View Full Version : Sigma 50mm f/1.4 Art priced to kill everything, including OTUS!

11-04-2014, 9:18pm
The pricing is finally revealed. Get in line for those interested in a high quality, fast prime for under $1k.


12-04-2014, 12:52am
Hmmm .. It's a wee bit more than I would have liked.

... but then again I'm a total cheapskate and usually want stuff for less than it could be worth!


Actually, if the performance is as good as they say(SLRGear that is, not Sigma themselves) .. then $1K is probably a half decent price .. even tho you could get a Nikon/Canon/etc equivalent lens for less than half that.
I'm still tempted to buy in(again) tho.

12-04-2014, 11:36am
I guess, if it performs as well as the 4,000$ Zeiss, then the price is truly remarkable...
I am, however a practical photographer. If i need a sophisticated optical equipment to tell a difference between the 4000$ lens and the 50mm f1.4, of the common variety, then I really don't see the point of getting the expensive one.

Some suggest that Zeiss may now have to rethink their pricing policy... I disagree.
People who pay $4000 for a 50mm lens dont buy it because they need it, they buy it because they can.

I am suspecting that Sigma may actually find it more difficult to find buyers.
Most of those who live off photography will still choose a 400$ canon/nikon and those who can afford a 4000$ Zeiss will never buy a Sigma.

12-04-2014, 12:37pm
Well I don't have a 50mm but have a 35mm and since I have the 24 - 70 F/2.8 would I really want it. On a crop format makes the FOV approx. 75mm which does fall into the portrait length and F/1.4 could be handy but at that price I'd probably consider the 85mm F/1.4.
So I don't think I would bother with it.

12-04-2014, 2:21pm
Hmmm.. $950USD... tempting.
I'm a sucker for great optics even if the focal length proves to be less useful for me.
I have a 150mm equiv that's not an easy FL to work with but time and time again I go back to the lens cos of the images produced.
Maybe this lens will make me like the 50mm FL again.

12-04-2014, 2:21pm
Most of those who live off photography will still choose a 400$ canon/nikon and those who can afford a 4000$ Zeiss will never buy a Sigma.
I was wondering this same thing.

12-04-2014, 2:32pm
You guys are missing one simple thing about the Zeiss. No autofocus. Given the number of amateur photographers that buy the 24-70 f/2.8, what makes you think they won't buy a $1000 50mm? I would. In fact, I'd happily buy a $2000 85 f1.4 Sigma ART if it was better than the Nikon 1.4, but I wouldn't spend $4000 on a Zeiss but I think it's exorbitant and the lack of autofocus is a killer for me. Try chasing a child with manual focus. I also don't think I'm an unusual buyer.

12-04-2014, 2:49pm
@ $US949 sounds good but in end terms here in Oz ,whats to be expected in price could be up to 50% mark up

12-04-2014, 4:10pm
I've just pre-orderd one from an Australian supplier at $950 so no price surprises. I bought the 35 1.4 Art & was stunned at its image quality & reports are this lens will be as good or better & for 60% of the price of a Canon 50 1.2L.

12-04-2014, 4:37pm
I'm still finding it hard to think of a Sigma lens as a product you'd buy because you wanted one rather than because you could afford one and you thought it might be nearly good enough. Given the consistent good reports of their 35/1.4, however, it seems that the leopard really has changed his spots, and we have to take Sigma seriously now.

The other thing that this points out is the woeful inaction on the part of Canon which has made this possible. (Possibly also Nikon - I don't follow the Nikor offerings, so I can't say if their recent-decade action has been as useless as Canon's or not.) For a ridiculously long time now, Canon have offered a mega-cheap plastic toy lens (50/1.8) which is much better than anyone has any right to expect but a cheap plastic toy lens nevertheless. Ignore that one. Secondly, Canon has an ancient 50/1.4 which is quite reasonably priced and has pretty good optical qualities but is nevertheless low-tech and low-sec - it doesn't even have a proper ring USM focus mechanism, surely a must in this sort of product. Finally, they have produced two absurdly expensive fast 50mm lenses, a 50/1.0 and then the current 50/1.2. The latter is hugely expensive and has very odd auto-focus issues which, in any cheaper lens, would be regarded as a deal-breaking design flaw. At this price, however, you are apparently supposed to regard it as a charming idiosyncrasy instead of an infuriating mistake.

For around ten years this unsatisfactory situation has been allowed to fester. All Canon had to do was make a new 50/1.4L: a modern, properly-specced standard lens for the keen photographer. But no, they are only interested is video wenkary, and photographers have been simply ignored. Fine: if Canon won't listen to its customers, we will all start buying Sigma lenses.

Well done, Sigma! I wish your new lens all the success it deserves.

12-04-2014, 9:53pm
Well done, Sigma! I wish your new lens all the success it deserves.

Not to mention the useful docking system that makes it so much simpler to keep your glass at or near its best without sending it back! Another great idea, Sigma! :th3:

Chris G
17-04-2014, 7:17am
Pre ordered mine the other day, seriously cant wait for it.. Already own the 35mm Art and know how tack sharp it is, so the new 50mm is going to be amazing..

Need to get a docking station now hehe.

18-04-2014, 1:26am
Some talk of this being an Otus eater!

According to DxO (http://www.dxomark.com/Lenses/Compare/Side-by-side/Sigma-50mm-F14-DG-HSM-A-Canon-on-Canon-EOS-5D-Mark-III-versus-Zeiss-Carl-Zeiss-Distagon-T-STAR-Otus-55mm-F14-ZE-Canon-on-Canon-EOS-5D-Mark-III-versus-50mm-F1.4-EX-DG-HSM-Canon-on-Canon-EOS-5D-Mark-III___1306_795_1241_795_201_795) and DPR (http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/lens-compare-fullscreen?compare=true&lensId=sigma_50_1p4_a&cameraId=canon_eos5dmkiii&version=0&fl=50&av=4&view=mtf-ca&lensId2=zeiss_otus_55_1p4&cameraId2=canon_eos5dmkiii&version2=0&fl2=55&av2=4), it's not far off .. or in fact it is(in some ways).

The DxO link is to a three way between the Art, the older Sigma 50/1.4 and the Otus.
DxO seem to think that the Otus is sharper all round .....

Yet, DPR's comparison shows that the Sigma is sharper in the centre wide open at f/1.4.
DxO also says that the Otus is more consistently sharper across the frame, yet DPR's results show the opposite as the lens is stopped down a click or two(f/2.8 - f/4) and at about f/5.6 it's too hard to distinguish any difference between the two.

Nice one Sigma! :th3:

18-04-2014, 11:07am
^ Probably the differences are because Dx0 is carp.

18-04-2014, 4:41pm
^ Probably the differences are because Dx0 is carp.


For a more visual(albeit limited to test chart) reference/comparative, The Digital Picture has image references for both lenses captured via some 135 format Canon camera.
Otus definitely looks sharper from the get go, but if you're pixel peeping such minuscule differences anyhow .. you shouldn't be using such a small format to begin with!

One thing is for certain irrespective of whether the Sigma is an Otus (b)eater!
Even if it's not, it's bloody close enough to it, and has AF and cost less than 1/4 the price ... I'd say that is extremely high quality 50mm images @ f/1.4 are your priority in life, at twice the price of the Nikon eqivalent, and less than Canon's f/1.2 model .. this lens is nigh on spot on.

Actually one of the aspects that interests me more about this lens than just it's ability to render detail .. is the USB dock and the Optimization Pro software that allows you to tweak AF as you may wish too(if it's causing any issue).

I have the older Sigma 50/1.4, and while it's not a priority for me to update/change to the newer version, if I do, it'll be mainly due to the way that my version of the lens can misfocus more so at closer distances(more likely on the larger frame camera!) .. whereas at longer focus distances it's pretty much spot on.
So if I set AF fine tune to account for closer distances, it loses a bit at longer distances.

But knowing my luck, if I got this new lens + USB dock, the lens will focus perfectly at any focus distance .. all the time!
(and all my other lenses will subsequently all misfocus just to rub it in!)

On a side note: if Sigma ever offered a service option to allow installation of these modern chip types in older lenses, I'd do it immediately on my 50.

18-04-2014, 5:05pm
I also have the 35mm and have already asked at a few local stores to see if I can preorder - but not as such - so will have to preorder online. Am really looking forward to it!

19-04-2014, 4:08pm
So I've just got the USB dock for Sigma & had bit of a play. On the 35 all I needed to do was move focus back at the 600mm range maybe 5mm which is proof that the initial factory settings are close to spot on straight out of the box. Infinity is hard to judge as the monitor resolution at 100% gets too pixelated to really chase any adjustments & I don't think it needs anything anyway. Going forward if I get any of the zooms the possibility are limitless.

23-04-2014, 2:23pm
Being the owner of Zeiss lens I want to contribute to this post. First of all Zeiss lens are not for all and still depends on how you shoot. If you are using a tripod and using live view on a stationary subject the Zeiss lens can be used for its quality and great color rendering etc but like someone said if you are chasing children you will miss the focus even though you have electronic confirmation in the viewfinder. Using the DOF scale on the lens again is tricky with children. I like using Zeiss lens for portraits when the subject is stationary and I can use live view for critical focus.

I @ M
23-04-2014, 5:48pm
Being the owner of Zeiss lens I want to contribute to this post. First of all Zeiss lens are not for all and still depends on how you shoot.

Got to agree with you! :th3:

Most people after consistently great image quality from a fast prime are going to head straight to the one with excellent resolution, good colours and autofocus.

Seems to be where the Sigma line is heading to be king of the pile at the moment -----

23-04-2014, 11:37pm
Rumour has a new Sigma 24/1.4 Art lens on the horizon as well.....They are on a roll. :)

Sent from my HTC Wildfire using Tapatalk 2

24-04-2014, 8:13am
I'm surprised they haven't gone down the 85mm 1.4 ART side as I think there would be a massive market for it.

27-04-2014, 8:18am
couple reviews i've read said that subjectively the reviewer felt the bokeh is as good if not better than the 50L, which is quite impressive taking into account the improvement in sharpness and microcontrast, compared to the the Otus the new sigma has less distortion (as in practically none) and less vignetting and tho on paper it's measure less sharp than the Otus perceptively because of better microcontrast (according to slrgear review anyway) it actually looks sharper, amazing achievement really with autofocus for less than $1k at launch

27-04-2014, 8:02pm
I'm about to load up with a couple of new lenses. I am tempted to load up with this one while I am at it.

I have the Nikon 50mm f/1.4 but it's slower than cancer. I'm thinking the 35mm ART and the 50mm ART may be tempting although I may just get the 35 ART to start with and add the 50mm ART later.

08-05-2014, 9:49pm
so i originally had no intentions of picking up this lens straight away (or for a while even), then a mate of mine had to point out to me that digi direct is doing a pre order special for $899

then something snapped, and i caved =.=

09-05-2014, 5:45am

then something snapped, and i caved =.=

Well, at least you caved on something that's (almost certainly)worth the effort! ;)

09-05-2014, 9:10am
Any ideas on when the 50mm are going to be available?

09-05-2014, 1:34pm
Well, at least you caved on something that's (almost certainly)worth the effort! ;)

i hope so Arthur, i spent last night pondering whether or not there is room in my life for both a 35 and a 50mm lol

- - - Updated - - -

Any ideas on when the 50mm are going to be available?

mate eta is june for us aussies, but apparently digi direct managed to secure some stock already for their sydney store just yesterday...so here is hoping more stock will be coming in soon (would love to get it before i head down to melbourne during the long weekend in june xD)

09-05-2014, 1:41pm
i hope so Arthur, i spent last night pondering whether or not there is room in my life for both a 35 and a 50mm lol

There is always room for an extra lens. It's just whether your partner or bank manager agree

09-05-2014, 3:00pm
There is always room for an extra lens. It's just whether your partner or bank manager agree


09-05-2014, 10:48pm
the partner ......... :confused013 .. the lens?

notice how it's looking at the lens, and then at you .. but NOT over at the partner.(guess which way I voted) ;)

ps. bank managers are easily bribed.

14-05-2014, 2:07pm
ps. bank managers are easily bribed.

lucky for me my bank manager is only my conscience ;)

got an email today that my lens is in melbourne already, should be in brisbane in the next day or 2!!! can't wait!!!

14-05-2014, 2:32pm
got an email today that my lens is in melbourne already, should be in brisbane in the next day or 2!!! can't wait!!!

I hate you...and I mean that in the nicest possible way :D Very jealous

I'm hoping to organise a 35 ART, 50 ART and D800 next week. Will have to wait and see if it happens.

14-05-2014, 2:46pm
I hate you...and I mean that in the nicest possible way :D Very jealous

I'm hoping to organise a 35 ART, 50 ART and D800 next week. Will have to wait and see if it happens.

yea was totally surprised, was certain i missed first batch just because i pre-ordered so late!

mate you'll absolutely love the 35+50 on your D800, need something sharp to feed that resolution monster of yours ;)

14-05-2014, 3:06pm
I was going to go for the 85 1.4 as well, but I'll wait until September in the hope that Sigma release an 85 ART which I think will be incredible. I wish they'd tell us if they are intending doing it, but I guess they don't want to spoil their existing sales.

I may have to get a bigger bag then. And then a bigger camera to fit the bag. And more lenses to fit the bigger camera, and then a bigger bag. And then at some point my wife will divorce me :D

14-05-2014, 3:35pm
I was going to go for the 85 1.4 as well, but I'll wait until September in the hope that Sigma release an 85 ART which I think will be incredible. I wish they'd tell us if they are intending doing it, but I guess they don't want to spoil their existing sales.

I may have to get a bigger bag then. And then a bigger camera to fit the bag. And more lenses to fit the bigger camera, and then a bigger bag. And then at some point my wife will divorce me :D

i have the sigma 85 as well. yea def hold out for the 85 1.4 art if you can, tho i think it may still be a while because the current 85 optically is still very good especially for the price and it's not that old of a lens, in saying that if they can bring the wide open sharpness of the 35/50 to the new 85 art and improve on the the bokeh (the current version does look bit busier compared to the other 85's) add that to the dock compatibility you have another winner right there

14-05-2014, 3:38pm
i have the sigma 85 as well. yea def hold out for the 85 1.4 art if you can, tho i think it may still be a while because the current 85 optically is still very good especially for the price and it's not that old of a lens, in saying that if they can bring the wide open sharpness of the 35/50 to the new 85 art and improve on the the bokeh (the current version does look bit busier compared to the other 85's) add that to the dock compatibility you have another winner right there

It's one of those tough decisions. If I wait until september and nothing arrives, then do I wait again. Then at some point you could be caught waiting for a year or two for something that Sigma may not even be working on because they think something else is a bigger priority.

14-05-2014, 8:03pm
It's one of those tough decisions. If I wait until september and nothing arrives, then do I wait again. Then at some point you could be caught waiting for a year or two for something that Sigma may not even be working on because they think something else is a bigger priority.

yea i think next on their hit list is the 24 1.4 and the rumoured 135 1.8 IS and 24-70 f2...imagine if those lenses are for real

14-05-2014, 8:16pm
So it's here! bigger..MUCH bigger than I thought. No longer the nifty but seems the goods. L/R my old friend Takumar 1:2/55,Sigma 50 1.4 DG Hsm,Sigma 35 1:4 Art,Sigma 50 1:4 Art

14-05-2014, 8:51pm
congrats! lets see some sample shots!!! :D

14-05-2014, 9:44pm
Late so limited opps....108896

15-05-2014, 8:44am
The size is insane .. seeing it like that against the older Sigma 50/1.4.

I have the older 50/1.4 .. and now I want the new version too! :D

LOL! ... it has to wait.
I'm not, never have been, nor will ever be ... an early adopter.

I like Sigma, have many of their products, have stuck with them over many yearsm have come to their defence against a tirade of abuse from others .... and I don't want to ruin that relationship with early teething troubles.

I always wait at least 6 months or so before I decide I finally have to have one.
6 months I feel is about a minimum timeframe for any issues to surface.

Looking forward to seeing more from this lens.
Images look really nice Fruengalli

15-05-2014, 9:23am
The size is insane .. seeing it like that against the older Sigma 50/1.4.

I have the older 50/1.4 .. and now I want the new version too! :D

LOL! ... it has to wait.
I'm not, never have been, nor will ever be ... an early adopter.

I like Sigma, have many of their products, have stuck with them over many yearsm have come to their defence against a tirade of abuse from others .... and I don't want to ruin that relationship with early teething troubles.

I always wait at least 6 months or so before I decide I finally have to have one.
6 months I feel is about a minimum timeframe for any issues to surface.

Looking forward to seeing more from this lens.
Images look really nice Fruengalli

Always been a problem for me...impulse buying.

15-05-2014, 9:40am
LOL! ... it has to wait.
I'm not, never have been, nor will ever be ... an early adopter.i

c'mon Arthur, early adopt with us!!!!!!!!!! lol

i know what you mean tho, i am the same, usually like to wait a while for the kinks to work out and price to settle but these 2 new sigma lens 35 and 50 (also thanks to digi direct putting sale on both times) had me jumping on the bandwagon lol

Fruengalli how are you finding the auto focus?

15-05-2014, 11:52am
c'mon Arthur, early adopt with us!!!!!!!!!! lol

i know what you mean tho, i am the same, usually like to wait a while for the kinks to work out and price to settle but these 2 new sigma lens 35 and 50 (also thanks to digi direct putting sale on both times) had me jumping on the bandwagon lol

Fruengalli how are you finding the auto focus?

Not too shabby. I only got this very late in the arvo but the bottle & a few others I got away were spot on. The old camera shots are inside with room lights on so a bit of hunting when I tried to focus on the front of the lens (too dark & no contrast) but nailed it on the "X" in Pentax. These were at f1.4 or 1.8 (iso3200) so stoked with the clarity (except for noise).

15-05-2014, 11:53am
From what I've heard, focus speed is better than the Nikon and Canon equivalents which aren't great.

15-05-2014, 12:00pm
Got a call a while ago that my copy has arrived long story short on the way home now gonna run thru the dock it front focuses noticeably on mine but otherwise image looks good bokeh I thought was excellent

16-05-2014, 11:22am
https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7449/14008909648_a2f9c4f6fc_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/nkVjLY)Tim (https://flic.kr/p/nkVjLY) by basketballfreak6 (https://www.flickr.com/people/61412648@N02/), on Flickr

so i got my lens, spent some time adjusting with dock, af feels quite accurate right now and decently quick, but have to adjust quite a bit...

the 2 closest adjustment areas (0.4-0.5m, 0.5-1.0m) were +20 and +17...

otherwise the IQ really is stellar

16-05-2014, 11:32am
https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7449/14008909648_a2f9c4f6fc_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/nkVjLY)Tim (https://flic.kr/p/nkVjLY) by basketballfreak6 (https://www.flickr.com/people/61412648@N02/), on Flickr

so i got my lens, spent some time adjusting with dock, af feels quite accurate right now and decently quick, but have to adjust quite a bit...

the 2 closest adjustment areas (0.4-0.5m, 0.5-1.0m) were +20 and +17...

otherwise the IQ really is stellar

Nope. Doesn't look good or well adjusted. Ship it to me and I'll adjust it correctly. I'm slow at adjusting so it might take a year or two :)

16-05-2014, 11:40am
Nope. Doesn't look good or well adjusted. Ship it to me and I'll adjust it correctly. I'm slow at adjusting so it might take a year or two :)

lol all good mate, i am willing to live with the flaws of this lens lol

but in all seriousness, that is wide open at 1.4, that sharpness and pop is just incredible, you seriously need to get it on your D800 just so you can pixel peep the hell out of it lol

16-05-2014, 12:48pm
lol all good mate, i am willing to live with the flaws of this lens lol

but in all seriousness, that is wide open at 1.4, that sharpness and pop is just incredible, you seriously need to get it on your D800 just so you can pixel peep the hell out of it lol

Yup. Every review I've seen couldn't find anything wrong with it other than "It's heavy".

16-05-2014, 1:17pm
Yup. Every review I've seen couldn't find anything wrong with it other than "It's heavy".

yea it really is quite heavy, it feels like i have my 24-70II on it rather than a 50mm lol

16-05-2014, 1:55pm
.... that is wide open at 1.4, that sharpness and pop is just incredible, ......

OOF rendering is very nice, subtle and smooth which is probably a bit more important that just pure sharpness.

So far between yours and Fruengalli's images, bokeh looks nicely rendered ... and therefore hard to fault.

(FWIW: aspheric lens elements sometimes induce some nervousness in OOF rendering. These images look good. I'm sure there's someone somewhere in the world trying hard to find fault with the lens tho :rolleyes:)

Thnx for the sample images.

16-05-2014, 3:17pm
OOF rendering is very nice, subtle and smooth which is probably a bit more important that just pure sharpness.

So far between yours and Fruengalli's images, bokeh looks nicely rendered ... and therefore hard to fault.

(FWIW: aspheric lens elements sometimes induce some nervousness in OOF rendering. These images look good. I'm sure there's someone somewhere in the world trying hard to find fault with the lens tho :rolleyes:)

Thnx for the sample images.

you are absolutely right Arthur, both about the rendering and people trying to find fault with the lens

look around various forums and you'll see people (particularly owners of 50L) trying to say the 50 art doesn't have nice rendering etc etc which i find it amusing, i've seen a few side by side comparisons and as far as i am concerned they actually render the oof areas very very similarly (imho), the 50L may look just that tad more "buttery" only because it doesn't have the contrast and sharpness of the 50 art

the way i see it it's easier to to soften up the image then it is to produce details that wasn't there in the first place in post, if you know what i mean

16-05-2014, 3:47pm
you are absolutely right Arthur, both about the rendering and people trying to find fault with the lens

look around various forums and you'll see people (particularly owners of 50L) trying to say the 50 art doesn't have nice rendering etc etc which i find it amusing, i've seen a few side by side comparisons and as far as i am concerned they actually render the oof areas very very similarly (imho), the 50L may look just that tad more "buttery" only because it doesn't have the contrast and sharpness of the 50 art

the way i see it it's easier to to soften up the image then it is to produce details that wasn't there in the first place in post, if you know what i mean

In their defence, it's a major claim for Sigma to make when it came to declaring that it could give the Otus a run for it's money at a quarter of the price. When people hear that, they figure it's the usual marketing banter and look for problems because it's hard to fathom that Sigma could produce a lens which trounces the Nikon and Canon 1.4's. Let's be realistic here, Sigma has always been the "cheaper, not as good" alternatives so it will take time for people to realise that sigma can produce a better lens.

16-05-2014, 4:03pm
In their defence, it's a major claim for Sigma to make when it came to declaring that it could give the Otus a run for it's money at a quarter of the price. When people hear that, they figure it's the usual marketing banter and look for problems because it's hard to fathom that Sigma could produce a lens which trounces the Nikon and Canon 1.4's. Let's be realistic here, Sigma has always been the "cheaper, not as good" alternatives so it will take time for people to realise that sigma can produce a better lens.

i just never understood the whole brand loyalty/fanboyism thing, i have my share of L lenses and recently sigma, i try to get the best my money allows me to get, just because i shoot with a canon 5d3 doesn't mean i am going to say nikon d800's awesome shadow recovery and dr doesn't matter (the amount of people that likes to say "just learn to expose properly", sheesh), i own the 24-70L II but i will be the first to tell someone else that the tamron is very, very close iq wise with IS for fraction of price and unless you need the auto focus it's worth picking up

16-05-2014, 4:08pm
i just never understood the whole brand loyalty/fanboyism thing, i have my share of L lenses and recently sigma, i try to get the best my money allows me to get, just because i shoot with a canon 5d3 doesn't mean i am going to say nikon d800's awesome shadow recovery and dr doesn't matter (the amount of people that likes to say "just learn to expose properly", sheesh), i own the 24-70L II but i will be the first to tell someone else that the tamron is very, very close iq wise with IS for fraction of price and unless you need the auto focus it's worth picking up

People feel threatened. If people say the Tamron 24-70 is as good or better than my Nikon 24-70, it means I didn't make a good financial decision because I bought something that was twice the price and not as good. There is exactly the same level of fanboism with cars, motorbikes, etc. It's about making consumers feel better about their purchasing decision. No one wants to know there is something better out there than what they have.

16-05-2014, 4:12pm
People feel threatened. If people say the Tamron 24-70 is as good or better than my Nikon 24-70, it means I didn't make a good financial decision because I bought something that was twice the price and not as good. There is exactly the same level of fanboism with cars, motorbikes, etc. It's about making consumers feel better about their purchasing decision. No one wants to know there is something better out there than what they have.

so true, for me i am just happy i got into photography at a time where there are so much options for us photographers :D

16-05-2014, 10:16pm
couple more samples:

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5071/14195047211_362998bd09_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/nCnjZi)Beer (https://flic.kr/p/nCnjZi) by basketballfreak6 (https://www.flickr.com/people/61412648@N02/), on Flickr

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5521/14011691330_3f37e09a6e_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/nmazF1)Fallout Boy (https://flic.kr/p/nmazF1) by basketballfreak6 (https://www.flickr.com/people/61412648@N02/), on Flickr

i am really liking the way it renders oof areas

17-05-2014, 4:58pm
couple more samples:

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5071/14195047211_362998bd09_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/nCnjZi)Beer (https://flic.kr/p/nCnjZi) by basketballfreak6 (https://www.flickr.com/people/61412648@N02/), on Flickr

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5521/14011691330_3f37e09a6e_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/nmazF1)Fallout Boy (https://flic.kr/p/nmazF1) by basketballfreak6 (https://www.flickr.com/people/61412648@N02/), on Flickr

i am really liking the way it renders oof areas

Haven't put mine on the dock yet but if it's anything like the 35 I don't think I'll have to do much. AAAAnd back to that how good is the ability to self adjust! Great examples of 1.4 dof ...how freakin sharp is it!!! Canon will respond after getting their arses kicked but at a stupid price level. Me.. I'm waiting for the 24.

17-05-2014, 7:50pm
I don't get this Sigma Dock thing.

I've bought, oh, about twenty lenses over the last ten years or so (two Tokinas and all the rest Canons), used them on more than a dozen different cameras, and I have never, ever had to adjust any lens at any time, not with any of those cameras. And yes, I know what "in-focus" looks like. What is it with Sigma lenses that makes them not work properly in the first place and need the silly dock? Seems like a massive admission of incompetence to me. Why don't they just adjust their products properly in the factory the way all the other manufacturers do? I fair dinkum don't get it.

17-05-2014, 8:20pm
I don't get this Sigma Dock thing.

I've bought, oh, about twenty lenses over the last ten years or so (two Tokinas and all the rest Canons), used them on more than a dozen different cameras, and I have never, ever had to adjust any lens at any time, not with any of those cameras. And yes, I know what "in-focus" looks like. What is it with Sigma lenses that makes them not work properly in the first place and need the silly dock? Seems like a massive admission of incompetence to me. Why don't they just adjust their products properly in the factory the way all the other manufacturers do? I fair dinkum don't get it.

All my other lenses are "L" and all have needed micro adjustment on the camera body. The sigma hub lets me set the lens to its optimum settings for any camera.

- - - Updated - - -

I don't get this Sigma Dock thing.

I've bought, oh, about twenty lenses over the last ten years or so (two Tokinas and all the rest Canons), used them on more than a dozen different cameras, and I have never, ever had to adjust any lens at any time, not with any of those cameras. And yes, I know what "in-focus" looks like. What is it with Sigma lenses that makes them not work properly in the first place and need the silly dock? Seems like a massive admission of incompetence to me. Why don't they just adjust their products properly in the factory the way all the other manufacturers do? I fair dinkum don't get it.

All my other lenses are "L" and all have needed micro adjustment on the camera body. The sigma hub lets me set the lens to its optimum settings for any camera.

17-05-2014, 10:05pm
I don't get this Sigma Dock thing.

I've bought, oh, about twenty lenses over the last ten years or so (two Tokinas and all the rest Canons), used them on more than a dozen different cameras, and I have never, ever had to adjust any lens at any time, not with any of those cameras. And yes, I know what "in-focus" looks like. What is it with Sigma lenses that makes them not work properly in the first place and need the silly dock? Seems like a massive admission of incompetence to me. Why don't they just adjust their products properly in the factory the way all the other manufacturers do? I fair dinkum don't get it.

i've had to send my 100L macro and 70-200 2.8 II down to Canon for calibration before, and they are not even that fast lenses

sigma, tamron, tokina etc third party companies have to reverse engineer canon's af system, so you can't expect them to be completely perfect, also there is the problem with copy to copy variance between body and lenses, if you are unlucky and the body and lens falls out of each other's tolerance you will have to calibrate or micro-adjust, especially when you play with fast lenses like the f1.4 and 1.2's since dof is so small and unforgiving, this applies to everyone, not just sigma, i mean there is a reason canon includes micro adjust function in their bodies, but now sigma gives us this dock so we can fine tune the lens and not just a simple AFMA without having to send it into sigma meaning no down time, i don't see how that is a bad thing

back on topic, went out dinner today and had chance to compare my new sigma to my friend's old sigma 50 1.4, granted it's not apple to apple comparison since he shoots nikon d800 and i shoot canon 5d3 but fwiw going off the lcd screen we both agree that while the old sigma holds its own when it comes to bokeh/oof rendering the new sigma really takes it to a new level, while not night and day difference it's not hard to see the new sigma has smoother bokeh, and we both agree with the better sharpness, smoother bokeh and better contrast the new sigma easily gave a more 3d look that the old sigma can't replicate (again this is off our respective lcd screens though so feel free to take this with a grain of salt)

was shooting in low light venue (talking about 1/80 iso6400 f1.4 lighting) and i was pleasantly surprised to find the sigma hit pretty much every shot

i am becoming more and more in love with this new lens i have to admit

18-05-2014, 7:25am
I don't get this Sigma Dock thing.

I've bought, oh, about twenty lenses over the last ten years or so (two Tokinas and all the rest Canons), used them on more than a dozen different cameras, and I have never, ever had to adjust any lens at any time, not with any of those cameras. And yes, I know what "in-focus" looks like. What is it with Sigma lenses that makes them not work properly in the first place and need the silly dock? Seems like a massive admission of incompetence to me. Why don't they just adjust their products properly in the factory the way all the other manufacturers do? I fair dinkum don't get it.
Obviously you "don't get" it, Tony. :confused013 Surely you would be aware that most manufacturers work to a given tolerance for AF accuracy, among other things, in their production processes. I'm surprised you've been lucky enough not to have needed adjustments to either lens or camera body, as you say, but good luck sometimes isn't enough. Ever heard of someone getting a so-called "bad copy" of a lens? All that means is the effect of manufacturing tolerance on any lens-body combination is cumulative. That's why there's an AF Fine Tune option in most decent cameras these days, including Canon. What's more, the lens will "wear in" over time and move off the factory settings for AF. Sigma have recognised that most users don't want to be without their equipment while it's sent to the factory/supplier for adjustment back to standard. Bravo Sigma for taking this approach.

Here's a small example of why this is necessary. If you have a body that's, say, +15 points (still within manufacturing tolerances, btw) and a lens that's +10 points (also still within manufacturer's tolerances), together the lens/body combo would be out by +25! No way to adjust for that in the body using AF Fine Tune. Only alternative is to send both to the experts for adjustment on the bench ... until now. You can use the Sigma dock system to compensate for the lens on that body, or just make your own adjustments to a much finer tolerance than the manufacturer can do in normal production processes.

This sounds like you have a degree of disrespect for Sigma, suggesting it "Seems like a massive admission of incompetence..." Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but the comparative tests on these new lenses from Sigma are showing they deserve more respect than that. I personally like that if I now buy a new Sigma lens, and it needs adjusting for my camera body, I won't need to do without either camera or lens to achieve that. Bravo Sigma!

18-05-2014, 8:50am
..... I fair dinkum don't get it.


As manufacturers introduce newer cameras in the future, and some have been known to introduce some incompatibilities with 3rd party gear .. the owner now has a way to upload any fixes via firmware fixes themselves rather than going through the hassle of getting the gear back to the service centre for what is in effect a very simple fix.

It wasn't all that long ago that Nikon introduced a firmware update for a recent camera which stuffed compatibility with some Sigma lenses. Up to this new firmware the lenses worked fine, but the firmware update killed that. Sigma has a firmware update service to fix the incompatibility issues which is free, but not all their lenses can be updated via firmware too.
Those lenses that are compatible with the USB dock didn't require a trip back to the service centre, the firmware was downloaded locally and uploaded to the lens by the user in the comfort of their own home.
I vaguely remember a problem with some Sigma lenses relating to a Canon camera body too, many years back too.

The focus tweaking features are a bonus I guess!
Also note that the Sigma software also allows for tweaking the speed of focusing(not just the accuracy) for certain lenses to suit a particular purpose or style of useage.

I'll actually go further and say that I think the software could be even better, that is it's currently limited in what it should be able to do.
Many(if not all) fast lenses suffer from focus shift as you stop the lens down. This could easily be accounted for by software like this, where you may have an option to set focus distance tweaks on the basis of aperture value set.
So hopefully Sigma has the ability to further improve the software used with the dock.

Overall tho, the point is that the USB dock is an optional accessory that the user has the option of buying or not. It's not compulsory for the lens to work properly.
It doesn't come with the lens, so it's not forced upon you in any way, but if you're having issues a specific lens, this is simply a way to account for it without the need to go through the problem of sending a lens back to have it tweaked or re set, or whatever.

I actually think that manufacturers of camera bodies should allow the ability to tune lens parameters from within the camera body itself.
I'd rather see this focus tuning/tweaking thing all done in camera, in real time whilst the lens is attached to the camera and via a computer of some sort(tablet/laptop/phone/whatever).
I would be nicer to have the ability to tune focus for a certain lens based on specific AF points(or areas) on the sensor, which could take into account various optical issues for lenses or troublesome af points in cameras.(note that there are some mirrorless cameras that allow this degree of fine tuning too! .. Olympus OMD-M1 comes to mind for some reason)

AF fine tune is all well and good up to a point, but it is severely limited in what it can do.

18-05-2014, 9:21am
a few naysayers were commenting on how this is a cop out by Sigma instead of dealing with the lenses themselves they are asking the consumers to do it which I can understand where they are coming from but I tend to look at it that I have the tools at my disposal to fine the lens myself without having down time (not to mention as Arthur said no one is forcing you to buy the dock you can send it to sigma) and more importantly if the money saved by sigma from not having to deal with as much warranty returns goes into more R&D and lower prices on lenses to me that's a win in my books

Milan Deo
18-05-2014, 2:13pm
Got Sigma's 35 1.4, if thats anything to go by super keen to pick up their new 50! And can't wait for the 24 :D Sigma really has pulled up their socks.

18-05-2014, 3:10pm
This sounds like you have a degree of disrespect for Sigma, suggesting it "Seems like a massive admission of incompetence". ..... I personally like that if I now buy a new Sigma lens, and it needs adjusting for my camera body, I won't need to do without either camera or lens to achieve that.

I'd rather just buy a lens that works properly in the first place, as every single lens I have ever bought from Canon and Tokina has. Sigma has always been notorious for spotty quality control, why don't they just improve that? Still strikes me as a huge cop-out. Still, it's better than doing nothing about the problem, I suppose.

- - - Updated - - -

firmware! As manufacturers introduce newer cameras in the future, and some have been known to introduce some incompatibilities with 3rd party gear .. the owner now has a way to upload any fixes via firmware fixes themselves rather than going through the hassle of getting the gear back to the service centre for what is in effect a very simple fix.

Now there is an answer that is making a lot more sense!

18-05-2014, 4:34pm
I'd rather just buy a lens that works properly in the first place, as every single lens I have ever bought from Canon and Tokina has. Sigma has always been notorious for spotty quality control, why don't they just improve that? Still strikes me as a huge cop-out. Still, it's better than doing nothing about the problem, I suppose.

You still don't get it, Tony! The lens can be a perfectly working example and STILL need adjustment to match the body on which it is used. Very few manufacturers, especially Canon, spend sufficient time in production on each copy to make them accurately focus on the bench, let alone on every body ever produced for that mount. They work within a set of tolerance guidelines. Near enough is good enough, including Canon.

If you'd been following the development of Sigma's new serious lenses, ART and SPORT series for example, you'd see that the dock and the lenses that it accepts are part of a VAST improvement in quality control - even rivalling the OTUS at 4x the price. Pity Canon, Nikon and Tokina apparently aren't as committed to continuous improvement as Sigma. If you still don't get it after that explanation, I guess you're not really trying, eh?

18-05-2014, 5:47pm
Sigma has always been notorious for spotty quality control, why don't they just improve that? Still strikes me as a huge cop-out. Still, it's better than doing nothing about the problem, I suppose.

think about it for a second, when was the last time you saw another 3rd party manufacturer produce auto focusing f/1.4 lenses, companies like Tamron and Tokina sure doesn't, i guarantee you when they do all the complaints about "x manufacturer lenses can't focus/have bad quality control" will start popping up for them too

again super fast lenses with f/1.2-4 apertures have such small dof there is very little tolerance for error and variation so it's not uncommon for adjustment/calibration to be required, also again if canon lenses are so perfect and there are never issues why do they include AFMA function in their bodies in the first place? not to mention it's always the minority that has had issues that are often the loudest whereas people that have no problems never says anything which just exaggerates how bad the issue really is

anyway i am done with this topic, i am just going to go enjoy shooting with what many (and myself included) considers the best auto focusing 50mm lens money can buy right now

- - - Updated - - -

Got Sigma's 35 1.4, if thats anything to go by super keen to pick up their new 50! And can't wait for the 24 :D Sigma really has pulled up their socks.

mate i have the sigma 35 as well and i am telling you the bokeh on this 50 is something else

18-05-2014, 6:12pm
For what its worth...the 35 needed no adjustment at all on the hub. Spot on straight out of the box. The 50 needed 0 at 400mm,-10 at 600 & 1500mm. Still here,no freight,no loss of use.

19-05-2014, 10:12am
I'd rather just buy a lens that works properly in the first place, as every single lens I have ever bought from Canon and Tokina has. .....

Pure luck!

Some of us geddit, others don't.

Many stories abound of 1st party gear not cooperating perfectly all of the time.
it happens and is a fact of life.

On the whole, I've been rather lucky myself too. I'm a bit paranoid of not getting a lens that works perfectly too tho.
If I get a 3rd party lens, I prefer to get it from a local real shop .. gives me somewhere real to annoy if this 3rd party gear gives me grief.

Strangely tho, of the two lenses that did give me grief, one I got S/H(Tammy 28-75/2.8) and the other I got new from an online source(Nikon 80-200/2.8D).
Bot these lenses backfocused at their longer focal length settings .. but worked perfectly at a focal length below that.
AF fine tune in this instance was useless .. fix the long end, at the expense of all the other available focal lengths.

The 28-75 was less annoying as the DOF was deep enough(even at f/2.8) at 75mm that it wasn't so obvious unless I cropped to 100% pixel view.
The NIKON!! 80-200 was a different matter tho. it was obvious in almost any image captured at 200mm that focus was missed in most situations.
When focus was captured correctly the lens worked well(and I wouldn't have upgraded to the Tamron 70-200/2.8 all those years ago).
If it weren't for the backfocusing of the 80-200, I'd still have it(I reckon).

From about '08-'09, I'd always thought how handy it would be to have access to the software that manufacturers have that will allow focus fine tuning at various points .. rather than the (almost gimmicky) AF fine tune.

Tony, just because you've had luck in not having lenses that have tolerance variations doesn't mean the issue doesn't exist.

If you have ever followed LensRental's blog, you will have read that the genuine manufacturer's aren't immune to this issue either.
One thing I like about Roger Cicala's blog, is the point that it seems to be based on a wide variety of experiences .. not just a single instance of it.
(plus that point that I like his sense of humour in the way he writes too).
He has written about their need to adjust lenses to work better, and how they have invested 100's of thousands of dollars in new testing equipment to make it a simpler and quicker task for themselves, as the manufacturer's service centres turnaround times aren't suitable for a rental company's requirements(of having their stock, in stock to get to their customers).

The problems with the non Sigma gear is that they don't have access to the software to adjust the lenses in the same manner, and can only do lens adjustments in a global manner.
So if a lens comes back to them and has focus anomalies in the same way that Roger's own Sigma 35/1.4 did, they really can't do anything about it other than back to the manufacturer's service facility to sort it out.
There are many entries in the LR blog, but most of the entries that relate to AF performance are located deep in the older archives.
Can make for interesting reading for those that are interested.
The main point of this info being that no matter what the individual believes, LensRental's testing many samples of a specific product will have a greater level of accuracy with respect to the amount of variance/tolerances than will one individuals singular experiences with their own gear.

Personally, I don't really care is one manufacturer is better at QA than another. Just give me the tools to fix any issues that I have in my own time.
I doubt that Nikon would ever do this willingly as a service/feature to their customers(except under extreme pressure from loss of market presence!).

When I inquired about having my 80-200/2.8 adjusted, even tho getting it into a nearby suburb was easy as could be, the problem arose of them needing my lens and camera(!!!!) for up to two weeks, plus the minimum service fee, even if nothing could be done about it .. really didn't appeal to me. The comes the fright of the cost of what is in effect a simple fix.

TBH, this Sigma Dock + software is what attracts me more towards Sigma as an alternative product to genuine gear!
A hope I also have, is that one day Sigma will offer a retro fit service that will allow their recent older lenses to be compatible with the USB dock too.
I can't imagine that this would be difficult either, as it's simply a matter of fitting compatible electronics in the lenses where possible.
I (personally) can't see the value of Sigma offering a lens mount conversion service .. and I can't see them making a lot of money on such a venture. But I have 3 Sigma lenses, and if they offered a service to make all three lenses compatible with the Dock and software, I'd have them all converted immediately!
Not that they NEED it .. I just want it :D
Actually, one thing I'd do to my current(old model) 50/1.4, would be to slow down the focus speed a touch .. it's just a bit jittery for my taste in AF-C mode.

ps. Tony! .. when have you ever know me to .. errr ... 'make sense'? :p

19-05-2014, 10:26am
I thinks it's also important to note that comparing AF issues in the budget end of the Sigma Spectrum is complete different to that in the premium end. I guarantee the quality control for Nikon in the kit lens area is far different to the high end ED glass, much the same as Canon in the L glass.

So yes, I'd expect more quality issues on a $1000 sigma compared to a $2000 nikon but what we are talking about is a slightly different side of the market. The build quality of this eclipses the Nikon 50mm and at twice the price, I'm guessing the quality control does as well.

19-05-2014, 3:59pm
A hope I also have, is that one day Sigma will offer a retro fit service that will allow their recent older lenses to be compatible with the USB dock too.

there is rumour going around they plan to add compatibility to some of their newer non-global vision lenses for the dock so...here is hoping :P

and i agree about reading Roger Cicala's blog, he is awesome

19-05-2014, 4:16pm
I hate rumours!(wishing most would be announcements by manufacturers than simply rumours! :D

And Roger is great value .. more so than awesome(I reckon), he puts a lighthearted spin on most things mundane about gear.
Makes his writing more interesting than most reviewers seem to manage :th3:
Even tho in many instances he clearly states his tests aren't reviews, they all seem to have a less boring attribute about them.

His access to multiple samples of a particular piece(where possible) also has strong relevance to the topic he writes about too.

19-05-2014, 4:21pm
I hate rumours!(wishing most would be announcements by manufacturers than simply rumours! :D

And Roger is great value .. more so than awesome(I reckon), he puts a lighthearted spin on most things mundane about gear.
Makes his writing more interesting than most reviewers seem to manage :th3:
Even tho in many instances he clearly states his tests aren't reviews, they all seem to have a less boring attribute about them.

His access to multiple samples of a particular piece(where possible) also has strong relevance to the topic he writes about too.

i know what you mean about rumours, it's like the manufacturer just likes to troll us for the sake trolling

and yea Roger's pieces are great, you actually want to read the articles instead of just scrolling to the end of the page just to see if it gets a "recommended"

and yea i love the fact that he has so many copies that he tests on that it would actually give us more of a real world (as close to anyway) "review"

20-05-2014, 4:29pm
So I've been out messing with the 50A after setting some adjustments on the weekend & so I could check some parameters used Cannon DPP for viewing. What came up was a +8 AF micro adjust from the camera body. This is the setting from I had on the old Sigma 50 so the camera (5DII) hasn't recognised the new lens only the 50mm focal length. Back to square one....

20-05-2014, 4:36pm
So I've been out messing with the 50A after setting some adjustments on the weekend & so I could check some parameters used Cannon DPP for viewing. What came up was a +8 AF micro adjust from the camera body. This is the setting from I had on the old Sigma 50 so the camera (5DII) hasn't recognised the new lens only the 50mm focal length. Back to square one....

you using the dock to make adjustments?

i rang cr kennedy today about my concerns that one of my settings is +20 and they agreed that it's worth looking at as that's a huge variance...won't send it in until after i am back from Melbourne in June tho, Jacob from cr kennedy was really helpful on the phone

i had a chuckle when he said i am one of the very few owners of this lens in australia lol

anyway another sample shot

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5552/14041400009_cdbbbd847e_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/noMR2B)David (https://flic.kr/p/noMR2B) by basketballfreak6 (https://www.flickr.com/people/61412648@N02/), on Flickr

20-05-2014, 4:55pm
Yep...went through all that & was pleased with the outcome BUT the camera just sees another 50 lens & applies the setting of +8. I am surprised the body doesn't register another electronic signature. So zero the body & start again....hey it isn't that hard. Nice shot

20-05-2014, 5:49pm
Yep...went through all that & was pleased with the outcome BUT the camera just sees another 50 lens & applies the setting of +8. I am surprised the body doesn't register another electronic signature. So zero the body & start again....hey it isn't that hard. Nice shot

that's a bit annoying :(

worth the effort though, at least it focuses a lot more consistently than the old sigma 50 that i had lol

one thing i am really appreciating about the ART is the lack of distortion, feel comfortable taking a tightly cropped shot because distortion is practically nonexistent

really can't praise the lens enough

20-05-2014, 7:54pm
..... This is the setting from I had on the old Sigma 50 so the camera (5DII) hasn't recognised the new lens only the 50mm focal length. Back to square one....

I remember reading an article on how Sigma lenses are reported to Canon cameras.

it goes along some strange line that (as an example, but just a wild guesstimate!) a Sigma 50mm f/1.4 may be reported to the Canon body as a Canon 28-70mm f/2.8 or something weird like that.
Looking that the table that LensRental had posted was a bit of a laugh actually.
The article had something to do with some of the in camera auto processing(CA, vignetting and stuff like that) ability and how it reacted badly with some Sigma lenses.

Again, this is where the ability to update firmware could come in handy if an issue ever cropped up.

I'm not sure that Nikon or Pentax cameras are afflicted with the same lens reporting issues as were the Canons. Don't know tho .. I didn't really remember reading anything about them.

So, your Sigma 50/1.4(old) and Sigma 50/1.4 Art probably aren't being reported to the camera as Sigma 50mm so and so, and so and so .. ie. as individual lenses.
They're most likely being reported as Canon XXmm f/x.x lenses.

ps. I vaguely remember the Canon 85/1.2 seemed to be a popular lens for Sigma to mimick.

02-06-2014, 4:32pm

such much for this ugly bokeh on the 50A that some 50L owners like to remind everyone :-/

02-06-2014, 4:39pm
Tony. Your links don't work.
Is it somewhere in here? (http://willchaophotography.com/)

02-06-2014, 4:44pm
Tony. Your links don't work.
Is it somewhere in here? (http://willchaophotography.com/)

hey Am, i just clicked on it and it took me to the photographer's review fine

it's a great comparison as he tested it against the 50L and the old sigma 50 in real world situations, i was personally surprised coz i thought the 50L would do a bit better in the bokeh department thinking that with the sharpness and contrast of the new art lens something's gonna give but apparently the art really hold it's own

03-06-2014, 6:31am
such much for this ugly bokeh on the 50A that some 50L owners like to remind everyone :-/

Fantastic side-by-side comparison. To my eye the S50A is hands-down better than the 50L, and not just for bokeh either. The 50L shots look decidedly soft by comparison in some frames.

03-06-2014, 7:39am
How odd! Still can't get it. Tried 2 browsers.

03-06-2014, 9:18pm
How odd! Still can't get it. Tried 2 browsers.

that's strange, still no luck?

04-06-2014, 4:19am
How odd! Still can't get it. Tried 2 browsers.

It does take some time to download, am. I'm using Safari so I doubt it's the browser. Maybe your link is timing out before the page comes up? Just a thought. :confused013

13-06-2014, 2:43pm
few more shots from this baby, street snaps from my trip down to Melbourne last weekend, hopefully may push those of you's that's on the fence about getting this lens :P

all shot wide open @f/1.4

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3885/14408842872_c0e780ce88_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/nXg5Zo)Melbourne (https://flic.kr/p/nXg5Zo) by basketballfreak6 (https://www.flickr.com/people//), on Flickr

https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2910/14223546290_70e2f94be1_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/nEToLJ)Melbourne (https://flic.kr/p/nEToLJ) by basketballfreak6 (https://www.flickr.com/people//), on Flickr

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3899/14387027526_ff563767d8_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/nVkh3J)Melbourne (https://flic.kr/p/nVkh3J) by basketballfreak6 (https://www.flickr.com/people//), on Flickr

https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2940/14408863092_f26827a61c_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/nXgc11)Melbourne (https://flic.kr/p/nXgc11) by basketballfreak6 (https://www.flickr.com/people//), on Flickr

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5558/14223526429_0f9d63a44a_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/nEThSi)Melbourne (https://flic.kr/p/nEThSi) by basketballfreak6 (https://www.flickr.com/people//), on Flickr

14-06-2014, 3:46pm
The shots look great basketballfreak6.
The lens give them an almost 3D look.
Give them a bit of contrast, clarity and vibrance, and the people will REALLY pop!

I have heard that Sigma will be bringing out an 85mm A lens soon, so I might hold out for that.

14-06-2014, 4:05pm
Still out on this one, how about some 100% crops to see the detail/sharpness.

14-06-2014, 6:53pm
The shots look great basketballfreak6.
The lens give them an almost 3D look.
Give them a bit of contrast, clarity and vibrance, and the people will REALLY pop!

I have heard that Sigma will be bringing out an 85mm A lens soon, so I might hold out for that.

thank you Benny, just an incredibly fun lens to use, again despite all that sharpness and contrast imho oof rendering does not suffer one bit, also evident by the comparison review i linked earlier of this lens vs 50L and the earlier sigma 50

- - - Updated - - -

Still out on this one, how about some 100% crops to see the detail/sharpness.

ask and you shall receive my friend

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5552/14041400009_cdbbbd847e_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/noMR2B)David (https://flic.kr/p/noMR2B) by basketballfreak6 (https://www.flickr.com/people//), on Flickr

https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2896/14231599380_16ed1fa4bf_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/nFAEF7)Sigma 50 f/1.4 ART wide open 100% crop (https://flic.kr/p/nFAEF7) by basketballfreak6 (https://www.flickr.com/people//), on Flickr

that is wide open at f/1.4

just picture that crop a little bit less sharp, i find flickr applies sharpening to photos you upload these days, but you get the picture (puns may/not be intended)

14-06-2014, 9:10pm
Very nice indeed, thanks for the post at 100%

14-06-2014, 9:52pm
Very nice indeed, thanks for the post at 100%

no worries mate, i should clarify this is obviously not a SOOC image but raw processed through lightroom with sharpening etc applied, but for me the files produced by this lens is very good to work with

I @ M
15-06-2014, 4:15am
i should clarify this is obviously not a SOOC image but raw processed through lightroom with sharpening etc applied,

As all raw images should be presented. :th3:

It is the end result of camera, lens and processing that counts and in the case of that lens if you start with good sharp images you don't have to resort to massive sharpening attacks later to make the image acceptable.

I @ M
24-06-2014, 12:47pm
The review on Photozone (http://www.photozone.de/canon_eos_ff/876-sigma50f14art) is very favourable.

Lance B
24-06-2014, 1:01pm
Interestingly, it doesn't seem to perform better than the 35 f1.4 Art as far as resolution is concerned when mounted on the same test camera. In fact, the peak centre performance is almost identical at apertures f2.8, f4 anf f5.6! However, if Photozone is to believed, the 35 f1.4 Art does slightly better wide open.

24-06-2014, 1:11pm
Interestingly, it doesn't seem to perform better than the 35 f1.4 Art as far as resolution is concerned when mounted on the same test camera. In fact, the peak centre performance is almost identical at apertures f2.8, f4 anf f5.6! However, if Photozone is to believed, the 35 f1.4 Art does slightly better wide open.

True, but they also state that it's the best 50mm they have tested to date which is an impressive statement for Sigma to claim.

So, in summary, "Highly Recommended" - again - and better than all the other 50mm lenses that we have tested to date. The new (untested) Zeiss Otus 55mm f/1.4 may still be better, especially regarding bokeh fringing, but it's a manual focus lens and in terms of size, weight and astronomical price tag it just cannot be everybody's darling anyway.

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Lance B
24-06-2014, 1:25pm
True, but they also state that it's the best 50mm they have tested to date which is an impressive statement for Sigma to claim.

So, in summary, "Highly Recommended" - again - and better than all the other 50mm lenses that we have tested to date. The new (untested) Zeiss Otus 55mm f/1.4 may still be better, especially regarding bokeh fringing, but it's a manual focus lens and in terms of size, weight and astronomical price tag it just cannot be everybody's darling anyway.

Yes, it is an impressive result all the same, as you say. However, I was not denegrating it's performance one bit, merely pointing out that there was much hoopla with this lens and as great as it is, it isn't any better than it's stablemate.

It is definitely much better than the standard offerings from Canon and Nikon, but to be fair to both those makers, I don't think that they thought a large and heavy 50 was a selling point. The standard 50's were always relatively small and discrete to be put on the camera as a standard lens and remember, we are talking about the Japanese tradition here. It's not that Canon and Nikon couldn't make a lens of this calibre, just I don't think they ever thought it was an option. This Sigma is 2x the length, 3x as heavy and 2x the price of the Nikon version, especially when you consider that Nikon has always been more expensive than any 3rd party lens! It's almost like a standard zoom in weight and size!

Having said that, if I was in the market for a 50 with exemplary IQ, then I would probably get the Sigma if I could justify the weight and size. 50mm isn't a focal length I would use much as it is neither here nor there as for as I am concerned. If I need a good 50, I think I would opt for a small f1.8 that would take up much room or be much weight in my already full and heavy bag!

24-06-2014, 1:38pm
True, but given they have tested the Canon 50/1.2 which is $500 more expensive and came out on tops, they have reason to be proud. I think it takes away a bit of the stigma associated with Sigma as the poorer cousin.

I don't think they are aiming this lens at the 50 f/1.8 buyers, they are aiming it at the 50 f/1.4 buyers have been disappointed by the quality of both Nikon and Canon to date, or 50/1.2 buyers who want a quality lens at a lower cost. I personally have a 50 f/1.4 Nikon and I am a little disappointed in the lens in a number of aspects.

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24-06-2014, 8:04pm
..... from Canon and Nikon, but to be fair to both those makers, I don't think that they thought a large and heavy 50 was a selling point. ......

Don't forget expensive too!

People forget that Canon have the 50/1.2 and Nikon have the 58/1.4 .. both of which are large and heavy(+ expensive).

50 .. 55 .. 58!!! mils .. it's all relatively the same focal length in reality and you'd be hard pressed to see the difference if it were not explained.

So the Art lens competes against the Nikon 58mm, the Canon f/1.2 lens and the Otus .. not really against the normal 50/1.4's from the two big brands.

I think that Nikon and Canon see a market for a large expensive and high quality normal(ish) lens like these. How far they're willing go to achieve the best(in this class) is another matter tho.

But Lance's comments are seemingly correct. It's weird that with all the hype, that the 35 Art is apparently higher resolving (in numerical terms) where we're lead to believe that the 50 Art supposedly is.
I expected it to resolve at least a little bit better than, if not equally to, the 35 Art.

What should be noted here tho with these resolution tests is that the Canon 5D used is most likely the limiting factor.
If the camera can (only) theoretically resolve only 3700 line widths per picture height, how can it register a score of 3732!!!
both lenses seem to achieve this score on the 5D .. yet the 35 Art scores 3960 on the 3Dx test(max up to 4000).
Hence the 5D is recording some anomaly in the tests (expected).

Seeing the 50 Art in the Nikon database may change some figures, and my guess is that it will most likely outresolve that sensors maximum theoretical 4000 limit too!
I think it's time Photozone changed the D3x for a D800E(or D810 :p)

As a sideline tho .. and being mildly amusing .. much hoopla is lapped on the 50 Art and the Otus for being so and so sharp, etc, etc.
But if you take PZ's tests as an example, the Canon 50/1.4 is technically the sharper lens in the centre of the frame, outresolving both the Art and the f/1.2 lens.

Lance B
24-06-2014, 8:12pm
Arthur, I think you may be correct with the lenses both at the resolution limit of the sensor.

27-06-2014, 4:37pm
yea when are you D800 owners going to pick one up? love to see how well it matches up with your resolution monsters xD

28-06-2014, 10:05am
yea when are you D800 owners going to pick one up?.....

If all goes well over the next 6 months .. roughly at the end of the year for me.

I do have another lens that I need a bit more desperately than 'another 50', so that will be my next bank balance reducing trip ... but this lens looks good enough to have to have one too.

Lance B
28-06-2014, 11:28am
yea when are you D800 owners going to pick one up? love to see how well it matches up with your resolution monsters xD

It's not a focal length I use all that much. I would rather use my 85 f1.4G which is just as sharp or sharper or my Sigma 35 f1.4 Art.

28-06-2014, 11:05pm
yea for a while i felt i didn't need the 50 myself until there were few shots to get the framing i wanted i had to get too close which caused too much distortion when using the 35...