View Full Version : Introducing.....SuziT

30-01-2014, 2:21pm
I love photography, and haven't found a type that I don't enjoy yet. This been said I do really love nature and at present I favour animals & wildlife as subjects. I have dabbled in macro using filters on my old camera, and really enjoyed this too. I love taking people shots too, but am not really a people person and therefore rarely "capture" them unless I know them well. I love weather and want to try some star trails too.

I have just upgraded my :ologo: E620 to a :nlogo: D610. I have the Nikon 28-300mm lens, and also have a Nikon 50mm 1.4G lens. I am getting to know my new camera, however still have so much to learn.

I stumbled on this site researching Circular Polarizing filters.

I am traveling to Kenya, Tanzania & Rwanda later in the year and hoping to get some amazing shots.

I started in photography with my Olympus about 4 years ago, since then I have learnt a lot, but the more you learn the more you realise you have to learn.

I look forward to joining in here.

30-01-2014, 2:56pm
Hi SuziT, good to see more Nikon owners on the site.

Great area you live in too ... looking forward to seeing some images from your location soon.

enjoy the site.

30-01-2014, 2:58pm
Welcome SuzieT. I am also a newbie to the forum and enjoying it immensely . Post some photo's enter the comps and try the members challenge each week . These all give you a focus.
ps: You should have upgraded to the Olympus OMD EM-1 :D .

30-01-2014, 4:25pm
Hi there SuziT, welcome!

I'm so VERY envious of your camera.... One of these days I will upgrade!

30-01-2014, 10:06pm
:gday: & Welcome
- lets see some photos in the main CC forums (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?5) maybe try a competition or 2 and have fun!

Maybe have a look at the New to Photography (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Indexes:New_To_Photography_Book) book and the Learning Plan in the book.

30-01-2014, 11:07pm
ps: You should have upgraded to the Olympus OMD EM-1 :D .

Wash your mouth out with Nikon's 100% genuine, money back guaranteed, high strength, non residual, cleaning solvent!!

.. you know, the type they use to clean all those D600 sensors with.


31-01-2014, 8:57am
Welcome to AP, enjoy the site and look forward to seeing some of your pics in the forums

Mary Anne
31-01-2014, 4:37pm
Hello and Welcome to AP.. Nothing better than an upgrade is there will look forward to seeing what you post on the Forums with your new gear.

01-02-2014, 3:24pm
Wash your mouth out with Nikon's 100% genuine, money back guaranteed, high strength, non residual, cleaning solvent!!

.. you know, the type they use to clean all those D600 sensors with.


Well we have our own forum now !

"For the times they are a changing......" Mr Bob Dylan