View Full Version : I haven't posted in a while, but I'm stuck

22-02-2014, 8:41pm
So i have been on the forum looking around lately and trying to give others critique, however i just haven't had the drive to take photos of my own, its not that i don't want to its that I'm just blank i guess you could say photographers block. i know the only way for me to get better is to take pictures but how do you guys get out of a block of either just not being motivated to take pictures or just not having the right mindset to take them?

22-02-2014, 8:48pm
You ask a good question which unfortunately I cannot answer. I just do not know how motivation to do something comes about. Perhaps just pick up the camera and get out and do something.
Don't think just do.

22-02-2014, 8:57pm
I'd say "ALL of the above" and a few to the sides as well.

These things happen. What's worse is when you do try to take photos in such a state and feel like throwing them away.
That could lead to more negative feedback.

So, I won't offer a remedy other than just some passing of time. In the meantime, CC-ing is always good. Who knows, you might see something and...

(the rest may be "the future")


22-02-2014, 11:34pm
Do a challenge for a week, one room/road/park/car/bike per day with one lens. Might get the juices flowing again.

23-02-2014, 1:53am
clark I find taking some macro shots of jumping spiders or other insects bring me out of a lull and keen to branch out later into something else ! it might be trying to get some photos as sharp as I can that does it because I see other peoples work and find mine is not up to their level as far as sharpness is concerned so it keeps me motivated !

23-02-2014, 8:04am
Join in on our member challenges. No competition, just fun as a group of members all try and get a photo to fit the same subject/topic. Topics are a mix of differing subjects and differing camera functions. Set aside some time each week to spend by yourself, getting your challenge photo. Then set some time after that to do one of your favourite things. It can be something simple like having a bowl of your favourite ice-cream.

That way you are setting yourself a challenge of getting the photo, knowing that once you do, you are also setting yourself a reward. Nothing like setting yourself a challenge of getting a photo of a particular genre for instance, knowing that when you get home, you get to sit down, relax and reward yourself with something else you love, something you enjoy but do not have everyday.

Then post your photo in the members challenge forum, look at and talk about the other members photos and read their replies to yours. No pressure to give in depth critique, no pressure to get a competition level photo. Just fun.

You need to make your photography fun again!


23-02-2014, 10:21am
Get out of your comfort zone.
Comfort zones are limited and you soon run out of options and challenges.
In stead of reruns of previous projects start thinking outside your box.
When the results are there, thats your new motivation.

Greetings, Johannes.

24-02-2014, 4:25pm
thanks guys will be taking all of the above on board

Mark L
27-02-2014, 9:02pm
Sorry it took me so long to see this thread.:(
Agree with Rick about joining in the Members challenge. This is my third year playing there and it has help me through many uninspired times. If it wasn't for the challenge there would be long periods were I also wouldn't have taken any photos.
Apart from having a reason to take some photos, you'll gain a sense of being part of something and learn a bit along the way. :th3:

Linda R
28-02-2014, 8:02am
Oh gosh am I hearing you!!! I find that with work and life commitments inspiration is the last thing that happens in my world :( Is there a sport that you like to watch? Sometimes I find that helps as I know when my sons are racing I have to take the time to go and take photos for them (don't get given a choice on this :lol:) and this will then flow on for me. Don't know if it will help but just a thought that sometimes helps me. Good luck :)