View Full Version : Portrait Professional 12

17-01-2014, 7:49am
I am having a little bit of trouble with Portrait professional after running a JPEG through the software (various levels or processing) and then saving a copy, if I open the processed file in photoshop the colours seem to be out they seem to view ok in windows picture viewer etc though? In particular I have taken a few shots with a white background and after running the images through PP and then opening in CS3 the background is now a Pantone colour? It's probably something simple I have done wrong but I can't work it out......? Any ideas?

17-01-2014, 9:26am
what colourspace have you got set in photoshop?

17-01-2014, 9:33am
It just in RGB Rick

Funny thing is I uploaded a couple of photo's anyway to photobucket and then downloaded them on my work PC and there is nothing wrong with them.

17-01-2014, 11:14am
that suggests that something in PS has been changed (settings wise). To find out what though would take some delving, cause it could be a myriad of things. Perhaps uninstall PS, run the adobe cleaner (to get rid of left over files etc) and then re-install.

17-01-2014, 11:55am
It's only photo's that have been run through PP that are affected in CS3, all JPEGS prior to being run through PP are fine in CS3. I will check tonight if the JPEGS are affected in the same way on my laptops version of CS3 after being run through PP on my desktop.

17-01-2014, 1:41pm
OK. so PP is adding something that perhaps PS is interpreting incorrectly when it opens those files.

17-01-2014, 2:16pm
OK. so PP is adding something that perhaps PS is interpreting incorrectly when it opens those files.

Yes that seems to be the case.

17-01-2014, 2:45pm
a google doesn't find anything. I am not familiar with PP so unless we find a member who uses it, it could be just trial and error re settings till you find the cause.

17-01-2014, 5:54pm
Can you post a file edited with PP here with full exif intact?

You say you set the colourspace as RGB .. but which version? .... aRGB or sRGB, and for the purpose of clarity ... for the PP editing instance: you are working on a jpg file captured in camera, or converted via other software from a camera generated raw file?

Sounds like colourspace issue, but more info is needed.

17-01-2014, 8:53pm
Can you post a file edited with PP here with full exif intact?

You say you set the colourspace as RGB .. but which version? .... aRGB or sRGB, and for the purpose of clarity ... for the PP editing instance: you are working on a jpg file captured in camera, or converted via other software from a camera generated raw file?

Sounds like colourspace issue, but more info is needed.

Ok work flow was as follows
Adjust RAW files from camera in Canon Digital Professional, White Balance, Exposure, Contrast, etc and then save as JPEG
Open in CS3 and use Healing brush etc for minor touch ups and save as JPEG
Open in PP12 and use skin smoothing then save as new JPEG

Files were saved as sRGB but upon checking the files out of PP12 they are Uncalibrated?

Dumb question how do I get this sorted, doesn't seem to be any settings in PP12 to ensure the output file is sRGB?

Edit: Just found the following in the help section of PP12, whats going to be the best workflow with this in mind?

Note: this dialog is only available in the Studio editions of
PortraitPro. The standard edition of PortraitPro works with Color Management
turned off and 8 bits per color sample. What this means is that colors displayed
on the screen may not be accurate, however color profiles are preserved which
means that the images saved from PortraitPro will have the same color profiles
as the images that were originally loaded. If using these images in other color
managed programs the colors will look correct.

JM Tran
17-01-2014, 9:11pm
hard to help you with as Im on PP11, and it opens inside of CS5 so nothing changes in terms of colour space and accuracy etc.

18-01-2014, 4:57am
hard to help you with as Im on PP11, and it opens inside of CS5 so nothing changes in terms of colour space and accuracy etc.

that is an interesting point actual JM. PP12 may not like CS3. In other words it may not be 100% compatible with an old version of PS. Try downloading a trial of the latest PS version and see if it works ok. CS3 was released 7 years ago. PP12 may not offer full compatability for versions that far back and what you are experiencing could well be a result of that.

18-01-2014, 10:06am
So colourspace "probably" isn't the issue.
It's hard to say without knowing your settings in CS3.

if the image is sRGB even if it's uncalibrated, it should still be accepted as an sRGB colourspace image.
sRGB is the standard for uncalibrated images, unless you have CS3 setup to render the uncalibrated image in another colourspace(most likely aRGB).

Even if this were the situation, the image should still render acceptably as the majority of colours in the sRGB space are still within the aRGB space, so it should render OK in aRGB too.

(problems arise when an aRGB image is saved as uncalibrated, and the software tries to render it as an sRGB image .. colours can turn funky).

Just a matter of interest, are the raw files in camera set to capture in sRGB or aRGB?

Many people (that I've noticed recently) appear to have their cameras set to aRGB.
I try to tell folks that sRGB is the better colourspace setting to use, only for the purpose of better overall compatibility!

Setting the camera to use aRGB is a bit of a waste, as colour management is really the realm of your image editing software.
The option for aRGB in camera is really only for convenience .. for those that need it.
many people are under the assumption that setting raw file capture to aRGB somehow gives the raw files some increase in quality.

Your camera set to either colourspace has no bearing on the actual colour quality of the resultant raw file ... once it's sent to the raw converter software.

Colourspace settings only impact raster files in camera .. so if you shoot jpgs in camera, then using aRGB is the better option.
Your raw convertor software is where the real work is done.

21-01-2014, 9:15am
Tried it out with CS5 last night and still had the same issue with images already run through PP12.
Also tried a few different settings in PP12, when I only completed skin smoothing and then opened in CS5 I didn't have any issues.
Thinking that t might be one of the adjustments that PP12 is doing that might be the cause, although all problem images open fine in other programs it is only CS3 and now CS5.

Mark L
22-01-2014, 7:47pm
Portrait Professional have a forum that seem to give answers to problems.