View Full Version : Hi everyone

11-04-2014, 1:03pm
G'day everyone,
Great to be here. I'm very much looking forward to chatting with other esteemed members and shooting the breeze about photography. I've been into photography for a while now but only for my own enjoyment. Much of it now is about capturing precious moments with my young family but nature and landscapes is what really rings my bells. Anyway I'm keen to look around and get the lay of the land.

cheers all

Harry (Nikonoff)

11-04-2014, 1:20pm
Welcome to AP Harry, enjoy the site and look forward to seeing some of your pics in the forums

Mary Anne
11-04-2014, 1:55pm
Hello Harry and Welcome to AP.. Good idea to look around and if there is anything you are not sure of just ask.
I love Nature also especially the creatures out there in it. Will look forward to seeing your Landscapes though, so join in and start posting on the Forums.

11-04-2014, 3:18pm
:gday: & Welcome
- lets see some photos in the main CC forums (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?5) maybe try a competition or 2 and have fun!

13-04-2014, 4:51pm
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. A bit of background info never goes astray. I really got interested in photography in the late '80's early '90's and spent alot of time trying to capture the perfect sunset with a Yashica AF200. Much fun was had and thousands of over and under exposed photos were thrown in the bin although in all fairness there were some great shots. Move on from there to 1998 and meet my my now wife and her Minolta Dynax which had toured Africa and Korea. Awesome camera more fun. Enter the DSLR era and a FUji Finepix S7000. Love them or hate them I couldn't say a bad word about this camera. 10,000+ images trips to the beach the outback and overseas and it never let us down or fell short of expectations. However time marches on and while sitting in a Dr's waiting room I saw an add for a Nikon D90 in a National Geographic, just on the inside flap of the front page. I was awestruck, I had to have one, but at that stage the D90 was out of reach. So I bided my time and a year after they were released we lashed out and bought the twin lens kit deal and have been trying to get my head around the endless menu items ever since. Which is largely why I dropped in and signed up. I've read Ken Rockwell and have his app on my phone and I'll admit to having Julie Adair King's D90 for Dummies in my book shelf and while I have no problems with the rule of thirds or Shutter and Apeture priority, I am, shall we say, unsure of the value and importance of some menu items.
Well that's the concise version, I'll navigate my way to the appropriate section and sort this D90 stuff out.




13-04-2014, 6:08pm
Hi Harry and welcome to AP:)

13-04-2014, 6:57pm
Welcome to this great site - enjoy and learn. :-)

Mark L
13-04-2014, 10:05pm
G'day Harry.
You've found a good place to play.

.... and have been trying to get my head around the endless menu items ever since. Which is largely why I dropped in and signed up.

A lot of those menu items mean squat to the photos you take:). Reckon you understand the ISO, f/stop and shutter speed triangle already. So concentration on that with your camera. Aperture or shutter priority? Or full manual?
Don't be afraid to ask questions to figure something out though. Actually, don't be afraid to generally get involved here. 'tis what makes forums work.:th3: