View Full Version : Query re: Acratech GP ballhead

21-04-2014, 9:00pm
Hi all,
I'm considering purchasing an Acratech GP ballhead. It has the facility to unscrew the head and connect it to the bottom part so as it can be used as a levelling base. I must be missing something here, but as the top part has a levelling bubble I can't see the advantage of using the ballhead "upside down". I know that when used this way the panning will be above the ball, but still can't see the advantage. Hopefully all this makes sense!:o

21-04-2014, 10:16pm
With a conventional ball head the panning section is at the base of the body. You adjust the ball head (at top of body) to level your camera. However (unless the tripod is perfectly level) if you try to pan the camera it will move in an arc as the panning section is still at an angle. If you turn it upside down, when you adjust it for level, the panning section is now level. So when you rotate the camera it now pans level. Bit hard to explain in words.. if you have a 'normal' ball head have a play and it will soon be clear ;)


22-04-2014, 8:26pm
OK..thanks...I'll try it:)

- - - Updated - - -

I'm embarrassed now:o...yes you're right...couldn't picture it in my mind before. Now it all makes sense. I guess it's easy though to get the tripod level.:)