View Full Version : What is your least favourite genre?

10-01-2014, 6:39am
Following on from my other poll on favourite genre, I thought I would ask what genre you do not particularly enjoy/are not really that interested in

So please choose your LEAST favourite genre.

feel free to post below telling us why you are not all that interested in your chosen least favourite genre.

10-01-2014, 7:16am
Sport for me. I love watching sport but just not photographing it. It is too fast-paced, difficult to frame a shot, and I don't have the huge zooms that the pros have. Plus trying to figure out why a photo didn't turn out distracts me from the game. I would rather just watch and enjoy.

10-01-2014, 7:52am
None of my friends or family enjoy having their photo taken (even for candid group shots) so I've picked people. Having said that I'm off to Toogoolawah this weekend to take photos of my Aunt having a tandem skydive for her 70th birthday so I may break the drought :)

10-01-2014, 10:15am
Still life for me. I find the lighting very difficult and don't seem to have the patience to try lots of different settings to get THE shot.

10-01-2014, 10:26am
I'm going to be controversial, but birding.

Doesn't interest me at all. With that said, I wholly expect that in 10 years I'll be an avid birder, as some sort of karma for posting this comment.

10-01-2014, 11:12am
I think the hardest, and my least favourite, would be abstract.

I've done some sports including squash tournaments; being a player helps with timing, so am confident there. Flowers and nature, yeah, not too bad, some set shots, some landscape dependent on light... People; okay, although I'm not good at directing shots.

Abstract my mind just doesn't quite 'see' to shoot. It's something I'd like to get a bit more of a handle on though.

- - - Updated - - -

I think the hardest, and my least favourite, would be abstract.

I've done some sports including squash tournaments; being a player helps with timing, so am confident there. Flowers and nature, yeah, not too bad, some set shots, some landscape dependent on light... People; okay, although I'm not good at directing shots.

Abstract my mind just doesn't quite 'see' to shoot. It's something I'd like to get a bit more of a handle on though.

10-01-2014, 11:14am
Selfies! :p

10-01-2014, 11:16am
lol good point Jo. Never once here, never will!

Mary Anne
10-01-2014, 1:50pm
I dont like lots of Genres so dont even have a go, though it would have to be Landscapes most of all, as I have had a go at that one and fail miserably all the time.

Mark L
10-01-2014, 8:02pm
I think the hardest, ...

And there's another poll for Rick.:)

I'll take a photo of anything if there's a reason and inspiration, so not sure I have a least favorite genre for taking photos.
Also not sure I have a least favorite genre for looking at others photos.
Can't vote then.:confused013

10-01-2014, 8:23pm
The irony of me having chosen Nature as my least favourite genre, is that I love nature, and being in it. I'm more inspired by just being there, rather than thinking of a shot.

10-01-2014, 11:59pm
People, specifically posing people for portraits ( and being posed as well!).

11-01-2014, 8:23am
Architectural is not my favourite. It's like piggy-backing on someone else's brilliance and claiming it for yourself IMHO. I know it's possible to appreciate great architecture but why photograph it? Let someone else discover it for themselves. :confused013

11-01-2014, 9:20am
I chose Abstract as my least favourite, as I just dont understand the concept so dont really find it interesting personally.

11-01-2014, 11:46am
I find people very difficult..altho with 3 new grand children and one on the way I might have to learn

11-01-2014, 8:17pm
Like the 'Favourite Genre' poll it is a pity that this isn't multiple choice, so I simply selected the area that I have no interest in at all, whether it be photographically or otherwise and that was Sport. Even when I was a kid I hated/had absolutely no interest in any form of sport and still don't.

11-01-2014, 8:47pm
I get sick to death of bird photos (sorry Matt) :o

They all look the same to me apart from the odd amazing action shots.

Mark L
14-01-2014, 8:47pm
How's this one then Bob. :D;)

14-01-2014, 9:12pm
Hard to say. I voted "Other", but now I can't think of anything. Maybe "People", excluding candids, come a close last.

15-01-2014, 8:59am
How's this one then Bob. :D;)

Woo hoo! Guess who got birdseed for Christmas!:D

15-01-2014, 9:00pm
I chose "nature", but would broaden this a bit to include birds and macro. Basically, anything that's just "registration", as in "the pretty picture" (or even worse: a "picture of something pretty").

Having said that, there's nothing wrong with the genre per sé and I enjoy something impressive like Ansel Adam's Yosemite series. Unfortunately, that is mostly driven by his talent to postprocess and the dramatic B&W style he seemed to have a patent on, not the genre an sich.

15-01-2014, 11:04pm
Not that I have had time to seriously try each of those categories, I put Abstract at the bottom because in general with any form of art I just don't get Abstract 99.9% of the time.

16-01-2014, 6:56pm
I just don't get Abstract 99.9% of the time.
That's the point in "abstract" - there is nothing "to get" :D

17-01-2014, 8:22am
People for me. I'm shy, so having to tell people what to do, and then have their high expectations coming back at me for the resulting product just scares the hell out of me.

Understand that it's something that could be overcome quite easily, practice would give me the confidence to be 100% certain in what I am requesting and the product that I'm delivering. But for now, it's just easier to let somebody else take the portraits and I'll stick to landscapes.

The only thing that bothers me, about not doing portrait work. Is that it's easy money if you're any good at it. People don't come and request a photo of a landscape, but a photo of their family, $$$$.

17-01-2014, 8:43am
Sport for me, I'm afraid.

To be fair, it doesn't interest me much in the first place so having to watch it long enough to take pictures of it sends me into a coma....

21-01-2014, 8:24pm
I guess it's really subjective for me, as it's different types of sports I don't like (but then some I do like!), etc etc.

So I voted Other, because parts of all the categories I don't like! ;)

30-01-2014, 8:36pm
Thanks for all the comments and votes. I wanted to see if your choices in this poll reflected how the voting went on the Photo of the Year. Thus from this poll and the 'favourite genre' poll, I was interested in seeing if the way you viewed different genre, affected how you would vote in a photography competition.

*You being as a group, not individually

15-02-2014, 6:14pm
I have precisely no interest in macro photography but figure that voting for it is a little pointless (hardly a "least" favourite, right?).

That's why I went with People. It's just so frustrating. Rewarding, certainly, but so much harder work. I'd rather hike in the dark and cold up a mountain for a sunrise.

- - - Updated - - -

I have precisely no interest in macro photography but figure that voting for it is a little pointless (hardly a "least" favourite, right?).

That's why I went with People. It's just so frustrating. Rewarding, certainly, but so much harder work. I'd rather hike in the dark and cold up a mountain for a sunrise.

15-02-2014, 8:08pm
Never really been a sports person but if there was one it would certainly be cars or motorbikes.

16-02-2014, 4:42am
I selected sport because I have absolutely NO interest in taking those types of shots. I don't have the lenses that one requires for a start and neither do I have the time but I would also have to add that I also have no interest in sports in general as, these days, it's nothing more than an advertising fest and has been marred by widespread cheating. Plus, when you think of all the potential copyright infringement and the hassle of getting permission to take photos, it really puts you off wanting to pursue this genre.

16-02-2014, 10:58am
People and their expectations....yuk...weddings, babys and kids, portraits - not good at it, done it a couple of times and failed miserably. If someone asks me...well you get the picture...

At least a rock or a tree can't answer back or come back later on and say you screwed that up mate!!!!:eek:


16-02-2014, 11:14am
As usual I travel to the beat of a different drummer. I LOVE people photography! Sure it's the most difficult and frustrating genre but that makes success so much more rewarding. I chose Abstract as my least favourite because it's so hard to define. Some people post their mistakes as "abstract art", and I can't see the value in that. OTOH, some people produce some truly inspiring abstractions that have involved a lot of effort and planning ... hmmmm .... those are the same requirements for portraiture. What was I thinking? :p