View Full Version : Am I allowed to use a photo?

14-03-2014, 7:53pm
If I've taken a photo of a 10 year old girl in a public diving pool, am I allowed to use this photo in a public forum i.e. the weekly challenge on AP

14-03-2014, 7:59pm
Sure, as long as it was taken legally. Does the pool have photo restrictions?

14-03-2014, 8:00pm
No restrictions..

14-03-2014, 8:02pm
There is no AP rule against. And there are no laws that differentiate children from any other portrait photography generally. However there are laws regarding posing or even taking a photo that appears to be sexually suggestive. A child in a swimsuit could be misinterpreted. But it also depends on the pose etc, some could see it as being not appropriate.

Would I post a photo on a forum of a child, without their parents permission, probably not. However street photography etc means children can appear on shots as incidental. It depends on the situation, the way the child is represented in the photo etc. I certainly would not want to be on the end of a protective parent if they did not approve and discovered it online.

In the end it is up to you.

14-03-2014, 8:39pm
Thank you I appreciate your replies and have decided to try for another photo.

14-03-2014, 9:03pm
Irrespective of whether there are rules or laws against it. If I were the parent I would not be at all happy if one of my kids were posted without permission, in fact I would be down right peeved off, especially if it is in a swimsuit. But that maybe just me.

15-03-2014, 5:28am
As with anything with children. Parents permission must be sort first. I would have found the parents, and told them you took the image, showed them, then explain what you are using the image for.
I have made a few cards that I keep in my wallet, with all my information on it. If they ask me to delete it, I delete it in front of them. But that has never happened.

15-03-2014, 9:41am
What text do you have on your cards to make this OK, Geoff? I have taken some wonderful candid shots of kids doing all sorts of cute things that I would love to use but have been worried that-if it is not a back view where they can't be identified that I could have legal problems.

15-03-2014, 3:34pm
The card I have is simple. It has my name (Obviously) Phone, home and mobile. It also has my flickr web address (So they can see the images I take are nothing untoward) I also have my facebook page address on it as well, for the same reason. And of course my Email and home address.
I don't take many photos of kids, although lately I have been invited to take images of kids at gymkhana's for friends. I have had to use the card a couple of times there, with one of the mothers to verify it.

16-03-2014, 8:08am
Thats actually a pretty good idea Geoff, it puts everything on the table as such and gives the parents/guardians a chance to say no.

16-03-2014, 11:00am
I'm like most of us. I sh1t myself taking photos with people in it. And it wasn't until I took an image of a dog on a beach, where the owner questioned my reasoning. That I thought of the idea.
It does come in handy... And having a good reason to take the image in the first place really helps. I'm afraid that "For my own personal image collection" doesn't help