View Full Version : flickr time out

25-02-2014, 9:30pm
Hi all,been a little while,had a life changing event.

all has changed, new computer using windows 8.1. chrome browser,sign in thru google,every time i try & upload a photo.i get the time out,& it will not accept a cr2 file.

my thoughts were,that flickr would take all file types, & size. the idea of the site is that,one can save all there files on there to save space on your hard drive.

please tell me if my thoughts are wrong if iam doing something wrong.

using iinet as a isp,connected thru ethernet cable from modem to lap top.have restarted modem,rang isp.

i have not taken a shot for a while,because i have 1000"s of images on 1tb hard drive & need to make space so i can sort them & free up space.

i hope i have not confused the issue, as iam confused,(autism) but thats life not a excuse.

Many Thanks in advance.

bears Pics

26-02-2014, 10:21pm
Hi Bears Pics

Sorry can't help with Windows 8.1 but maybe the following links could be of help re Flickr.

http://www.flickr.com/help/photos/#150488231 .... not sure if that is still relevant as Flickr has has been changing things.

http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=How_Do_I:Flickr_:_How_to_link_photos_into_Ausphotography ... this one shows how to link your Flickr photos (when you've got that worked out) to AP.

27-02-2014, 6:19am
Remember Flickr is a photo sharing site primarily, not a cloud type storage service. They are not a site that takes all file types etc as a way to free up space on your hard drive. You have flickr's purpose confused.

Thus as per the link ^^ they limit the size of photo that you can upload, and the format you can upload as well.

Also many browsers cannot display raw format photos anyway, unless the user has a plugin for that specific raw format (remember there are hundreds of proprietary raw formats out there) and the filesizes would be restrictive on those wishing to view them. No way I would view a site full of raw files due to the filesize chewing up my internet usage bandwidth for the month all to quickly. These are the reasons flickr and even AP limit the size of files you can upload. I will view JPG files at up to 1mb approx, but viewing a series of 50mb raw files is not something I would do. Flickr is not designed for that.

What you seek is some form of paid/free cloud storage service for your raw files, simply as a backup for yourself, and a different photo hosting service for displaying the smaller jpg versions etc for sharing with friends, others and photography websites like AP.

Dropbox : www.dropbox.com is one form of cloud storage (you buy how much you want depending on your needs), there are many of these storage sites.

But if freeing up space on your HDD is your sole goal, it is cheaper to just go an buy an additional hard-drive, at less than $100 per TB these days.

Mark L
27-02-2014, 8:51pm
..... But if freeing up space on your HDD is your sole goal, it is cheaper to just go an buy an additional hard-drive, at less than $100 per TB these days.
Exactly what I was going to say.

Not sure about your attachment to all those photos, but delete also frees up space.;)

01-03-2014, 9:38am