View Full Version : DP Review DSLR/SLT Camera of the year 2013... And the prize goes to...

03-01-2014, 1:57pm
:plogo: K-3

Best DSLR / SLT of 2013 - Winner: Pentax K-3

The Pentax K-3 was an early front-runner in this poll, and blazed through to a convincing victory, garnering an impressive 31.4% of the total vote. Strangely, stablemates the K-50 and K-500 got almost no love, but the capable, innovative K-3 was your pick for best DSLR/SLT of 2013 by a landslide. Which probably means we should get going with our full review, right? We'll get right on it.

What you said: "the Pentax K-3 is simply an awesome camera. I paired it with the DA*300 mm lens for birding and absolutely love it. Couldn't be happier"
"once you use a Pentax body you're gonna love how it handles"
"Pentax have produced a great camera and deserves the vote regardless of which brand people shoot"
"Pentax tried something new and listened to their users"

Poll: http://www.dpreview.com/news/2013/12/18/have-your-say-best-dslr-slt-of-2013-readers-poll?utm_campaign=internal-link&utm_source=news-list&utm_medium=text&ref=title_1

03-01-2014, 2:45pm
Canon EOS 100D / SL 14.00% Canon EOS 700D / Rebel T5i 0.80% Canon EOS 70D 16.30% Nikon Df 15.40% Nikon D610 9.50% Nikon D5300 1.40% Nikon D7100 15.90% Pentax K-3 31.40% Pentax K-50 1.00% Pentax K-500 0.40% Sony SLT-A58
Total votes 8054

07-01-2014, 12:00pm
I never considered PENTAX for digital. My first film camera was the Pentax MX, I'v never purchased another Pentax camera since then, but looking at the review it seems like a very interesting piece of kit....

31-01-2014, 12:38pm
I ended up upgrading after daughter-in-law needed a camera for her uni studies and I had an excuse to hand on my well loved K-5 to a very appreciative recipient. I must say the K-3 produces stunning images even with my limited experience. I've tried birds locally now too, with better results than I had with the K-5, so am truly looking forward to my next trip to Kakadu mid year! Must save up for a longer lens.

Oh...and it's coming fly fishing with me to Tas in a couple of weeks so lakes scenery and friends with trout are on the photographic menu. Just have to decide which lenses to take...10-20, 40, and the 18-135WR kit lens, I guess will cover most things on this trip.