View Full Version : Cheap but decent telephoto zoom for Nikon

30-01-2014, 11:46am
I've been asked for a recommendation for a decent Nikon telephoto zoom lens for someone on a student budget.
He wants to spend no more than maybe 2-300$
I can't really recommend a good lens for that amount of money, but i want to recommend a lens that is good enough.

Having never shot with Nikon it makes it a bit hard.
I know that canon has something like 75-300mm f3.5-5.6. I think its a decent lens on a budget.

I am thinking to recommend he buys a used 70-300mm. Shoot with that until he can afford really good glass.
Does anyone know if that lens is good enough? Also, I saw a VR and non VR versions...
I'm not too worried about the VR part as this is going to be used for sports, so if the glass in that lens is same as the VR version, I'd go for it.

What about sigma or tamron?.. do they have lenses that would suit him?

I @ M
30-01-2014, 11:54am
I am thinking to recommend he buys a used 70-300mm. Also, I saw a VR and non VR versions...
I'm not too worried about the VR part as this is going to be used for sports, so if the glass in that lens is same as the VR version, I'd go for it.

The VR and non VR 70-300 zooms are 2 totally different designs. The VR version is a very good lens, the non VR is, errr, ummm, not really desirable. We have 2 non VR lenses and if I can find a third one cheap free I intend to use them as legs for a glass topped coffee table. :D

What about sigma or tamron?.. do they have lenses that would suit him?

Tanron make quite a good 70-300 with VR, very similar to the Nikon actually.

Have you investigated the Nikkor 55-300, they should be easy to obtain cheaply and are capable of doing a good job when used properly.

30-01-2014, 12:04pm
Do you know what model his camera is CT? Woud help to know if it has a 'screw-drive' (ie can focus non AF-S lenses) and also get an idea of high ISO performance. A $300 limit is a big ask for sport but there should be something to give satisfactory results if expectations are realistic...


30-01-2014, 1:00pm
Andrew's on the money. A second hand 70-300 mm VR would be well under $300 from eBay and the way to go. The 55-300 mm or 55-200 mm depending on reach are ok and again well within budget but really holding out for the 70-300 mm would be a wise choice IMHO.


30-01-2014, 1:06pm
Thanks I@M and fillum.
Very useful info...
his camera is a D5200. He has the standard 18-55mm, but wants to shoot action shots of swimmers-poolside. He is a comeptition swimmer himself.
Pools are usually decently lit, so he should be able to get away with teh gear he has. And he understands that he can't really get great lenses for the money he can afford now.

I looked up 70-300 and the 55-300 and the second hand ones seem to be around 200$.
He would be happy with the price... If both are decent performers, I'll get him to snipe one off ebay.

He also asked for a portrait lens. I think either one of those 2 would do a decent job, but I might get him to buy a 50mm f1.8 as well.
Him and his gf just started to learn photography, but with so much enthusiasm... great to see.