View Full Version : The Real Value of photography

20-02-2014, 8:02am
Photography is an enjoyable passtime for all of us here it is probably safe to say, but the memories we make with photo shoots like the one Erin (Maezyra) has just done for her Nan is something that will be treasured for generations.

At Christmas I spent many hours trolling through an extensive archive of old family photo's, and put them together in a photo book for my Mum, who was suffering alzheimers. We got the family together with her, and took some impromptu family portraits that went into the book as well. Sadly my Mum did not get to enjoy this book as her health slipped soon after Christmas. The family and friends and care givers however, loved the idea, and for those who did not know her, it gave a glimpse into the Mum we remembered, and supplied her family with giggles as we looked back on her young years (and ours).

She passed away on Sunday 9th Feb, and the book did the rounds at the funeral too, causing more tears and laughter, and we added more new photo's to our family archive on the day too. Then yesterday in the mail we received several more copies of the book, as a kind friend organised more printings of it for our family.

So, as much fun as our hobby or business is, the true value of a photograph lies in the memeories it brings flooding back, now and for the future generations. Aren't we lucky we can help make this magic happen!

20-02-2014, 8:12am
Very inspirational. Family photo books should never be stored away. They should be worn out from being constantly opened and added to.

20-02-2014, 9:35am
So true, as much as I hate having my picture taken it's nice to look back on shots taken years ago. I think we should all try and take a few more shots of family and loved ones.

21-02-2014, 9:20am
I agree photo books need to be looked at, ours certainly are.

It is really important for us all to have our picture taken occasionally. And the bonus is as you get older the photo's you hated of the younger years start to look better and better :eek:. We struggled to find many of Mum for her photo tribute at the beginning, but they are starting to come out of the woodwork now, as I sift through relatives albums, and we really are starting to see her life in a different way now!