View Full Version : By way of introduction...

26-03-2014, 7:39pm
Hi there,

I'm excited to be participating in this forum. I came across it in attempting to research new lenses for purchase. My husband loves forums for the research/educational benefit they provide ( he recently spent well over a year joining and participating in forums in the lead up to a new car and caravan purchase) and so to take a page out of his book I decided it was well and truly time to join the community of one (yes - this is my first ever forum participation ... )

My photography life so far: I am an introvert by nature and have found photography a great way to express what I find significant out of life and myself creatively. I was given a DSLR by my lovely husband in 2011 after taking interest in the cameras he uses professionally for work (Back then he was using a Nikon D700). I am particularly interested in still life, landscape and macro photography.

My gear: I have a Nikon D7000, the 18-105 kit lens that came with the camera, Nikon 50mm F1.4 and the Nikon 105mm F2.5 macro lens. I am currently investigating wide angle lenses as my next addition.

So thanks for taking the time to read my first ever post. I look forward to all that this great website has to offer.



26-03-2014, 8:28pm
Hi CES. Welcome to AP.
I actually answered another of your posts - That's good, jump right in! - about lenses.

Soon you will be an experienced forumite, yourself.

There's a lot of info available on/through AP. The key to getting the most out of it is to participate - posting your own pictures for CC and giving same to others.

In so doing you get to interact with the friendly and interesting bunch here.

Anyway, cheers.

26-03-2014, 8:32pm
Welcome CES. See you and your photos on the forums soon.

26-03-2014, 8:40pm

Mark L
26-03-2014, 8:59pm
G'day CES.
Hope you get involved here. Don't be afraid to ask questions, make comments and generally get involved. Helps us all learn and 'tis what makes forums work.:th3:

26-03-2014, 9:07pm
Welcome CES, I have recently been looking at the 50mm 1.4 lens ............. I'am wondering how much l would use it!!

Mary Anne
26-03-2014, 10:10pm
Hello CES and Welcome to AP, will look forward to seeing what you post on the Forums especially the Macro one.

26-03-2014, 10:15pm
:gday: & Welcome
- lets see some photos in the main CC forums (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?5) maybe try a competition or 2 and have fun!

28-03-2014, 3:43pm
Yes .... it is a great lens but I actually don't use it as much as I thought I would. Having said that I would still buy it now - for me it is a staple in my camera bag. I always have it on me.

29-03-2014, 11:52am
Welcome to AP, enjoy the site and look forward to seeing some of your pics in the forums