View Full Version : Anyone using Capture One 7

10-04-2014, 10:30am
Is anyone using Capture One 7. After the recent discussions about Lightroom, I decided to evaluate some other solutions and I've been pretty impressed with Capture One thus far.

Just wanted to see whether other people were using it and what their experiences were with it.

Lance B
10-04-2014, 5:11pm
I use Capture One 7 and love it. Best RAW converter for ease and speed of use, plus the output resultant IQ is excellent as well. I like the way that Capture One is laid out and it makes it really easy to post process. However, I do use Photoshop CS6 to do final adjustments as there are still a few things in Photoshop that I like and also because there are some plug-ins that I use that work brilliantly, like Noiseware noise reduction and Power Retouche which I use for sharpening and a few other adjustments. In CO7, I save as a 16bit TIFF and then do those final alterations in Photoshop. I don't think any one post process software has all the answers or is best at all aspects of post processing but I find that the Capture One and Photoshop combination works best for me.

10-04-2014, 6:16pm
I started using Capture One 7 when I brought my Fujifilm X-E2, and my beloved DxO Optics Pro didn't support Fuji RAW format.
Capture One 7 didn't perform lens corrections as efficiently as DxO optics pro, but in all other areas was superior. Extensive features, built around a logical workflow.

But it is not an effective file management tool, and like Lance B I will export a 16bit TIF file, which I import into Apple Aperture, and from there I usually use the NIK suite to finish my images.

Overall, I highly recommend Capture One 7, though it is not a total solution.

10-04-2014, 8:05pm
I've been using it since it was version 3, almost 10 years now.

The support is excellent.

Lance B
10-04-2014, 9:01pm
Like John above, I have been using it since version 3 as well, almost 10 years!

14-04-2014, 8:43am
After some of the comments here, I've been playing around the last couple of days and I intend using it for the full 60 days trial before making a final evaluation.

I agree with some of the comments above after having played with it now. It's definitely easier to process. There are some things I don't like, like the fact that it doesn't re-save photos back if you use an external editor, but the actual processing of images is great.

Other than that, Lightroom is slightly more user friendly but that may come down to spending time with it. Aperture was streets ahead of Lightroom from a usability perspective.