View Full Version : Wanna see some detail?

Lance B
15-01-2014, 11:59am
Whilst visiting "our" kestrel the other day taking photos, I decided to have a look at the detail of some of the shots. Here is one from that day:

D800E + 300mm f2.8 VRII @ f5, 1/1250sec, ISO140 handheld minimal post processing

Best viewed at maximum by clicking on the images


Crop of above. If you look hard into the eye, you can see the clouds and possibly even me with a light coloured shirt on just to the left of the pupil.


Ian Brewster
15-01-2014, 12:07pm
Lance, it can't get better than this. Just amazing IQ. Congratulations.

15-01-2014, 12:16pm
Very good detail

Lance B
15-01-2014, 12:36pm
Lance, it can't get better than this. Just amazing IQ. Congratulations.

Thank you very much for your kind comment, Ian. :)

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Very good detail

Thank you very much, davsv1. :)

15-01-2014, 1:25pm
Looking real good Lance, your images never disappoint!

Out of interest, where abouts are the good birding spots in Sydney? I'm down here for a few weeks and am contemplating heading out to the Royal National Park. I've also seen some Kestrels flying off the cliffs around Bronte but not in any frequent numbers for me to catch them.

Lance B
15-01-2014, 8:40pm
Looking real good Lance, your images never disappoint!

Out of interest, where abouts are the good birding spots in Sydney? I'm down here for a few weeks and am contemplating heading out to the Royal National Park. I've also seen some Kestrels flying off the cliffs around Bronte but not in any frequent numbers for me to catch them.

Thank you very much for your lovely comments, Troy! :)

I'll send you a PM.

16-01-2014, 9:05am
Incredible IQ. Impressive display of both the D800E and your capabilities.

16-01-2014, 10:48am
Incredible detail Lance - what we expect of course!

BTW - is that a soup stain on your shirt? :D


Lance B
16-01-2014, 10:57am
Incredible IQ. Impressive display of both the D800E and your capabilities.

Thank you very much for your lovely comments, Carl! :)

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Incredible detail Lance - what we expect of course!

Thank you very much for your lovely comment, Jimmy! :)

BTW - is that a soup stain on your shirt? :D {/quote]

Nice spotting, yes it is! :lol:[/QUOTE]

16-01-2014, 12:00pm
Stunning details Lance I am impressed with its capabilities and your skill thanks for sharing !

Lance B
16-01-2014, 2:31pm
Stunning details Lance I am impressed with its capabilities and your skill thanks for sharing !

Thank you very kindly for your wonderful comments, Helmut!

16-01-2014, 3:40pm
Incredible. It is however all about the Photographer wielding the tools so the credit is to you.

16-01-2014, 3:45pm
That detail is stunning but it has to be taken by an excellent photographer. A pretty unbeatable combination..nikon and Lance :th3::th3::th3:

Lance B
16-01-2014, 4:38pm
Incredible. It is however all about the Photographer wielding the tools so the credit is to you.

Thank you very much for your lovely comments, Avalanche! You are too kind! :)

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That detail is stunning but it has to be taken by an excellent photographer. A pretty unbeatable combination..nikon and Lance :th3::th3::th3:

Thank you very much for your lovely comments, Sally! You are also way too kind! :)

Warren Ackary
17-01-2014, 7:31am
Fantastic images Lance even more so when enlarged, really but your kit to the test there and come though with flying colors.. lovely to view :th3:

Mary Anne
17-01-2014, 9:21am
Fantastic images Lance yes really good detail, and a Credit to the Photographer who clicked that shutter button :2encou: and Thanks for Sharing

Lance B
17-01-2014, 10:06am
Fantastic images Lance even more so when enlarged, really but your kit to the test there and come though with flying colors.. lovely to view :th3:

Thank you ever so much for your wonderful comments and appraisal, Warren! :) I hope all is going well for you in your new home in Murwillumbah.

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Fantastic images Lance yes really good detail, and a Credit to the Photographer who clicked that shutter button :2encou: and Thanks for Sharing

Thank you for your lovely comments and kind words, Mary Anne! :)

17-01-2014, 12:53pm
Hi Lance wonderful detail in the shot! No trace of moire in the feathers with the D800E either.

17-01-2014, 1:18pm
Stunning shots Lance, just beautiful.

17-01-2014, 9:53pm
Amazing detail, just one question at what distance were you?

Thanks Ross.

Lance B
17-01-2014, 10:21pm
Hi Lance wonderful detail in the shot! No trace of moire in the feathers with the D800E either.

Thank you for your kind comments, David! :) I have found that moire is not an issue on the D800E, having only seen it once on the iridescent blue of the kookaburras feathers and it was easily removed! :)

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Amazing detail, just one question at what distance were you?

Thanks Ross.

Thank you for your nice comments, Ross! :) I was about 3mts away from the bird.

18-01-2014, 9:56pm
doesn't get any better Lance !
Mongo is glad he showed up for you. He didn't for Mongo. Then again, he knows you're not going to try and taste him.....:D

Lance B
18-01-2014, 10:03pm
doesn't get any better Lance !

Thank you for your kind comment, Mongo! :)

Mongo is glad he showed up for you. He didn't for Mongo. Then again, he knows you're not going to try and taste him.....:D

:lol: Well the difference is, I had some meat for him rather than him being meat for you! :D

18-01-2014, 10:34pm
Great shot Lance and I feel there is more recoverable detail in the shot.

Lance B
18-01-2014, 10:55pm
Great shot Lance and I feel there is more recoverable detail in the shot.

Thank you for your lovely comment, Cage! :)

It's funny you should mention there being more detail available, as I did a redo using some selective sharpening through Nikon's Capture NX2 and there is more available. Here is the redo:


18-01-2014, 11:22pm
Lance, I had a quick 30 sec play with levels and unsharp mask which brought out the eye colour and lightened the background which in turn highlighted the beak.

Oh, and I only ever do that with other peoples shots that I think have merit. :th3:

Lance B
18-01-2014, 11:28pm
Lance, I had a quick 30 sec play with levels and unsharp mask which brought out the eye colour and lightened the background which in turn highlighted the beak.

Oh, and I only ever do that with other peoples shots that I think have merit. :th3:

Thank you again for your nice comments. I didn't lighten the background as I (thought) I liked the darker background to highlight the bird. However, I am open to suggestions. It's funny though, you can present it in many different forms and they will all look good for different reasons. :)

18-01-2014, 11:48pm
What fabulous photos - so crisp and clear.

Lance B
18-01-2014, 11:54pm
What fabulous photos - so crisp and clear.

Thank you ever so much for your lovely comment, cafty1tutu! :)

19-01-2014, 12:10am
Lance, I totally agree with you that the finished product is highly subjective.

I only had a play to try and see the beak more clearly.

Lance B
19-01-2014, 10:28am
Lance, I totally agree with you that the finished product is highly subjective.

I only had a play to try and see the beak more clearly.

For me it has lost too much contrast.

19-01-2014, 2:57pm
Mongo has to agree with Lance, Cage - it has lost too much contrast at this level.

Lance, your third image is the best of the series. Mongo can now actually count the individual eyelashes he will have to pluck if he ever gets his paws on it to eat ! Amazing !

Also goes to show the difference that PP can have to get incremental gains in sharpness and clarity on an already very clear image.

21-01-2014, 10:36am
Hi Lance

Apologies mate, it was never my intention to muck around with your fine image. My only intent was to see if I could bring out a bit more detail in that lethal beak, resplendent in it's coating of the left-overs from it's recent meal.

It was only ever meant to be a 'quick 'n' dirty' exercise to see if there was some more detail to be had in that wicked looking upper mandible, and was never intended to be a 'rework'.

And mongo, it you ever manage to get your paws on a kestrel, I'd advise you to be very, very wary of said upper mandible.



21-01-2014, 12:58pm
Incredibly impressive IQ. Is that a 100% crop?

25-01-2014, 4:19pm
Another example on the person abilities and equipment and how to use them nice set lance


Lance B
25-01-2014, 6:16pm
Incredibly impressive IQ. Is that a 100% crop?

Thank you for the nice comment, John! :)

It's a crop of the original that you can see on the first page.

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Another example on the person abilities and equipment and how to use them nice set lance


Thank you very much for your lovely comment, cupic! :)

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Hi Lance

Apologies mate, it was never my intention to muck around with your fine image. My only intent was to see if I could bring out a bit more detail in that lethal beak, resplendent in it's coating of the left-overs from it's recent meal.

It was only ever meant to be a 'quick 'n' dirty' exercise to see if there was some more detail to be had in that wicked looking upper mandible, and was never intended to be a 'rework'.



Not a problem, Kevin. The beak is much better and you can see it more clearly. :)

25-01-2014, 6:39pm
I love the 'life& intelligence'you have captured in this beautiful bird Lance.

26-01-2014, 10:17pm
Thanks for sharing, very detailled , like said before. Also thanks to your great Nikon equipment.:lol:

Lance B
27-01-2014, 11:25am
I love the 'life& intelligence'you have captured in this beautiful bird Lance.

Thank you very much for your lovely comment, Gabby! :)

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Thanks for sharing, very detailled , like said before. Also thanks to your great Nikon equipment.:lol:

Thank you very much for your lovely comments, Richardb! :)

29-01-2014, 2:30am
My goodness Lance that is a cracker of a shot. My only suggestion for an improvement would be to use a canon:tweety:hehehehe cheers Brian

Lance B
29-01-2014, 9:28am
My goodness Lance that is a cracker of a shot.

Thank you very much for your lovely comment, Brian! :)

My only suggestion for an improvement would be to use a canon:tweety:hehehehe cheers Brian

:lol: of course!. :D

23-03-2014, 10:41pm
You might say pleasing to the eye .... nice camera,lens and technique.

Lance B
23-03-2014, 11:01pm
You might say pleasing to the eye .... nice camera,lens and technique.

Thank you very much for your lovely comments, Ross!