View Full Version : Getty Images Race To The Bottom

06-04-2014, 4:12pm

Imagine the exposure you will get for free images ?????? :lol2:

Recently Getty Images announced the availability of over 3 Million images for free to anyone who wants them. I had to stop and pause. Generally speaking I have no issue to voice my opinion, but in this case I had a feeling that there was more to it. Something didn’t add up. I wondered WHY would an image business give away images for free? It just didn’t make sense.

06-04-2014, 4:24pm
as the old sayings goes ' if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is', and ' buyer beware'.

06-04-2014, 4:57pm
There's ALWAYS a catch.

22-04-2014, 5:17pm
Interesting read... lots of talk about boycotting Getty, but one would have to think with there huge inventory of images already, the horse has already bolted....
