View Full Version : Keeping DX after going FX advice?

02-02-2014, 10:26am
So I just purchased a used D700 for a bargain price to enter into the brave (& expensive world!) of FX, after starting with a D7000 a few years ago. I now have 7 nice lenses too (a lot of NAS going on!), 4 are FX, 3 are DX. The DX ones are 10-24mm, 17-55mm & 55-300mm.

I'm interested in what others have done in my situation in making the decision whether to sell all their DX gear, or keep it for the 'reach' or affordable 'wide' that it offers?

I @ M
02-02-2014, 10:35am
The D700 and D7000 compliment each other very well as an FX / DX combination.
If you can afford to keep the DX gear I would recommend that you do.
Having 2 bodies with different focal lengths attached can be very handy at times. Of course, your FX lenses can be used more than adequately on the DX body so it is really a win win situation.

There are still plenty of great photos left in both those bodies. :)

02-02-2014, 8:01pm
I have both D700 and D300s both works well and control are near enough the same.crop factors works good for extra range.Looking at your signature I would suggest the 70-300mm VR as this lens is designed for both FX and DX and its a higher spec than the 55-300.Not really too expensive if you buy quality used ones

03-02-2014, 8:08am
Hold onto both and take advantage of the individual properties of each body.

Lance B
03-02-2014, 8:15am
The D700 and D7000 are a great combo, I used this very same combo for about 18 months until the D800/E came along. I used the D700 for all my travel photos and for all short lens work, but when I needed "reach" for birding and other animals, I used my D7000.

03-02-2014, 8:28am
I guess it depends on whether you have a use for a second camera body. When I upgraded to my D600 I sold my old D90 and most of my DX lenses and I've never once thought "I wish I still had my D90". :)

03-02-2014, 3:01pm
I've only gone from DX -> DX, but kept my old camera, basically as a 'beater' (take to beach, loan to kids, etc). I couldn't be bothered going through the listing, packaging, shipping, and dealing-with-idiots (:)), etc for the return I would have received had I tried to sell it. In your case however a 2yo D7000 with lenses should return a tidy amount. (Bodies appear to be going for $600+ on ebay, which surprised me!). So if I didn't have a fairly definite intention to shoot subjects that require the reach (sport, birds, etc), I'd be inclined to sell the DX gear and put the funds towards alleviating that NAS you mentioned...:)


05-02-2014, 8:40pm
Mmmm…all good food for thought. Thanks for those who chimed in with replies. Although it seems a little excessive to hold onto two bodies as an amateur photog, I might not rush into selling all my DX gear just yet, as I currently have NAS under remission at the moment. :) I think I still need to explore what I really like photographing (which at present is anything and everything) to see where my eventual hobby takes me.

05-02-2014, 9:15pm
I also am thinking regards buying an FX not so much as I need one but as I will be able to but if I did.

I'm thinking I would still hold onto the D5000 considering what I'd get if I tried to sell, but still time to ponder as also looking at lenses and when you look at the D7100 as I was initially looking at the D610 as the D800E for me is a little extreme If I am to be realistic.

However great to read others thoughts thanks for the thread.

24-02-2014, 9:04pm
If it's not worth selling, consider an infra red conversion?

25-02-2014, 7:00pm
Depending on what FX lenses you have handy, you can probably sell off a lot of your DX lenses and just use the FX lenses on the DX body. There are times where you really want the extra 'reach' of the crop sensor like when you are shooting sports, wildlife and aerial displays.

Hope this helps!

26-02-2014, 8:58am
Keep the DX, 2 bodies isn't excessive, I still remember on a trip down the Gordon River, while I was madly swapping lenses, my mate was using a two bodies with different FL lenses, he got the shots that I missed, plus as you mentioned, the crop sensor will give you extra reach that the FF doesn't have.