View Full Version : Adobe CC, anyone have it?

18-01-2014, 7:16pm
After procrastinating about replacing my deceased CS3, I went the Adobe CC monthly subscription route.

All good except Bridge. Tried to open Nikon NEF files, and nada, zip, jack!

Now being in my declining years I'm probably missing the obvious, doing something wrong. However when I went looking for reasons, I was a bit taken aback to find that Adobe had downloaded and installed Bridge CS3, v , circa 2006/7, as part of the CC package.

Huh ??????

Have I totally lost the plot here?

18-01-2014, 8:26pm
Have a look on your computer for adobe bridge cc, it will most likely be a new install and a completely different file, open that, hopefully problem solved.

18-01-2014, 8:41pm
Yep, tried that Cris, clicked on the .exe file but nothing happens.

18-01-2014, 9:15pm
Dam, well thats the end of my ability. Seems weird, when you open up the little CC thingy, does bridge show as being installed under the "apps" tab?

Lance B
18-01-2014, 9:29pm
I have Adobe CC and also use the Bridge that is assocaited with it, no problems. :confused013

18-01-2014, 9:41pm
I have Adobe CC and also use the Bridge that is assocaited with it, no problems. :confused013

Lance, would you please do me a favor and check your version of bridge.

Lance B
18-01-2014, 10:22pm
Lance, would you please do me a favor and check your version of bridge.

My version of Bridge is x 64

18-01-2014, 10:25pm
My version of Bridge is x 64

Mine is CS3 x64, I reckon about circa 2006. ### ???

Lance B
18-01-2014, 10:31pm
Mine is CS3 x64, I reckon about circa 2006. ### ???

If you went with CC, the you should have done the Bridge update that suits CC, like I did. I have the latest Bridge for Photoshop CS6 - came with Photoshop CS6 when I downloaded it, but when I downloaded CC, I also downloaded Bridge to suit CC. You can go to the download page and download a number of programs associated with CC for free.

18-01-2014, 10:56pm
The current version had downloaded but for some reason installed the much older version.

After much random clicking, actually I have no idea what I did, the latest version is now running.

Go figure!

19-01-2014, 9:55am
I'd have thought that Bridge failing to install was a feature, not a bug. But that's just me. Dreadful thing, Bridge, very slow and quite annoying to use. Wastes a heap of screen and doesn't do anything you can't do much faster and better with any of a zillion good, small, made-for-purpose graphics viewers, such as PMView, ThumbsPlus, Irfan View, XNView, Picassa ... the list is endless. All of them faster and most of them more flexible, more able to be configured to work the way you like working, instead of the way that the Gods of Adobe think you ought to have to work. (Feel free to name one of those just mentioned that doesn't work just the way you like, but don't regard that as demonstrating any point other than the point that you need to look at a few of the others until you find the one that's perfect for you. Diversity is great! And all of them are faster than Bridge. Well, OK, so is molasses, but you see what I mean.)


With all that said, I have recently reinstalled Bridge in the vague hope of finding something I like in it and using it for something or other. There must be some reason to like it, I just haven't found it yet.


Go to Add/remove programs (called Programs and features in some Windows versions) and uninstall all copies of Bridge you can find. Reboot the computer. Then log into your Creative Cloud account manager applet (you might need to supply your Adobe password and username) and select Bridge. It should install for you and away you go.

19-01-2014, 10:43am
Cheers Tony.

The only place that Bridge CS3 was installed was on my old hard drive, now a storage drive since I got a SSD.

When I downloaded the CC installation the current copy of Bridge was part of it. How, and why MS went looking for Bridge on my Drive (F:) , the old one, I have no idea. Anyway I've uninstalled all of CS3 from the old drive and all is now as it should be.

19-01-2014, 10:44am
I did have CC, but gave it up at the end of the months trial and got my money back. I seem to remember I had to download bridge cc separately.

14-02-2014, 5:18pm
I have just purchased a new computer and have Adobe 6 creative cloud suite running. I have both Bridge/ACR and LR5.3.
I have never used LR and am currently evaluating whether I should go that way. I know all the develop module sliders do much the same as ACR, I am just trying to decide if I want LR to control my cateloging or contine on my own way.
Bridge works fine though- not an issue with versions...john