 months or so. The Pollutant Standards Index (was in the 'unhealthy' range) for most part of the 2 months.

The winds have shifted direction, and are now blowing south-east from the South China Sea.
There is also more rain in Indonesia, so hopefully the forest fires would have been put out naturally by now.

25-11-2015, 1:40pm
The entrance to Orchard MRT station.
Feels a bit like entering a spaceship :)


25-11-2015, 2:10pm
Some very beautiful images of your home town Kev, very nice - :th3:

26-11-2015, 4:14pm
Some very beautiful images of your home town Kev, very nice - :th3:

Thanks mate! :D
Well, we don't have much natural scenery here, so gotta make the best of the man-made stuff! ;)

26-11-2015, 4:16pm
The entrance to Orchard MRT station.
Feels a bit like entering a spaceship :)

...And where you might easily get "Lost In...":eek:

07-12-2015, 7:03pm
I haven't been to Singapore in about 9 years, but seeing these photos makes me feel like I was there yesterday... Great photos, and really nice perspective on them :-)

11-12-2015, 8:09pm
...And where you might easily get "Lost In...":eek:

Haha thanks Am.
Was recalling a scene from Star Wars Ep 2: Attack of the Clones, where the clones were loading up into the transport ship. Somehow this subway entrance reminds me of it! ;)

I haven't been to Singapore in about 9 years, but seeing these photos makes me feel like I was there yesterday... Great photos, and really nice perspective on them :-)
Haha thanks! The city would have looked rather different 9 years ago :)
Now when I look back on photos from just 3 or 4 years ago, I sometimes go "where did that building come out from?"

03-01-2016, 6:56pm
Beautiful pictures!

I lived in Singapore fro 12 months and these pictures made me homesick - I loved living there!


04-01-2016, 4:47pm
Beautiful pictures!

I lived in Singapore fro 12 months and these pictures made me homesick - I loved living there!


Thanks Alan! Glad you like them! :)

Mark L
05-01-2016, 9:20pm
Well, we don't have much natural scenery here, so gotta make the best of the man-made stuff! ;)
But surely there's an occasional bird somewhere?:D
Now that it's past time to say it:), I'll say all the best for, and hope you have a good 2016.

06-01-2016, 5:23pm
But surely there's an occasional bird somewhere?:D
Now that it's past time to say it:), I'll say all the best for, and hope you have a good 2016.

Actually now that you mentioned it, we do have an area set aside as a natural mangrove where quite a few migratory birds stop over.
In the rest of Singapore, I seem to notice only a few types of birds:
- mynah
- pigeon
- sparrow
- crow


22-01-2016, 9:00pm
wow they are a beautiful to see your part of the world.. makes me want to go over :D:D

26-01-2016, 6:24pm
Thanks Jeanette! :)

Yes please do come over! :)

30-01-2016, 9:33pm
Dang man. What a beautiful looking city. Hope to visit singapore myself sometime.

01-02-2016, 4:44pm
Dang man. What a beautiful looking city. Hope to visit singapore myself sometime.

Thank you! And yes please do stop by!
You may consider using Singapore as a gateway to the neighbouring countries such as Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, etc. Most folks have commented that a 3D2N stay is usually sufficient :D

Why I'm living here, is beyond me ;)

21-06-2016, 9:03pm
Our new National Stadium, opened in end-2015


was testing out a newly-purchased Nikon D5500 with its kit lens AF-P DX 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6.

Couldn't directly process it with my Lightroom 5.6, due to the unrecognized NEF format. Had to download latest Adobe DNG Converter and convert to DNG before I could open the RAW file in Lighroom 5.6
Guess I'll have to switch to Lightroom CC soon, if I intend to use the D5500 for RAW capture.

Mark L
23-06-2016, 8:08pm
Bloody good looking drain at bottom left.:th3: :)

Guess I'll have to switch to Lightroom CC soon, if I intend to use the D5500 for RAW capture.

If you don't want to you don't have to go CC. Adobe DNG Converter works pretty good and gives you plenty of data to work with RAW files.

24-06-2016, 11:25am
Bloody good looking drain at bottom left.:th3: :)

If you don't want to you don't have to go CC. Adobe DNG Converter works pretty good and gives you plenty of data to work with RAW files.

Haha :D
Yeah unless I use the software far more frequently than I current do, it feels a little painful to have to pay a monthly subscription. Will stick with DNG Converter for the time being. It's just an additional step in the workflow that's all.

13-07-2019, 2:29am

Sunset from my balcony, overlooking the suburban town of Bishan.
Bishan used to be a cemetery not that many years ago, but in land-scarce Singapore, even the dead have to relocate to "high-rise" living somewhere else.
So an entire housing district was created.

One Click
11-08-2019, 10:56pm
Sunset from my balcony, overlooking the suburban town of Bishan.
Bishan used to be a cemetery not that many years ago, but in land-scarce Singapore, even the dead have to relocate to "high-rise" living somewhere else.
So an entire housing district was created.

Thank for that information, very interesting.

Beautiful photo, beautiful city, we love visiting Singapore!

12-08-2019, 12:11am
Some amazing views. Thanks for sharing.

18-02-2020, 12:52pm
View of Singapore's financial district from the rooftop garden of a new shopping mall, Funan.
Rare view with clear skies that day.


the building in the foreground (with the flying saucer atop) is Singapore's Supreme Court Building.

19-02-2020, 5:06am
^In the movies, UFOs usually land in America first :p

19-02-2020, 2:03pm
I'm happy that you're keeping this thread going, you've put together a very nice series of images now.

Just looking at the buildings in the background, I'm fairly sure I recognise one as having already been there last time I visited Singapore.

02-03-2020, 4:59pm
Sky Habitat, a 38-storey residential apartment building designed by Moshie Safdie, a famous Israeli-Canadian architect who is famous for projects such as Habitat 67 in Montreal (constructed in 1967) and Marina Bay Sands in Singapore.

Sky Habitat

11 of Moshie Safdie's iconic Buildings (https://www.architecturaldigest.com/gallery/moshe-safdie-architecture)